《Brave Soul》12. Wisdom and Courage 2
Author's note:
I have several exams for the next two weeks, I may or may not be able to release chapter 13.
After that two weeks, I may have few exams so I may release one.
Thanks! Happy Reading
If I remember correctly in my previous life, this disease has killed millions of people since it emerged out of the filthy water and living conditions of Calcutta India in the early 1800. Since then, there have been a total of eight pandemics. This pandemic disease that can last many years or even a few decades at that time, and spread to different countries and across continents and oceans. The first pandemic of eighteen hundreds and spread from India to Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Russia leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead in its wake. During that time, several famous people contributed to stop the disease, the cholera. With proper treatment, it will reduce the mortality rate to less than one percent. If not treated mortality rate will rise more than fifty percent.
I went to the merchant hall then walks to Gran’s office. I saw Gran’s sitting and looking on the floor while cupping his face with both of his hands.
“ I heard about your decision,” I said.
He lifts up his head and said, “Do you know how despicable I am? I need to burn the cursed one so that the majority of us will be save.” Grans's voice is cracking.
I walk towards the empty wooden chair, sat and said, “Who give you the idea that burning them will make sure that it will go away.”
“It was the Bishop,” he said.
“The church? What the hell is the connection between the church and this disease?, I asked.
“It's a curse.....Will they are the one who said it’s a curse and besides this happened several years ago,” I said.
“You also burned them?” I exclaimed.
“Yes....my friend, my families and also Ragan families, even the emperor sided with the church. Those people who have manifestation of the curse was burnt either they are alive or dead. They call it the purification process since the highest tier of their cure solution is not working.” Gran said while his eye is like hopeless.
“Okay, what happened after they were burnt alive?” I asked.
“The house where the cursed one quarantined was burnt. I don’t think anyone is living in there after what happened and there were no cursed people sighted ever since until now” Gran explained.
So, basically the church did the right thing but with the wrong rationale. By placing a forbidden sign on that place plus the stories passed by mouth they really stop the source of the disease.
“What if I will tell you that there is a way,” I smiled.
“There is!? Ragan was at the mouth of the door with surprised looks.
“Not really a cure, more like prevention for them to die or just a palliative care. The etiologic agent or the cause of the disease will not kill you, it’s the manifestation that will kill you,” I explained.
“I don’t know, it seems like to be too good to be true,” Gran doubt.
“What the hell! Gran! Would you rather see your people burn alive than take the risk of applying what this kid is talking,” Ragan raised his voice.
“It is not that! What if the disease will spread after this kids method or whatever magic or ritual that he will perform will not work!,” Gran shouted.
“Oh! Trust me I will not use any rituals,” I said.
Gran took a deep breath and asked, “ What do you need then?”.
“ All I need is clean water, salt and sugar,” I demanded.
“What the!? Are you joking! Those things are expensive!” Gran shouted.
“Huh? What the hell are you talking about?” I do remember during that time. When Silva is cooking they did not really use or rarely use any seasonings. Hmm....Silva...Revon....
“Are you all right? Gran said in a concern voice.
“I am fine,” I said and stand.
“You been staring in the air for no reason, are you sure your fine,” Gran asked.
“I don’t have the curse if that what you are implying,” I said.
Gran and Ragan seems relieve.
“How will this things help?” Gran asked.
“ I will try to explained as simple as possible. This particular manifestation appeared in some stories that I heard by a certain old guy. I need to make something believable background. According to him this city all experienced what your people experienced. Almost half of the people die in that country, the person who discovered the solution did not give up, he accidentally mix the sugar, salt and water and then he gave it to the citizen and the death rate decreases,” I explained
“Huh!? It seems to be good to be true,” Gran said.
“Can we just let him help them? You got nothing to lose anyway” Ragan said.
“......okay....you can use the kitchen in this hall. Just go out and use the back door. Salt and the sugar are already in the kitchen,” Gran said.
I went out and enter the door of the back of the merchant hall. The place is quite big it is approximately 30 square metres. The interior design is similar to the interior of the merchant hall. There are several huge jars without covers. When I checked it, it contained water. There are two long wooden tables about 3 meters long and 1 meter wide and 16 wooden chairs in each table. There are also pots hanging above the coal. The pots are made up of clay.
I went to the kitchen table grab the medium size empty clay jar. Then I thought....How many people are sick? I went back to the hall and asked Ragan for help. According to him there are at least 25 adults and 100 children.
