《The World Close to Entropy》Institutional Archives II: ## 4n ## !nf!ltr4t0r’$ ## 3xp3ri3nc3 ##


The Institution faced many achievements, as well as people who’ve sought to endanger the embodiment of knowledge. To further protect the humanity, the Institution hid their existence in the public eye and worked in the shadows. There is no other purpose the Institution has, other than to protect the mankind.

“Heh, that’s bullshit” whispered by a janitor that was cleaning in the Sector-3B of the underground laboratory in Britain. He was looking on a monitor installed on the wall, displaying the weather of being rainy, and the date of January 01, 2034. Despite of the freebies he received from his work, he thinks that this Institution is an evil organization, as what the Circle said to him. A flashback of memories, he remembered the time he entered the Circle, an occult group established by a deserter from the Institution. Their founder said things that the Institution done to humanity, its secrets, and its overwhelming desire to ascend greater to anyone else, to become ‘gods’ so to speak. He confirmed it himself and to prove his loyalty to the Circle, he entered as a volunteer in the alias of Jack de Vera. They give him the job of a janitor, not that much but he will be able to know the secrets the Institution does. They are considerable, yet strict. They granted him access to all the sectors in the laboratory, in exchange of staying inside the laboratory during his contract, never leaving the place and to never contact his relatives.

Jack begun doing his job diligently, cleaning every corners of the laboratory. He peeks every room, everything, he sees nothing but people in white lab-coats doing nothing but papers, microscopes, rocks, or whatever a scientist does. For days, nothing that special. He was about to quit when a scientist asked him to go to Sector-E100. He said, “There’s an E100?”, the scientist replied “Yes, you’re one of the great workers here so the admin granted you some other access.” The thought that the laboratory was only from Sector-A1 to B12, 101 sectors in a 13-story underground facility. There’s more than that. He went there and saw the ‘Zero-Entropy’ Section. He cleans now more often in that place, and he saw the way how the Institution works. He noticed a black sphere the size of a small house in the center of the sector, being hold by three pillars that emit electricity. The sector was huge too, like a huge warehouse for trucks. He saw some people, unfamiliar faces carrying exploration equipment, entering the sphere. He thought it was solid, but not. He saw the files, with pictures of the people who’ve entered the sphere, and he was shocked. “These people…” he said, are inmates sentenced to death. But here they are, entering the sphere. He waited, for weeks he observed that sector and knew to himself that those who’ve entered never came back, and never will be. After ten weeks, he noticed some military tanks, vehicles, personnel in special environmental protection suit some carrying exploration gears, and others carrying weapons of high grade. All of them, entered the sphere. Jack begun questioning himself, he reasoned to himself that these are the secrets of the Institution, spending so much funds that was supposed to be given to the poorest people, like throwing money on the fountain believing there is luck to come.


Days passed after that heavy expedition team entered the sphere. He kept on observing it, until he noticed that the scientist was preparing for something. He was ordered to clean the outside vicinity and to come back after 5 minutes. Of course, he never did it. He hid on the stock equipment in that sector and wait. He saw that the scientists welcomed someone, a single personnel in the protective suit emerged from the sphere whilst carrying a suitcase. They blast the personnel with disinfectants, and carried the suitcase out of the place. Jack followed the scientist carrying the suitcase, secretly. They went to the upper levels, in Sector-E15. The scientist entered a sealed lab, so Jack entered the vents and took a closer look. The suitcase houses a shining silver shield, probably from Medieval times, basing on the design, but the engravings was a sword that has six wings. “Time travel? But from when?” Jack whispered to himself. The scientist pulled another object in the suitcase, a small statue that looks like a goat, made of gold. The scientist left carrying the statue, and Jack followed the scientist to a room filled with five men wearing straitjackets. “What the fuck?” as Jack stares in horror. A small pedestal in in the center of that room, and the scientist placed the statue on it. The scientist left the place immediately, and the voice announcer said in the speakers of that room: “Test#12, commencing”. The people in straitjackets started having seizures, then they break out of their jackets and started growing horns on their heads, tails at their backs, as if they turned into demons. After five minutes, a scientist entered the room, he took a blood pressure on the five men, like nothing happened. The five were acting normal as if it was nothing, then they left the room. Jack followed them to another place, they entered a tightly sealed room, walls made of thick metals, and at the end of the chamber was a huge cage. The horned people wore heavy Kevlar suits and armed themselves with high caliber rifles. The cage was lifted, it was difficult to see what’s inside, and then the speaker announced: “Termination test#200, start”. A monstrosity, a red flesh full of arms and faces, something from failed experiments, came out of the cage. The horned humans started firing on the flesh monster, it cries for help as it receives the bullets, but then it extended its arms fast, like a frog’s tongue when it catches a fly. The horned humans got swallowed, one by one. The monster was pushed by a mechanical arm, placing it again inside the cage.


He left the vents, confused and stunned. He can’t think anything except three words: What are those? As he left the Sector-E15, he overheard the three scientists. “The executives will not gonna like this” said the first, “Yep, we were not able to kill those” said the ones who wear a glasses, “What happened?”, asked the third one. “You must be new” said again by the one who wears glasses, “Those were – humans…” “What?!” shockingly said by the newbie, “Just look the files, its inside the Chamber-77.” Jack heard it and tried to sneak in the elevator to the said place. He went to Sector-E200, he feels he must see what’s inside the Chamber-77, the truth perhaps? The secrets of the malicious acts of the Institution? He pressed on, he went to the maintenance area of the sector and took some power tools. It seems no ones in the sector, so he took the liberty of cracking the chamber since he doesn’t have any access through it. He got inside, saw a huge archive of papers, a row computer server, and a control hub. But the one that has piqued his interest was the old vault at the far left of the chamber, he cracked it open, and saw a very old notebook, a thick one. He looked inside and saw a writing: ‘Lazarus’. It was his diary.

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