《The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds》Chapter 19: Plan



Okami followed the source of the voice and saw Tomiro who was carrying a big package. He was surprised to know that it was almost lunchtime. Waving his hands, he gestured Tomiro to come inside.

Tomiro walked through the vacant yard and noticed that the Pokemon ignored him as if he was a nuisance. With a dejected look, he gave the package to Okami as soon as he arrived beside him. "Your order."

"Thank you, Tomiro-san."

Tomiro saw the piece of paper that Okami was holding. "You studying?"

Okami nodded. "Some pieces of stuff that ninjas have to learn. But don't fret. Follow your parent's wish and avoid it. You can still protect people using Pokemon, I promise you."

"But you've told me earlier that Pokemon trainers still need chakra when in 'Absorb' mode. The thing is, I want to learn more about chakra and how I can increase it to become more effective."

"Don't worry-Tomiro-san. I'll teach you about it," Okami offered as he gave a beaming smile, even though he did not have a clue as to how to increase his chakra except cheat through Kurama.

"I can't wait." Tomiro bowed down towards Okami, and said, "Thank you for doing this, Okami-kun."

"Don't bow down before me, Tomiro-san. Besides, you still have to become one so don't thank me yet."

Tomiro scratched his head. "Are you still going to continue selling pastries and cakes?"

"Maybe. But what I want is to build a shop that is related to Pokemon."

"Can I work under you if you finished creating one? I can do deliveries and be your assistant."

Okami paused for a bit, thinking that he indeed need a worker under him if he would like to have enough time training his Pokemon. Just like the Pokemart in the games, he could hire Tomiro to become the cashier who sells Pokeballs, potions, and several status relievers like antidotes and burn heal. But he still had to unlock the Pokemart tab. He summoned the Pokemon App and checked the requirements.

Pokemon Center - Unlockable when you own 10 Pokemon. Requirements:

1) Hire someone to become the Pokemon Center receptionist.

2) Own a Chansey. Pokemart - Unlockable when Pokemon Center is achieved. Requirements:

1) 1,000 Pokemon Points. These points will be used to exchange for items that will be sold in your shop. (10 Pokeballs, 10 Antidotes, 10 Potion, 10 Paralyze Heal)

2) After the initial Pokemon Points is attained, you may then redeem items from the Pokemart inside the Pokemon App using Pokemon Points.

Okami almost wanted to curse when he saw the high PP required to get the Pokemart. He wondered why it was necessary for him to replicate the things found in the games and Anime. After analyzing things, he decided that redeeming a Chansey as part of his ten pokemon would be his priority. He wanted to know if the Pokemon App would reveal what he needed to do in order to unlock Chansey in the redeemable list. He sighed when the Pokemon App had no answer.

"Is that the Pokemon App?" Tomiro interrupted Okami's ruminations.

"Yes, Tomiro-san. And with regards to your inquiry, I indeed need several assistants to help me with the shop. I'll just inform you about it when I am done."


"Thank you, Okami-kun."

"By the way, can you help me find someone to work as a receptionist? Anyone will do."

"Sure. I'll inform Owner as well."

"Baki-san? He'd be a great help. Thank you, Tomiro-san."

They bade their goodbyes and Tomiro left. Okami organized his thoughts and analyzed how the Pokemon App operated. If his hunch was correct, then the best way to redeem a Chansey was to befriend someone working in a hospital. Since he had visited the place several times, then it was easy for him to set an appointment. His target - the female nurse that attended to him the first time he fainted.

As for getting the 1,000 Pokemon Points, the best way to earn it was by befriending people, which had to be at least 13 people if 100 PP per friend was consistent. At the same time, the lists of redeemable Pokemon would become larger, thus easier for him to unlock more Pokemon in the future. Turning people into a Pokemon trainer was severely limited since he could just do it twice per week unless he increased his owned pokemon. He needed to have the extra Pokemon Points to redeem the three remaining pokemon to fulfill the requirements.

Okami was engrossed with his thoughts, not noticing that Team Akira was behind him already.

Akira coughed lightly to catch Okami's attention. When Okami turned around, he gave him a friendly smile. "Okami-kun. We are done cleaning the house, including the roofs, ceilings, walls, tables, chairs, and the backyard. I don't know why but Koga is really enthusiastic about it. He almost did all the workload."

Okami chuckled. "Well, I think you are just in time for lunch. Please accept my thanks and eat with me. I have ordered a lot today for our lunch."

"Thank you, Okami-kun. I'm hella hungry like a pig," Nori exclaimed as she danced around. "Hah! Come on! Hurry up."

"Like a pig? You are a pig," Rinan muttered to himself.

"What did you say?!"

"Nothing. I said I'm hungry as well."


Okami set the food on the table, which was wide enough to contain all the foods he had ordered. He called all his Pokemon and they moved as fast as they could towards Okami. Of course, the first one to arrive was Abra and the last one was the poor Paras. He then gave them their favorite foods, which elicited happy cries from the Pokemon.

"So cute!" Nori wished to feed Vulpix but she hesitated when she remembered that pokemon could fight. She looked at Okami and asked, "Can I feed the fox?"

