《Misfortune Night House》Chapter 5 - Morning Disturbance


Chapter 5 - Morning Disturbance

After going home, I will need to tell grandpa about the trip and ready some things to bring and honestly I'm quite excited. I need to make my first ever trip in Zeywan a success. Firstly, why was the principal envious at the token? Does it have something hidden behind its abilities? Well thinking about it too much will bring nothing, I need to pry the principal... he knows something well the reduction on encountering elite randoms is quite useful.

The principal said to surely bring it as it is sure to prevent elite randoms as in Mt. Aminign has a 3% chance of encountering one. There are different encounter rate in each area so it seems. For example one of the highest rates known is the abandoned factory... well who would stay in it until midnight... except for researchers and veterans so it seems. It has an encounter rate of randoms with 4% Unique , 12% Supreme, 26% Elite, 32% Uncommon and 26% Common. I mean what is up with those numbers... The amount in encountering elite and supreme is equal or higher than common it gives me shivers. Unique and supreme has higher intelligence and can speak any language they hear. Though what I am afraid of is an "Anomaly" which is an event that is so rare that it is exaggerated to be encountered only once if not, never.

You are thinking what an anomaly is well let me explain to you what it is... well what I learned in class, is that an anomaly can never be predicted, but you will know once you encounter it. The surroundings turn red and purple, black mist appears out of nowhere but worse of all is that a legend class random appears. Their knowledge cannot be compared to humans. They can use artifacts and they might even have a class.

Rumor has it that you can obtain a class besides getting it in a chest by killing randoms but it is said to be an extremely rare case. Well I would be glad to get a class of my own but before that I need to become stronger. I need to protect my classmates at all cost. About Mt. Aminign... it is extremely huge, it has 5 floors worth of stairs so it will be troublesome. The teacher explained that once we get to the base there will be a stone door at the entrance and we need to work together in finding the keys as it is harder to find keys in open spaces.

Gen: Grandpa two days from now there will be a field trip regarding training for a MNH phenomenon, it is required to participate.

John: Is that so... if so then please be careful. You understand that you are my grandson and my only family left just be careful and if there are troubles ahead promise me to run at all cost.

Gen: I know grandpa but if it gets rough then most of all I need to protect my class, I am the representative after all.

John: Hohoho! It is like I see your father when I hear something like that well most of all even if you need to sacrifice yourself for someone always think of your safety too.

Gen: I will grandpa.

John: If that's all lets eat!

I packed my things and put in my bow and token inside my bag. A set of clothes and necessities.

Silvia: (It must be nice to have a family.)

Gen: (Yeah... even if my parents aren't here anymore, the only one I have is grandpa.)


Silvia: (And me!)

Gen: (Hahaha! And you.)

Silvia: (Ah! W-well of course.)

Is it me or when I told her that she seems surprised. I can imagine her fidgeting somehow, must be my imagination or that I am too sleepy to think straight. Two days went by fast and I am ready to go. Good thing I packed early, two days early... well I might be too excited. Going to school I see Maria heading the same way.

Gen: Hey! Maria good morning.

Maria: Good morning!

Gen: Excited?

Maria: Yeah! I'm excited. Especially... well... you know... being representatives... with you...(murmurs)

Gen: Huh?

Maria: Ah! No-nothing.

Gen: I see?

Quant: Gen! Maria! Come quick Max is stirring up trouble.

Gen: Hhhhaaahh... what is it this time.

When we arrive at Zeywan, first thing we see is a man arguing with some teachers... its Max.

Max: What do you mean I am not the representative anymore!?

Gordon: The principal said that there is someone else fit to be the representative.

Max: And who is that!?

Gordon: Gen.

Max: Him!!?

Gordon: Also to be representative you need your classmates trust, all you do is beat them up mercilessly.

Max: I have trust...

Looking at my classmates they all tried to avoid his gaze causing him to be more infuriated.

Max: I demand to be representative! You're a teacher help me.

Gordon: Its not my choice, Its the principals'.

Max: Then let me meet the old man!

Tyson: Who's the old man, brat!?

What!? The principal... how did he get behind him?

Max: Huh!? Who are you?

Tyson: The principal.(glares)

Max: (Gulp) Yo-you're too young to be the principal! And who are you calling brat?

Oh man... I almost feel sorry for him. Getting on the principal's bad side is like making you're own deathbed.

Tyson: To be principal you just need to be strong enough to protect you're students.

Teachers in unison: (Actually you just finished your education at age 14. Both a genius and a monster...)

Max: That means if I beat you I can be the principal!

Tyson: Hahaahahha!(Laughs maniacally) Interesting! Fine lets have a duel if you win you can be one.

Teachers in unison: (You're so dead.... I mean I need to protect the student, you're too young you still have a future...)

Ben: Sir please go easy on him, he is far from being as strong as you...

Tyson: I know! I am just getting a bit of a light exercise.

Max: Are you mocking me!? Give me all you got!

Teachers, Ben, and Gen in unison: (You're making things worse!)

Arriving in the arena we all got to the spectators area. And what about the trip!? Well we are far from midnight so I guess this is okay? The principal suddenly becomes calm which is more scary... I mean people who are calm in battles becomes more unpredictable and calculating in the battlefield. When I look at the others... It seems a flurry of emotions on their face. The females except Maria are all... blushing!? Well I guess the principal especially making that calm face is extremely handsome. I never notice it before because of being too scared, after meeting him I guess because of his pressure that I barely noticed.

What he looks like is that he has silver hair with a black outline, A slim,pale face with no blemishes except for that scar on his left eye, has crimson eyes with a purple tinge like his sword's demon eye and a well toned body like a soldier from war so yeah very jealous right now even the other male teachers are looking with envy considering the females reactions.


