《The Tale Of Five Heroes And A Goddess》Chapter VI: Spending Time At The Village Known As Imperius. (Part 2)


Chapter VI: Spending Time At The Village Known As Imperius. (Part 2)

"Geez," Was what Shiva said out loud as she stepped out of the portal, a somewhat troubled expression decorating her face. "Twenty silver for three days at the inn? That world is truly an SS-world."

In a B-ranked world, the most she had to pay to stay at an inn for three days, were three silver, unless of course, they were staying at a high ranking tavern, but that was beside the point; the point was that the price to stay at an inn in Atlas was unreasonable.

"And this is just the first of many inns!" Shiva groaned in a loud but not so loud tone after realizing that the progress they have made wasn't much progress at all. "We still have a long way to go before we've saved this world."

Placing her hands on her face and pressing them against it, Shiva groaned once more. "This isn't going to be fun at all; this is just going to be a long and tiresome journey."

As she said this, there was a knock on her door, which was followed by a feminine voice saying in a hesitant manner. "L-Lady Shiva, are you back now?"

Lowering her hands to where they weren't covering her eyes, Shiva looked at the door, and answered after inhaling deeply. "Yes, I'm back."

"R-Really? Is it alright if I come in?" Is what the person behind the door asked after a few seconds of her telling them that she was back. They then followed the question up with, "I have been needing to speak with you for a while now, but haven't really gotten the chance to do so."

"Of course," Shiva declared as she moved to the door and opened it. "I'm actually in the need of another Goddess' company, so please come in."

As she told the other Goddess this, Shiva was met by the sight of a very tall woman that she was a little familiar with. She was taller than the hero Evan, had long hair that was white as snow, eyes that were a dark ocean blue, breasts that were, without a doubt, larger than her head, and long legs with thick thighs that could easily crush somebody's skull.

The clothing she wore was a frilly blue dress, which was something one wouldn't expect a woman of her stature to wear, and the expression she had was this cute/troubled one.

"Wow," Shiva thought with awe upon seeing her. "I completely forgot that Historia was this tall."

"Pa-Pardon the intrusion." She stammered as she entered the room with super flushed cheeks.

"You're all good, welcome to my room," Shiva assured after quickly snapping out of her awe state and closing the door behind her.

"Th-Thanks," Was the response Historia gave her. She then began to look around the room, and after a couple of seconds of doing so, she sheepishly said, "You, I love your room's designs."

A little taken back by this comment, Shiva laughed before asking her, "You think so?"

"Yes," Historia affirmed with a smile. "I especially love this dresser of yours, they're very pretty."

As Historia told her this, she had moved over to a four drawer dresser that went to her knees.

"Oh, why thank you," Shiva claimed as a smile of her own formed while moving next to Historia. "I was originally uncertain about it because it didn't match my room's color at all, but because it and the rest of these were gifts from my first hero, I decided to change my room's color."


"Your first hero made you this?" Historia asked with a hint of surprise as she looked down at the shorter Goddess.

"Yes," Shiva softly answered after looking up at her before looking back at the dresser, her eyes became one of fondness as she recalled him. "He wasn't much of an outgoing person, but he was very passionate, especially when it came to wood. He would create the most beautiful things with what people would consider scraps."

"Wow," Historia stated in awe as her eyes averted back to the wooden furniture before her. "He sounds like a wonderful person."

"He was." Shiva asserted with a bit of firmness in her voice. "Anyways, you said you needed to talk to me about something?"

"Yes, I um, I was wondering if you have any advice you could offer me?" Historia asked her as she twiddled her thumbs out of embarrassment.

"Advice? Advice on what?" Shiva asked as her lips curved downwards into that of a frown.

"... Dealing with heroes that have romantic feelings for you." She revealed after several seconds of silence.

"Romantic feelings? Your hero has romantic feelings for you?" Shiva questioned as her expression changed to that of a surprise. Her voice was filled with awe and shock.

"Yes," Historia affirmed as she continued to blush profusely. "He has been claiming it was love at first sight, and despite me telling him we can't be together or do the things he wants, he continues to try flirting with me, so I was wondering if you had any advice on how to deal with a hero like this?"

"Well," Shiva started as she recalled several heroes who tried to court her. "If I'm being honest, I just either ignored them completely, or gave them the harsh truth."

"The, the harsh truth?" Historia repeated with confusion in her voice before asking. "What's that?"

At this, Shiva smiled and declared with all sorts of pride in her voice. "That I'm a Goddess and that they're not worthy to lay with me. I also tell them that the feelings they have for me are lust, and nothing more."

"Is, is that so?" Historia said out loud with a puzzled expression. "So the feelings he has for me are nothing but lust?"

"That," Shiva started only to pause to think about it a little bit more. "Well, if I'm being honest here again, then I'm not sure. I haven't met him yet, so I can't tell you if he has genuine feelings or not."

"I, I understand," Historia stated with a small nod of her head. "Thank you for the advice."

"Don't mention it." Shiva proclaimed with a wave of her hand to signify that it was indeed no big deal. "Anyways, would you mind hearing me out and giving me your thoughts on some matters I'm dealing with?"

"S-Sure, but I'm not sure I'll be much help." Historia declared with a bit of hesitance.

"That's fine," Shiva assured her with another wave of her hand. "I'm just wanting to talk to somebody about my heroes, and hear what they think of them."

