《Aelios Online》Chapter 3: City of Craftsmen
Walking the streets of Gram was entirely different than looking at them through a picture. He’d seen the carvings, the machinery, the rigid, yet loose design of the city’s layout from the image displayed at character creation, but seeing it “in person” was like he was looking at something else entirely. He frequently found himself stopping and admiring random buildings just to see what carvings lined their walls. When it wasn’t the carvings, it was the statues that took his attention. The whole thing struck a Greco-Roman vibe, but to a much more exaggerated degree. Technology was almost like a dressing on top of the architecture, with holographic displays adding layers to the carvings in terms of either backgrounds or clothing. That, combined with the more industrial-esque machinery that littered the lower streets, gave off a tone that should have been way too clashing to work. And yet, the more he looked around the more everything started to fit together.
Generally, the buildings of Gram didn’t reach much more than a couple of stories high. This was in part because much of the structure in Gram appeared to be decentralized. In the case of the market district, which Gabriel was walking through, the presence of NPC and Player owned stores were as pronounced as some of the more “chain” stores that he was seeing. Sunlight Apothecary sat right next to Dan’s Relics and had he not seen another Sunlight Apothecary much further down the road, he would have assumed that both of the stores to be of equal prominence. The distance between the two apothecaries had struck him as well. From that alone he assumed that Gram was as large as New York City. It might have been as densely populated as well, though he imagined that much of that population belonged to the NPCs.
When he passed through the walls of the market district and into the residential district, the visuals took a drastic turn. The Greco-Roman vibe remained, but rather than the shorter two story buildings of the market he was instead met by skyscrapers that towered over the rest of the city. These buildings did vary in height, but on average it was easy to tell that they were taller than walls of Gram itself, even if they sat at the center of the city. From what little he read of the city, the majority of buildings in Gram were built downwards into the ground. Many NPCs and Players both tended to live on top or below their shops, but for the ones that didn’t much prefer to live underground, there was always the residential district. He supposed that many people were willing to sacrifice a little security for a view, something he agreed with, though he couldn’t really tell how much of view he would get when the buildings stood so close to each other.
Of course, this really could have just been a case of showmanship from the developers, which was a far more logical explanation.
Since Gabriel didn’t have a shop, he’d been assigned an apartment at Complex X, which was one of the newer buildings of the district. Much to his fortune, the building was located in the outer ring of the district, which meant that, if his luck continued, he’d get a clear view of the city proper. He could have been assigned an apartment at Complex A, which, while easily the most elaborate and tallest building of the district, was surrounded by so many other buildings that he’d be looking at reflective windows at all times.
The framing of the buildings was the same white stone that Gabriel had seen throughout the rest of the city, but for the most part the buildings could be seen as sheets of windows, sunlight bouncing off and between their reflective surfaces. There were a few carvings to the buildings, but the main embellishment to the structures were the hanging gardens. Each building was built in a staggered fashion, with each level having a new garden filled to the brim with flora that, at a glance, appeared to be both familiar and unfamiliar. He might have even seen a few birds flying to and from the gardens as well. This embellishment was no different to the rest of Gram, with large stretches of gardens and parks that lay interspersed through the buildings.
The gardens in the sky didn’t take away from the ones on the ground. Even in the relatively cramped streets of the residential district, there were a number of smaller, more personalized landscaping projects that lay in lots that surrounded the buildings. Zen gardens, in particular, appeared to be popular with the residents of Complex X, as he saw some people, unsure if they were NPCs or Players, who were tending to their gardens either individually or in groups. A vegetable garden sat randomly amongst the sand-filled patches, brimming to the edge with edible plant lifee. At least, he hoped they were, because there was a particularly ripe tomato that struck him as especially appetizing.
He passed by the gardens and into the building, walking into a lobby that was surprisingly empty. Its design was fairly minimalistic, with only a few couches off to the side, but he’d expected it to be teaming with more activity besides the person that was taking a nap on one of the couches, his snoring echoing through the empty chamber.
Gabriel snorted at that and headed towards the elevators, taking it up to the second to last floor. When he stepped out of the elevator, he was met by a single long hallway with doors on both sides. His apartment was located at the very end of the hallway, and, judging from the window, was pointed outwards towards the city walls. His apartment was a one bedroom affair, similar to the one he had in real life. However, where that was a more modest affair, this one held a distinct scifi feel due to the metallic make of the rooms. The apartment itself was fairly barebones, with the only furniture present being a couch/bench in the living room and a bed with a chest at its foot in the bedroom. There was a bathroom, but he wasn’t really sure why he needed one, but he did admit it made it the place feel less alien to walk into. These were all small details, however, when compared to the view that awaited him from his window.
