《The Wyrm King》CHAPTER X: Portrayal of Power
He once again saw with his eyes, and felt with his body that which he had not. He was in a dark room and he asked himself, ‘Is this death? Have I finally reached the end?’ He moved, knocking his sword over. He stood up, he felt his strength returning, but more than he was used to. He suddenly felt a surge of pain and misery, images flashed through his head, his Wyrms. His Wyrms were all dead. These images were ended by Krathen wrapping herself around him. He sent out a burst of flame that lit the room. He dropped to his knees as he saw the bones of Krathen laying as he had seen them. He slammed a fist into the ground in anger. He reached for his sword and took it, looking at the blade he said aloud, “Let us remind them who we are, but first a visit to see what has happened, and how much time I lost.” He teleported once again into the familiar temple of Annor.
Annor turned in surprise and said, “You have returned? How was the curse broken?” The King said, “I do not know what curse you speak of Annor.” Annor said, “Ah, of course you don’t. Kronen cursed you to become trapped within your throne for eternity, yet here you are so many many long ages later.” The King asked, “How long has it been, how long did it take for my Wyrms to die?” Annor said, “It has been a thousand six hundred and thirty years since you were cursed. Kalnuar was the last to die, and he went out in one massive fireball and he did not die easily.” The King said, “Can I speak with Krathen through your device Annor?” Annor said, “Yes but it will bring you great pain, you will feel what she did as she died, are you sure you can handle it?” The King said, “I can, I must know how.” Annor motioned him to follow and he did. They came to the device that Annor had to look over, and it took nearly an hour to find Krathen who was alongside the other Wyrms. The King clenched his fists and said, “All of my Wyrms are dead. Oh what have I missed over the years.” Annor said, “You missed much. Kronen conquered the land and slowly killed off your Wyrms, it took him a very long time but Kalnuar seemed to know something Kronen did not, as if he knew you were going to return.” The King said, “That is why I want to speak with Krathen, she was like a leader to them, she would know. Let us get on with it.”
Annor connected the King and Krathen together. The King dropped to his knees full of pain and agony. Krathen said, “You have returned my King.” The King stood and fought the pain off and said, “I have but much too late. I could not save you.” Krathen said, “You were not meant to. The curse Kronen left would’ve taken you for eternity, but Evora changed it. She could not destroy the curse as Kronen was far more powerful with the staff he had, she could only alter it. Since she knew you would not be able to protect us, and Kronen would no doubt eventually kill us. She added in that once all of us died, you would gain our power, and become thrice as strong as you used to be, and you would be broken out of the curse. Time had worn away the message she left in your throne room sadly. I had said before my last breath of life that her debt was paid, and I hope you can agree with me.” The King reached out a hand and laid it on Krathens large scaled face, but he was unable to feel the Wyrm. He said, “I will destroy Kronen and all that he controls, then I will cleanse the land of his influence, I will cleanse them in fire beyond comprehension, then I will give up this power, and return it to Annor, so that I may finally die. I will be with you all once more, wait for me, and find my wife and child, tell them I am coming soon.” Krathen said, “I will, I will also tell the other Wyrms of your eventual arrival. Goodbye my King.” The King replied, “Goodbye, Krathen the First.”
Once the connection was broken the King said to Annor, “Where is Kronen?” Annor said, “That I do not know, however I do know it is to the far East, further than the Orc lands of old, near the coast. Before you go on your journey I must tell you, the world is far different now, the beasts of old are no more, there are far more dangerous and devilish creatures. A dark power is rising in the East and I fear it is the Orcs, or something more powerful. Be careful.” The King said with a stern face, “I will not be stopped in this quest for revenge. Kronen will die, along with any who decide to step into my way. I will return when it is done.” The King turned to leave but before he teleported out he said, “I am sorry about Calentra, Annor. She betrayed her oath and I did what had to be done.” Annor said, “It is fine, I know well what she did, I still ache however. You know all too well how that feels though so I need not explain it to you.” The King said, “All too well indeed.” Then he teleported out, leaving Annor deep in thought.