"O-Okay," Was all Historia replied with.

Upon arriving at the inn, Angel was met by the sight of Evan and Baun sitting on the porch talking to one another. They were no longer wearing their armor, and didn't care if others heard them, for the tones they spoke in were loud.


"You're fucking dumb if you think asses are better than titties," Evan claimed with no sense of shame at all. "Like, if you truly think an ass is more appealing than a pair of tits, then you're an actual idiot."

"Look, Evan, I'm not saying they're better, for I find them both appealing, but if I had to label myself one or the other, then I would label myself as an assman." Baun explained.

"That doesn't help your case, if anything, that's you admitting that you find asses to be better." Evan stated in an annoyed tone with a frown.

"Hey dipshits, what the fuck are you two doing out here?" Angel demanded in a slightly irritated voice as he approached two of them.

"Isn't it obvious?" Evan asked him as he glanced at Angel. "We're talking about which is better, asses or tits."

"Yeah because apparently thighs aren't an option in this." Baun added with a mildly annoyed expression.

"They aren't." Evan sternly denied as he shifted his gaze back towards Baun. "Wanna know why? Because thigh fetishes are as rare as arm fetishes."

"I'm sorry, what?" Baun questioned. He was completely taken aback by Evan's declaration.

"You heard me, they're as rare as people with arm fetishes." Evan announced in a prideful voice.

"... Anyways, how was your job?" Baun asked Angel after a good several seconds of silence as he looked back at him. He was no longer interested in the topic he and Evan were discussing.

"Eh, as boring as you'd expect it to be." Angel stated with a shrug of his shoulders. He then asked in a slightly inquisitive manner. "So, where is dipshit and fatso?"

"In the inn," Both Evan and Baun answered simultaneously as Evan jerked his thumb over his shoulder.

"I see, I see," Angel said aloud with a couple nods of his head. "And where's Bitchtits Mcgee? Is she in the inn as well?"

"Actually," Evan started as he looked at Baun.

"We have no idea." Baun finished upon feeling his friend's gaze land on him once more.

At this Angel nodded, but after realizing what they had said, the look on his face changed to one of confusion.

"Wait, what did you guys just say?" He questioned.

"We have no idea where she is." Evan claimed with a straight face. "We asked the innkeeper, and she claimed she was in her room, but when we went to check she wasn't there, and yeah."

"Uh-huh," Was the response Angel gave them after hearing this information.

"Why? Why do you care where she is?" Baun asked with curiosity in his voice.

"Did you forget what she asked for before heading to the inn?" Angel asked them with a tiny frown. "She asked for my money, and now I want it back cause there is something I want to buy."

"Oh, and what's that?" Evan asked, traces of interest in his voice.

"A battle scythe." He revealed with no hesitation whatsoever.

"A battle scythe?" Baun repeated in a confused tone as his expression changed to one of confusion as well.

"Yep," Angel practically boasted. "The blacksmith here has a battle scythe and I plan on buying it, so I need my money."

"I'm sorry, but what the hell is a battle scythe?" Baun asked him, confusion still written in his voice.

"Isn't it obvious?" Angel questioned in response. "It's a scythe designed for battle."

"Uh-huh, well good luck on getting your money." Said Baun after a couple seconds of staring at him.

"Yeah," Evan added before saying, "hopefully she didn't just ditch us because if she did then us and this world is fucked, royally."

"Don't you mean, this world and us are fucked royally?" Baun asked Evan with a small grin.

"I don't know, and I don't care," Evan answered with a shrug of his shoulders. "The point is, if she left us, then we're doomed."

"If she left us then I'm just going to start murdering people." Angel stated in a serious tone with a straight face that made it hard for Baun to tell if he was actually being serious or not.

Wanting to know if he was serious or not, Baun asked in a slightly hesitant manner. "Are you being serious right now or..."

"Oh yeah, I'm dead-ass serious," Angel affirmed. "If she left us with my money-"

"Our money you mean." Evan remarked.

"-then I'm seriously going to start murdering people." He finished while ignoring Evan's comment.

"I see, well, let's hope it doesn't come to that." Baun said aloud with a small chuckle.

As Shiva awoke from her slumber, she let out a groan and clutched her head. "Ugh, that was not a good idea."

She had three empty wine bottles on the table in front of her, and a glass that had been knocked over.

It took her a second to process the bottles and glass, but after doing so, she became a little shocked.

"I drank all of this?" She said aloud in a horrified tone as she placed her hands over her mouth.

She couldn't believe the fact that she had drunk all of this wine, and what made it worse, was that she had done in it in front of a lower-tier goddess.

Feeling like her reputation now with Historia was ruined, Shiva buried her face in her hands and groaned as loudly and obnoxiously as possible. "Ugh, it's all their fault, they were the ones that caused me to do this!"

The people who she was referring to was none other than her heroes, and although she wasn't able to remember everything that happened yesterday, she knew they were the cause of this.

"If they didn't treat me poorly, and rile me up whenever they could then I wouldn't have ever come here."

That was the logic she was using, however, she was unable to convince herself and ended up saying aloud. "Who am I trying to convince? I was in need of something like this long before I summoned them."

Indeed, they weren't the actual cause of her drinking yesterday, they were just a minor role in it.

With that thought made clear, Shiva used a spell of hers to cleanse her of her hangover and got up to get a quick shower.

To Be Continued...

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