《The Wyrm King》CHAPTER XI: Remembrance of a Legacy
Days after Kronens fall, the remnants of the races, the Elves, Dwarves, and Men went their separate ways. Men retook their old lands, Elves and Dwarves took theirs and things went back to a mild peace between them. The Occasional Orc attack happened but war would not for many many years. The Order was tasked with a challenge, and only one solution to that challenge, downsizing. The Order would reduce their ranks down once again, down to five. There would remain, a white in the vise of Keeper, a grey in the vise of Wandering, two Blues sharing elemental responsibilities, and a Brown with only nature as a concern. This meant that the Orders tower would be destroyed and rebuilt to serve only one wizard, the white.
The blue wizards were always about going around and stopping problems that were related to elemental sightings to casual fighting the elements to save lives. The brown took up stock in woods, moving every now and then until it was time to be replaced which was doubled again by the Order, meaning more age and wisdom gained to pass along. Now they would however only be allowed to take on a non direct relative as in sons or daughters even though they were all related from past ventures but so distantly it did not matter. Very few exceptions to this happened, except in the Wandering, not many apprentices wanted that title, and so it was given to a son more than not.
In the millenia to come, the White City will be destroyed and rebuilt many times before donning a permanent name. The Ashlands opposite, whose origins are unknown will be the epicenter for a massive war, a war that ends with the White City being victorious, at least as much as they could be after a war. The lands to the North that the King had recommended would spawn the force that would start that war, and would also eventually lose that war. This is where Kaaltric the Wandering comes into play. This is one Wandering wizard who often bit off more than he could chew, going to very dangerous places. He lived during a time of peace, after the fall of Tarkoors legions and before his eventual rise. During this time Kaaltric learned many secrets of the past. Kaaltric discovered a temple in the Volcanic Lands, he only found it due to volcanic activity resurfacing it from an ancient burial by ash. He entered the temple and learned much about the wizards of old, he also found a burial chamber. He eyed around, touched more than he should have and opened a passageway. He poked his way through the passageway and made his way down a staircase which emptied into a large cavernous room filled with many things.
Kaaltric saw a man sitting in a throne with a sword laid across his lap, the man noticed Kaaltric and stood. The man greeted him and said, “Hello wizard, it has been a while since any have found my temple, let alone made it to me personally.” Kaaltric asked, “Who are you?” The man laughed and said, “I am Annor, one of the original four wizards, I’m sure you read the stories on the walls of my temple. Who are you good wizard, I know you are one because I feel your power.” Kaaltric answered, “I am Kaaltric the Wandering and it is an honor to meet you Annor. How are you alive after all this time though?” Annor looked at him with a weird look and said, “We are wizards, how do you think we do anything young one, with magic. I have been tasked, along with the other three firsts, now only two as one is dead, with looking after the flow of souls into and out of death state, come have a look.” Annor led Kaaltric to a device which turned on and begun to spin rapidly. Kaaltric noticed a weird sight and saw a beast of which he never had before.
He asked, “Annor, what is that beast there? I have not seen anything like that before.” Annor said, “Why don’t we ask the man that made them?” Kaaltric asked, “A man made that?” Annor laughed and said, “He looked like a man but he had the power of a god, this sword was his for a while in fact, his runes still mark the blade.” Kaaltric asked, “What was he called?” Annor said, “I knew him better as Wrecker, but history would know him as the King of Wyrms. You may still not know anything about him but you will. I will tell you his story if you would like?” Kaaltric said, “I would very much like to hear about him.” Annor said, “Ah, found him, along with his Wyrms. Let us converse with him for a while.”
Suddenly Kaaltric felt everything melt away, and he was met by a man that stood in front of him. The man had a menacing stance and Kaaltric could tell by the look of him, he was a warrior. Kaaltric said, “Hello there. I am Kaaltric the Wandering it is a pleasure to meet you.” The man said, “You do not know of me do you? They have forgotten already eh? I am not surprised, most tend to forget what they fear. What would you like to hear?” Kaaltric said, “I would like to hear your story fair King.” The man held a hand up and said, “Please, call me Wrecker. I have not been the King of Wyrms since I gave back my power to Annor. My story however, is one of grief, anger, and a terrible price. Let's find out where to begin, at the beginning yes?”