"The fox is called Vulpix and he is a male. Yes, you can feed him but just one chocolate cupcake after he has finished eating one," Okami explained as he grabbed one and offered it to Nori. "Here."

"Thank you."

Koga looked at the bugs and asked, "Can I feed the bugs?"

"Okay," Okami helplessly agreed when he felt the strong aura from Koga as if he would be murdered by him if he said no. He picked the tuna sushi. "Here."


Koga was smiling as he took the food and approached Beedrill and Butterfree.

Okami wondered what Koga was thinking when he smiled earlier, suspecting that he was planning to inject poison stings onto his poor brothers again. He remembered something and called Koga's attention. "By the way, Paras is a bug as well."

Koga turned around, and his smile was getting wider when he saw the claws. "Paras?"

"Yes. The one with two mushrooms on its head."


Okami shook his head. "Well, everyone let's eat."

Akira and Rinan took their seats as they ignored their teammates.


Everyone had their fill. There were still some foods untouched which Okami kept inside the fridge. Akira wanted to help but Okami insisted that he had to do it alone because he was the host. He did the dishes and cleaned the area.

"Thank you, Akira-san. With your help, I can now proceed with my plan and prepare things accordingly." Okami extended his right hand for a handshake, which Akira received happily.

"It is the ninja's duty to fulfill whatever mission we receive. We are glad that you are satisfied," Akira replied and released the handshake. "So if you don't mind, I'm just curious about something."

"What is it, Akira-san?"

"Are you living alone? Where is your family?"

"Oh, they're gone. I'm an orphan," Okami answered with a smile on his face.

Akira ceased his smiling and scratched his head. Nori stopped being playful and bit her lips. Even Koga and Ronan were shocked at his revelation.

"Sorry, Okami-kun. It was rude of me to ask that." Akira felt unsure of what to say. Luckily, he heard Okami replying with, "It's okay. I've come to terms with it. After all, I have my Pokemon to accompany me."

"You're a strong boy, Okami-kun," Akira replied.

"Thank you for saying that. Anyway, I'd like to invite every one of you when my shop will have its grand opening. Are you free to go?"

Everyone accepted the invitation.

"How can I contact you?"

"Just tell me directly. I'll be visiting the bugs every day, anyway." Koga answered as if it was already a foregone conclusion.

"And I will visit to challenge the Pokemon. I still have something to settle with them," Rinan answered as if Okami had no choice.

"I'll be visiting since the two is doing it as well," Nori added.

"Then I have no choice but to visit here to fetch these unruly kids so as to make sure they are doing their training properly," Akira commented as well.

Okami was glad when he thought that there would be more visitors to accompany him. The kids were not bad, and Akira was a nice guy as well. If he could befriend them, that would be 400 Pokemon Points. He knew that it was bad for him to have this mindset but he could not help it, even though he was sincere in making friends with them now.

Team Akira bade their goodbyes and left the gate.

The Pokemon kept on playing as Okami sat down on the chair he grabbed earlier. He continued practicing hand seals and was pleased to know that he could do it without committing a mistake. He needed to practice more so that doing hand seals would become more natural to him.

The afternoon went by as Okami studied the notes until it was 5 PM. Okami knew that Naruto was on his way to his house because Naruto promised him that he would be visiting today. That was the only reason why he ordered lots of cup noodles aside from his usual foods. He prepared the thermostat that contained hot water and set the table. He was about to call the Pokemon when he suddenly fainted.


[Wake up, kid.]

Okami massaged his head and grumbled when he saw the familiar place. "Why am I back here?"

[Is it bad to say hello once in a while?]

"It's okay as long as you do it in my most convenient time. What if I fainted while urinating on the street?"

[Then, too bad if everyone sees your Caterpie inside your pants. Anyway, Arceus and I had time discussing the bullshit prophetic Jutsu you introduced to the Naruto world.]

"What about it? I thought I am allowed to do so?"

[Yes, we allowed it because we don't have the power to stop you from revealing things. But there are rules that the High God set which you can't cross and we don't want you to be severely punished because of your ignorance. Because of that, we asked Arceus' friend to turn your bullshit Jutsu into a real one - the Prophetic Jutsu. We created these rules regarding this Jutsu. This time, you have to collect Dream Points in order to safely reveal things in the most appropriate way.]

"Arceus' friend? Who is it?"

[Dialga, the Dragon God who controls time.]

"You were talking about Dream Points the other day. How can I collect Dream Points?"

[Refer to the Pokemon App when you return to the Naruto world.]

"Right. Well, this is pretty convenient. In other novels that I've read when I was on Earth, mostly they are not allowed to tell the people about future events."

[Remember, I personally don't care if you change the future as long as you don't cross High God's bottom line. After all, this is just one of the parallel worlds of the Naruto world. Whatever happens here remains in this timeline. Besides, you are sent in this world to become an emissary of the Pokemon world and become an established powerhouse here, not to save this world.]

"Are you trying to say that even if I become an Akatsuki member, I will still pass the assessment as long as I fulfill the requirements?"

[If you have the guts to kill Naruto and the others, then go on and unleash your evil.]

"That...that's a thing that I should think about."

[Then go back. Remember, use your time well. The clock is ticking.]

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