Tyson: Get ready...

Max: I am ready!

Tyson: I will give you 5 min to defeat me before I retaliate...

Max: What!? Looking down at me? Call Axe of the wild!

Appearing in his hand is a familiar axe... so that is how you use call.

Max rushed at the principal he swings his axe towards his face. Some of the females glares at Max. The principal steps back letting the axe slice air. He then slices downward and the principal caught it in between his fingers. Max tried to get it free but can't.

Max: Stop looking down on me! Power of the wild!

Max's eyes turns red and tries to struggle free but still can't so he lets go of the axe. Why didn't he use his darkness ability? I guess he wants to show off.

Tyson: This wouldn't be fair you have 2 minutes left, here you can have it back. (Threw the axe at Max and catches it)

Max: Grrrr!! How dare you! Shade of darkness!

A large dome appears... pitch black on the arena. I can't see anything. I only hear voices.

Max: Why can't I hit you!?

Tyson: Too impatient child... focus.

Max: You're just making me angry grrrr!!!

Teacher: As expected of the "Calm Knight"...

Gen: What do you mean ma'am?

Teacher: Its his title, when outside the battlefield he becomes rowdy, when inside he becomes as calm as the sea like a totally different person. He is well known around the world as one of the strongest but no one knows how truly powerful he is.

Two minutes pass by with just the principal dodging and deflecting the axe with his bare hands. I suddenly hear the principal's voice... Max all I can say is your screwed...

Tyson: Call Gazer Paramount! Call Armor of the Paladin Lord!

Inside the darkness a blinding light pierces through and cancels the darkness.

Max: Finally you're getting serious!

Tyson: No... I am using too much power to use against you even with just these artifacts. Even without them I can still beat you and these aren't even all my artifacts...

Max: GGGrrrrrrr!!!(Shouts) How dare you look down on me!!!

Tirelessly Max ran towards the principal and slices with the axe diagonally. The principal swats it like nothing again and again as Max's frustration reaches new leaps. Max tried to attack on his back only to be blocked without looking...well using future sight against a student... how ruthless can the principal get!? A mad glint suddenly appears on his eyes after the eye on his sword glowed but only lasted a second causing everyone to shiver a little. Even Max hesitated to attack for a second. I guess it is his sanity...

Tyson: Arcane seal...

Max: Ugh! I can't move.

Tyson: Divine Holy Light!

A bright white aura envelopes the principal as he then disappears and with no time at all appears in front of him.

Max: W-wait!

The principal hits the back of his neck and made him unconscious. Hah! it was not me this time. We all approached both of them.

Tyson: Haahahha! Never even broke a sweat. Gordon, he's in your class right put him in the bus we need to go.

Gen: What was that I never saw an ability like that upon checking your artifacts... is it your armors ability?

Tyson: Oh! Very sharp. Well you saw my other artifact and class so what harm in showing you? Hahaha! Of course there are some artifacts that I cannot show you(glares). Armor of the Paladin Lord open!

Armor of the Paladin Lord

Class 8 Artifact

Rarity: Blessed

It is customary for a certain city of paladins in ancient times to pass down their armor as a heirloom. For each paladin with a righteous heart it is passed onto the stronger it becomes. After being passed for centuries the paladins are on the brink of extinction as their holy powers decline because of the world becoming darker as sins became rampant that even the paladins themselves are affected. On day after countless of centuries a child with a pure heart that can never be tainted was born in the city of paladins fated for a great battle to fought. After 3 decades a Demon appears as a manifestation of the evil within human hearts destined for Armageddon tried to destroy all. The paladins fought the demon to the death and won because of the help of the Paladin lord Legaia and his holy sword. The fear of the paladin lord was etched on their hearts as even they were affected by a tint of darkness maybe because of the demon. Suddenly Legaia was stabbed by someone, his closest friend Alto with a black vein in his eye caused by a final manipulating magic of the demon. In his death he only wore a gentle smile and told Alto that it isn't his fault and to live on protecting the others. Alto only cried and was free of the magic. He was then buried and his armor and sword were given to his family as they can only be used by someone of the same blood or chosen by it.


Divine Holy Light

The user is enveloped in an aura of light.

Dark and Demonic attributed damage are halved. Speed of Light. Damage +150% w/ Holy attribute damage.

Gen: I am not surprised...well considering your class and weapon artifact.

Tyson: You're no fun. Well lets get going.

In the bus heading towards Mt. Aminign we see a beautiful mountain covered in lush green with trees and different plants and animals on the roadside getting there. Once we got there it was already after noon with only a few hours left till midnight. Maria was happily chatting with me along the way and I was curious as the principal said only the strongest were representative I asked her about it and she showed me a spear clad in gold.

Maria: Spear of Glory open!

Spear of Glory

Class 4

Rarity: Rare, Variant

A golden spear belonging to a war prince of the kingdom of Krail. The prince has led battle more than anything else pleasing the God of War. Thus he was blessed and is to be protected by him becoming his champion.


War Chant

Strength increases by 20% for each ally. Up to 200%

Passive Ability:

Blessed by War

Strength x1.5, Defence x2, Speedx1.5

Gen: Wow! So this is why you're the strongest girl in our class...

Maria: (Blush) W-well I mean its not like that... I also train with it.

Gen: So, strong and hard-working.

Maria: Wha-what... Gen stop it... its embarrassing!

Gen: (chuckle) Anyways its getting dark see you at midnight.

Maria: Goodnight.

After getting ready for a night it was finally midnight. we all fell asleep.

When we all wake up what we saw was... everywhere red and purple and black mist everywhere... worst field trip ever... an anomaly of all things...


Hope you enjoyed everything so far. I'm always glad in wring stories. Please comment on what you think it is always appreciated.

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