《KAL BLADE》The Timeless Pirate. -- Part 1


Born in 1688, Richard was a thrill seeking boy who took drastic measures to feel the adrenaline. He’d climb onto high places and do a flip to show off to his friends. Even after getting hurt doing those dangerous stunts, it wouldn’t stop him. A well educated boy, raised in a decent household with good amount of wealth and living with his grandmother, who unfortunately was resting on her deathbed.

His curiosity was peaked about the world beyond his home. On his 18th Birthday, Richard was eligible, given the rights to the wealth of his household since the death of his grandmother, sole member that was left of his family. Unaware, he was ‘legally’ robbed of his inheritance money which left him a month’s worth of basic expense. One day, with nothing left to lose, he sold his home and with the little money he made along with the inheritance, left his neighborhood to go on a quest and explore the wonders of the world.

He went down to the ports and offered the sailors with what money he had left. Exploring the ocean was an expensive business, even after selling his home was not enough to pay it. Each sailor turned him down one by one. A Mysterious man, 52, overheard the young Richard begging the sailors to let him on boardt. He walks over, wraps his arms around Richard and leans over him.

“I couldn’t resist overhearing, you’re looking for a sailor, yes?” asked the man with a long beard and lost of bruise marks over his face while wearing a large brown coat.

“That is correct sir.” he replied.

“Good, You are in good luck for I am a Captain of a ship. I am willing to sail you but I must say, It’ll be costly, that is if I was a self absorbed bonker like them. I can do it for a fair price." said the Captain.

Richard shows him the amount of money he had and the captain refused to sail him.

“No, that is not enough.” said the Captain as picked up a crate.

“Please, that’s all I have.” begged Richard.

“Sorry kid, can’t help you. I need more money than that. Hell, with that little money, you won't last a week out there kid.” he said as he puts the crate on a wagon.

“I have no where to go, I lost my grandma and I have been robbed of my inheritance. Please captain, I have no purpose here.” said Richard as he hold his hat infront of his stomach, standing there anxiously.

The captain pitied him and took a second thought about the offer.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked.

"Anywhere but here." replied Richard desperately.

He allowed him to join on board but work on the ship as a new member. Richard without hesitation accepted the deal.

"Good, now carry those boxes and put them on here." he said as he watched Richard pack the remaining crates on the wagon. They climb on it and rode away from the port along the shores for an hour.

"Where are we heading?" asked Richard, curiously.

"My Ship of course. Couldn't station it at the port. Let's say, it's a famous ship and it will attract a lot of people, Not my favourite kind." He said as he laughs while Richard was puzzled by it.


“What’s your name young one?" he continued to ask..

the “Richard Lawrence sir.” he replied.

“You can call me Captain Howler. I have a good feeling you will fit right in with us, Richard.” said Howler as he shoulder taps Richard and offers a cigar.

Richard respectfully declined the cigar before he noticed something from a far.

"There she is. Isn't she a beauty. Her name is the Mayfair." said Howler as he pointed at it.

Excited, He could see the ship close to the shore, with a Single boat, waiting at the beach. They move from the wagon and climb on to the boat where they were transported to the ship. After boarding the large vessel, not to his expectation, it lacked hygiene. Some of the crew members looked like they haven't washed in years.

"Everyone, looks like we got fresh meat on board. This is Richard, Our newest crew member. Welcome to the family boy." said Howler as Richard smiles nervously.

The entire crew surround and lean over him, all chuckling maliciously.

"Take him to his quarters. Lowbrow, show him the ways of a 'sailor', you'll begin work now. Let's sail out boys." said Howler as he entered his cabinet.

"Eye eye captain. This way." said Lowbrow, 29, as he showed Richard his quarters.

"Drop your things here, This is where you will sleep. Come, you have work to do." said Lowbrow as he hands Richard the mop and bucket.

He starts cleaning as the Ship sails away from the land. Out at sea, the crew would teach him valuable skills that is crucial to survive at sea. Every time he failed to do the task properly, they would toy with him by threatening to throw him off the ship as they would have a good laugh about it while Richard pleads not to be dropped.

After a day's work, the crew head to their sleeping quarters, ate their dinner and told some tales. Richard noticed lowbrow had a miniature statue.

"who is that?" he asked.

"This is Lady Sedall of the Sea, she watches over us as we cross the dangerous waters. Sometimes she answers to your prayer, but when she doesn't, her help was not needed and when that happens, I know I will survive." he replied.

"Did she answer your prayer?" he asked.

"No, not yet. But she might answer yours someday. After today, I'm convinced you won't survive a raid, Snowflake." replied Lowbrow optimistically.

The crew laughed till tears ran down their face. Richard chuckles as he was not fond of the name but accepted it regardless. After 36 days with no sign of voyages, the crew grew bored until an opportunity came before them. Richard was about to participate on his first ship attack. The opposing ship had weapons shooting at them as the Mayfair, manoeuvred to get close to the opposing ship as possible. Side to Side, the crew began to board by throwing ropes and ladders that got itself hooked on the other ship, letting crew members cross aboard.

As the pirates were fighting for control over the ship, Richard was getting pushed around by people fighting, lowbrow grabbed him and handed him his knife.