Several hours went by, nearly a full day, and the story of the Wyrm King was once again told. Kaaltric listened as Wrecker went, step by step, over his journey to power and his quest for vengeance, he left no part out either. Kaaltric, even just listening to this story feared Wreckers power and was glad he was not around when he was in power. Once wrecker had finished telling his story Kaaltric asked, “If you could go back and do it again, would you do it?” Wrecker looked down for a few seconds then back at Kaaltric and said, “No.” Kaaltric then asked, “Are there any Wyrms left or are they all gone?” At this question Wrecker laughed and said, “I planned on their deaths, you will see more of them in the centuries to come, stay away from the lands in the Northeast, you will not like what will happen to you should you stray there.” Kaaltric said, “It has been a long while, and a good talk but I must leave now. The other wizards will wonder where I have gone.” Wrecker asked, “How is the Order by the way, are the other eight doing well?” Kaaltric gave a weird look and said, “There are five of us, we have not had eight in a long time but then again you would not be able to know that would you? Have a good life beyond Wrecker, I will have your story known again, I will tell it far and wide.”
Wrecker nodded and said, “Thank you, and keep up the good work young Wandering wizard, I have met many Wanderings in my time, you show the most potential so far. You will also outlive the rest of you companion wizards, it’s just a perk of the Wandering. Good luck to you Kaaltric.” Soon Kaaltric found himself back facing Annor who held a questioning look. Annor asked, “How did it go?” Kaaltric said, “It went well, I must leave now however, I have to keep on being a Wandering. It was an honor to meet you Annor, I will tell of this for years to come.” Annor said, “No you will not. My existence is not known, and I would like to keep it that way.” Kaaltric said, “I understand Annor, don’t want lots of visitors of the wrong kind. Goodbye.”
Kaaltric left the temple and traveled back to the order to pass on his discovery of the tale of the Wyrm King. Throughout his life as the Wandering Wizard Kaaltric told the story of the Wyrm King thousands of times, to any who would listen. He made sure his tale was heard, and was spread throughout the land and it was. This story however was only thought of as fake, as no one believed a man could hold that much power then give it up so easily. They did not understand however that this man was more of one than the rest, he had the guts to stop when he said he would, his family would be his only want after his journey. Kaaltric even went as far as to find Annoria, which was in ruin and beyond recognition by the time he was able to reach it. Once within he searched and found the ancient remains of Krathen the First and was left in awe.
Through his searching he ended up reaching a courtyard on the highest peak, where a singular column, and a flat side of the mountain were located. The mountain side was perfectly flat and had names inscribed into them, seen clear as day. This made Kaaltric assume they were put in using magic, magic that still remained. He read the names and recognized some of them over the course of the Wyrm King’s tale. One of which intrigued him the most, Votaar the Wandering. This was one of his predecessors, another Wandering. Kaaltric thought he should do a little research on Votaar to see if he could learn anything, which is when he saw the last name which followed after some symbols. The name was a very weird one, one which he had not heard before in the tale. The several symbols followed the name, and upon looking around he saw that it was a mark meaning fourteen. He thought aloud, “This means the Wyrms, but what is this last name, the name Marnos Ragnar.” Soon he heard a scratching sound. He looked back at the wall and saw more being inscribed into the mountain after the name.
This was a continuation of the name, like an alias, then he saw it. The mountain read, ‘Marnos Ragnar - Wrecker - The King of Wyrms’. Once the name had been finished the mountain rumbled and shook. Kaaltric looked around and saw the column in the center begin to spin and lower at the same time. It spun slowly and descended into an unseen cavity by the means of magic. Kaaltric stood, unsure of what was happening until he saw a single large very ornate chest revealed by the column moving. He approached it and saw that on it, was a perfect representation of Wreckers face, his crown adorned, and on each side sat seven Wyrms, each in perfect detail. They were set out in the order they had been created, and shared the same gilded finish as the entire chest.
