《The Wyrm King》CHAPTER III: Prophecy of Wyrms
Wrecker sheathed his sword and asked, “What prize?” The figure said, “the prize that begins you on your journey, for revenge. A tool if you will, from the one who first brought me here.” Wrecker asked, “Who might that have been?” The figure said, “That matters little, he is long since dead by my duty remains, until all prophecies here are told, and all tools are given. You will have no need for that sword in fact, your prize awaits in the room behind me, go and take it. Use it, and get your revenge.” Wrecker walked around the outer edge of the room, staying far from the figure, who did not turn to keep watch on him. Wrecker reached the door, he opened it and saw floating in the middle of the room, which was engulfed in flames, a sword. The figure said, “This sword, as I was told by Shraag, it is the Breath of Annor. I am also to tell you of the location of two Elementals of old, seek them out in the depths of the volcano, notably named Mount Shraag. There you will learn more, and you will gain a power beyond belief, and none will be able to withstand you. Wrecker concentrated, his eyes open, feeling the ebb and flow of the flames. He tuned the flames down, until they were choked out, and he walked to the sword and grabbed it. When he took the blade he felt a surge through him, his mind was cleared, he felt invigorated and powerful. He walked out of the room, he looked back into it and concentrated, he sent a shockwave of flame into the room, nearly tripling the amount that was in it originally. He was in awe at his ability when the figure said, “Shraag said this sword enhances the ability to control and use fire, he wants you to be his tool, make the world pay for their betrayal, make them once again fear the fire.” Wrecker sheathed his new sword into his old scabbard, in which it fit perfectly and he went back to the main room. Before he left the room however the figure said one last thing, “That sword was crafted from a dead Elemental, in the depths of Hell, its power has no rival.”
Wrecker continued on back to Kraan who was busy pondering, and waiting to see if Wrecker would return. He heard the door rumble open and Wrecker appeared out of the dark corridor. Kraan asked, “What did you see? What happened?” Wrecker said, “I didn’t see much, I saw a hooded figure whose name I do not know, it told me some things about my current quest and then he gave me this sword. He drew the sword which seemed to glow red in the room. Kraan felt the power of the blade immediately and he asked, “Did it say what the blade is made of?” Wrecker said, “An Elemental of fire. It said it was made in Hell as well. I just know it looks flawless, and its balance is the best I have ever felt, better than elven swords even which I don’t know how that's possible even. Let us meet back up with Hevaar, There is nothing else that way, at least not for us.” as they left Wrecker looked over to the wall and saw a prophecy that interested him, Kraan knew which he was looking at, it is the same one he was looking at. They left the building and met back up with Hevaar who was just returning. Hevaar said, “That is a way to the surface but it is riddled with Orcs, I would not advise to go that way.” Wrecker said, “Orcs you say, I feel like trying something out.” he drew his new sword and walked to the path leading to the surface. He stopped a little inside of the tunnel that winded up and he motioned for the wizards to join him. As Hevaar and Kraan approached Wrecker they could not see he was deep in concentration. When the got just behind him Wrecker loosed a torrent of flames into the tunnel with an intensity that took both Hevaar and Kraan time to recover from the sudden blast of heat. Hevaar watched while Kraan shielded himself from the heat. Wrecker laughed all the while as the flames tore through the tunnels, the entire cavern they were was lit by the flames that Wrecker was spewing.
At the top of the tunnel a rather large group of Orcs were resting and preparing for an attack on the villages at the base of the mountain which the tunnel opened to. One of the sentries in the tunnel started to scream and the Orcs started to panic. They were too late as the flames sent by Wrecker blasted out of the opening and engulfed the entire camp and sent flares far out to where the villages around could see and they panicked. They rang their bells which called for the soldiers to take up arms and be prepared for battle. Wrecker dropped to all fours, sweat pouring, he was trying to catch his breath. He looked at the sword and said, “This sword…...Was supposed to enhance fire magic…..I think it works hehehe.” Hevaar said, “That flame, that is not natural flame. That is a chaotic flame not at all controllable. Be wary when you use that flame, you will not be able to control it.” Kraan said, “I second that, be very careful when using that Wrecker, I do not like the power that blade gives.” Wrecker said, “Only for the vengeance on the Orcs, then I will lay it aside, and only then.” The three of them went back towards the Dwarven tunnels when something behind them shook the cavern. They looked around trying to find the source of it when Wrecker felt the blade vibrate and glow an even brighter red. They looked back towards the building where they saw a glow appearing, then over the staircase suddenly burst a mass of rock and magma. Kraan yelled, “Elemental!!, RUN.” Both the Wizards took off to the Dwarven mines but Wrecker stood his ground.
