《The Tale Of Five Heroes And A Goddess》Chapter VI: Spending Time At The Village Known As Imperius. (Part 3)


Chapter VI: Spending Time At The Village Known As Imperius. (Part 3)

Upon returning to the inn, Shiva was met with the sight of a near-naked Evan that was doing push-ups, and Brendan who was laying on his bed reading a book.


No one said a word upon her arrival as the portal behind her evaporated into thin air, but looks were sent to one another.

"... Um, what are you two doing in my room?" She finally asked, which was what broke the silence that had filled the room.

"Your room?" Brendan questioned in a confused and taken aback manner as he looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, I rented you guys a room and then I rented a room for myself." She stated with seriousness in her voice that caused the two males to shoot one another looks of concern.

"Well," Evan started with a chuckle as he stood up, all of which had earned Shiva's attention. "That's not going to happen anymore, and before you say why, it's because we figured you just abandoned us."

"Abandoned you?" She repeated, confusion written in her voice. "Why did you guys think that?"

"Well, I mean, you did kind of leave us without saying anything to us at all." Brendan pointed out with a bit of hesitance.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I abandoned you guys." She countered with the littlest of frowns.

"Eh..." Evan dragged out the word as he shook his left hand in a so-so motion. "It kind of does."

"No it doesn't." She argued as she shot Evan an annoyed look.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure what you did is the definition of abandon." Brendan reluctantly stated.

"It basically is." Evan agreed while ignoring the look Shiva was sending him.

"Well, I'm here now, so therefore I didn't abandon you guys." Shiva declared, she no longer was interested in this topic, and just wanted them to leave her room.

"Well that's good to hear, but if you were expecting that to convince us in leaving the room, then you're mistaken." Evan told her as he got up off of his knees. "The other room is already full, and there's no way in hell I'm sleeping on the wooden floor."

"Agreed." Brendan declared in a heartful manner as he nodded his head.

At this, Shiva said something neither of them were expecting her to say, which was, "Why?"

"Why?" They both repeated in slightly hysterical voices. "Are you seriously asking us that?" Brendan then asked with a look of pure disbelief.

"Yes, I am." She stated in a matter of fact tone. " You both have slept on the ground before, so I don't see why it's a problem if you slept on the flooring."

"Well, for one it's because the ground doesn't someone's semen on it, and number two, that's because we had bedrolls to lay in." Evan explained in a defensive tone. "Also, why the fuck would we leave? This room has two beds, so why not just share one."


"For privacy?" She asked him as if the answer was obvious.

"... Yeah, no." Evan stated after blankly staring at her for a decent length. "If you want privacy then go back to the God's Realm and sleep there. Otherwise, you're not going to get any here."

"Wow, okay then, what little regrets I have for messing with you two right now is now gone." She declared in a prideful voice.

"Okay." Was Evan's response.

"Alright then." Was Brendan's reply.

Both had spoken in indifferent tones, which made it clear that neither of them cared if she was being serious or not about this.

"Anyways, do I at least get a bed of my own?" She asked them after a couple of seconds.

"Depends, what do you mean by bed of your own?" Evan asked her in an inquisitive manner.

"One that doesn't have to be shared with another person." She revealed.

"Nope." Evan answered quickly without even a second of hesitating. "I'm a big guy, and I tend to move around a lot when I sleep, so I need my own bed. You can share with Brendan though if you want; I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Sensing the seriousness in his voice, Shiva let out a small sigh and mumbled to herself. "Why is it when I try to mess with them and act like them I still end up getting a little peeved?"

As Evan moved to lay down, Brendan remembered something and said out loud; "Oh," before gazing at Shiva once more and saying, "Angel told me to tell you if I ever see you again that what happens at the blacksmith's place tomorrow is not his fault."

Confused by this information, Shiva glanced at Brendan and gave him a puzzled look. "What's that suppose to mean?" She asked him.

"It means, he's putting the blame on you." Evan stated as he put his hands behind his head.

"Why?" She questioned, still not understanding what they meant at all.

"It means Angel is going to murder the blacksmith for his scythe if the guy doesn't give him it because he has no money to pay for it." Evan revealed in an indifferent voice as he stared up at the ceiling.

"And you guys are just going to let him do this!?!" Shiva asked, completely horrified by how casual they were acting.

