《How Everything Started》Sixteenth Encounter


Back to Sayuri’s point of view to the same day as it is, she enjoyed the whole day talking with Yoko. But as quickly as the time passes, the time to go home came.

As Sayuri arrived home, suddenly she felt something weird. She felt the urge to binge eat and drink, so she decided to go out to buy some beverages and snacks at the nearby convenience store. After buying Sayuri’s sudden cravings, as she was about to go home from the convenience store it suddenly went pouring, the rain it is. There, Sayuri being unprepared, she decided to just run into the pouring rain just to be able to go home. Unexpectedly, Hayato was in actuality walking his way into the convenience store and witnessed Sayuri running under the rain without using any umbrella.

“-What the..? Why isn’t she using an umbrella? She might catch a cold. What a complete idiot for someone so smart… sigh~” Hayato thought in his mind while continuously walking his way inside the convenience store. He didn’t even bother on running after Sayuri to share his umbrella.

Sayuri arrived at the apartment soaking wet and a little tired due to running, but she didn’t took attention to herself soaking wet. All she did was took a towel to dry her head for just a bit then ate some snacks and even drank some beverages; beer.

After a while, little by little Sayuri suddenly felt cold and her lower abdomen hurting, so she then decided to clean everything she ate and drink and after that is take a bath. Little did she know that she isn’t acting as her usual self, she was drunk at the same time.

“-Maybe.. Maybe I should already clean things up and.. And… Umm.. Augh.. It feels cold and my lower abdomen hurts… I need to take a bath already..” Sayuri thought in her mind as she started cleaning everything up.


Sayuri started cleaning up everything. The snacks she ate, the beer cans she emptied, the cushions she left unorganized, and etc. But while she was doing everything that she needs to do, she suddenly started feeling dizzy and wobbly.

“-I’ll stop cleaning already and just go to sleep without taking a bath… just let me put these plates and glasses to the kitchen sink..” She told herself while struggling to walk through her kitchen corridors, but unfortunately, by the time she reached the kitchen counters, she suddenly tripped and fell down on the floor causing her to produce a loud bang; a loud sound of glass and plates breaking on the floor.

Meanwhile, Hayato was walking through the apartment hall straight to his room. He was about to go inside his room when suddenly he heard a loud crashing sound from the room door in front of his.

“-Eh? What the heck was that….?” He thought at first when he suddenly realized something.

“-Wait… That was from Hiraka’s room…. Right?” As Hayato realized that, he started to worry because no sound was then heard after a few seconds that he heard the loud bang in Sayuri’s room. He also worried because Sayuri lives alone, and specifically, because she also is indeed a girl.

Hayato threw his bag as quickly as he can inside his room then started to knock as loud as he can into Sayuri’s room, but nobody answered. Because of the result, he then started to try opening the door by the knob, but it was locked. There was no other way than to completely knock the door down, but he can’t do that. It’s going to cost a lot of money to compensate something. So he decided to do the one last thing that came into his mind. Borrow some spare keys to Sayuri’s room from the landlady.


“-TCH! Now it makes me worry about what is happening inside that room… Hiraka, for the second time today for someone as smart as you, what kind of stupidity are you doing again huh?!” Hayato thought as he started to run towards the landlady’s office to borrow some spare keys to Sayuri’s room. He was able to convince the strict landlady to lend him some spare keys. Then afterwards, he came back to Sayuri’s room as fast as he could.

He opened the door and saw everything messy. Beer cans everywhere, snacks everywhere, the cushions unorganized, garbage everywhere, everything is messy to the point where it looks like a crime scene happened inside the living room.

Hayato became more worried as he saw nothing but a messed up place, and also because Sayuri was not yet to be found. He went to look in the kitchen, but Sayuri was not to be spotted in there as well. He went inside her bedroom, but Sayuri was also not there. He came back to the messy living room and started to think where Sayuri would be and what kind of crime or accident happened inside her room. He was about to call the police for help when suddenly, he heard a voice in the kitchen, a moaning girl’s voice. Hayato recognized the voice he heard and ran towards the kitchen. He didn’t see Sayuri in there. But then again, he heard a soft trembling voice asking for help. He followed the voice and there she was. He found Sayuri lying beside the kitchen counters.

“So that’s why I couldn’t find you.. And based on what I’m seeing right now beside you, there are broken glasses and plates. I’m guessing you tripped and fell..” Hayato spoke as he leaned down in front of the girl lying down on the floor, Sayuri that is.

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