《The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds》Chapter 15: The Deal (3)


All of them took a seat and waited for their food. Soon, someone entered the room and whispered on Inoichi's ear. He was surprised when he heard Kakashi and Okami were together with Naruto.

"Hey, children. One of your classmates will be eating with us." Inoichi called the kids' attention.

Yamanaka Ino stared at her father and held his hand. "Is it Sasuke?"

"The world will come to an end if he decides to join us tonight," Shikamaru replied sarcastically as he leaned against the wall. "What time will they arrive, Inoichi-ojisan? I still have to sleep early. Too bothersome."

Inoichi chuckled when he saw Shikamaru's lazy antics. He had been with the Nara descendants for many years and he was used to how they act, including Shikaku and his son. "I hope they're not that late."

Shikaku drank another cup of sake. "I am hopeless about Kakashi but I'm sure the kid will be on time."

"I agree. I've got a good impression on that boy," Choza added.

"As long as it is not Naruto, then it will be okay," Ino remarked as she hugged her father.

The three men looked at each other and sighed.

"Ino, actually it is Naruto. You've got to treat the kid with goodness, okay? Remember, he is an orphan." Inoichi reminded his daughter as he hugged her back.

"I tried. But he's annoying, loud, and a stupid kid who wants to play pranks on people."


"Okay, Dad. I'll try."

Inoichi patted her head. "That's my daughter."

Shikamaru closed his eyes and waited for the food to arrive while Shikaku almost emptied the jug that contained sake. Choza was discussing with Choji about his failed assignments yesterday.

They waited for about ten minutes before the food arrived. There was sushi and skewered barbecues served in large platters. The jug was refilled with sake, which brought Shikaku much joy and started drinking once again.

Their actions were halted by the sudden arrival of Kakashi, Naruto, and Okami.

"Ah, hello everyone. Sorry, we're a little late. Took many detours along the way." Kakashi scratched his head as he ushered the two boys inside the room.

"No, Kakashi. We did expect you to be late but you are just on time for dinner." Shikaku chuckled as he drank another cup of sake.

Ino pointed at Naruto and screamed, "Why is it you, Naruto?!"

Shikamaru grumbled. "Too bothersome."

The Akimichi duo just started eating the food without minding them.

Inoichi facepalmed when he saw how her daughter reacted. It was just a few minutes ago when they discussed Naruto and somehow his advice was forgotten.

Shikaku took pity on Naruto and tried dispersing the awkward situation going on. "Hello, Naruto-kun. I'm Shikaku Nara, Shikamaru's father. It's a pleasant surprise to see you here. Take a seat and eat everything you want."

Naruto's face reddened as he positioned himself between Okami and Kakashi. "Thank you, Shikaku-ojisan. And Shikamaru! You have the same hair as your dad!"


"Hello, Naruto." Shikamaru greeted his noisy classmate.

Choji chewed another piece of meat as he waved his hand.

"Hah! You still eat a lot, Choji." Naruto remembered what Shikaku told him earlier and got excited. "Can I really eat anything I want here?"

"Yes, and you can summon your Vulpix as well. You're not the only Pokemon Trainer here in this room," Shikaku informed him as refilled his cup with sake.

Naruto eyes widened when he heard Shikaku. "How did you know I have Vulpix?"

"Pokemon are not meant to be hidden, Naruto." Okami was the one who answered as he explained how Shikaku and the others knew Naruto's Pokemon starter.

"I see." Naruto summoned his Vulpix and grinned. "Everyone, meet Kyuubi."

Shikaku spurted the sake that was on his mouth. The liquid was splattered all over Inoichi's face, who was exhibiting a strange look on his face.

Choza was somewhat gasping for breath as he was choked by the meat he had eaten. Concerned, Choji hurriedly grabbed sake and offered to his father, who gladly accepted it.

Kakashi just stared at Naruto, speechless after hearing the unexpected name of his Vulpix.

Okami wanted to laugh out loud just because their reactions were too funny for him. He never saw this in the Anime and Shikaku spurting his sake like a Squirtle attacking with Water Gun was priceless. If they only knew that Kurama was actually inside Vulpix as well, then he was sure they would shat in their pants.

Luckily, Ino shrieked like a banshee, which somewhat eased up the awkward atmosphere. "That's so cute! Can I hug Kyuubi, Naruto?"

Naruto was bewildered with how they reacted but became happy when he heard Ino. At least someone was interested with his partner. "As long as Kyuubi complies."

Vulpix gave a slight nod, stood up from Naruto's arms, and jumped down. He strutted on his way towards Ino while his chins were lifted high.

Ino embraced Kyuubi while rubbing her face against the Pokemon. "Ah...so fluffy. So beautiful. What kind of pet is this? I want to have one."

"You have to ask Okami-kun about that," Inoichi interjected after cleaning his face with a towel. "Okami, meet my princess, Ino. Shikamaru is Shikaku's son and Choji's the other one. They are all Naruto's classmate."

"Hello, Ino-chan, Shikamaru-kun, Choji-kun." Okami greeted them, his heart beating fast because he was now talking with one of the known future team of ninjas. "I'm happy to see you all."

Shikaku and Choji greeted back as they both stared at Vulpix. Ino gave Okami a curious glance as she continued petting Kyuubi.