The King teleported back to Annoria, to the fields before on top of his once prestigious wall that now crumpled over time. He looked over the ruins of his Kingdom and said to himself, ‘Time would have it no other way. Now I must seek vengeance for my Wyrms. Goodbye Annoria I will miss you very dearly.’ The King jumped from the wall and left Annoria, walking over the ash fields where he felt the presence of his Wyrms, they were returned here by something. He thought it must have been Kalnuar who did this, honor was a large part of his personality and it would make sense that he would do it. The King continued on his walk, through the woods and off towards the East, cutting a straight path to Kronen, his anger and calmness in an ever shifting equilibrium. If he was going to lose control, Kronen would be who he would do it on.
After several days of walking he came upon a small armed brigade of soldiers who hoisted very ornate flags overhead and bore the face of Kronen. The King grew angry, drew his sword and mercilessly attacked the soldiers, slaughtering all but one. He grabbed the last soldier and asked, “Do you know who I am?” The soldier said, “No, please spare my life great warrior.” The King laughed and said, “I am the King of Wyrms, tell Kronen I am coming for him, now picture his castle in your mind, I will send you there. I want him to be ready for the destruction I will bring him. I want him to fear me like the entire land used to. I want to see how filled with regret his eyes are as I cut his head from his body with naught but a eating utensil. Tell him his King has returned, for him.” The King teleported the soldier away to Kronens Kingdom, and he continued on his journey there even thought he now knew where it was, he would not end it so early. Fear must take its toll on Kronens mind first, then death will follow swiftly and easily.
Two soldiers dragged the bloody and beaten soldier which the King teleported to Kronen. The soldiers said, “This one has gotten some funny ideas in his head, you might want to hear ‘em.” Kronen said, “How important are these to me?” The Soldiers said, “They are threats on the life of someone named Kronen sire.” Now thinking back there are not many who still know him as Kronen, only a small handful, and this filled him with fear but he did not let the soldiers know this. Kronen hid his true name from his peoples, changing his name as to change his peoples angers onto past rulers instead of blaming him all the time when a trouble arose. Kronen said, “Let me hear this so called threat.” The bloody soldier repeated, word for word what the King said. Kronen yelled, “Begone! Leave him with me!” The two soldiers dropped the bloody one and left very quickly. Once they were gone Kronen took his staff and jabbed it into the bloody soldiers throat several times. Kronen finally killed the soldier after he figured out he was not lying, and this made Kronen very terrified. Kronen called for the body to be disposed of and he once again sat on his throne but this time, consumed by the terror of what was to come should this be true.
The King was reaching the outskirts of an Elven city, which was now in ruin. He looked around as he walked through and thought, ‘This is Lith’ Oreanas….oh what have they done to you.’ He soon found a banner of Kronen, buried into a pile of bone and armour. The banner was planted straight through the skull of an elf he knew, it was the same Elf whom Votaar knew when he first arrived in the elven city. This made him angry, and also gave him an edge. Kronen betrayed his allies, and that would be his last betrayal. The King removed the banner and turned all to ash, giving them more of a proper fate then what Kronen had left them in. He took the banner and made a decision. He burned the banner off of the staff that carried it and replaced it with his own banner. He would bury this banner in Kronen, while he still breathed, and he would laugh as he did it.
The King left Lith’ Oreanas, not looking back as to not bring back memories of a once beautiful Elven city. This made him think of the other cities, how many were left? How many Dwarves, Elves, and Men still lived? Kronen was brash, out of control, and very aggressive at times which the King learned over time until he was betrayed. He wondered what the Order was doing, or if they lived in fear of Kronen. He guessed that they indeed were in fear of Kronen, as they once had been in fear of him. The King said to himself, ‘I should pay them a visit, and announce my return and my plan, or maybe I should kill Kronen first as to….You know I will tell the Order. If they tell Kronen then he’ll have to believe I am back, then he will fear even more.’ The King made his way to the Order, which was not all too far away from Lith’ Oreanas as a matter of fact.
