《The Wyrm King》CHAPTER II: Heated Exchange
As they entered the elves land Votaar and Gornik were in deep conversation, Wrecker was bringing up the rear, looking through the trees and he felt at unease for a reason he could not explain. He rode up to Votaar and Gornik and interrupted their conversation, “Votaar, I feel something is off. I cannot place it but there is something, we are not alone.” Votaar looked around and he said, “I can feel it too, let us make haste to the city.” Votaar said something in Dwarven and Gornik looked around searching the trees, they stopped looking and sped off down the road towards the city. As They raced towards the city Votaar looked at the path behind which was becoming flooded with orcs. He yelled, “Orcs! We must reach the city.” He pulled some pine cones off of trees as they rode, he muttered spells to them igniting them, and he threw them behind him blocking off the road. He yelled again, “That will buy us some time but not much.” Wrecker looked ahead and saw the Elven gate. He said, “The gate is ahead, its open!” Votaar looked ahead and muttered something to himself. They burst through the open gate and were met by many Orcs. Votaar immediately jumped off of his horse and sent groups of Orcs flying. He shouted in Dwarven and Gornik jumped off of his horse and unsheathed his axes. Wrecker got off his horse and took hold of his sword. They stood back to back and fought off the Orcs for as long as they could. Votaar yelled during the combat, “We must escape the city. The Elves have long since been removed from here.” Gornik was busy off on the rooftops of one building casually throwing orcs like oversized toys, screaming, off of them. Wrecker was below taking out those orcs who tried to get to Gornik from below and those that survived the fall from the roof. Votaar, being a wizard, meant he could handle a great many things. He was in the middle of the courtyard which they first arrived in, throwing magic around like a fat king does food during his lunch time. Votaar sent out a shockwave across the courtyard dazing all around him, he used this as an opportunity to call on other's from his order. On the ground he placed a rune with his staff, muttering a few words it sent a column of light shooting into the sky. Votaar knew that his order would respond, as well as more orcs which is why he hoped they arrived soon.
Gornik was busy bashing skulls in on the roof when he was hit from behind by what Wrecker thought was a massive Orc, when in fact it was a giant. Votaar yelled at Wrecker from across the courtyard while still fighting, “Hold for a little longer, and keep moving they are terribly slow and hit very hard.” Wrecker looked back at the towering beast, he helped Gornik get up, who was down to one axe the other he shattered the handle to while cleaving Orcs. they looked at each other smiled and Gornik let out a laugh both hearty and bloodthirsty, Wrecker did the same. They moved on the giant at the same time moving fast and not straying in one place too long lest they would want to be crushed like ants under a foot. They worked on slashing the giants legs, hoping to bring it down. Halfway through the fight Gornik noticed Wrecker was gone, not wanting to get caught by the giant he continued to cleave at the behemoths legs. Wrecker was busy on the roof which Gornik was on that was located behind the giant. He got a running start and leapt from the roof, sword in hand, and he drove the sword through the giants neck down out through his chest. He clung to the sword as the giant fell forwards, not really thinking this far ahead he hoped it fell forward which luckily for him it did. He and Gornik managed to pull the blade out of the giants carcass and they ran to Votaar in the courtyard. They stood back to back in a triangular formation so they could watch all sides. Votaar said to Wrecker, “I have called for reinforcements, you will know when they arrive.” He said the same in Dwarven then muttered to himself, ‘I need to teach Wrecker Dwarven or Gornik Common tongue soon, this is tiring saying the same things twice.’
He his thoughts were interrupted by several blinding flashes of light sent out across the city ruins. Wrecker and Gornik looked towards the source and they saw a robed figure standing in the middle of a group of Orcs. With the movement of a hand the Orcs were sent flying, the wizard took his staff and twirled it, it eventually burst into flames and then he started to fling fire at the Orcs. The Orcs started to panic with Votaar, Wrecker, and Gornik taking advantage of this and aiding in there drive off. Wrecker stopped fighting for a short time to watch the wizard who wielded fire. He was very interested in this, his warrior side was coming back stronger and stronger everyday, his thirst for blood, and his love for fire burned strong. He made his way towards Votaar cleaving Orcs out of the way and he eventually made it to him. Wrecker asked over the noise of battle, “Can you teach me how to create fire?” Votaar said back to him, “Don’t be silly, it takes time that you do not have to learn and it is restricted to wizards only.” Wrecker grunted in disappointment and went back to fighting. As the battle drove on the Orcs seemed to be endless, then several more flashes went out, more Wizards had appeared. The battle was intense and was near victory when a horn bellowed out over the ruins and the fields around. They looked out to the source and saw a warband of Orcs, Wrecker remembered them as the same Orcs that attacked his village. He ran over to Votaar and said, “Those are the same Orcs that attacked my village.” Votaar cursed under his breath, he muttered a spell that created fire from various items, and Votaar cast them towards the advancing horde. Wrecker had heard the spell, and he repeated it over and over again in his mind, hoping that he could learn how to actually use it.