"Hello, I am Okami Okaya from the Ketchum clan. This little pet you see right now is a Pokemon, one of the unique summons of our clan." Okami then explained all the intricacies about Pokemon just like the way he explained it to Naruto.

"Okami did not tell you this but I have a Pokemon, as well," Inoichi declared as he summoned Zubat, who was happily flying above him. He was expecting his daughter to scream like a fangirl but what he heard was a shrill shriek from a horror movie.


"Dad! Why is your Pokemon a bat?!" Ino stood up and stayed far away from Inochi. "Why can't you have a cute one like Kyuubi?"

Inoichi's eyes twitched, never expecting to hear the words 'cute' and 'Kyuubi' to be associated together. "Ino, Zubat is cute. Look at its pretty snout and beautiful wings. Inochi is perfect as he is."

Okami was hurt when he saw someone treated Zubat that way. "Zubat will not hurt you, Ino-chan. As a Pokemon specialist, I can assure you that they are better than humans when it comes to loyalty and treating their friends. In fact, they can perfectly understand human language and feelings that they tend to become more humane than humans."

Everyone was now looking at him in a different light.

Shikaku summoned Drowzee, which elicited another gasp from the kids. "I'm a Pokemon trainer, as well."

Choji looked at his dad, to which the latter replied, "Too bad, son. I'm not yet a Pokemon trainer due to some circumstances. Okami-kun promised me that I will have a Pokemon next week."

Shikamaru was bewildered when he saw Drowzee, who was eating the skewered barbecue with gusto. "Dad, why did you become a Pokemon trainer?"

Shikaku was pleased with his son's timely question. He knew that his son was intelligent just like him, except for the laziness part. He considered himself as hardworking when it comes to work, while other things he considered to be troublesome.

"Drowzee can determine what the enemies' Jutsus know, Shikamaru. His ability is neat, isn't it?"

"Cool. Do Kyuubi and Zubat have their own ability as well?"

"Yes. Every Pokemon have their ability, making them different from each other."

Shikamaru rubbed his chin and smiled. "Now I see why you decided to become a Pokemon trainer, Dad."

Ino gave Okami a pleading look and asked, "Can I become a Pokemon trainer as well, Okami-kun? Please let me become one."

"Sure, Ino-chan. If your father allows it, I can turn you into one but you still have to wait until I become stronger because my current power only allows me to turn two Pokemon trainers per week. I've promised several people already," Okami said as he took out his Pokemon App and verified some things with regards to the limitations of the Pokemon Duplicator.

Limitations of the Pokemon Duplicator Duplication can only be done once per Pokemon. The number of times you can duplicate pokemon increases proportionately with the number of Pokemon you own. Current Possible Duplication Number per Pokemon: 2

Number of Pokemon needed to increase the duplication number by one: 10. The only aspect you can control in duplicating a Pokemon is gender.

Okami was glad that he could control the gender. With this, he could duplicate his Pokemon into a couple and let them breed, If their population increased, he could then release some of them into the wilderness to grow naturally.

He was about to close the Pokemon App when he saw that the Poke Offering tab was blinking.

Congratulations on creating another Pokemon trainer, Shikaku Nara.

You earned 50 PP. Congratulations on befriending Iruka Imuno.

You earned 50 PP. Due to befriending Iruka, a new set of Pokemon can be redeemed with the use of Pokemon Points. Available Pokemon: Paras (50 PP), Weedle (50 PP)

Okami exchange all his Pokemon Points and redeemed Paras and Weedle into his lists of owned of Pokemon. He knew the transaction was completed when he felt the familiar feeling every time he exchanged one. He wanted to show off and shifted his attention back to the group.

"Do you want to see all of my current Pokemon?"

Everyone nodded as they waited in anticipation.

Okami stood up and summoned everyone out. This time, there was a new addition to the group: Weedle and Paras.

Weedle Male Level 1 Type: Bug, Poison Skill: Poison Sting, String Shot

Ability: Run Away

Evolution: Level 7 (Kakuna), Level 10 (Beedrill) EV: Locked IV: Locked Paras Female Level 1 Type: Bug, Grass Skill: Scratch


Effect Spore - Contact may poison or cause paralysis or sleep.

Evolution:Level 24 (Parasect) EV: Locked IV: Locked

Okami noted that he currently possessed three Pokemon with Run Away ability. He remembered that the maximum Pokemon that can be absorbed simultaneously was three. He wanted to check the limitations behind 'Absorb' mode while he was on it, disregarding the curious looks that he was receiving.

Absorb Mode Abilities of Pokemon, when absorbed, are divided into Basic, Intermediate, and Master. All abilities start as Basic. When you absorb two Pokemon having the same ability, the level becomes Intermediate. When you absorb three Pokemon with the same abilities, the ability will become Master. When it reaches this level, additional effects will be added. Some abilities are already in its Master level. The best example is Nullification ones like Flash Fire and Lightningrod. The ability decreases its power by half when two Pokemon of different abilities are absorbed simultaneously, which is further halved if another Pokemon with different ability is absorbed. Others with nullification damage (Flash Fire) will lose its ability and become resistances (half resistant to damages) and will further be halved if another Pokemon with different ability is absorbed.

Okami further investigated and found out that the skills were also treated as such when in Absorb mode. He was all the more interested and wanted to try the Run Away skill. Luckily, he was just together with the people who were best in binding enemies: the Ino-Shika-Cho.

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