"No," Brendan answered without a second of hesitation. "Me, Baun, and Evan do plan on stopping him, but it would be better if you just gave him the money. He really wants the scythe, and is willing to trade all three of his swords for it."

"I see..." Is all Shiva answered with great reluctance. She had already started to wonder what makes Angel a hero, for he was the most morally questionable person out of the five, but after hearing this from the two of them; she was now really starting to wonder what exactly makes Angel a hero.


As the people of Imperius begun their work, Simon made his way downstairs and to the tavern of the inn.

He had a strange dream, and had been tempted to wake Angel and tell him all about it, but decided not to due to the fact Angel wouldn't care and end up ridiculing him.

Of course, he knew the remarks Angel would have made wouldn't be anything serious, and would be done out of crankiness, but he'd rather not deal with that.

Upon arriving at the bar, Simon found several patrons both armored and unarmored and a person he didn't expect to see at all, at least at this hour, speaking with one of the serving girls.

"Yeah, so we had to kill it, which was a little unfortunate for I found it to be a majestic creature, but what can you do?" Evan explained with a hint of sadness in his voice and a shrug of his shoulders at the end there.

"Wow, that's very impressive, but don't you think it would have been better to kill that demoness?" The serving girl questioned in a slightly hesitant manner as Simon approached the two of them.

"Mmm, probably..." Evan confessed, a trace of reluctance and embarrassment in his voice. "But at the time, I believed her telling the tale of what had happened was the best course of action."

As the girl was about to give him her response, she noticed Simon approaching them out of her peripheral.

"Anyways," She started as she fixed her gaze on Evan and gave him a smile. "I should probably get back to work before I get yelled at. It was nice listening to your tale, Sir Evan, and I'll be sure to give you your meal once it's ready."

"Thank you, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story," Evan claimed while offering her a smile of his own.

With that said, the girl walked off, and not very long after she did, did Simon finish approaching Evan who had let out a blissful sigh.

"Well that's interesting," Simon declared, which had earned Evan's attention.

"What is?" Evan questioned after turning his body so he could look at his friend.

"Nothing." Was the response Simon gave him, which made Evan frown a little.

"I see..." Evan declared after a couple of seconds, he wasn't sure what Simon had found to be interesting, but he had a good feeling it was nothing important.

"... So, is it alright if I sit down?" Simon asked after what felt like an eternity of awkward silence.

"Of course," Evan affirmed before gesturing to the seat across from him. "It would be weird if you just stood behind me, so by all means, sit down."

"Thank you," Said Simon before moving to take his seat.

As he did this, Evan turned his body once more, and said in a slightly curious voice. "So, are the others up and about or no?"

"I don't know," Simon answered with a shrug of his shoulders. "Angel didn't look like he was up, and I didn't even bother checking on Baun."

"I see, well, points for honesty I guess..." Evan said in response with traces of uncertainty in his voice.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing Brendan isn't up either?" Simon asked in return; he had a trace of curiosity in his voice as well.

"Uh, I'm not sure to be honest," Evan confessed after giving his question some thought. "He didn't really answer me when I asked him if he was up, but then again, I didn't say it in a very loud voice either, nor did I really care if he was up or not."

"I see, I see; practical Evan not caring for anybody else, nice, nice," Simon stated with a few nods of his heads.

"I mean, I needed to use the restroom badly, so I didn't exactly have the time to sit around waiting for him to respond. I had more urgent matters to attend to than waking him up." Evan explained in a somewhat defensive manner.

"Alright then." Was Simon's reply to this information which happened to be a little infuriating due to how disinterested he sounded.

"Anyways, so the Goddess came back last night." Evan started after a couple seconds of silence.

At this, Simon's eyes filled with curiosity and he couldn't help but ask. "Really?"

"Yep," Evan answered with a small nod of his head. "She had apparently ordered two rooms with the intention of keeping one for herself and herself alone, but after finding me and Brendan there she went back to her room in the God's Realm."

"Nice," Spoke Simon with a bit of approval in his voice. "But question?"

"Yeah?" Evan replied with wonder in his voice.

"Did you get Angel's money from her?" He asked, his tone had changed slightly to a more serious one.

"Of course, how else would I be paying for my meal?" Evan rebutted with a smirk.

"I don't know, your body?" Simon said with a shrug of his shoulders that made Evan's grin vanish instantaneously.

"... Very funny."

To Be Continued...

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