Votaar met with the other wizards and asked when all but one were there, “Where is Kraan, did he not get the message?” The wizard whom controlled fire said, “He was busy in the lands to the North, something about a Dwarven city that mined a bit too deep into the volcanic lands and found something, he should be here soon. I was with him but when the signal went up He told me to go and send another when he was needed.” Votaar replied, “Well Hevaar, we need him now.” The wizards grouped up and sent a singular, multicolored beam of light into the sky and within seconds the sky filled with heavy clouds and thunder rattled. The clouds amassed and it began to rain, lightning shattered the horizon and the Orc warband marched on the ruined city. The wizards got into formation at various places around the town, Votaar and two other wizards took up the western section of town, Hevaar, Wrecker, and Gornik took the central square and the other four wizards spread out over the rear of the city. Wrecker said to Hevaar, “Votaar saved my life after these Orcs killed my entire village….” Now looking at him he continued, “....I wish to learn the power to wield fire, they fear it, and I want them to pay.” Hevaar responded, “To be a wizard of fire is a constant battle. In order to control the fire you must be the fire. I have many times fell victim to the anger that comes, the hate that burns alongside the flames. Fire is not a nice magic, nor is it easy to control. You must not use too much, or it will rage out of control, and too little it will be ineffective. If you truly wish to learn, after this battle I will teach you how to control a flame, before you can create you must understand….” Hevaar looked at the approaching Orcs and said to Wrecker, “....So these orcs killed your people? Let's make them regret that shall we?” Wrecker said, “Let's.”
As soon as the Orcs stormed into the ruins, the storm picked up. The wind grew, blowing nearly all over with its strength. Wrecker looked up at the sky and saw a funnel begin to form, the wind continued to pick up but Wrecker felt it die down, as did the wizards and Gornik. The Orcs however were being tossed around by the wind. As soon as the funnel touched the ground lightning started to erupt from it, striking and incinerating many Orcs. The funnels color changed as it filled with lightning, and it grew and grew with intensity. Suddenly the funnel disappeared, showing only a stream of lightning raining down sending bolts in every direction. Once the Orcs got their bearings they were in awe at the sight. Within a split second the pillar of lightning disappeared then a single bolt raced down and struck the ground sending a shockwave which instantly ripped the Orc warband to pieces. Where Wrecker was standing he could see the shockwave sent out a devastating blow to every house within the ruins, crumbling and destroying them. He wondered why he had not been hit by it when the wizards were deep in concentration. The wizards put up a protective barrier around themselves, Wrecker and Gornik so they would not be harmed. Wrecker looked at where the bolt hit, a crater was left and in it stood another wizard. Wrecker looked around, no Orcs were left standing and the wizards walked together and started to talk. Wrecker and Gornik looked around the ruined rubble of the battle scene and found not a single living Orc.
Wrecker approached the wizards and said, “Thank you all for your assistance, I do not think we would’ve lived without it.” Wrecker was approached by the head of their order, Kraan the Keeper and he said, “You showed great strength warrior. Votaar has told us of your want for revenge and as I was told this warband was of the same Orcs that first attacked your village were they not?” Wrecker said, “Yes they were.” Kraan said, “Good to know, I’ll pass that on….”He paused looking around the rubble of the ruins and said, “....This city used to be beautiful, I wonder when the Orcs came. Anyway, Wrecker, Hevaar told me you wish to learn the art of pyromancy, is this true?” Wrecker replied, “Yes it is.” Kraan asked, “Why do you wish to learn this art?” Wrecker replied, “I want revenge for what these Orcs have done. I want to make them pay, I want them to see how it feels when their world burns away in front of them, and see how they like it.” Kraan looked back at the wizards then back to Wrecker and said, “This is not the reason that I feel when I look at you. There is something about you Wrecker that I cannot place, something deep, hidden, powerful. Hevaar will teach you the ways of pyromancy, but should you not be able to control it, you will cease your training permanently. Do you understand this?” Wrecker said, “Yes.” Kraan said, “Good. Hevaar, come we have a job to finish.” Wrecker asked, “When do I begin my training?” Kraan replied, “You are going to come with us I think, Votaar and you others get back to the Dwarven city with King Barik and wait for our return, tell them of the Orcs crimes and have them send for the Elven cities around, they must pay for destroying Loth’ Elania. Now Wrecker, take my arm.” Wrecker asked, “Why?” Hevaar said with a smile, “You’ll be going for a ride.”
