《Tyny Tales》The Average Man


Bob sauntered towards the village walls. His heavy boots thumped against the ground as he dragged along the giant boar corpse, and unbeknownst to him, it had left quite the trail behind him. Or perhaps he didn't care, who was for certain? Certainly not Bob, that was certain at least, not.

A fellow walked over to greet Bob. He was tall, young and handsome, though not as tall as Bob, and Bob wasn't so young or handsome.

In fact, when the youngster walked up to Bob he noted that Bob wasn't so young, and that he was perfectly average looking, save for the giant boar.

As Bob was opening his mouth to exchange a greeting, the younger fellow cut him off with a whistle.

"Well now, is that boar sleeping or is it dead?" He asked, leaning onto his spear as he did so.

"What's the difference?" Bob asked in his older, average voice.

"You don't wake up when you're dead." The young fellow smirked.

"Some dead do." Bob remarked, as he had some runnings with undeads previously.

"Aye, not without dark magics."

"I suppose that's the difference then." Bob remarked with a shrug.

The young fellow thought for a moment. Then he shrugged and nodded. "I suppose that is." He said, offering a handshake. "Jeman. You can call me Gee for short."

Bob shook their hand. "You're not so short. Above average by far."

"I suppose you are as well." The boy chuckled. "What's your name, traveler?" He asked.


"Aye, no shit? We've got a Bob as well. Well, Bobberon, but everyone calls him Bobb."

"Aye, well it'd be a pleasure to meet with Bobb." Bob said, smiling to himself. He always enjoyed meeting others with the same name as him. Made him feel as though he had a large family.


"What brings you here anyway, Bob." Asked Jeman, a curious going within his eye. After all, travellers rarely came to Tyny, most preferred Bigton which was a town about half a day's walk.

"Oh I've come to sell off this giant boar, and to settle down. Ya see I've come from the war."

"The war? Bigfellas war?"

Bob nodded. "Aye, that's the one. Was a, uh, officer or the like in it.

"An officer? Like a proper sir?" Jeman straightened up.

"Oh no, no, no, nothing like a proper sir. They said I was a, uh, it sounded like your name. A Jemenai, Jemanal, something like that."

"Oh? Sounds important." Jeman nodded.

"Aye, they said I should settle down now that I'm an ill, but I ain't feeling so I'll."

"Aye? You don't look ill, that's for certain."

"Certainly. They said if I preferred to be barren and I told 'em no of course not, I ain't barren, I'm full."

"Oh really?"

"Aye, they did." Bob nodded. "Then they asked if I wanted to be a duck, but I told them I had it, that's why I couldn't be barren."

"Aye? What did they say."

"They said I could be a duck, though I'm not a duck, I'm a man. I didn't want to correct them, the King was watching and all, and I didn't mean to be rude."

"You me the King?"

"Aye I have. Great honours and all. Says I was a great Jemenal, and would be a great duck. If King says I'm a great duck, supposed that I am then."

"Aye, supposed you are. Well welcome Bob, I'll get you sorted with the chieftain. His name is Bobeross."

"Another Bob?"

"Certainly not, don't be silly. He's Ross." Jeman stated matter of factory.

"Ah, certainly." Bob nodded, and then he shook his head. "Not a Bob."

Certainly perhaps he could have been, if the others wished for it. Still, the others were fine with Ross, so be it. Bob then entered the Tyny village, and found himself being stared at for a few moments before the residents thought of him as perfectly average, except for the giant boar.

They assumed he picked it up from some guards protecting a caravan, as Bob didn't beat the creature himself, certainly not.

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