《Brave Soul》13. Wisdom and Courage 3
------Back to Eloah
My greatest fear is being helpless. I recall the days during my clerk years. The attending physician refused my opinion and continued the wrong treatment. After the patient dies, I got some samples from his tissue and blood and my diagnosis was right. The inability to help someone due to hierarchy, whose own pride that he can’t swallow results to the death of my first patient. I am here. This is my reality. I need to be strong or I will die again. I don’t know if what reasons why I am being sent in this world or is it just a part of cycle of nature.
Eloah felt something within his body. A powerful surge of energy coming from the surrounding enters his body. A faint light is emitting throughout his a body. He looks like a white bulb flickering for few minutes until the flicking light fade in silence.
“I can’t believe it! I rank up. I became a Tredje!” I shouted then murmured, “What kind of sick prerequisite.” I grind my teeth and said “How many people need to die before I will rank up again!”
Eloah place the wrapped corpse on the ground. He uses the “GRASS CLENCH” and the grass around him grew at least three meters.
The old man told me that magic is unique, although there is a chance that the trigger names maybe the same with other users. The usage of the skills will be different or similar. Every time I use magic, I always think about the property of the element. Basically, I need a strong mental capacity to shape and create one.
Eloah search is subconscious memory to retrieve something that can be use with the grass clench then he recall a drill. Several leaves look like a muscle fibres gathering in to one place. He pointed the space just two meters away from the corpse. The leaves are now used like a drill. The hole is about five meters deep and one meter wide. After that Eloah release the spell. He went to the hole and places the wrapped corpse gently on the ground. There are some roots sticking in the hole so he uses it to climb up. He begins to push some of the soil towards the hole.
----------Gran POV
“I can’t believe he rank up!” I murmured.
“He is around 11 years old, at bit fast but the real problem his current rank.” Ragan said.
“Still, for a young age to be a Tredje. It shows his soul is very strong. I don’t know what happened to him in the past or why his soul is very strong,. We need to train more Ragan , just one rank up then he will be equal to us” I said.
“Is that his third spell?” Ragan curiously asked.
“ I don’t think that is his third spell. It seems it is his first spell based on the nature energy that was consumed.” I explained.
“So you can have two spells in first tier?” Ragan asked
“That is impossible! It seems like he remake it. If you remember earlier the spell just gather into one side and become that pointed object. Still, I don’t know how he did it,” I said.
Both men sigh.
-----------Back to Eloah
Huh? It seems like my sense seems became sensitive. I could sense some two higher rank Igorha hiding just several meters away from me. Wait....it seems like Gran and Ragan.
Eloah walk towards the bushes.
“ You know what? I don’t mind suffocating you guys using that bushes,” I said.
Both men raised both of their hands.
“ So, why are you following me,” I asked.
“We just want to know, about the curse. I want to be an open mind but please explained it to us in the simplest term as possible,” Gran said.
“Walk with me,” I said.
Both of them men nodded.
“The curse you mentioned is an infectious disease that causes severe watery faeces, which can lead to dehydration characterized by sunken eyes, dry skin and limited piss, if left untreated the infected person will die. It is caused by eating food or drinking water, contaminated with a certain little organism that can’t be seen by our naked eyes,” I explained.
“What!? can’t be seen? Gran raised his voice.
“ Yes, I maybe wrong with the little organism’s name but the manifestation is similar to what I knew,” I said.
“So, how do we stop it,” Ragan asked.
“According to your people the point of source is the water that is located several meters away from the city,” I said.
They arrived at the gate. Eloah immediately told Gran and Ragan to gather everyone outside the hall. Few minutes after, people are now standing in front of the merchant hall. Eloah asked Ragan about the population of the city and he said about 5569 since one died a while ago. Eloah swipe his vision from side to side.
It seems like all of the people are here.
“Good afternoon everyone, My name is Eloah Zophar, just call me Eloah. Recently we bid farewell to one of the resident in this city due to the curse as mentioned by the envoy of the holy church,” I calmly said then paused to see the reaction of the people.