Wrecker paced around the behemoth that spout fire in all directions. Kraan and Hevaar turned when they reached the opening to the mine, to see Wrecker standing his ground. Hevaar went to rush to his aid when Kraan held a hand out. Hevaar said, “He will die. Why stand and wait for it let's save him.” Kraan said, “No. He does not need our help, trust me. He has followed the path of the prophecy so far, this is another part of it. We will watch.” Hevaar struggled to not disobey Kraan but he stayed out of the battle. Wrecker was not afraid of this monstrosity that towered before him, he knew that if he had a prophecy, he would win this fight. He could feel the sword in his hand humming, it knew there was an Elemental near, he felt the sword place thoughts in his head. He was a little concerned that the blade could put thoughts into his head, it seemed to have a mission of its own and was in no way worried about him. He said in his mind as if trying to speak to the blade, ‘I simply wish to gain my vengeance on the Orcs, nothing more than that.’ he was answered by a wavering voice. A voice that flowed through him like the wind on an open field, ‘You are the one at last. You shall gain your vengeance. You will not stop there either. Kill this traitor. Take his power for your own.’ Wrecker tightened his grip on the sword and he slashed at the Elemental. When he swung the sword it spawned a flame on the blade which was sent racing towards the behemoth and slammed into it, reeling it back. Wrecker looked at the blade, smiled and swung repeatedly. He sent wave after wave of fire at the Elemental eventually knocking it down. The voice returned and said, ‘I should introduce myself. I am Shraag the Forsaken. I sealed myself in this ancient blade. I have waited for you. You will bring about my vision of the world. You will do what I could not. I can share with you the secret. I can help you control the flame. Now end this beast.’ Wrecker walked over the the Elemental who was trying to get to its feet. He walked around to its neck. He hacked until the head fell off, he turned to watch it roll down the stairs back towards the vault.
As the Elementals body cooled and hardened into a solid stone Wrecker noticed a shining red gem within its chest. He hacked at it and eventually got it out which he managed before it turned to stone. He held the gem in his hand, the sword started to shake in his hand and the voice said, ‘Wrap it in flame. Consume the power it gives. Learn our gift.’ Wrecker concentrated and engulfed the gem in flames for several seconds. While he did so he felt the intensity of the flames grow and the area around him became scorched. Kraan and Hevaar shielded themselves from the heat and blinding light shone from the fire consuming the gem. Once the gem was gone Wrecker felt the power from it echo throughout himself. Kraan said to Hevaar, “I fear that if his prophecy should continue to come true we are all in danger.” Hevaar asked, “What do you mean?” Kraan answered, “I saw what he is to become as it indeed is his prophecy. He will learn to control the flame, and that is what I truly fear above him not controlling it.” They both looked at Wrecker who was now walking towards them. Once Wrecker reached them he said, “Let us continue on shall we. We have an army to amass.” The three of them left the mines and approached several dwarves who were standing guard outside. Kraan said the threat was taken care of but the mine needs to be sealed at the breach point and never opened again. He used his status as a wizard to get this done.
Kraan said to Wrecker, “I must ask about the sword, does it feel any different from a normal blade?” Wrecker said, “No. It has a balance that far outmatches that of an elven blade seems to be infinitely sharp and hums with an energy that I cannot explain.” Kraan said, “How about what you took out of the Elemental? What was that?” Wrecker said, “It was some sort of gem. I…” he was interrupted by the voice which said, ‘Do not tell of my role. Should they find I am here they will destroy the blade. Say it was a gut feeling. Say you were compelled by something to do it.’ “...I felt compelled to by something, something in my gut.” Kraan grunted and said, “Do not let it happen often or it may consume you. You are in possession of a terrible weapon, use it for good or we will have a problem. Understand?” Wrecker said, “I understand.” Kraan said, “Good, now let's get back to the Dwarven city. You have a quest to return to.” Kraan teleported them back to the Dwarven city where they were greeted by Barik and Votaar.