Wrecker took Kraan by the arm and was instantly teleported. As they arrived at their location Wrecker convulsed several times, Kraan said, “It’s always rough the first couple times but you get used to it, that is a power only the Wizard Order can have as well. Now get yourself together, we have to go spelunking into a Dwarven mine to see what they found.” Wrecker brought himself together and flinched as Hevaar appeared by teleportation. Wrecker gave a slight smile and stood, Hevaar laughed and followed Kraan with Wrecker bringing up the rear. Hevaar spoke to Wrecker almost the entire walk through the Dwarven city which had very little Dwarves in it and those that were had been clad in armour. He spoke of how it felt to control a flame and how to do it, they reached several fires and Hevaar said, “First lesson, feel the flame.” Hevaar sat on the ground and motioned for Wrecker to do the same. When Wrecker sat down Hevaar said, “Close your eyes and feel the heat from the flame. Think of it now not as heat, but as a sword. This sword you must learn to wield. Take the blade by the pommel and practice a discipline. Tilt the blade to the left first, then to the right. Lift the blade above your head, and drop the blade below your waist…” Hevaar opened his eyes and kept speaking, “…Do a slash with the blade going left to right…” As Wrecker did so in his mind, the flame followed. Hevaar looked at Kraan with a both fearful and hopeful look. Kraan motioned to stop and Hevaar said, “Now slowly sheath the sword.” Wrecker, in his mind, sheathed the sword and he felt a change. He opened his eyes and saw the fire was out and he asked, “Did I do that?” Kraan said, “Yes you did, you show great promise as this was your first lesson, you must practice this however until you can do it with you eyes open. That is when you may start to create it. Now let us continue on, the mine is just ahead.” Kraan started to walk away, Wrecker and Hevaar got up. Hevaar restarted the fire and followed after Kraan. Wrecker while following after him looked at the fire and thought, ‘I am one step closer to my revenge, I will have it, I swear I will.’ he the three of them reached the mouth of the mine and they started descending it. Wrecker asked after a while of walking, “Why can’t we just use that ability to get there very fast?” Kraan said, “We may only use it to go to a place we have been before, wizards are all wandering in the early days of their jobs, only halfway through do we actually perform the tasks we are meant to, our predecessors then step down once we have been everywhere. So we cannot go where we have not been before.”
Hevaar added in, “We have visited every major city, but new ones pop up so often, and old ones fall, we cannot keep up so we stick to mainly normal traveling, much easier. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a long road to walk and let the mind be free.” Kraan laughed and said, “Last time your mind was free you burnt a forest down.” Wrecker chuckled and Hevaar got a serious look on his face and said in his defense, “That's not funny, and it only happened once. It was forever ago as well, when I was still new to the control aspect which is why it is so important.” Kraan said, “It was not that long ago Hevaar, you are still new to the control aspect, we all are. Not much further now.” as the approached the part of the mine they were searching for Wrecker looked around at the various mining equipment scattered around and they came to a large hole. Wrecker said when they first saw it, “Looks like something tried to break through and get out.” Hevaar said, “Indeed it does, but what could’ve done that I wonder.” Kraan said, “In the times before any race were here, at the start of our order the first wizards were actually Elementals, the very elements themselves. It is said they passed down their gift through offspring who were just as powerful as they were. They have long since disappeared however but they may still be deep within the rock of this world. For our sake, let us hope this is not the case, we would most likely be killed if the tales of their power are true. Now let us enter and take a look, at the first sign of any danger other than a cave dweller, run.”
Wrecker nodded and followed the wizards through the hole. As they searched the system on the other side Wrecker noticed what appeared to be a bridge. He said, “Kraan, Hevaar, I found a bridge.” When the two wizards arrived to look at the bridge that’s what it clearly was, a bridge. Kraan said, “Back that way I saw a path that led up but I’m not sure how far it goes, Hevaar go find out, I will carry on with Wrecker here to find the origin of this disaster.” Hevaar nodded and walked off in the direction Kraan had said. Both Wrecker and Kraan were on alert, waiting for any sign of an ancient Elemental or any sign of a cause to the panic of the Dwarves. They reached what appeared to be an ancient staircase, which stretched down towards a black hulking mass of something they could only see the outline of. Wrecker said, “This cave is massive, I wonder how long it has been here.” Kraan said, “There is no knowing but I can feel something down that way, down the steps, it radiates with power, I think we found what caused the problem. They made their way down the steps, being very careful and both nearly falling to their death into chasms and rocky outcrops far below them. They reached the bottom of the stairs and were met by a massive set of stone doors littered with runes that Wrecker had no better understanding of than he had Dwarvish. Kraan looked at them and read through them saying as he saw them, “These runes are those of my order, the very beginning of the order at least when wizards took over the duty, they say this is a vault, housing many things but it does not have specifics.”