He arrived at the Order within a three days journey on foot. He walked up to the gate and noticed there was a small armed group of guards instead of the two that used to be there. One of the guards said, “None shall enter, the Order is off limits to all outsiders.” The King said, “I am going to ask nicely. Where is Kraagor?” The guards looked at each other a little confused and said, “There is no Kraagor here. Begone stranger, you fly an unknown banner to us.” The King said, “Kraagor the Keeper? You mean that he is not here?” The guard became angry and stepped forward a bit drawing his sword as he said, “There is no Kraagor the Keeper here. Leave or we will kill you.” the King laughed and said, “Ya, right. Just like There is no Evora the Chaotic here as well eh?” One of the guards in the back said, “Evora has been dead for five hundred years stranger, are you an Elf? Only explanation of how you even might know her name.” The King said, “No, I am no Elf. I am the King of Wyrms, perhaps you heard the legends of me? If not know this, I go where I want, when I want. Those who get in my way burn, so. Who wants to keep standing in my way?” All of the guards except the one that walked out and had his sword drawn stepped aside quickly.
The guard said, “You cannot burn me without fire, so called King. Your name has not been heard of by us either, so your threats are empty.” The King laughed and said, “I do not make empty threats, and I always have a little fire with me.” The King burst one of his hands into flame and punched the guard in the chest sending the guard flying back at a tremendous speed. The Guard stood and charged towards the King. No matter how hard the guard tried to hit the King, he could not land a blow. The King was much faster than he used to be, much faster. The reabsorption of the Wyrms at the hands of Evora made him much more powerful and he loved every second of toying with the guard. Soon enough the King had enough with his little game, he grabbed the guards sword, ripped it out of his hands, melted it down in seconds. He then grabbed the guard with both hands on his helm, and he begun to engulf him in flame. The King cooked the guard alive within his helmet, which he then eventually melted into the guards skull by the amount of heat he was putting into it. He let go of the guard and his lifeless body fell like a net filled with stone to the ground while smoking and smelling of charred flesh.
The King looked around, his hands still flaming and asked, “Any other’s want to get in my way?” The guards quickly said no and opened the door to the tower, letting the King enter. Soon after he entered several wizards surrounded him, he felt them holding, or attempting to hold him, in place. He knew they were not strong enough, but he was not here to kill any of them, only to find answers. He said, “I am the King of Wyrms, and I have returned. I come for the head of a traitorous scum called Kronen. He may go by a different name but that is the only one I know him by. I come simply to say thanks to Evora, although she is long since dead. I also come to say, Kronen will die, I travel now to his Kingdom. I am going to bury my standard in his skull as his final breaths escape his body. Warn him, do not warn him, that is your choice.” He went to leave when he was approached by a very old wizard in a grey robe.
The wizard introduced himself and said, “I am Waardehn the Wandering, I am sure Evora would have appreciated your thanks, I was the last to see her, She was the last of her time. I was the first of mine. We lived in fear of Kronen after we thought he killed you, Evora never lost hope as she knew something we did not. Turns out she was right. I do not know the level of your power, I have not seen it but I felt some of it earlier I assume, out front with the guard?” The King said, “Yes, he would not move aside and he paid the price. I have long been separated from this world and I no longer feel for anything. I will stop at nothing until Kronen is dead with my standard buried in his skull. I will burn this land to the ground if need be. Nothing will stand in the way of my revenge, as nothing did last time I set out for it.” The King turned and walked away leaving the old wizard stroking his beard and scratching his head.
The King turned into a vortex of anger over the course of his journey, not helped by the guard complicating the visit to the order. He would continue on his journey, the next stop would be the Dwarven capital, at least what was during his time. The City of Karnidine, a mountain fortress that was built by the Dwarves and manned for centuries by them since last the King visited. Within a few days he came within eyeshot of the mountain and saw no promising signs. He walked through a large set of gates, which had been broken down many years in the past. He continued on and came upon the ruins of another once great city. The King walked into the center of the town, where a very weathered, and nearly destroyed statue which commemorated Barik stood. Next to it was a statue much the same but dedicated to Gornik, equally as weathered and falling apart.