He saw clear over Gram, the natural walls of the Gobi Valley in full display, separated from the city by a thick forest of trees that clouded its depths with dark green foliage. Along the rock faces, like the rest of Gram, were a series of carvings, though on a much grander scale. It was very easy to tell that these carvings were a timeline of sorts, starting with a depiction of a small group of travelers surrounded by a variety of monsters that ranged from grotesquely large wolves to wyverns, to even large worm creatures covered in scales. That last one in particular was unfamiliar, but from the carving alone he didn’t wish to meet one anytime soon.
This carving transitioned towards a more peaceful tone, showing the general progression and growth of Gram as it grew into the city it was today. The carvings themselves only took up about half of the valley face, and he could tell that there was another carving being worked on. What chapter of Gram this was going to tell, he had no idea, but he was looking forward to its eventual reveal.
He would have been content just sitting down on his couch and taking in the sight that his apartment held, but he had other plans in mind. The Barracks that Dom told him of were located in the high district, the seat of Gram’s military and government. He could see the building in question from his room, a colosseum-esque structure that sat towards the edge of the high district.
His trip to the Barracks was a fairly uneventful affair. He took time to admire the city streets and the art that lay plastered almost everywhere, so much so that when he finally arrived at the Barracks, he was shocked at how bare it was compared to everything else. The architecture of the building itself was impressive, evoking the same awe that the real life Roman Colosseum did, but there was a distinct lack of artistic flourish to the building that was prevalent everywhere else in Gram. It was rustic in feel, but in some ways it made the building stand out in a city filled with creative white noise. While the rest of the city left him in awe, the Barracks gave Gabriel a sense of comfort, which he thought was odd considering its purpose.
The sound of grunts, cheers, and the occasional yell was noticeable even outside the building, gradually rising in prominence as he made his way to the center field. Compared to the rest of the city, this area wasn’t all that large, but still bustling with activity. Much of the fields space was occupied by larger groups practicing in unison. There were those who swing swords, their fists, and even those that practiced with a spear. Off to the side, there was a small group of people that were firing guns at practice targets. Someone was even using a bow, which he thought was humorous until said bowman obliterated a target with a single shot. Opposite to the firing range was a small ring, surrounded by a waist high stone wall. It was big enough for at least a 5 man brawl, but when Gabriel approached it there were only three people at the center. Two were men, tangled with each other on the ground, fighting to get some sort of leverage over one another as they wrestled for dominance. The third was a woman, an Infernal, from the look of her red skin a black scales. She had silver hair, and wore an eye patch over her left eye, the right, amber eye holding a look that was both bored, yet observant. Her tail poked through the back of her cargo pants, swaying with the occasional breeze that passed through the Barracks, and she wore a tanned shirt that wrapped snugly around her toned, muscular arms. She sat on top of the barrier, head rested on her hand
The two men let go of one another and stood up, brushing off the sand that latched onto their clothes. Upon closer look, they were of a more youthful sort, made all the more evident by the anticipation in their faces as they looked to the Infernal woman.
The woman in question yawned, then hopped from her seat.
“Get back in your stances,” she said, walking towards the men.
They obeyed her command, shifting into stances that, from what Gabriel could tell, were more meant for grappling rather than striking. It looked practiced, but apparently there were mistakes, as the first thing the woman did was tap on one of the men’s feet.
“Widen your stance Quinn, and get lower,” she jutted at the other man with her thumb, “Marius over there keeps shooting at you because you’re wide open. If you’re gonna bring someone to the ground you need leverage,” she went into the same stance as the men, and the difference was quite evident. She was much lower to the ground, her hands tighter to her person, and her stance was wide. It was like she wound herself up like a spring, ready to pop at a moment’s noticed, “The lower you are the more leverage you have, but that’s only if you’re trying to throw someone down. I could just as easily strike you in the face first, and for that you need to keep your guard up,” she drew attention to her hands, “this is mainly for you, Marius.”
“Yes instructor,” Marius said, mimicking her stance with moderate success.
Cera stood from her stance and clapped her hands, “Well, you guys know what you need to work on. Have at it.”
