《The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds》Chapter 20: Dream Points


Okami woke up and realized that he was back in the Naruto world. His Pokemon surrounded him and he felt their sincere concern as he heard their voices inside his mind.

"I'm okay, everyone. A protagonist will never die prematurely," Okami exclaimed as he stood up and patted their heads one at a time. After a few minutes, they were seated on their corresponding positions as they waited for Okami to serve them.

Okami chuckled when he became their waiter. "We still have to wait for someone. A friend of mine is going to join us for dinner."

The Pokemon were restless and they began playing with each other again. Okami shook his head and checked on his Pokemon App.

Pokemon App Update 1.1 New Feature - Prophetic Jutsu, courtesy of Dialga Prophetic Jutsu - A unique Jutsu. Only an emissary can do it. Requires Dream Points to activate. How to earn Dream points (DP)

1) Releasing Duplicated Pokemon.

2) Breeding Pokemon.

3) Evolving Pokemon.

4) Winning Battles. Dialga's Hallucinating Dragons - Requires 50 DP

Can reveal fake plots. Connects oneself to other consciousness and let them see the fake plots. Does not change reality. Dialga's Minor Prophecy - Requires 100 DP per activation

Can reveal minor immediate plots. Connects oneself to other consciousness and let them see the minor immediate plots. Dialga's Major Prophecy - Requires 250 DP per activation

Can reveal major immediate plots. Connects oneself to other consciousness and let them see the immediate major plots. Dialga's Eye of the Seer - Requires 500 DP

Can reveal major future plots. Connects oneself to other consciousness and let them see the future plots.

Dialga's Time Traveller - Requires 500 DP

Can reveal major past plots. Connects oneself to other consciousness and let them see the past plots.

You earned 10 DP by evolving Caterpie into Metapod.

You earned 10 DP by evolving Weedle into Kakuna.

You earned 100 DP by evolving Metapod into Butterfree.

You earned 100 DP by evolving Kakuna into Beedrill.

You earned 50 PP by winning against Rinan Hyuga. You have 270 DP.

270 DP was deducted because of using Palkia's Barrier prematurely. Palkia's skills to be updated on the next update.

Meeting the mysterious God will need random DP.

Okami questioned the creativity of Dialga as he saw the absurdity of the Prophetic Jutsu. Since he had to battle and level up his Pokemon to get stronger, he might as well abuse this power to create a stronger image in Konoha.

He was about to take a bite to alleviate his hunger for a bit when he saw Naruto with his Vulpix.

"Hello, Naruto. You're pretty late today. Something happened along the way?"

Naruto placed Kyuubi on the ground and the two Vulpixes immediately played with one another. He giggled when he saw that his partner had a playmate with the same species. He turned around, this time facing Okami. "Sorry, Okami. I was delayed. Mizuki-sensei talked with me a while ago."

Okami remembered the prompt he saw back then but was unable to fully analyzed the details. He wanted to verify what changes Kurama's chakra did to Naruto's Vulpix aside from the things he saw. The Pokemon App appeared before him and scanned Naruto's Vulpix, finding out that it was no longer the Kanto Vulpix he was familiar with but it became another variant of Vulpix. The Pokemon App even said that the Altered Pokemon have legendary grading. If that was the case, then its Ninetales form could be just like that of Kurama, only smaller in size.


"Hey, Okami. You are staring at Kyuubi really hard. Don't tell me you want to get him back?!" Naruto exclaimed in shock as if he found the most shocking truth of all time.

"Don't be stupid, Naruto. Like I've told you the first time you have received your Vulpix, a Pokemon will never leave you unless you release it."

"Ah. Sorry. I just thought you were thinking bad things towards my Pokemon. You looked at him just like how Sakura-chan looked at stupid Sasuke."

"Eh? Was I staring that hard?"

"Yup. Anyway, I'm really hungry." Naruto saw lots of cup noodles on the table and cheered. "Yes! You're the best!"

Naruto took one and opened the cup noodles as he went towards the kitchen counter. He then poured hot water from the thermostat and covered it with a platter. "I'm really famished. I think I could finish them all."

Okami sneered, expecting that he would say it. "Come everyone. It's time to eat dinner."

The Pokemon positioned themselves as they waited for Okami.


Okami then distributed the food around and they began eating voraciously. As if not enough, they had their second fill and was still not contented. Okami had not yet eaten but the foods were almost gone. Just like a parent, he then sacrificed himself and let them eat the rest of the food as he settled for a cup noodle.

"Are you not hungry?" Naruto slurped down his noodles and burped.

Okami shook his head and eat his noodles peacefully. Soon, they were done with their dinner and Okami cleaned the table while Naruto did the dishes. It was now 8 pm.

"Thank you for tonight, Okami. Don't worry, I'll treat you dinner some other time."

"No worries. So how is your class?"

Naruto slumped on the chair. "I failed to graduate, Okami. I've failed the exam for the third time. I...I tried practicing but I was not able to do a proper Bunshin no Jutsu. Out of the possible things they could test me, it just happened to be one where I am worst with. But, heh...I'm gonna prove to them that I deserve to graduate this time."