Wrecker said, “Well, let's go in and find out, might be a lot of gold who knows.” Kraan said, “That is not likely but, we’ll find out, I have not heard of this place before. None of my teachings told of this place but it dates towards the beginning, seems to be around the….oh no.” Wrecker asked, “What is it?” Kraan said, “This is a work of Shraag.” Wrecker said, “Shra- what?” Kraan looked at Wrecker and said, “Shraag. He was Keeper during that order, like me. We only know him now as Shraag the Forsaken. His crimes are the reason why we have stressed control over magic, and why we sometimes fail to use it, always in fear of overusing it. Hevaar knows all too well about his little problem, but he is learning.” Wrecker said, “So Shraag built this vault, then there must be something of importance here that he wanted to keep safe.” Kraan turned and opened the door while he said, “Or something he wanted to keep hidden, like an Elemental.” They entered the ancient building and they made their way through the maze of a building. They eventually reached a large open room. Wrecker said, “This room is huge, the building did not look this big on the outside.” Kraan said, “Shraag is a master builder, he designed our towers before he fell, he also was a foreseer. He could see into the future and some say this is why he went mad, too many terrible things were to happen, he tried to kill all races but he was stopped. That was when we settled on only nine, before we had hundreds following the teachings of the Elementals, now we only have nine and it is passed down through blood, and if there is no kin to pass on to, they will stay until there is. Immortality is dull and you lose yourself in it, I understand that now which is why we try to pass it on within a timely manner.” As they made their way through the room Wrecker was busy eyeing a door with a weird looking lock on it while Kraan scoured the walls.
The walls were covered in prophecies over the ages, Kraan noticed all of which had come true. Kraan said, “He was a foreseer, these events have come true, down to the day and year. This is incredible.” He looked on and on when he came to more modern events. He saw a depiction of a village being attacked by savage beasts, and a single man surviving. Kraan took interest in this and he kept following this path. He saw a robed figure saving the man, and the man following him, it was indeed Wrecker. Kraan looked over at Wrecker and back at the wall. He was interrupted by a door opening. Wrecker said, “I got the door opened, let's keep moving.” Kraan looked at the bottom of this prophecy, seeing the same lone figure surrounded in fire and followed by a large lizard like creature with fire erupting from its jaws. Kraan got a sinking feeling but he walked away from the wall, the image still burning in his head like the fire pictured. Wrecker asked when Kraan got to the door, “Find anything interesting?” Kraan said, “Not particularly, just some weird coincidences. Shraag was indeed one thing, he was right about events up to this point.” Kraan looked at the lock on the door as they passed. He asked, “How did you open the door, it has a lock.” Wrecker said, “I stuck my sword in it and pried around a bit, popped right open.” The sinking feeling in Kraans gut returned with Wrecker saying that. Kraan wondered, ‘Was Wrecker the one in the prophecy, is this a mistake What is to happen?’ His thoughts were disrupted by another door with yet another lock and runes above the door. Wrecker went to draw his sword when Kraan stopped him. Kraan read the runes aloud, “First locked by blade, last locked by blood. Only the prophesized may enter and stay.” The hole in the lock was around the same as a hand and arm, Kraan said, “It wants a sample of blood, of one prophesized on the wall.” Wrecker removed a gauntlet and said, “Well, shall we try? If it doesn’t work, I’ll stick my blade in this one and try it again.” Kraan said, “Let me go first, in case its a trap.” Wrecker nodded, Kraan rolled up a sleeve and he stuck his arm into the hole, he felt something sharp pierce his arm and he winced. He took his arm out of the hole, seeing two clear puncture marks on his arm, the door stayed closed.
Wrecker said, “My turn, looks like a serpent bite if you ask me.” Wrecker slowly put his hand into the hole which was elbow deep. Wrecker got his arm all the way in and felt the same piercing wound. He pulled his arm out, the door rumbled and started to glow around the edges. Kraan was thrown backwards, through the entire hallway and back into the main room. The first door slammed shut, and the one in front of Wrecker opened. Wrecker continued on, curious as to what his prophecy is. He walked down an extremely long hallway, with corridors pathing out in each direction. Above the paths there were many markings, in many different languages including Common Tongue. He was busy looking around when he saw a light emanating from one of the sidepaths far ahead. When he got to that path he looked above and he saw his name. He walked down the path and was met with a door that had writing around it, “Only he may enter when the light hath been shone.” He pushed the door open and he entered a room. The room was small and it was circular. In the center stood a hooded figure, dressed in dark black flowing robes, with red accents all along the seams and the hood. The face of the figure could not be seen, but it knew Wrecker was there. Wrecker drew his sword and the figure said with a voice that rivaled the cold of winters as it was icy and seemed to bite into his ears like a cold wind. The figure said, “Stay your blade warrior, you have a prize to gain.”
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