The King gathered his strength and touched the statues, he wanted simply to fix the statues, and have them never weather again. When he was finished the statues looked as they had just been cut from the stones which they had so many centuries ago. The King could still not believe that over a millenia had passed, with his Kingdom being so thoughtlessly destroyed by those who thought they could do better. He was angered greatly by the destruction of pretty much all he knew, once again he lost his friends, and his family. He considered the Wyrms as his family as the were borne of his power and the ashes of chaos. He picked up his pace and headed off towards the City of Perithius, which he did not think would be standing either.
The King reached Perithius within two days, which was much faster than he normally would have made it. He reached the city and notice it had the same colors as Kronen’s standard did. He entered the city and looked around, seeing that this once was his capital. The King walked over to a large stone wall, where there were eleven mounts on a wall, and one large one where he saw the claws of a Wyrm were supposed to sit. He ran his hands over the inset in the stone and said, “Estan, figures they would make you the largest of the trophies, you were too exquisite for your own good. They will pay for this.” He continued walking around and saw signs of this being an attack, but not by Kronen. A Wyrm did this, and he was not sure who it was, no all of the mounts on the wall went to all of his Wyrms, there was three missing. Krathen he guessed, but he could not tell what the other two alive were. Whoever it was did a very good job, the entire city burned and this brought a smile to the King’s face. His Wyrms fought to the very end, like he knew they always would. Once the King was done searching Perithius he continued down his long journey towards the coast, and to Kronen.
Kronen was busy going over defense situations in his head when several wizards from the Order showed up. Kronen said, “Ah, you have come to swear fealty to me eh? About time you did.” One of the wizards said, “No we haven’t actually. We have come to warn you. We were visited by a man whom said he knew your true name.” Kronen said, “Oh really? What did he say my name was?” The wizard said, “He said you are Kronen, and you are in fear of him. He said he was once your King. There is something you have not told our order, and what he has said backs that up.” Kronen stood and started to yell, “I will not be told lies in my own castle. Begone or you shall be killed. I fear no one, I am King here, I am in charge of this land. Begone!” The wizards shuffled out and were sure of their suspicions of Kronen.
Kronen sat back in his throne and his head was once again filled with thoughts of fear. His mind was consumed by it, he gripped Calentra’s staff with both his hands and said aloud over and over again, “Her power will save me, her power will save me…” Kronen did not sleep in the weeks that came and he was miserable. He became rash, killing many of his once most trusted guards and soldiers. He killed his commanders and took full command over the army and threatened all talk of leaving as betrayal and he would kill all who tried to leave. His paranoidism clouded his vision and his being. His true self was once again emerging, his self before he became the court wizard for the King of Wyrms. The slime of the land that he once was which preyed on the weak and took all he saw, even from those with less than him.
The King arrived at a city, this city was not burned or destroyed but bustled to and fro with soldiers of every race. This reminded him of Annoria before its fall, with peace between the races. He was confronted by one soldier who asked, “Who are you and what do you want?” The King looked at him and said, “I am the King of Wyrms, and I journey to kill the one who betrayed me, Kronen.” The soldier said, “I am commander here, Commander Zerek. I have not heard of you before.” The King said, “I have been away for awhile, it would not surprise me the land has forgotten my name. I see you have gathered a fine army Commander. Let's say we make a deal.” Zerek asked, “What kind of deal King?” The King said, “I kill the wizard, your army can take care of the rest, seem fair?” Zerek laughed and said jokingly, “OH your going to kill the wizard eh? Get a load of this guy. You cannot kill the wizard, he is immortal.” The King laughed and said, “I made him immortal Commander. I was his King before he betrayed me and killed my Kin. My Wyrms. I guess your tongue would not know them by that name, perhaps dragons would better suit your knowledge.” The Commander and the surrounding soldiers laughed for several long minutes on this.
