《KAL BLADE》The Timeless Pirate. -- Part 2


During the Month long trip, they sailed all around the bottom of South America and at last entered the calm waters of the pacific.

"Are you sure we can trust them?" asked Richard.

"What choice do we have, this is an opportunity we can't afford to pass What could go wrong." said Howler as he sailed the ship.

The leading ship was Captain Mitch who navigated the course as Howler followed them behind. One of the crew members noticed a third ship following them and alerted Captain Howler. He took his mini telescope to get a closer look on the ship and by unfortunate luck, They were being chased by a Navy Royal war ship, sailing at high speed.

"Alert Captain Mitch, battle is imminent!" shouted Howler.

Mitch acknowledges the situation and continues to sail on course heading in the direction North-West of Chile. A Storm was brewing from the west in which the compass pointed directly to it. Mitch changes course heading straight towards it.

"What is he doing?" shouted Richard as the navy ship was catching up from their flanks.

"Follow him! We'll lose them in the storm!" said Howler as he assigned Richard to the wheel.

Richard steers the ship and sailed full ahead behind's Mitch's ship. The navy avoided the storm and sailed further away from it. The sea was rough, giant waves and strong winds shook the ship back and forth, unbalancing it, causing the crew to struggle sailing smoothly. Richard fails to hold onto the steering wheel which span out of control. Howler grabbed the wheel and kept the ship moving forward through the storm. Richard was ordered to aid on the sails but as soon as he reached the stairs, the ship decended from a huge wave. He slipped from the deck all the way down, hitting his head against ledge, causing him to black out.

"Richard! Richard!" screamed Howler as he watched the young rookie's body roll back and forth.


Richard was jumping in and out of conciousness which he comepletely fainted afterwards. When he woke up, he faintly sees Howler gently smacking his face to wake up. Richard regains his concious and to his surprise, they miraculously made it through the storm and once again arrived on calm waters. The sun gently lies over the horizon with a golden orange sunset.

With the crew exhausted, they leaned against the balconies of the ship. Howler helps Richard stand straight up on his feet.

“Man up you little prick. You nearly died the most pathetic way.” said Howler.

The crew started laughing.

“Looks like I’m going to have to start calling you slippery snowflake.” said Lowbrow as he rubs Richard’s head.

“Ow Ow, my head hurts.” said Richard before he was interrupted by a crew member who spotted an island not too far away.

Howler grabs his telescope and looks at the island. Along with it was a damaged ship, crashed on the shores. He notices the name of the ship at the back of it.

"The fancy. This is it." screamed Howler.

The crew men started cheering but were silenced quickly. The two ships docked a distance away and used the small boats to arrive on the shores. They stepped off their boats and cautiously investigated the crashed ship. There was nothing but rotten food and cases of wine stored in boxes. Richard was attracted to the island forest and as he got closer, he hit his foot against an hard object. He was briefly in pain before he looked down, saw something shining and picked it up. It was a gold cup.

"Captain!" Called Richard out.

Howler walks over to him. He starts to laugh in joy.

"Over here!" screamed Howler.

Captain Mitch runs over to them and howler hands him the cup. As they walked through the tropical forest, they noticed many gold items spread all over the ground. They follow the path of dropped gold to a Cave and to their shock, a horde of treasure was amassed within it. They began moving the gold items and brought it all to the shore where they will divide the heavenly amount of wealth. Hours went by and they emptied the Cave at last. In the dark of the night, the crews decided to sleep on the island before sailing out in the morning. Lowbrow approached Richard and threw him gold coins as they spoke.


"We've just become rich and you're sitting here with a frown. What's the matter with you." he said as he chuckles.

"I thought I was going to die within that storm." replied Richard.

"Death can be a scary thing. We live everyday, doing our own things and the more time that goes by, the less you think about it. It becomes an irrelevant thought. The only thing that reminds you of death is old age and being threatened. What is life without death, what is death without life." said Lowbrow.

“What are you talking about?” replied Richard as he was visibly confused.

Lowbrow continues to laugh and rubs Richards head.

“You know what’s weird? Henry isn’t here.” said Richard.

“Henry is dead.” replied Lowbrow.

“Exactly, his ship crashed and all his gold is here, but where is his skeleton?" he asked agitated.

"You are being paranoid, we've got the gold. That doesn't matter so start smiling you little sad bastard." said Lowbrow as stands up to refill his cup.

Richard puts the gold coins in his inner shirt pocket and seals it. oddly, the men started to hear voices in their head although he heard voices coming from within the tropical forest. It spread and caused almost all of them to turn against each other. Richard was trying to make sense of what is happening as he was the only one unaffected by it.

"That's not what he said. What are you talking about!" Defended lowbrow his Captain as Mitch accused him of planning to kill them in their sleep.

"Guys? Where are our ships?" asked Richard nervously as he noticed the two massive ships disappear into thin air.

Matters got worse and the crews started killing each other. The two captains shoot themselves to death. Richard gets shot twice in the back. Demon-like hounds came out of hiding and started attacking the men. Richard tries to get lowbrow away from the fight but he refuses to go. He had no choice but to abandon them, while getting chased until the very edge of the shoreline where the water touches the sand, as the demons didn't continue following him. He jumps on the boat and moves it into the waters, watching the men get eaten alive. Giant tentacles started coming up from the water, covering the entire island, sinking it into the ocean. Critically injured, he rows himself away from the sinking island, disappearing into the misty night. With a lost sense of time and location, he wakes up with the sun directly shining on his pale skin. Due to the amount of blood lost, he was going to die soon.

"Keep-- eyes—open." he mumbled as he struggled to stay awake.

He holds his necklace and had a last moment urge of believing, so he prayed.

"Lady Sedall of the sea, if you can hear me, please hear to my plea. help me, I want to live." he said as he was about to go into shock.

After blinking, Lady Sedall appeared before him standing over him in a white beautiful silk hooded dress. She gently bends down and touches his chest with her finger, which was burning his skin. She branded his chest and from experiencing the overwhelming pain, he passed out.

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