《The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds》Chapter 16: Team Akira (1)


Okami further investigated and found out that the skills were also treated as such when in Absorb mode. He was all the more interested and wanted to try the Run Away skill. Luckily, he was just together with the people who were best in binding enemies: the Ino-Shika-Cho.

"Uhm, Shikaku-Ojisan."

"Yes, Okami-kun?"

Okami hesitated for a moment and sighed deeply. "Forget it."

"Do you need anything from me?"

"You are right, Shikaku-ojisan." Okami gathered all his strength and stated his wish. "I wanted to test something but I don't know if you have the time to spare."

"What is it?"

"You see, I wanted to try some Jutsu but I needed your help, particularly the binding Jutsus that you are known for."

Shikaku and the rest looked at each other. This time, Inoichi stepped forward as he petted his Zubat. "Indeed, Okami-kun. If you are talking about binding enemies, then we are the man that you are looking for. What Jutsu do you want to test?"

Okami grinned, this time he was more spirited as he uttered his request. "It's one of the abilities in 'Absorb' mode. I'd like to test the escaping strength of the 'Run Away'."

He then further explained what 'Run Away' does and the different levels of abilities when the Pokemon was absorbed by a trainer. What he wanted to find out was the actual capability of the different levels against a binding Jutsu in a real fight.

Shikaku analyzed what he had heard from Okami. He knew that three Pokemon was the limit in 'Absorb' mode but he did not know that the abilities could be affected by the types of abilities absorbed together. There were many things that he would like to ask but the time was not yet right. "No problem, Okami-kun. When would you like to do it?"

"How about five days from now? We can do the tests in my place and perform the ritual to turn Choza-ojisan into a Pokemon trainer at the same time. As you know, I'm still busy with the transfer this week."

"That's a good idea. This way I can let my son help you with the test."

Shikamaru grumbled. "Too bothersome."

"Hey, the food's getting cold. We still have to eat, you know?" Choza reminded them as he grabbed another skewered barbecue.

Everyone laughed. This time they all sat down and ate their meal as they fed the Pokemon as well.

After dinner, Okami, Kakashi, and Naruto bade their goodbyes and went outside. It was dark and the road was less crowded. They were chatting throughout the walk until they reached Naruto's house.

"Thank you for this wonderful night, Kakashi-san and Okami. I'm really full and I've got to save some money," Naruto said as he carried Vulpix. "This is my first time to eat together with a lot of people."

"Hey, we're friends. You don't have to be so sentimental about it," Okami grinned, knowing why Naruto was acting that way. "Don't worry. From now on, you can eat together with me and the rest of my Pokemon. Just bring your own food, okay?"


Kakashi chuckled when he heard their exchange. He was happy that Minato's son was having a friend. Looking at the time, he frowned and urged Naruto to enter his house. Naruto stuck out his tongue at him and went inside.

Okami snickered. They then went to his new place.

"There's a team that was assigned to do your request. They will be here tomorrow morning." Kakashi took out a piece of paper from his pocket and offered it to Okami. "Here, take this. I want you to study this before we start our training the day after."

"Thank you, Kakashi-sensei," Okami said as he accepted the paper. "Will you be coming here tomorrow?"

"No. There's a lot of things I have to finish tomorrow. You can rest assured that I will be on time on our lecture."

Okami wanted to barf when he heard Kakashi talking about being on time. "What time?"

"Around 8 am."

"Then see you, Kakashi-sensei."

Okami went inside the house as soon as Kakashi left the place. The place was eerily dark. Luckily there were several batteries, which were electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. He turned the switch on and the bulb lit. Even then, the creepiness factor of the place did not lessen and the place reminded him of a haunted house.

"Fortunately, Gastly and his evolution line do not yet exist here."

Okami went upstairs and spent almost an hour cleaning his room. He then did his evening rituals and set the beddings. Pleased that the place was now conducive to rest, he then summoned all his Pokemon. As soon as they appeared, they looked around and chose the area where they wanted to sleep. He laughed at their actions and he was delighted that there were Pokemon to accompany him even though he was alone in this world. He then plopped down the bed and went to sleep.


Okami woke up as soon as the alarm rang. Grumbling, he almost punched the alarm clock to make it stop and did his morning rituals. He changed into his usual white shirt, black shorts, and black shoes.

"Good morning, guys. Wake up! Time to move your butt!" Okami poked every Pokemon with his fingers. "Hey, you're no Abra and Snorlax. Come, don't sleep anymore. Come, time to take a bath. Everyone, come into the bathroom."

Abra opened his eyes and looked at Okami. He then disappeared and reappeared right behind him. Okami bathed him with water and rubbed his body with shampoo.

Caterpie nudged Weedle with her head, which elicited a muffled cry from the poison bug. Vulpix strutted towards the bathroom but was overtaken by the quick Rattata. Pidgey perched on the cabinet and waited. Paras was the last one to reach the line.

Soon, Okami was done grooming them and they all went downstairs. He cleaned the table and set the plates as he waited for the delivery to arrive. He went outside and saw someone carrying a big package.

"Hey, Tomiro-san. Good morning."

