《Prince Of the Abyss》The Ivory Tower


The Mirror world was much brighter than the material world because there were three suns up in the sky. However, the temperature was mild as if there wasn't much heat radiating from the suns.

Rydia had dragged Jackel into the mirror world forcefully since Jackel did not have the skills to enter at will.

They found themselves in a ivory tower that would put any skyscrapers to shame. There were layers of land below them, some floating like sky islands. The tower was so high up that the ground looked very distant and whatever were on the ground could barely be made out into shapes.

"This is what the Order of Lumnious knights' base looks like in the mirror world" Rydia explained to Jackel. She looked longingly at Jackel and seem to be unable to take her eyes off him.

Jackel looked to Rydia. Her hair was a deep red that gradually fade in to a light pink as it reaches her shoulders. Her face was of a beauty that cannot be possible in the material world, Her body was slender and had curves at all the right places.

Jackel realized he was holding in his breath and let out a small gasp. Rydia was so beautiful it felt shameful to look at her for more than a few seconds.

"You still look like the man I know" Rydia said with a soft expression

Jackel looked up and saw that the mirror was above them. However there was no bed, the mirror was simply floating in the air.

The reflection looking back at Jackel was barely recognizable. He had pure white hair and eyes as golden as the sun. He did not look like a human, but a statue of what the ideal man could look like.

 "Rydia, I am a little overwhelmed right now" Jackel admitted while still unable to hold Rydia's gaze


"how cute, you're like a puppy" Rydia teased

Jackel was very embarrassed as if everything around him was beyond him.

Let's go to the rooftop, Raphael instructed us to meet there.

Rydia guided Jackel to a spiralling stair case at the center of building.

As they started to ascend. Rydia stretched her back and a pair of beautiful black wings extended out. She could've just walked but her urge to show off the wings was too great for her to keep to herself.

Jackel was baffled and lost himself in Rydia's beauty temporally.

"You have wings too you know." Rydia said with a laugh at the dumbstruck Jackel.

With Rydia flying ahead and Jackel trying to keep up, they eventually reached the rooftop of the tower.

Standing there were three figure. Although more handsome than their material counterparts. Jackel could tell it was Hillel and Aviel. Especially Aviel since his head was also shaved in the mirror world.

However, the third person was a stranger. He was a blonde and handsome young boy wearing a yellow robe. outstretched on his back was a pair of brilliant white wings.

"Thanks for coming Jackel, I am Raphael, Although my brother is stubborn and does not wish to support any of you in any way. I know my duties and will help you find your grace." There was a lot of kindness in Raphael's smile.

"Please come over here" Raphael instructed

Jackel walked over to Raphael side. They were standing at the edge of the rooftop and there was no railing to stop anyone from falling. Jackel has only been this high up on an airplane back in the material world. It was so high up a person no longer really felt the fear of falling. The distant was just hard to register.


"I want to help you remember a gift father sun imparted on to you, and no other" Raphael told Jackel

With that said. He gave Jackel a powerful push.

Jackel was sent flying twenty feet forward and began to fall

Everyone except Raphael looked shocked as Jackel fell off the tower

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" Jackel screamed but his voice was lost in the wind as he descends towards the ground.

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