Votaar upon seeing Wrecker with a new sword at his side and feeling its power said, “Where did you find that?” Wrecker said, “I think Kraan should explain, he is in more of a position to than I.” As Kraan and Votaar talked off in the distance away from everyone Hevaar and Wrecker were busy inspecting the blade. They looked over the blade with intensity and very carefully. Wrecker came upon runes carved into the blade when he put the blade into flames. He said, “What magic is this, letters that show when revealed to fire……” he yelled across the courtyard, “....Kraan, Votaar, come here for a moment.” the wizards approached and saw the runes on the blade and Wrecker asked, “Can either of you read them?” Votaar said, “No, I have not seen that before, Kraan?” Kraan waited for a moment, he could read them, he was fearful of the words etched into the blade, he said, “No, I cannot. I do not know who can either, these runes are not of this world I know that much.” Kraan lied to them. The runes burned a word into his mind, he needed to keep a close eye on Wrecker. The word was, ‘Consume’, when Wrecker turned the blade over another word was shown, ‘Conquer’ Kraan said, “Votaar, stick with Wrecker a little longer, my task for you can wait. Keep an eye on him and make sure he is helped in his quest. I will return in ten days time, signal where you are at the time and I will arrive shortly thereafter.” With no explanation Kraan teleported away, Hevaar looked around and asked, “What am I supposed to be doing?” Votaar said, “I guess you will travel with us then, unless you have somewhere more important to be?” Hevaar said, “Not really, so let's get going shall we?” Votaar asked, “Wrecker are you ready?” Wrecker who was enthralled by the sword snapped out of it and said, “Yeah, I’m ready. Where to next Votaar?” Votaar said, “East.”
Kraan toiled and searched for hours in the vast archives of his tower. He searched for anything he could find that would tell him, show him, what he could do to stop what was to come. He came to a section of the archive which those before him swore to never enter, it was the section of which was collected by Shraag. Kraan said aloud, knowing his predecessors were listening, “Forgive me my forbearers, trying times are ahead and there must be an answer somewhere here.” Kraan slowly removed the enchantment on the gate blocking the way in, all the while the inscripted words on the gate glowed fiery red. This reminded him of the runes within the temple, the same fiery red glow emanated from them. This also reminded him of how they sealed Shraag’s archive, they used his magic to do so, his foul magic. Kraan became panicked and once the enchantment was gone he rushed in and started his search for something. He did not know what he was looking for but he did know the feeling it would bring him when he did, dread.
Votaar and the other three came racing over the hills and plains that separated them from their destination. Votaar said to them, “Not far off now, another three days and we will reach where we are going.” Wrecker asked Votaar, “Where is that exactly?” Votaar said, “It’s a surprise, you will know why when you see it…..” Votaar now directed at the group, “....Let us rest here for the day, we will need it for the next leg of the journey. It is far more treacherous and deceiving than the lands we just traveled.” After they stopped and rested for a while Wrecker and Hevaar were busy messing with the campfire when they heard thunderous clashes in the distance. They both looked around and Votaar arose from his meditation looking towards the mountains. Gornik asked in a really terrible form of common tongue, “What is loud?” Votaar had been teaching him common tongue and Dwarves aren’t the fastest learners. Votaar said “They are the giants of the mountains, they toss each other around for fun, all we need hope is they don't throw something.” Wrecker asked, “Why not?” Votaar laughed and pointed at a massive boulder to the left of their camp and said, “That's how that got there.” Wrecker looked at the boulder and back to the mountains, watching as through the clouds he could see the giants and occasionally he saw boulders being thrown over. He was about to look away when one of the giants was sent over the line of mountains, Votaar and Hevaar stood up immediately and walked in between the camp and the mountains. The giant got to its feet and clambered back over the mountain, Kraan and Hevaar calmed down and they lowered their guard. Votaar said, “I will take the first watch get some rest, the giants are tireless this time of year.”