It seems like most of the people seems like agreeing and blaming the curse. Some of the people and children that was close to the deceased one just look down. If your one of the minority, then you don’t have choice but to join the majority even if the majority is wrong. In this era wherein one’s opinion can equate to blasphemy.
“ I am sorry to tell you guys, citizen of this city that the envoy of the church is wrong,” I said.
Everyone was murmuring and some of the people are shouting that Eloah will be punished because of his ill intent to the church. Ragan step in front of Eloah then he used a skill called “MOON GROWL” is a race lock ability, in order for this ability to work, an Igorha must focus his energy within his neck specifically the larynx. After several seconds when he is about to release the force wave, ¼ of the energy must remained in the larynx and the rest is spread towards the paired and unpaired cartilages such as the epiglottis and arytenoid cartilages, the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles such as cricothyroid muscles and thyrohyoid muscles. It will form like a blanket that will covered the entire area with the larynx as the focal point. Ragan tilt his head towards the sky and a very loud growl can be heard. It is like a wolf howling but three times louder.
All the people became stop talking. Most of them are shaking.
My hands are shaking. It felt like I was electrocuted. My eyes became blurry and I felt nauseous.
Ragan step back then gestures to me to continue to talk.
“ The point of source is the water just outside the town, the water that you’ve been drinking all the time. I would like for you guys to drink the water in that big jar located outside the kitchen of the merchant hall. An attendant will be there to assist you. That is all for now.,” I look towards Gran.
I step back and Gran step forward.
“As you heard him, please follow the instruction. Keen will guide you on what to do. You can stay inside the guild for awhile. Keen will fetch you guys later. Thank you,” Gran explained.
Most people are not contented on what Eloah said. Most of them still believe that the god punished them. You can see the confused in their eyes. The only people who believe in Eloah are the people who experience the disease.
Greta guid them to the Guild while Eloah and the others stayed.
“Keen, do you know the place where people usually defecate?,” I curiously asked
“There is one north from the city and one east from the city,” Keen said.
“Okay , Lead the way,” I said.
We went to both source, it seems like both of the water source are contaminated. The water came from the spring flowing from the apex of the triangular rock. If Eloah’s hypothesis is correct the people were just fetching the water from below. When we surveyed the surrounding there are several faecal waste and some are just 2 meters from the water source.
“So what are we going to do?,” Ragan asked.
“Do you know any person who can build a latrine or people who's job is into building?,” I asked.
“There is, his name is Grande, he is Greta’s husband,” Ragan said.
“He is also the one who built the guild hall and merchant hall,” Gran said.
“Shall we go back to the merchant hall and prepare for the prevention,” I said.
The men nodded and they walked back to the hall. Keen brought Grande in the hall. Eloah was surprised because Grande is a dwarf. Grande has a dark blond hair. He has a muscular feature. His height is just 4 feet.
A dwarf and a human, I want to know their love story.
“So, what can I do,” Grande asked.
“I want you to build at least 4 latrine but for the meantime you can just build one,” I said.
“What is the use of this anyway,” he curiously asked.
“It is like a small pit. It collects faeces from the human in a pit. We don’t need to use a water. If we will able to properly built and maintained, it can decrease the spread of disease by reducing the amount of human faeces in the environment from open defecation. This decreases the transfer of the tiny organism between faeces and food by flies or faecal handled by children. The tiny organism caused the disease to the people,” I explained.
He nodded and said,” Do you have any sketch for this,”
I grab a paper and some a charcoal like pen and draw a small hut.
The first thing that we need to do is to select a suitable site that is at least 20 - 30 meters from wells or bore holes. This will help to ensure that human waste doesn't end up in the water supply. Second, dig a pit in the ground. Make the pit 1.3 meters wide and 3 meters deep. Third, dig a pit in the ground. Make the pit 1.3 meters wide and 3 meters deep. Fourth, cover the completed brick pit with a round cement slab the same diameter as the hole around 1.3 metres wide. The slab needs to have one hole for ventilation via a chimney and another hole to squat over. Cut these out before sealing the slab in place. Fifth, seal the gap between the slab and the pit well. Use cement mortar again. Sealing it is vital because it will trap any flies and prevent them from congregating. Sixth, build brick walls around the toilet base. This is for privacy. Lastly, attach a chimney to the ventilation hole and bring it up through the roof of the toilet. This ensures that dangerous odours and gases are ventilated upward and out into the air away from ground level.”
