《Vain Glories》Chapter 19: "They compose poems to their knives."
Elizabeth Carter ended the call after a short exchange then returned her phone to her jacket pocket. “That will be all for now Karen. I recommend thinking twice before you attempt to trade tasks with someone, or at the very least follow the clear instructions given rather than relying on your meager and clearly lacking experience.”
Karen took the clear the dismissal for what it was, nodded at Elizabeth hesitantly before turning and quickly heading out the front doors.
“Now then, Let’s move on to more pleasant things shall we?” Elizabeth said, maneuvering her wheelchair with a deft touch of the panel on the arm rest. Bianca walked next to her as they went down the hall. Behind her were Elijah and Sunny walking side by side and quietly confirming all the information Karen had explained on the way over. Nadia, Esperanza, and Penny took up the rear deep in conversation about the benefits of physical mods and which ones were compatible with Vain Glory pilots. The short answer was none.
The Academy’s Hallway was wide enough to have accommodated the entire group shoulder to shoulder if they felt the need to line up. The Lights were set in the center of the ceiling and gave a soft glow that was amplified be the hallway’s pristine white walls. Spaced evenly lining the center of the walls were lockers that all had a digital keypad in gray and cyan. The area seemed sparsely populated compared to the gaggle of (mostly) girls that had gone to inspect the commotion out front.
“Lizzy.” Bianca curtly stated As they walked.
“Bianca.” Elizabeth calmly responded.
“Car trip, pod or train.”
“We’re a bit turned around for the train dear.” Elizabeth said playfully.
“But Lumi is okay to get our hanger set up? Or do we need to have everything unloaded to the north?”
“Oh, now you’re fine with proper procedure?” Elizabeth teased.
“I’m fine with doing what my friend needs me to do. Even if it’s annoying.”
“She’s been given the ok, Did Karen at least explain the perks and stipend to you?
Bianca quickly flashed her power at Elijah, telling him to come forward.
“Yeah mom?” Elijah asked.
“Did you absorb all the information Ms Cross gave your sister?”
“Got the broad strokes, do well get paid. Do well get perks.”
“Close enough.” Elizabeth said with a laugh. “The student guidebook gives you the exact rules and breakdowns.”
They came to a stop at a large set of double doors marked Faculty Office and proceeded inside. As they followed Elizabeth’s lead the various people inside made a point to ignore them except for one. Her legs were crossed as she sat at her desk, chair swiveled around to greet them. The woman was like a blade, sharp and elegant. Her white skirt had red stripes up the side that seemed to blend into her red sleeveless top. The collar of her white jacket was buttoned around her neck though it was left to drape behind her like a cape. With a smile she swept her blonde hair back with one hand and stood to greet them.
“Well now, this is a pleasant surprise. Lydia Lazzaro, a pleasure to meet you all. It’s especially good to see you again Ms Carter.”
“Lydia. It’s been what, eight years now?” Elizabeth asked.
“Closer to nine by my count.” Lydia said.
“I’ve reserved room 00 for the day for intake and testing but I’ve found that the instructions I gave in preparation have gone largely ignored.” Elizabeth mentioned crossing her arms.
The various people milling about the office pretending not to listen seemed to collectively flinch at Elizabeth’s displeasure and those who had found convenient excuses to be there quickly invented convenient excuses to leave.
“That’s why I’m here waiting ma’am. Yukiko went to talk to the headmistress and I came down to make sure everything was ready and stable. I’ll be administering the written portion of the exams and Yukiko expressed an interest in at least watching the practical.” Lydia said.
“And the status of room 00?”
“Appears to have been left alone but I waited for your arrival to preform the final checks and sweeps.” Lydia said as she began walking towards the back of the office.
Before the group were ten doors equally spaced apart with numbers in the center of each door from 00 to 09. Lydia went to a panel on the side of the door marked 00 and entered a long code before stepping back as the numbers on the door in question flashed a bright red twice before settling on green.
“Looks to be in order ma’am, shall we proceed?” Lydia asked as the door slid open.
As Lydia and Elizabeth began to make their way forwards Bianca stopped and turned to the group.
“Esperanza, Sunny can the two of you head back to Jennifer and Benaiah and get the container loaded? Then make sure security is up to our standard in the hanger and crew dormitory.”
Esperanza nodded her assent but Sunny was quick to complain.
“But moooom, I wanted to see the fight!”
“And if you hurry there will be plenty of time to.” Bianca replied. “I’ll send you a message once it’s underway.”
“Alright fine.” She pouted before grabbing Esperanza by the arm and running off.
Once Bianca, Nadia, Penelope and Elijah entered, the door sealed behind them. The room they found themselves in was a dull gray. Gray walls, gray ceiling, gray floor. Directly ahead was a set of white double doors, Lydia and Elizabeth both waiting for the group to get settled. Up against the right side of the room was a group of chairs against the wall and to the left was a large two way mirror and a door leading into the room beyond. Elijah casually walked up to the mirror and glanced into the room beyond. Inside was a single table and chair.
Bianca pulled a small black box from her coat pocket and pressed a button, once the light at the top glowed green she smiled and put it away.
“Right.” Lydia began looking between Nadia and Penny. “Which of you is the pilot?”
Elijah suppressed a smirk at the same assumption unfolding but decided that the room was safe enough for the big reveal.
“Elijah Winter at your service.”