Kraan had been looking for hours in the archives of Shraag and he had found several books hinting at what might be to come, one was the personal account of Shraag. This particular book was on a podium with an inscription carved into it. The inscription read, “Only one who will betray shall open.” Kraan thought little of this and he went to pick up the book which at first he could not, then the book slowly gave way and he searched it for the answer. He found from Shraag’s travels that he found two Elementals in the volcanic lands to the north, and he trapped them somehow. Also that he took a sword he found deep within those lands and used from his position to slowly steal and seal away into the blade the heart gems of the Elementals. This sword was drawn in the journal along with a name, The Breath of Annor. Kraan was aghast, Shraag had stolen the Breath of Annor. The blade was an ancient artifact created by the first of the Flamewreathed of his order, which is what Hevaar is currently. This blade was imbued with great power and was placed under the protection of thousands of soldiers. Shraag took the blade and imbued chaotic power into it, too much power for one to have. This was when Kraan reached the part about the two Elementals.
He read the details about them and why Shraag was so interested in them being kept when he found it. He read from the journal, ‘In regards to the Elementals, they are no normal Elementals, they are Apex's, stronger, full of more power, and the only two that have ever existed. Whomever wields the blade when it is found shall be told of their location, and the means to control their power and make this world pay for what it will soon become should this not be done. Sometimes I wonder if my order will remember what I have done, what I have discovered for them. They are too blind to the truth they cannot see that they bring about their own doom with every choice they make. This prophecy that I call, Prophecy of Wyrms, will shake this world, it will cleanse this world in the only thing able, flames. To any who read this know, I did what I did for the world, not for the Order, not for the people, for the world which our oath binds us to protect. Hate me, love me, matters little when I’m long dead. Be ready for what is to come, you shall not survive it.’ Kraan closed the book, his thoughts racing, many questions, too many, none of which he had the answers to. He was preparing to leave when he heard whispers coming from the corner of the archive. He looked to the corner and only saw a statue of a cloaked man, with the same features as Wrecker had mentioned. Kraan studied it for a little while then left the archive, sealing it with an enchantment once again. He needed to find the Elementals first, and he needed to hurry.
Votaar woke them at dawn, a few hours after the giants brawl. Gornik went to sleep seconds after being awoke which Votaar replied to by bellowing his horn via magic into his ear causing him to leap awake and to his feet. They all laughed but Gornik who cursed under his breath and said, “Not laugh to Gornik.” Votaar said, “We have a three days ride ahead, best get ready we will leave soon…” now directed at Hevaar, “....Go on ahead and tell them of our coming, make sure arrangements are ready when we arrive.” Hevaar said, “Will do Votaar.” Hevaar teleported out and Wrecker asked, “Why can’t we just teleport in like that?” Votaar said, “Well to be honest I cannot. I am a wandering wizard, it is in my name to wonder and not simply arrive. I cannot be taken along either, besides. Who doesn’t like a little adventure every now and then?” Wrecker scoffed and said, “Yeah well, I’m not getting any younger here so let us make haste. We have vengeance to sow.” The three mounted up and set out on their way towards the city which Votaar described very little of to either Gornik or Wrecker so they were both unexpecting. They rode fast and hard resting only when Votaar said and rising when Votaar woke them.
Votaar said, “This is the last leg of the journey, it will be the hardest as well. Follow me closely and do not follow the wrong path.” They reached a wide open area which Votaar had been talking about, Wrecker was confused by the amount of paths there were to take, more than he could count. Votaar said, “Welcome to the device of King Perithius, this was made to deter any advancing army onto his land, only a few know how to get through without deterring around the mountains and taking tenfold the time to get past. You stray to far from me and you will most likely be lost, fall off into an abyss or simply never be seen again. Is that clear?” Wrecker and Gornik both said yes and they followed closely to Votaar as he led them down the right path. Wrecker noticed that there were stones placed at each place Votaar stopped them at, and he asked, “Are we following the stones Votaar?” Votaar replied, “No, that is what many think, and many die trying to pass. We are following one of many different ways across, one I spent many hours trying to figure out. It is also the fastest way across. Careful ahead, it gets tricky at the bend.” Wrecker asked, “Where are all the dangerous things you were talking about?” Votaar said, “King Perithius was a man of knowledge, he also was devious and a trickster. He had commissioned seven hundred wizards to create this puzzle, also to hide the traps until it was too late...” as he finished that they came up on the bend when slanted down like they were on the inside of an upside down cone. Wrecker looked towards the center and saw an abyss which he did not want to go anywhere near, he could see littered all the way down corpses of those unfortunate enough to fall prey to the tricks of this ‘puzzle’.