The Commander gathered his composure long enough to say, “I do not believe that you, a stranger, has seen dragons.” The King said, “I have not just seen them, I created them. Now I will kill the wizard, with or without your help, or I can kill all of you here and now and use your ashen bodies to fuel my new dragons. Which sounds better?” The Commander drew his sword and said, “You will not have our help King.” The King said, “So be it then. Hope you’ve made your peace.” The King held his hands out to his sides, flame slowly flickering out of his hands. He started to rise up into the air, the flames growing in size and intensity soon becoming a raging torrent. The soldiers around him began to panic and rush around wildly, yelling. The King said, “Do you believe me now Commander. Or shall your forces be crushed like insects beneath my boots?” The Commander threw his sword to the ground and said, “I do believe you now, spare these men, they have been through much at the hands of the wizard and we are not sure of those who we can trust.”
The King lowered himself down, he killed the flames and said, “I enjoy showing off a bit, which is why I first made the dragons, I had fourteen once. That damned wizard and his betrayal caused their deaths even though the eventuality of them dying was inevitable, as with all living things.” The Commander asked, “What about immortality like the wizard has?” The King laughed and said, “He merely does not age, I told him it was immortality but he still must eat, sleep and drink, he is not immortal, he is an Elf in a man’s body. I on the other hand am truly immortal. It has been a thousand six hundred and thirty years since last I saw that wizard, and this standard I carry will be driven through his skull. I will laugh and drink merrily on his death, then I will leave the choice of his replacement to the people, and I will return my power to its source.” Zerek asked, “Why?” The King said, “So that I can finally die. I have been away from my family for about two thousand years Commander, I wish to see them again.” Zerek asked, “Do you even remember their faces after all this time?” The King looked to the sky and said, “I do in fact. I remember every little detail.” He laughed and asked, “Did that seem moody enough? I’m not very good at this social thing, never have been.”
The Commander set up the King with a tent and other useful provisions. The King was present in the command tent to listen to the battle plans set out by the Commander and his fellow soldiers. The King cut in at one point and said, “If I know Kronen, which I do, He will no doubt use Calentra’s staff to his advantage. I will break it, allowing your troops to mount an attack with little resistance. I will not hold back and I ask you all to not hold back either. I can feel Kronens fear of me rising, he knows I’m toying with him, I could have killed him as soon as I broke free of his curse, but I will do this like I would have before. With ample time, and carrying a heavy message. He distributes soldiers terribly by the way, unless something has changed since I last went away, he cannot place battalions to save his life so his paranoidism may win you an easy battle. Good luck Commanders, I head out now to pave a way for you.” The Commanders nodded at him and he left the tent.
He did not get far when someone tried to stab him in the back. He turned blindingly fast, grabbed the dagger by the blade and stared into the man’s eyes who dared try to stab him. The King grabbed him by the throat, carried him back into the Commander's tent, slammed him onto the war table and said, “Talk or die assassin.” The man on the table said nothing but spit in the King’s face while laughing. The King said, “Shall I show you what’s funny?” The King grabbed him with both hands holding him by the head. The King burst his hands into flames, which melted the head of the man, charred it, and filled the tent with the smell of burnt flesh. The King dropped the lifeless body, what once was a head still smoking. He said, “Sorry for that, he tried to stab me while I exited the tent, use extreme caution around your camp Commanders.” The King once again left he tent and this time was left alone on his walk, not getting attacked.
Word reached Kronen soon that his assassin he sent to kill the commanders that survived his purge of the races had failed, when it was described what happened to him he became ever more fearful of the King. Kronen tried desperately to keep spirits high for his subjects, but his rule was not the best, nor was it the safest. Crime was high, guards were lazy unless someone tried to escape. Kronen stopped the army being trained, saying they needed to spend more time on praising him. This did not please the army in the slightest and they started to lack in means of readiness of incoming attacks, and any who spoke out were killed in a public execution to ‘put the others in their places’ as Kronen would put it. Kronens rule simply turned from a once great Kingdom to a feared, hated, and least liked of any in the region for many centuries to come.