Lydia took him in, not betraying a hint of the shock she felt. Normally she’d dismiss him as delusional but no one in the room had spoken up in favor of this being a prank. If he was telling the truth about being a pilot then it made sense that Elizabeth Carter came here in person. Two men revealed in the same year could be a sign that the world was about to violently change again. And if he was lying? Well she’d find out soon enough. She was glad that it wasn’t her that would have to clean up the mess.
“Great, did you get the list of required reading?” Lydia asked.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good, leave your phone, watch, and any other electronic devices behind. That includes the Babel.”
Elijah removed his earpiece, his phone/summoning fob and his cufflinks then handed them to Bianca. He opened his jacket and removed a pistol as well, fingers pressing different spots in the grip to engage the safeties.
Lydia’s eyes lingered on the blade on his belt, the pommel was a gold snarling hyena head.
“Not that I don’t approve but the student guidebook gives an allowance for a single sidearm not two.” Lydia said.
“As a citizen of the Holy Republic of Varalfa my blade is a cultural and spiritual exception. The Guidebook says that it is perfectly acceptable going so far as to name my countrymen… well more countrywomen I suppose, as examples.”
“Good, I was worried you’d be enrolling half-cocked like many of the usual admissions here. We’ll be confirming your citizenry claims during the exam, and the dagger will need to be scanned for compliance. Do you have any genetic or physical modifications or implants that you need to declare?”
“Just the one.” He said turning around and tapping the pilot implant at the base of his skull.
“I assume it’s the standard device and not modified in any significant way?”
“Ms Lazzaro.” Nadia cut in. “I’m Dr Nadia Chase, I have all the medical files and details that my patient will be divulging at this time and yes, the implant is standard.”
“Fantastic, there are a few tests that will still need to be done on site however. Chief among them are measuring his pilot affinity levels. All the additional testing is done here and none of the data is saved or stored. It’s all basic pass/fail stuff. Now, I notice one of the people in your group is wearing the ID collar?” Lydia said, gesturing to Bianca.
“Yes, is there a problem?” Bianca asked.
“Potentially but probably not. ID collars are not at all compulsory on the academy grounds proper, although the hospitals and shopping district requires them. Elijah, are you currently on record as being ESP capable?”
“Not even a litle bit.” Elijah responded.
“Excellent, we’ll be applying the standard checks and tests today for that so if that’s a deal breaker better to let us know now. Keep in mind that testing positive does not at all discount you from piloting eligibility though if you’ve intentionally lied about anything here and it comes out you’ll be receiving a hit to your potential ranking and status.”
“Nothing comes to mind ma’am.”
“Good. Everyone else? Please wait here for the first leg of the testing. Bianca, since we don’t have your brand or class of ESP on file please note that any demonstrable use of your abilities while in this room will instantly disqualify Elijah.” She said, then turned to her colleague. “Elizabeth? Will you be proctoring?”
“Not this time dear. It’s a bit of a conflict of interest given how long I’ve known Bianca and besides, you’re doing fine.” Elizabeth said, waving her hand from her seated position.
“Ah, thank you ma’am. Would you mind filling in Dr Chase about what happens next medically speaking?”
“Certainly.” Elizabeth replied.
Once Lydia confirmed Elijah was ready she escorted him into an antechamber and gestured at the dagger at Elijah‘s waist. Wordlessly he unclipped it and handed it to her hilt first. She held it up to eye level, turning it this way and that before unsheathing it.
“It’s a beautiful piece.” She casually mentioned.
“Thank you. Are you at all familiar with Varalfa?”
“It’s a gorgeous country, I’ve had business dealings there a few times in the past. The dagger is mostly what I’m used to seeing though I thought the Hyena was typically reserved for nobility?” She asked with a smirk.
“It was a gift from a good friend I hope to see again soon.” Elijah replied. “So, are you going to pull out a security wand type thing or some type of scanner box tucked into an alcove?”
“Nah, you’re clear.” Lydia said, sheathing the dagger and handing it back to him.
“Oh, that was a bit anticlimactic.”
“I’ll let you in on a little trade secret. The lights in here are neutral. Had you ended up with some way to cheat they’d be an entirely different color.” She explained.
Once Elijah put away his dagger they entered the room and he took the only seat available. He looked up to see his reflection looking back at him and waved to where he assumed his mother was still standing.
“Okay, this part is pretty straight forward. There is a desk drawer on your side of the table. When you are ready to begin open the drawer and remove the tablet inside. The test has five sections and your score will be based on how much of each section is correctly completed. Do you have any questions?” Lydia paced as she explained.
“How long is the test?”
“You’ll notice a distinct lack of anything resembling a clock in the room. You’ll have until the tablet turns itself off.”
“Will I be able to go back over previous sections of the test to double check my work?”
“You’re allowed to move freely between sections as you wish.”
“Cool, last question. How much weight does this have on my initial rank? I doubt you’re as interested in my ability to calculate flight vectors than you are in my ability to pilot a Vain Glory without my brain leaking out of my ears. Is my rank going to be in the same ballpark as Arai’s?”
Lydia stopped her pacing and faced Elijah with a wide smile. “I recommend you take this part seriously. Though if you’re anything at all like your sister I wouldn’t worry too much about where your ranking starts.”
“Sounds good.” Elijah replied as he pulled open the drawer and pulled out the large tablet.
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