Kaaltric touched the chest and a small wave of flame washed over the chest in seconds engulfing it. Once the flame went away, the chest was no longer gilded, and instead was a deep black, with the Wyrms scales as they would have been if they still lived. They were perfect recreations of the Wyrms made by Wrecker, and to the utmost and finest detail. The scales glowed and seemed to haunt Kaaltric with a fierceness he had not felt before, and this was only ornaments on a chest. The chest unlatched and steam poured out for a few seconds then stopped. Kaaltric opened the chest and within it lied a small dark black silken pillow with a single item on it. On the pillow sat a crown. Kaalric picked it up and it was very hot in his hands, not enough to hurt but it was rather uncomfortable to hold. The chest slammed shut, Kaaltric noticed the crown he held directly matched that of the one on Wreckers head on the ornamental decoration on the chest.
Not seconds after this a voice said, “You have been chosen as the recipient of my crown. Kaaltric the Wandering, you have done well I still have means of affecting this land whilst dead. I give you my crown simply so you can remember, so you can prove, I am real. The crown will always be hot, no matter how cold, it uses the emotions of the one who wears it to increase their power, but only by a small amount. It would increase simple battle stamina by only a few minutes and not very much strength would be added. This is intended for the race of Man, and the White City. Take it to them and make sure this crown is the one that their King passes down. This is my last request of you as well. Take the bones of Krathen to the ashen fields of my home, and return her to her rightful place. Her burial shall not be put off any longer. Thank you.”
Kaaltric nodded, placed the crown within his bag and went to take Krathen back to where she had been borne, the ashes of Wrecker’s village. Kaaltric managed to fit her ashes within a magical urn and carried them all the way to the remains of the village. Kaaltric tooke much care in spreading Krathens ashes, making his best attempt to not seem dishonorable. Once he had done so he noticed and ashes as the hit the ground flamed up and shot flame in different directions. Kaaltric backed up a ways and watched a fiery apparition appear, a flaming visage of Krathen who said in a voice Kaaltric barely understood, “Thank you wizard, my burial is complete.” The fiery dragon visage soared way up into the air, let loose a massive roar which shook the very land, then turned and dove straight to the ground.
The visage hit the ash and disappeared. Kaaltric had braced for a heavy impact and ash to be sent everywhere but it was not and he felt a little awkward after it had happened. Kaaltric then continued on his journey, headed for the White City. Kaaltric reached the White City after about a month of traveling across the land. He climbed the tiers slowly, and reached the keep at about midday after arriving shortly after sunrise. He had to stop from his long journey and rest for a bit. He entered the keep and greeted the King of Man. Kaaltric said, “I bring you a relic from a long forgotten age, a crown from the first king of Man. He pulled the crown from his bag and the King stood and gazed at it with intent eyes. Kaaltric said, “This crown was once the Wyrm Kings crown, and now it is yours to wear and pass down from generation to generation. It cannot fall from your head while you live, and cannot be stolen by hands unfit to wear it. It also is warm to the touch and always will be. Enjoy your new crown King Borr.”
Borr looked at the crown and back at Kaaltric and said, “What if I refuse this crown wizard? I already have a fine crown why would I need another.” Kaaltric said, “This crown increases your battle strength and your ability to fight during battle. It was made for the race of Man and the race of Man shall use it. Power like this is not to be ignored so blatantly good King.” Borr picked up the crown and exclaimed at its warmth, “Ah, the crown is hot. Not too much to hurt however, what is the point of this?” Kaaltric said, “It keeps your mind focused, and gives you knowledge beyond compare.” Kaaltric was obviously lying about the last part but the King did not need to know that.
After several hours of debate the King finally agreed to wear the crown. Once the crown was on the torches around the room began to flare up and soon died down once again. Kaaltric left the White City, walking past the stark white tree that sat in the center of the open courtyard. He looked and saw at the base lied ashes, ashes of a traitor and the past. Kaaltric journeyed off, not sure where he would be led next, or what adventures might surprise him. He did know one thing however, he would tell the story of the Wyrm King, and all would know of his life.
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