"Good morning, Okami. Good to see you," Tomiro greeted back as he approached Okami. "Here is your breakfast just as you ordered from Baki."


Okami smiled as he received the package. "Thank you. Would you like to join us for breakfast?"

Tomiro wiped his sweat as he ruffled his black hair. "I can't, Okami. There are still many foods deliveries I have to do but I appreciate the offer. And I still have to - "

Tomiro stopped talking when he saw Pidgey flying towards them and perched on Okami's head. He could not help but laugh.

Okami grinned. "Tomiro, meet Pidgey, my Pokemon summon."

Tomiro was wide-eyed when he heard this. Summon was a word that was strange to him and as far as he knew, only ninjas can do it. "Okami, you've hidden your abilities? You never told us that you are a ninja."

"You never asked. There are still lots of Pokemon inside. Wanna see them before you leave?"


Tomiro followed Okami and was flabbergasted when he saw the creatures who were sitting around the table. He turned around and asked, "What can they do?"

Okami explained everything about Pokemon and was very pleased when he saw Tomiro's reaction.

"Summons are so cool..." Tomiro uttered to himself as he sighed.

"Do you want to become a ninja?"

Tomiro smiled sadly as he scratched his head. "Yes. But my family forbade me to become one after two of my brothers died in a mission. They don't want me to be killed in a mission one day since I am the only one left. I wanted to learn Jutsus to protect my parents."

Okami understood his parents' sentiments even though he did not agree with them. He always knew Tomiro as a cheerful person but sometimes the most cheerful ones have their dark stories inside their closet. But he was aware that everyone had their own stories to tell, and no one was exempted from this reality.

Okami had a self-reflection and knew that he had treated everyone as if they were NPC with a mindset already programmed inside them. He became all the more disconnected with people when he heard that he was inside the Naruto world because he was under assessment. This was the first time he had a sincere conversation with someone after his adoptive parents died.

Okami knew he might be in trouble but he decided to help Tomiro fulfill his dream, not as a ninja, but as a Pokemon trainer so that he could protect his loved ones.

"Hey, Tomiro. Do you really want to become a ninja?"

"Of course, but I can't. I don't want to hurt my parents' feelings."

"Then how about you become a Pokemon trainer? As I said, I can let you become one."

Tomiro was shocked when he heard Okami's offer. "But..."

"Look. A ninja is different from a Pokemon trainer. Ninjas are living beings trained to kill and follow orders. But Pokemon trainers are not bound by killing. The truth is they exist because of two reasons: friendship and protection. It emphasizes on survivability rather than taking a life."

Tomiro was moved by Okami's speech and he was all the more interested to become a Pokemon trainer. "Can I really become one?"

"Yes. You can do it. I have the ability to turn you into one. Just tell me if you want to so that we can set a time to let you experience the power of being a Pokemon Trainer."

"How about now?"

"I thought you have lots of deliveries today?"

Tomiro slapped his forehead. "Crap! I forgot! When can we do it?"

"How about next week? Monday?"

"Sure. See you then. Bye."

Okami saw Tomiro running towards the gate. He laughed as he set the food on the table and allocated the corresponding food that each Pokemon loved. Soon, they were minding their own business, busy eating their breakfast.

After he was done, he did the dishes and waited for the ninjas to arrive as he let the Pokemon played inside the house.

"Hello! Anyone inside?"

Okami heard a deep voice from outside the door. He opened it and saw four ninjas.

The oldest one, which he suspected to be a Jounin, was wearing the standard Konoha infantry outfit just like that of Kakashi's. He was handsome to look at - blue eyes, blond hair and white complexion, which reminded him of a skinnier Chris Hemsworth.

"Hello. Are you Okami Okaya?" The Chris Hemsworth look-alike asked as he tilted his head.

"Yes. Are you the one who accepted my request?"

"Yes. I'm Akira Kanto, the team leader. Everyone, introduce yourselves."

A young Hyuga kid with long, black hair stepped forward. "Hyuga Rinan."

The black-haired female with glasses on her eyes approached them. "Hello, Okami-kun. I'm Nori Sakazaki, a Genin of Konoha"

The last kid with a white jacket and black shades went beside Nori. "Koga Aburame."

Akira facepalmed. "Can you two boys be more cheerful when you greet your client?"

Rinan snorted while Koga remained silent. Nori laughed boisterously as she held her stomach.

Akira looked at Okami with a defeated countenance. "Sorry, Okami-kun. I hope you are not offended."

"I'm not that easy to offend, Akira-san. Please enter."

Everyone followed him and stopped walking when they saw all the creatures that were moving inside the house.

"Sorry, everyone. They are all my Pokemon summons. Please don't mind them."

As soon as he heard the word 'summon', Rinan did a hand seal and said, "Byakugan!" He frowned when he discovered something inside the Pokemon. He released it and looked at Akira. "They have no chakra."

"Rinan, you are not allowed to do that when in front of our client unless they allow it," Akira reminded him.

"I agree with Rinan. My bugs are telling me that they don't sense any chakra from them as well."

Akira's frown became more prominent. "Koga."

"It's alright, Akira-san. Indeed, Pokemon don't have any chakra. But I assure you that they can fight."

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