The two men quickly took their positions in the ring and faced one another. Gabriel was interested in seeing where the match would go, but noticed that the Infernal was now looking straight at him.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“Yeah, actually. I’m looking for a Cera, Dom sent me,” he said.
“Oh?” her face shifted from bored to interested, “If the old man sent you then he must have seen something,” she gave Gabriel a once over, “you a military man?”
“I’ve got some experience, why?”
“You carry yourself like one.”
He wasn’t sure how much of that was a scripted response or a result of the NPC’s own intuition, but either way it came off as very surreal.
“Old habits die hard I guess,” he said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.
She smirked at him, “Can you fight?”
He made a vague gesture, “Eh I know a few things. Why do you ask?”
“Trying to decide if you’re worth my time.”
“I guess that makes you Cera then.”
“The one and only,” Cera said, she gestured to herself and turned back to the sparring men, “Alright Quinn, take a break. I want to see what this guy here can do.”
“Name’s Gabriel,” he said.
She gave him a dismissive wave, “Prove yourself first. Then I’ll remember your name.”
Quest: Prove Your Worth
Cera wishes to test your skills. Will you accept?
Combat Skill: Hand to Hand Combat
“You’re gonna be sparing Marius here. Last a minute with him and I’ll show you the ropes.”
He selected “Yes” and climbed into the ring. Nodding at Quinn, he took the man’s place in the ring, and looked over his opponent. Marius was built, but in a leaner sense. His was a frame built for speed and precision. He wasn’t too sure if Marius was an NPC or Player, but the focus in his expression was enough to take seriously.
Marius settled into the stance that Gabriel saw before, feet digging into the soft sand below. He wasn’t sure which martial art it belonged to, but he had to admit it was intimidating. He held his hands up, muscle tense, but loose.
Marius struck first with a lunge straight at Gabriel’s legs. Gabriel stepped to the side, letting Marius pass him, but he kept his opponent in his view. Before the grappler could situated back in his stance, Gabriel hit him with a quick jab at his jaw, a blow that was meant more to disorient rather than do any real damage. It worked as intended, forcing Marius to stagger and throw out a fist to keep Gabriel away. Rather than dodge, Gabriel caught the blow at the elbow and shifted behind his opponent, his arm wrapped around Marius’s throat.
“Stop,” Cera said, “I’ve seen enough.”
Gabriel let the grappler go, giving the man a pat on the shoulder when he noticed Marius rubbing his neck.
“Good fight bud,” He said.
Marius nodded at him.
Cera approach him, looking him over once again, “Well, you obviously know what you’re doing.”
“Just a little,” Gabriel said with a smile.
She snorted, “You could with a bit of practice. Gabriel was it?”
“Just Gabe will do,” he said.
“Well then Gabe, follow me and let’s take a look at what we can do for you.”
Quest: Prove Your Worth [Completed]
Cera seems to be impressed with your skills, but a long road awaits you.
Combat Skill: Hand to Hand Combat [Acquired]
Combat Skill: Hand-to-Hand
Sometimes you just gotta get your hands dirty.
Hand-to-Hand combat is considered a gateway to a variety of combat skills, and is something every adventurer must have if they wish to survive out in the wilds. Just don’t go punching wolves as your main course of action… not yet at least.
Level 1 Proficiency:
5% Increase in damage to bare handed attacks
Will you accept this skill?
He selected yes and followed after Cera, who guided him back into the Barracks and toward a room with a large metal door. It looked more like a vault than anything.
“This is the Armory, we’ll get you a set of starting gear and then we can really get started.”
She punched in a code at the keypad next to the door. The doors slid open at her input with a small swoosh, but were otherwise fairly silent. Inside was a room that, like a lot of Gram, struck him as equal parts antiquated and modern.
A number of guns, some smaller and familiar, others large and outlandish, hung from display cases that lined the walls, seemingly magnetically. The center of the room was filled with weapon racks, leaving just enough space for people to walk between without grazing against the weapons. These racks held weapons of a more medieval sort, ranging from swords to spears to giant mauls. The mauls didn’t look all that practical, but he did have to admit he was intimidated by their size. At the far end of the room there were suits of armor on display. They looked most similar to power armor that he’d seen in many sci fi pieces of media, but some held a more fantastical look to them that made them stand out.
He turned to Cera, who had thrown something at him. He just barely caught the object, noticing that it was a sword.
“Draw it,” Cera said.