I asked Ragan to lift and fill the clay pots hanging on the coal but when I saw the water I was shocked. There are tons of wriggles swimming. I checked every jar and all of them have wriggles.
“Dispose all the water from the jar,” I said.
“I can’t do that, we have limited supply of water!,” Ragan protested.
“How many do you think die before I came here,” I asked.
“That would be 100 people.....,” Ragan said.
“And where does the citizen in this city get water,” I asked.
“Most of them are got it from here, but if not they will get to the nearest lake about 20 minutes walk south from this city,” Ragan explained.
“Do you ever think that your water might be the cause of those death,” I said.
“Do you think.....we....,” Ragan is trying to explain but I interrupted.
“Not really...I don’t think those death are curse or related to this water since you drink it as well. The source maybe at the nearest lake,” I said.
Ragan and I disposed the water and clean the jar.
--------Eloah’s memory
“Hey! Revon which of the elements do you think I need to use first? I asked.
“My advice would be the highest one. So, if you have the highest affinity in water then use it,” Eliah said.
“ Why can’t I use the lower ones first,” I asked.
“If you chose the lower one, you will have difficulty in ranking up. Let say, if you want to pull a person it would be better for a huge person who will do the pulling rather than a petite person who will pull the huge person.” Eliah explained.
“How do I use magic or use or create one,” I asked.
“According to my late master either your a Dewin, Igorha or Umtoli , it does not really matter. If you put an effort, time or dedication surely your very own soul will guide you. The skill’s name is only trigger for you to release the skill; it has nothing to do with the skill itself. If you travel around you will be surprised that there are few people with the same skill name but different way of using it,” Eliah explained.
“Soul...skill...? I asked.
“I am sorry, even my master doesn’t know about it, but maybe some scholar somewhere in this world may know about it,” he said.
“I just don’t know what to do, I mean I have no idea,” I blurted out.
“Well, let see try making a basic one then it will depend on how you manipulate it,” he explained.
-------Back to reality
“WATER MAKE” I murmured. The spell maybe basic but unless one knows the component of the water or one's sensitivity or affinity is high then it would be difficult to create and use it. A Dewin must concentrate their natural energy to any external areas such as hands or feet. The energy must be gathered in surface area, the lesser the surface area the higher the pressure, then use the trigger words.
“What! You are a Dewin!? Ragan shouted.
“Is there something wrong,? I questioned.
“Yes! Dewin are rare! Ragan raised his voice.
“Rare? I asked?
“Let see....if we use percentage 50% are Igorha, 30% are Umtoli and 20% are Dewin,” he said.
“ I am not special, I mean we are we using energy,” I said.
“Hmm...I forgot...but it seems like you guys can use energy outside your body unlike us we can only use our inner energy but I am not well versed on much deeper explanation...,” Ragan said.
“Okay....but can we go back to our main goal,” I said.
“ha ha ha ha, okay!,” he said while wagging his tail.
I’m controlling myself not to touch his tail!
Let see....I remember during my medical students years.....
--------Memories of Eloah from his previous life
“ Hey! Eloah! your late!,” Mane said.
“Well, I am here! By the way we don’t have any pedialyte,” I said
“Huh? I thought you bought at least several packs yesterday!” she shouted.
“There are several people who got diarrhoeas from the previous town during our medical mission,” I explained.
“Seriously! We have 3 people in here needing an oral rehydrating solution!. Can you buy a distilled water, sugar and salt? If there is nothing then I will make one!” she said.
-------Back to reality – Eloah
As far as I remember; half level teaspoon of Salt, six level teaspoons of Sugar in a one litre of clean drinking water. I am not sure if this will suffice but it better than doing something than doing nothing.
“ Ragan, how many people got the cursed again,” I asked
“That would be 25 adults and 100 children,” he said.
I saw most of the children roaming around are undernourished; my guess is their average weight would be around 30 kilograms while the adults are around 50 kilograms I need to roughly calculate first the basic fluid maintenance therapy that would be given: weight x 75ml/ 4 hours. So the each adult must consume 3750ml in 4 hours that would be at least 935ml per hour. The children must also consume at least 2625ml divided in 4 hours. Then I need to reassess them again. I need at least 796,875 or at least 797 litres of water, 399 tsp of salt and 4782 tsp of sugar.