Votaar continued one they were past, “...King Perithius was also very paranoid and not very trusting, so once it was done he hired an evil wizard. This wizard took an oath never to betray him and changed the order of the maze. The King forced the wizards to walk it, all of them perished at their creation and King Perithius was not thought of so kindly after that. His city is where we are heading, it is his city in which you will find your army. Perithius had also built a trial system which he would use to find worthy successors to the throne, anyone could try but failure meant death. This is where King Fervius came into play. Fervius was the first to pass the trial. He was also, secretly, the very same wizard that had changed the path maze. He cheated the trials and when confronted by King Perithius he killed him and took his crown for his own. When our order learned of this we sent our strongest to dethrone him but he used Perithius’s own defences against us, we lost half our order taking him out of power. King Fervius and Shraag the Forsaken are the reasons there are only nine of us in our order now, so things like that do not happen. Of course there are ways to learn what we have, it is very hard and they are very scarce. That is why I implore you, be wary of the power that blade possesses, it is not natural and is in many ways considered evil by our order.”
Wrecker asked, “Why is it thought, wouldn’t all forms of power have their place?” Votaar said, “All natural forms yes. It is when the magic goes against nature itself and forces it to do evil and be chaotic. Whoever made that blade clearly was powerful, it emanates the power of an immensely powerful wizard and it still feels as though the wizard is around an-....” Votaar’s voice was drowned out by Shraag in Wreckers head and he said, ‘Votaar is as a true wizard should be, he understands but he is still against us. Do not tell him of me, he already suspects I am here, but he does not know it is me, once he finds out however is when the problem arises. Kraan has already found my secret, you must reach the Elementals before him, or you will have to kill him.’ Shraag’s voice faded and Wrecker could hear Votaar again, “...So you see why it is important that magic stay natural?” Wrecker said “Yes, of course, I will only use this for my revenge as I have said before, then I will get rid of it.” Votaar said, “It is not enough to simply get rid of it, you must destroy it where it was made, do you have any clue as to where it was crafted?” Wrecker said, “The volcanic lands to the north was mentioned in the swords history, no name of the creator, or place exactly, just the volcanic lands.” Shraag whispered within his head, ‘Yesss. You learn well the crafts of trickery. He suspects nothing.’ Votaar thought a moment at that and asked, “The volcanic lands, are you sure?” Wrecker nodded and Votaar said, “Those lands are treacherous, I wonder who could’ve made it there…..Alas! The way out.” They reached the end of the maze and entered a small valley which wound back and forth and rose up and down. Votaar said, “Not far now, the city is around this next bend.”
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Gates To Earth
It was like any other day on Earth, Until new land masses begun to appear at areas where there was once nothing. And then large Gates that look like doorways appeared on the new land masses as well in other isolated locations on Earth those Gates led to other worlds and possibly other Dimensions itself. No one knows how or why this had begun to happen the gates are not one way doorways on the other side is a whole new planet and possibly universe, Synopsis This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. It was like any other day on Earth, Until new land masses begun to appear at areas where there was once nothing. And then large Gates that look like doorways appeared on the new land masses as well in other isolated locations on Earth, those Gates led to other worlds and possibly other Dimensions itself. No one knows how or why this had begun to happen, the gates are not one way doorways on the other side is a whole new planet and possibly universe, What people once thought was a fantasy began to come to life, some of the creatures which came through the doorways use magic and others use technology that earth can only dream of. Each doorway has something new to be discovered, may it be a doorway to a dark age world or possibly a magical world with magic, Earth can only guess what's on the other side of every Gate. Each country has their own problems and the Gates just add to it, will Earth’s countries work together or fight for control over the Gates that lead to the new worlds. Join Rex Lopiz who has gained Necromancy and the power of Making all sorts of robotic creations, Rex must first start from nothing such these are new powers, he cannot make large undead armies or make advanced robots without starting from the basics. See how other people are dealing with the Gates, the main character is Rex Lopiz but there are times where you see what other people or creatures are doing in order to survive and live their daily lives and what they do. Not everyone is as lucky as Rex but they still try to survive even with Gates appearing. Follow how other people deal with situations as well as follow Rex through his journey. Authors Note This is a side project as well as my first time trying to write a book. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to give me pointers. Some things may be spelt wrong. I will usually try to fix them once I notice it, sorry and thanks again for giving my story a read. -Wikid81
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