"Don't just stand around, fight!" he shouted as stabs an enemy.


Richard manages to defend himself. Across the ship, the battle between Captains took place in which Howler was losing. Richard, fought through the crowd and made his way to him, picking up the dropped blunderbuss gun and points it at the rival captain. With hesitation to shoot, Richard’s hands starts to shiver. As Howler was overwhelmed, Richard had a few seconds to pull the trigger before it was too late.

“Do it, Do it—Do-” thought Richard to himself and shoots the rival captain right in the face, causing him to slip backwards and fall overboard.

Saving his captain just in time, the pirates were victorious and celebrated the courage of snowflake along with the treasure they seized. Two years go by, after many attacks, mostly seizing food, silver and rarely gold, The crew gathered a good amount of wealth. Captain Howler decided it was time to lay low at a one of the several safe havens around the world, New Providence located in the Bahamas.

They enjoy their time on the island, drinking, sleeping with woman, fights in the bar and telling tales. After drinking a couple of times, Richard and Howler have a personal conversation about each other's lives. Howler gifts Richard his Necklace of Lady Sedall.

"Here, you have a long life ahead of you. Have her with you at all times, she will protect you like she protected me." he said.

"Thank you captain. I must say, Not to be ungrateful, but Captain, this is not enough. All this treasure won't last us more than three years, the royal navy is scouting almost all the seas and the risk is higher than ever." said Richard as felt worried.

"This young man has a point." said a crippled man, 55, as he sat down with them.

Howler greets him with Joy.

"Richard, this is Captain Mitch, we use to be crew mates in our early days." he said.

"Now look at us, Captains with our own ships." replied Mitch.

"Cheers to that." said Howler as he raised his beer cup.

“let us save the reunion chitchat for later and talk business.” Mitch said as he adjusted his coat.

“I’m all ears, as long as you keep the beers coming.” replied Howler as they laugh.

“Rowdy, Bring two large Ocean brawls for us, make it three for the little one.” shouted Mitch to the bar tender.

"The Queen and her dog shit lackeys have caused me lots of casualties and I want to hit them where it hurts. Rumour has it that Henry Avery disappeared with a horde of gold, which embarrassed your majesty for failing to catch him, some speculate that he went to hide in Madagascar, but he's a smart criminal, he wouldn't dare cross the Atlantic or Indian Ocean, Too many risks. I would hide somewhere with little activity--" continued Mitch before he was interrupted.

"-The Pacific Ocean." said Howler as he gently drops the cup on the table.

" Exactly" he replied.

"That's a long shot Mitch. It could've been found already for all we know." said Howler.

"True, but think about it, Henry wasn't born a pirate, a former fucking navy, who knows how the Brits operate, therefore he knows how to keep a low profile, and if it was found by other pirates, they would've boasted about finding it, same goes for the queen." said Mitch optimistically.

"What are you exactly proposing?" asked Howler.

"A joint search, there will enough gold for both crews that will last a thousand lifetimes." he replied.

"How do you plan on finding Henry, you're not suggesting to scout the entire Pacific are you?" asked Richard.

"No, by using this." replied Mitch as he brought out a compass.

"a fucking compass?" chuckles Howler.

"Not just any compass, a magical one, bestowed to me by a witch." he replied with a smirk.

“a witch? A witch agreed to help you? What you sell? Your soul?” asked Howler with a serious tone.

“Don’t worry friend. A favour was done and a favour was returned.” he replied.

“why?” asked Howler.

“Why—Why what?- What do you mean why?” asked Mitch visibly confused.

“You could’ve gone for the treasure without us. What do you need us for. Why tell us?” he asked.

“You’re my friend. I tell you this to be part of something great, for old times sake.” replied Mitch.

“Don’t bullshit me Mitch. I’ve known you long enough to become immune to your trickery.” said Howler as he brings out his gun and puts it on the table, aiming at Mitch with his finger on the trigger.

“Same old Howler, still busting my balls with his threats.” replied Mitch as he pulled his gun over the table and pointed it at Richard.

“What is he supposed to be? Your dead son’s replacement? Touching.” said Mitch.

Tensions were high as the two stared at each other with a silent rage. Richard, pulls out his gun below the table and points it directly at Mitch's lower half. The sound of the chamber preparing to fire alerts Mitch.

“Not as touching as me about to shoot your dick off, watching it flop around the floor like a fish.” said Richard with a tense look.

Howler and Mitch stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

“Calm down Richard.” said Howler as he signals to put the gun away.

“This kid has balls, you keep that up and you might become a captain.” said Mitch.

“So, what is it?” asked Howler calmly.

“I have no idea what awaits us at the end. In case things go sideways, we have a way out. Two ships is better than one, no? And trust who other than my old, miraculously still alive, friend. What does thy say?” asked Mitch.

"I say let’s get us some fucking gold.” replied Howler as he shakes Mitch’s hand.

“We shall sail at dawn, cheers to a soon-to-be Luxurious life." he replied.

"Cheers!" shouted Howler. They scream in joy as they drank down their beers in one gulp. Unaware a mysterious person watches the Captains from the edge of the cavern pretending to drink. The following morning, the two crews sail out with their individual ships to find and gain the lost treasure of Henry Avery.

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