《The World Close to Entropy》Institutional Archives I: Foundation of the Institution


The Institute of Humanity was founded by Dr. Lazarus Greenwich and the notable 100 professionals in the fields of Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, and Human Sciences in the year 2021. At the year 2021, many advancements in human technology and knowledge has been documented since the establishment of the Institution.

The founder, Dr. Lazarus Greenwich, was the son of late Director of UA Exo-Nuclear Research Institute Gerald Greenwich and Lead Researcher of Scientific Anomaly Research Dr. Lazara Venia. He graduated at the MIT with the bachelor’s degree on astrobiology in 2012, and took his masters and doctoral degree in Extraterrestrial Biology and Anomalous Material Science, respectively in the following years.

Dr. Lazarus’ legacy started when he first discovered an anomaly, a ‘Zero-Entropy’ region at the Arctic region and exactly aligned to the North Star Polaris on January 27, 2020 during his first Arctic expedition for the United Climate Protection Program. His surveyor team examined the region, and the region appears to be leading to another ‘spatial’ system of varying environments. The team ended their investigation after 3 days due to the sudden disappearance of the anomaly. Dr. Lazarus was able to recreate the anomaly in a simulated environment, with the help of numerous professionals they established a special laboratory powered by a Hadron-Collider generator under the Manhattan City in [REDACTED] 2020. He and his team was able to successfully recreate the ‘Zero-Entropy’ region in a laboratory, extending their research on ‘extraterrestrial spatial’ systems. At [REDACTED] 2021, Dr. Lazarus and his team created the Quantum Core System, a complicated computer system able to store extensive amount of data that is comparable to the Ultra-Matrioska System project of the United Alliance Intelligence Division based from the limitless [REDACTED] of the Zero-Entropy environment. At this point, Dr. Lazarus pledge to share the discoveries they made along with his hundred colleagues to the whole humanity, founding the Institution of Humanity (or simply, the Institution).


The Institution created several laboratories around the globe that is being run by the Proton-Hadron Collider, each with systems connected to the main Quantum Core. The laboratories are able to power up cities where they are established, but due to security reasons the laboratories were kept in secret. The laboratories are also able to exhibit Zero-Entropy environments where in the Institution was able to investigate non-entropic energy sources and to create the zero-entropic technology that the Institution was able to use for lowering the human mortality rate, create space travel easy and less fuel consuming, establishing ocean colonies in the Pacific, and many more. With these mountainous achievements, the Institution was able to create bonds with national governments of different countries, and ultimately the United Alliances, etching its name in the history without even mentioning a single word from the global archives.

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