The King, with information he received from Commander Zerek found that he was entering Kronen’s domain when he reached a checkpoint on the road ahead of him. He reached it and the guards approached threatening him. The King said, “Let me pass or you shall die a horrible death.” One of the guards said, “So be it then.” The King looked at him awkwardly, then drew his sword and struck all of them down within seconds, each still alive however. He said before he left, “Bleeding out is a much worse death than you may think, enjoy it.” He kept on past the checkpoint and followed the main road towards Kronen’s capitol with only one thought in his mind, one so familiar to him, vengeance. As he traveled he saw many of Kronens standards being flown in many cities but none of them were the capitol. It took the King a little under a week to finally find and walk to the capital of Kronens Kingdom.
He reached the city and it was very large, much larger than Perithius, and even larger than Annoria. This city was before an open plain, and built on a mountainside, and was made of a stark white stone. Kronens red banners could be seen flown even from where the King was currently which was still about several hours of travel. The King looked over to the otherside of the plains which was dominated by the dark existence of the Ashlands, where he could see flares of fire arise every now and then. He then looked towards the coast, which was still a very far ways off from the White City. He saw a small port town located at a river that empties out into the ocean. He started off towards the small port city but after about an hour he was distracted by commotion from the Ashlands. He turned and looked over to see a massive black wall which had not been there last he visited those lands. He took time to walk over to it, but soon found the Ashlands were plagued by Orcs. The King stood out in the open, causing horns to bellow and the gate slowly lugged its way open.
A single armorclad warrior walked out an Elf, lugging a large heavy weapon behind him. The figure reached the King and said in a chilling language that the King noticed as his own, the Wyrmtongue. He was not sure how any came to learn this, but he did not care. The Warrior said, “I am Trakoor, I am in charge here. Who are you to come to my domain?” The King said, “I am the King of Wyrms, how did you learn my tongue?” Trakoor took a slight step back and said, “The King of Wyrms? You must lie, he was cursed many centuries ago by that foul wizard Kronen in the city across the plains.” The King drew his sword, the blade turning to an intense flame and he said, “I do not lie Tarkoor. How came you by the knowledge of the Wyrmtongue?” Tarkoor said, “I used to be head of Kronen’s guard, but he was not a good ruler. I deserted his army and came here, built an army of Orcs through magic, as it was Kronen who taught me the Wyrmtongue. I made it the tongue of all Orcs under my Kingdom, we made this our fortress for now until we find something better, preferably far away from that wizard.”
The King said, “Try searching within the North, the mountains there form a narrow pass to lands beyond, it would be a good place for a Kingdom. I had considered it for my own actually but I found a better one that suited me more. Your needs are far lesser than mine were so you have room to choose better than I had.” The King went to leave but said before he did, “Do not worry about the wizard, it was I who taught him Wyrmtongue, it was I that is his King, and it was I whom he betrayed. He will die.” The King left Tarkoor standing just outside his large gate, he shouted for scouts to be sent Northward to find the place the King talked about. Little did the King know that the Kingdom he just found in the millenia to come would launch war on the land.
The King reached the port city and rested for a day before making his move. Early in the morning he set several houses on fire, he strategically placed them so the entire town would be burned, sending a message to Kronen. Not soon after the emergency bells rang, and the White City responded by ringing bells in response. The King walked through the port city as it burned, looking left and right at those unfortunate enough to escape, or those already dead. He looked at the families and fully understood a lesson he would use to commit in killing Kronen. He continued walking, his sights set on the White City and his mind ready.