He did, a satisfying ring echoing out through the room as the blade slid from it scabbard. It was a simplistic weapon, more of a fit for the Middle Ages rather than the scientific atmosphere that he was in now. The blade was three fingers wide at the base, tapering to a more narrow point to the top. The guard of the blade was wide enough to cover his hand, and the grip of the handle was a worn leather than sat comfortably in his palm. There was a definite density to the sword, but one that felt balanced as he moved it around.
“Suits you,” Cera said with a smile, “Unless you’d like to look around some more.”
+5 to Attack
40/40 Durability
A simple broadsword that is standard issue to the Gram city guard. Functional, but a weapon that fades quickly in the travels of an adventurer.
Will you accept this weapon?
He wasn’t all too familiar with the use of swords, and he never felt much of a draw to them even in the real world. Wielding one in his hand, however, had awakened something within him.
“It’s not the safest… but damn do I look cool,” he said, sheathing the blade.
“Glad to know where your priorities lie,” Cera said with a laugh, “Come on, let's find you something for the guys you can’t stick with a sword.”
He almost held his blade up for his Smart Box to take in, but decided to clip it to his belt instead. He wasn’t too sure how practical it was to keep everything in the Box, and he had to admit that having the sword at his side made the “adventurer” feel all the more real in his mind. As he shifted it to a comfortable position, another text window popped up.
Combat Skill: Swordsmanship
Versatility and efficiency are the principles of the Gram swordsman.
Proficiency in swordsmanship opens increases effectiveness with swords. Improves through practice or combat.
Level 1 Proficiency:
5% increase in damage with swords.
Will you accept this skill?
He hit yes again made his way to Cera, who was eyeing the display cases on the wall.
“Gonna need a few tips on this one,” he said, tapping the new weapon on his waist.
“That’s what I’m here for… tell you what, you take your pick here, military man like you must have a preference for guns right?”
He shrugged, “Of sorts. Lets take a look…”
He scanned the pads on the walls, taking stock of the available arsenal. Each weapon was enticing in its own way, ranging from pistols to shotguns, but there were a few weapons that definitely stood out to him. The first was a small folded rectangle at the corner of one of the pads. When he picked it up and pressed the button at the top, it unfolded into the shape of a bow, its string a construct of pure energy. He gave the string an experimental tug, causing an arrow of solid blue light to materialize. He slowly returned he string to its resting position, the arrow dissipating as he did so.
Energy Bow
+5 to Attack
40/40 Durability
Advances in technology have eliminated the need to quivers in Gram, but the use of bows is still a relatively rare practice in the industrial city, making this a weapon of intrigue rather than practicality.
Will you accept this weapon?
Remembering the raw force displayed by the bowman back at the training grounds, he was tempted to accept the weapon, but it didn’t feel right in his hands. Somewhat reluctantly, he pressed the button on the bow again, folding it back into its box shape and placing it back on the pad. He settled his mind on finding something more familiar, and to that effect picked up a gun that looked most like an assault rifle. At least, he assumed it was, as its form was most similar to a M27, albeit with a few key differences. This gun didn’t have iron sights, replaced by two thin pieces of metal that, when he pressed a button near the safety, emitted a small reticle like a holographic scope. There were pieces of a white, metallic substance dispersed throughout the weapon’s frame, apparently more for design purposes that and practical functionality.
N32 Automatic Rifle
+5 to Attack
40/40 Durability
0/3 Attachment Slots in use
Perhaps a result of practicality, the N32 has been in the service of Gram for decades. The weapon is ideal for mid to far range combat, and is capable of switching between single shot and automatic fire. There are no frills to this weapon, but it’s effectiveness makes it staple of both the city guard and adventurers alike.
Will you accept this weapon?
Ignoring the text box, Gabe shifted his feet, settling into a shooting stance. He kept his finger off of the trigger, and peered through the sights as he pressed the activation switch. The reticle was easy to focus on, and as he moved the weapon around he felt comfortable enough with its weight.
“Used one before?” Cera asked.
Gabe brought the weapon down and examined it some more. Satisfied, he selected “Yes” from the text box.
“You could say that,” he said.
Combat Skill: Assault Rifle Proficiency
No tricks, no frills, just you and your gun.
Proficiency in assault rifles increases their effectiveness. Improves through practice or combat
Level 1 Proficiency:
5% increase in damage to Assault Rifles.
Will you accept this skill?
He hit “Yes” without hesitation. He did store the gun in his Smart Box, holding it over the device and letting it digitize into his inventory. He turned to Cera, excitement in his eyes.
“Now then, mind if we get started?”
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