"You were talking about a certain Mizuki having a friendly conversation with you earlier?" Okami realized that it was already that time when Mizuki will deceive Naruto to get the forbidden scroll. Somehow he did not want to stop Naruto from stealing it because this was the only means for Naruto to learn the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. But he made sure that he would use this situation to help Naruto and make an impression to Hiruzen at the same time. He wondered if he could earn some brownie points and get some resources.

"Naruto, do you hate Iruka-sensei after he failed you?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know why he always picks on me but I tried my best. I wish I graduated..."

"Do you trust me, Naruto?"

Naruto felt that Okami was serious and nodded. "You're my first friend, Okami. Of course, I trust you."


"Then do you believe me when I say Iruka-san considers you as one of his excellent students even though you're not good in his class?"

"No. How could I believe that when he failed me in the exam?"

"Trust me, Naruto. Remember, you are a part of Konoha. You are one of us, okay? Whatever happens, I'm here as your friend."

Naruto bit his lips as he stopped himself from crying. "Thank you, Okami. I'll show you that I can graduate. Believe me."

"Then are you going home?"

Naruto hesitated for a bit. "Well, I still have to do something important. Got to go."

Okami saw Naruto ran away after unsummoning his Vulpix. He knew exactly where Naruto's destination was - the Hokage Tower - to steal the Forbidden Scroll.

Okami turned around and talked to all of his Pokemon through his mind. He told them his plans and what to do so as to execute it more smoothly. This time, he knew he had to play a little bit dangerously. As a Pokemon Emissary, he had to do this.


After doing the Sexy no Jutsu against Hiruzen, Naruto moved towards where the scrolls were kept. He looked for the exact scroll that was described by Mizuki and after a few minutes of searching, he found the thing he needed.

"Yes! Mizuki-sensei said that this will be the key for me to graduate the exam. I must find the place Mizuki-sensei said to open this scroll and learn its secret."


Iruka was restless as he lied down on his bed. He remembered how his parents died on that terrible night. The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox devastated Konoha and created lots of orphans as a result of his attack, and he was one of those unfortunate kids that became one.

"Naruto, what should I do with you..."

Iruka sighed as he sat down on his bed. "Am I being harsh on Naruto? Did I really have to do that? I really don't know if - "


Iruka was surprised when he heard the urgent sound of knocking against his door. "Who is it?"

He opened the door and saw Mizuki who was clearly anxious.

"Iruka! Naruto...hah...Naruto..."

"What is it? What's wrong, Mizuki? What about Naruto?"

Mizuki stopped talking for a few seconds to catch with his breathing. "We must go to Hokage-sama's place! Naruto...has taken the scroll of the forbidden seal as a prank!"

"What?!" Iruka could not believe what he was hearing from Mizuki. He immediately went inside his room and wore his uniform. As he went outside, he noticed that Mizuki was not around anymore. "Where could he be?"

Iruka leaped from rooftop to rooftop as he thought of Naruto's whereabouts. He reached the dead end and was about to turn right when he saw Okami who was also running. Based on his direction, he knew that the kid's destination was Hiruzen's place as well. He jumped down and landed just beside Okami.

"Okami-kun! Where are you going?"

Okami looked at his left and saw Iruka. "Iruka-san! Luckily, I've found you! Something will happen tonight!"

"Yeah, I know. Naruto...he has stolen a dangerous scroll inside the Hokage's tower. I must go to the Hokage's place at once."

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up! I can clearly see many ninjas on Hokage's front door."

Iruka nodded and started running. Soon, they arrived at the Hokage's place.

"Yes, that is a dangerous scroll forbidden by the previous Hokage. If used in a certain way, it could cause incredible danger," Hiruzen shouted as he looked around. "It's been half a day since the scroll was taken. We must hurry and find Naruto."


Everyone dispersed throughout the village to look for one person - Naruto. Okami joined Iruka as they looked around the village. Okami waited for Iruka to decide to find Naruto in the forest. This would be the key to execute the first phase of his plan.

Both of them were exhausted after running for an hour. Iruka started to get hopeless when he thought of a possible location where Naruto could hide.

"Okami-kun. Please go back and inform Hokage-sama that I will be searching inside the forest."

Okami widened his eyes and slapped his forehead. "Iruka-san, he might be actually in the forest right now. Remember what I've told you at the hospital after I've fainted back at the Hokage's office?"

"What do you mean?" Iruka frowned as he tried recalling the events that happened that day. He gasped when he recalled the exact prophecy that Okami was referring to. "Shit! I forgot about that. I'd be hurt protecting Naruto, right?"

"Yes, Iruka-san. And someone with a white shoulder-length hair with a slight hint of blue to it and green eyes is the culprit."

Iruka analyzed what happened earlier and connected the dots. "Is it really Mizuki?"

"Mizuki? Naruto was telling me about him when we were having our dinner a while ago. He said that Mizuki had a conversation with him after you failed him."

"What?! Are you sure?"

"Totally. He acted as if he was in a hurry after our dinner."

Iruka had still some doubts about it because Mizuki was his friend. Nevertheless, he did some countermeasure and prepare for any assaults in case Okami was right about him. It was a clear betrayal against Konoha if Mizuki was the one who convinced Naruto to steal the scroll.

"I'll be leaving right now. Please inform Hokage-sama about the prophecy and ask for reinforcement. I need to hurry up; Naruto might be in danger."

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