He reached the front gate at an hour past midday, and came to a full stop. The massive front gate of the city was closed, blocking his entry. Not soon after he stopped did bells signaling an attack were rang. When the city gate opened thousands of soldiers ran out of the city rushing directly towards the King. The King drew his sword but started to rise in the air, he rose above the army and shouted in a voice that bellowed throughout the White City, and even across the plains to the Ashlands. The King yelled, “KRONEN. YOUR KING HAS RETURNED. SHOW YOURSELF YOU TRAITOROUS COWARD AND SUCCUMB TO YOUR FATE!” This was answered not by Kronen, but by ballistas and artillery being shot at him by the soldiers on the wall. The unique thing about the White city is that it is tiered, there are seven in total, each having the ability to be split off from a lower tier and guarded separate. The top level, where the King assumed was where the Keep was located, was on a large flat outcropping that the lower tiers were also built around. The outcropping was decorative, and had trees lining the entire thing, at the very edge of the outcropping was an opening in the railing where if one was not careful enough they would fall.
The King looked towards the outcropping and he saw Kronen standing there, far away from the battle. The King’s rage grew and he started to glow with flame. The Kings ashlike skin soon turned to a fiery torrential storm which raged as he soared overhead the city. Within a few seconds his rage became so intense massive wings of flame erupted from his back and started to flap, as if he was a Wyrm made of only flame. Kronen started to run backwards, fleeing from the King but he was not fast enough. The King slammed down, the wings fully extending, flames melted and burned the trees as Kronen ran away. The fiery embrace of the wings reached both sides of the outcropping which the trees had lined. As the King walked, the trees withered, burned and scorched. Kronen turned, fell and started to crawl backwards. They had made it to the center of the outcropping which rested a massive White Tree. As the King came closer the tree shrank in size, it shriveled, but it did not burn, it did not scorch. The tree soon stopped shrinking, stopped getting smaller but seemed to look like white ash.
The King looked at Kronen and said, “Long time no see wizard. Before I kill you, In the name of Annoria you are charged with high treason what say you in your defense?” Kronen said, “DIE.” He lashed out at the King with Calentras staff which the King caught easily. The King ripped it out of Kronens hands and burst it into flames, watching it melt and fall to the ground where it cooled. The King grabbed Kronen, the clothes which he was wearing began to smoke and eventually caught on fire. The King drove Kronen into the ground and said, “You killed my Wyrms. You betrayed me, Annoria, and its peoples. You killed my Kingdom. You buried your standard in the head of my ally. You will learn what it is like to feel pain, you will know death with nothing on the other side. You will know the sweet sweet embrace of cold, black, nothing.” He cut off one of Kronens hands. The Wizards screams echoed across the outcropping, guards rushed out but only looked on at his pain.
Kronen yelled at them, “Attack him you cowards, do you job.” The Guards stood their ground and Kronen knew this was it. The King cut off Kronens other hand, then he tossed his blade aside, grabbed the bloodied nubs of Kronens arms where his hands noce were, causing Kronen to scream in pain. The King flared his hands up and burned the wounds closed saying as he did so, “Don’t want you to bleed out before I kill you now do we?” The King did the same with his arms up to his elbows, then to his shoulders. He did the same with his shins to his knees, then his knees to hips. A very slow and painful death. Kronen laid on his back, armless, legless, half crying and half delirious. The King pulled his standard from his back, hoisted it high, aimed for Kronens head and said, “I will reclaim what is mine.” Kronen managed to ask, “What?” The King said, “Your life.” He drove the standard through Kronens skull, cracking the stone on which he stood it had so much force. He said to the guards, “Let them know, their wizard is dead. Choose a new King from the people, let them decide. Burn this with the standard in it, the standard will turn to ash along with him. Do so at the roots of this here shriveled tree. Good luck in your endeavours, you are free now.