For the next two weeks, Grande with the help of other builders erected the latrine and the entire people use it. Gran also hold another meeting about the disease name and the prevention. Eloah also taught the people on how prevent the spread of disease through proper hand washing. Since the people don’t use soap then just by cleaning using water will be okay.
----2 months of have passed
----Merchant Hall, Gran’s office
“There is zero incidence of the disease,” Ragan reported.
“ I don’t know how to thank you Eloah, if you did not come this place will be burn again,” Gran said.
“I am just glad that I could help,” I said camly.
Gran got stand up while holding 2 documents and handed the document to Eloah.
“This is a residential and citizenship document, are you really sure you want me to be one of your citizens?” I asked
“ You help us, it’s the best thing that I could give,” Gran said.
“So, what are the perks of being resident and citizen in this city?” I curiously asked.
“ You can have a house and land, since the city is poor and we can’t possibly give you monetary gift, all I can give you is the land just south from here,” Gran said.
“That nice, but can I go to adventure and return as well?” I asked.
“There is no such restriction,” Gran smiled then continue, “by the way I am going out with Ragan, Graham and Keen. We will visit a family friend, if you need anything just asked Greta.”
After the talk Eloah went to the place where his lot and small house located. The house is similar to Eloah’s mother. Eloah entered and saw a 5 inches bed, one small circular table and a sink. He went to bed and sleep.
-------Day after, morning
-------Greta POV
“Greta, thank you….but we really need her support, that is why we need to meet her,” Gran said.
“I don’t really mind but I am worried but Ragan….,” Greta said.
“Don’t worry about me, I will try my best not to cause any chaos,” Ragan faked smile.
Greta approached his husband and whispered, “just look out for Ragan” then kissed his cheeks.
------Almost noon
------Eloah POV
Eloah woke up, went to the sink a gargle some water with salt. He went to the Guild hall to eat something and find some posted job.
“By the way where is everyone?” I asked Greta.
“ Gran and the others went to visit an old friend and starting today and tomorrow is the day when the fruit lorchan is ripe so most adventurer are out.” Greta explained.
“Okay…don’t you have any…..( interrupted due to a shout from outside).
Greta and Eloah went out and saw 3 children, two children are unconscious while a little boy is front of the two children with cuts all over his upper limbs. The child seems like blocking the whip coming from the Bishop.
“I am sorry my lord, if the child may disrespect you, I will make sure that the child will be punished accordingly,” Greta said.
Most of the guards are angry but won’t help the child.
It seems that this is the piece of shit that told Gran to kill the infected one.
“May I asked why an outstanding person like you is punishing that child,” I asked calmly.
Greta approached me and whispered, “ what are you doing?
“Hmp the child is not answering my question! I am the instrument of God, when I asked something you peasant should respond truthfully! Not responding means blasphemy to the higher being!” Carl said.
“Care to tell me what your question is all about,” I asked calmly.
“Who among you cure the curse one, tell me honestly boy or you will suffer the same treatment of that child,” Carl shouted.
“ I will answer your question if you answer my last question, why is it that highly esteemed person like you visited this rundown city without an escort.” I asked curiously.
“Sometimes kid you need to personally slap someone in order for one to be satisfied,” Carl is grinning.
“Please, the one who cure us is not here anymore!,” the child is looking at Eloah.
Greta whispered,” Let us go , the child is willing to sacrifice to protect your secret.”
“You piece of shit! “LIGHT COAT” this spell is just infusing a light energy in a weapon to make it hard like metal which result to blunt attack.
I whispered, “GRASS CLENCH” “DRILL” the drill like leaves manage to deflect the whip.
Greta, the common people and the guards were shocked and speechless.
“You! This is blasphemy,” Carl shouted.
“Really? Do you believe in God? I asked.
“ Of course! In the name of the God of Light! I will pass judgment on you!” Carl shouted.
“ Don’t worry, your corpse will be the fertilizer to my plant,” I said then smirked.
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