The King teleported out. He teleported into Annor’s temple. Annor approached the King of Wyrms and asked, “Is it done?” The King said, “It is done Annor, it is done.” Annor led the King to a molten pool and said, “Hand me my sword warrior, it is time.” The King said, “It is time isn’t it. I will go as I said I would. Keep an eye on the White City for me, and that Tarkoor, he seemed a bit off.” Annor said, I already know who Tarkoor will become, your suspicions are true is all I can say. Now my sword.” The King handed Annor the sword, Annor chanted a spell, and the King saw all the power leave the blade, all of it flowed straight towards the device that allows to see spirits. All the power in the blade left, restoring it to Annors blade once more. Annor turned and said, “Now it is time Wrecker.” The King said, “Take it slow, I want to feel everything.” Annor said, “If you say so, it will be very painful until death.” The King said, “I will handle it. Now let's get it over with, my family waits for me.” Annor began by engulfing his blade in flame. Annor then drove the blade into the King’s chest, releasing all of the power within and taking it into the blade. The Kings life flashed before his eyes, he saw his younger self, a warrior, he saw his family as he was a farmer. He saw fire, war, corruption, and he was a warrior once more. He saw the rise and fall of his Kingdom, the deaths of each of his Wyrms and how they happened, all the pain was felt, all the suffering was felt, the screams were heard. Then he came to himself as he was cursed, staring into nothing, then he was back, his journey continued and he was a warrior again. Just as fast as it started, it ended, his life was fading he could feel it.
He sank to both knees and breathed heavily, he could feel the strength as it left, he could feel the cold as the fires died. He closed his eyes and looked at the dark of his eyelids, he knew, this is what he would see, nothing else until it happened, until he died. Annor said, “I wish to see you again old friend, you have done a great deal for me, and I for you. I will pop by every now and again to let you know how things are going. Farewell King of Wyrms, farewell Wrecker, farewell great warrior.” The King dropped, he could feel himself falling, he looked around and he was no longer in armour, or clothes for that matter. He was bare, everything visible, everything. Slowly he felt clothes wrap around him, and suddenly he saw the ground approaching. He hit the ground but it did not hurt. He went to stand when he felt a hand grab his, no, two hands. He looked and saw his wife and child. He said, “I am finally home.” He looked around and saw above circling, fourteen shadows, far above him and he knew, he knew he finally made it home.
- In Serial7 Chapters
"Everything at some point will meet the end. Death, death was a living creature tormented by his past. Death was once a mortal."Arthur, in pursuit of power, to uncover the truth behind his dreams and visions. Map: Link to imgur or it's displayed on chapter 3 Note:*This is my first time writing a novel; feel free to give me tips to improve as I go along. Cover Art: Harvest Moon by dblasphemy- Nima Tamizi
8 84 - In Serial23 Chapters
Omega System
Important Notice!: I’ve started writing a new novel, so please go check it out! It’s called The Power of Systems. Go check it out guys! One minute, everything was normal, the next minute, Earth became like a fantasy novel. Unique powers called skills awakened in the residents of Earth. The day the world changed was called Omega. A few years after, people decided to found schools that taught children about these skills and how to control them, along with how to deal with monsters and physical training. It was all for the sake of a safer future. These schools were named Academies. Join Damon Zellar as he experiences life in The Royal Academy in England, while constantly seeking strength. One particular day, he stumbled across a unique system so impressive, that it could shake the power balance of the world, but no one knew about this mysterious power. What is the origin of the system, and why was he granted such a treasure? An unknown organization is also after his life, causing Damon to discover even more about his past. Will dark secrets await, or a truth so unbelievable that Damon himself wouldn’t even believe it? What will be Damon’s destined fate? To die or to live? *** Authors Note: He receives the system after a few chapters, just if you wanted to know!
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I am the system
Looks like I got banished to mortal world with no cultivation, Run over by a car! I will get my revenge against you Subaru… ehh what’s health insurance… huhh what’s a ‘system’… In Soviet Russian the MC doesn’t have a system, the MC is the system.
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The Old Steward Journey in Cultivation World
Old man Wu has been living for more than 60 years old. In all his life he never been able to do something big, yet an encounter with a supreme individual change all that.
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I'm just a mortal
I am a human, forced into a virtual world, where my morals and hard life clashes, but I will not drop my beliefs
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The human hunter avp
Mark Johnson, 23 years old, is a navy seal in the US army, master MMA fighter and expert in hand to hand combat, he is the model soldier for new candidates. His life is perfect, he never fails his missions, being completely successful.All of this changes when he awakens in a cage, on the home world of the Yautja. He is to be sold as a slave, but his fierce determination shall render him a great hunter.
8 53