Ragan and I prepared the water first. It seems that each cast I can produce at 50 litres of water. I taste the water and it taste like distilled water. I gave the instruction to him and have a rest. It almost consumes all my energy. Ragan was very eager to help for the cause.
While I was sitting in the corner of the kitchen, I have several thought on cholera.
Dealing with cholera is different than other emergencies that any health care professionals can worked on. It was the speed of it that made it so different. When health care professionals enter in an area with many people sick from cholera or a completely overloaded with cholera patients, one will know lives will soon be lost. Cholera can kill few hours as a result of dehydration, so I know that I have to make quick decisions because tomorrow might be too late.
“I am finished!,” Ragan said,
“Lead the way,” I murmured.
I found many patients then do the assessment and quick physical examination. Most of them have mild case with palpable pulses. They are sitting on the ground within the pool of their own watery stool. Since, we don’t have IV fluid, Ragan and I started giving water.
After 4 hours after the hydration therapy, I reassessed the patients.
All of the adults are getting better but one of the children seems to be not responding to the treatment. Maybe the spell also makes them better a little bit. I went back to the kitchen to use the ‘WATER MAKE’ and fill the huge vase. I asked Ragan again to make another batch of ORS and continue the therapy.
The child has similar manifestation of a marasmus condition. I checked the entire patient and it seems that this child approximately 3 years old has the worst condition plus the effect of the cholera disease.
I whispered, “Ragan kindly guide all the people in here to a clean place. Please tell them to clean themselves. I still have several jag of water outside the kitchen, use it. Let them eat and drink the solution you made.”
Ragan walked towards Eloah and whispered, “Okay.”
Ragan guided the people towards the merchant hall.
“Do you want to see your mother or father,” I gently asked.
“ I...difficulty in breathing...I don’t have any. They died in war” he said and smile then he vomited to the opposite side of me. All I did was hold his thin arms, just to reassure him that someone is here with him.
“Do you want to eat your favourite food,” I asked gently.
He looked at me and said with shortness of breath, “I don’t want to eat....but I want to listen to a song...my mama always sing it to me before I asleep.... To the sky.....”
“I remember that song, my mom also sing that to me...would like me to sing it for you,” I smiled. The kid looks at me with his sunken eyes and a trace of dried tears at the medial cantus due to dehydration.
So I sing:
The white clouds continued on to the sky.
It is wavering as it envelops one’s hope.
It was unnoticed by anyone; by I do notice it every time.
I will ascend to the sky. I will fear nothing as I soar up so high.
I will admire the sky as I dash through the vapour trails of life.
At this small window, before my soul will fly,
Please let me admire the sky even if I don’t understand or other will not understand
For my hope will fly and I will see the bright day.
After I sang the song, I noticed the kid’s face. His eyes are close with a small smile pasted on my face. I checked his carotid pulse but there is no pulse. Checked his breathing and I can't felt it. Check his eyes it's already fixed and dilated. I wrapped him with the blanket. My eyes seems blurry, my heart beat seems a little bit fast and my breathing seems disturbed. My cheek becomes wet as tears flows from my eyes. I continue to wrap the child’s body with a dirty blanket. After the child was wrapped, I carried the child's lifeless body and move out from the house. When I open the door I saw Ragan and Gran with such worried faces but I just continue to walk towards the east gate.
“Hey! Kid wait up! Where are you going with that body,” Gran asked.
I continue to walk and said, “I will bury him,”
“Wait! You can’t! The church said that God will punish you! Only the nobles have the right to be buried,” Gran raised his voice.
“Yes...the pope especially said that,” Ragan seconded.
I stop and turned around and said while my voice is still shaking, “let them come, I will welcome all the punishment that they will throw to me.” I focused my gazed towards Gran, “ I thought you are a strong and rational person, it seems like my thoughts of you were wrong.” Then I continue to walk towards the east gate
-------Merchant Hall
-------Gran POV
“What happened!? Why are the people in here, “ I raised my voice.
“It seems that they are cured already. Is there a food in the kitchen? ” Ragan asked then I nod.
Ragan announced that they can eat but before that they need to clean themselves using the jars of water outside the kitchen.
“Tell me! What the hell is going on!” I raised my voice.
“ I will let Eloah explained because I don’t have any idea,” Ragan murmured.
“I will talk to him, lead the way,” I said.
We ran towards the house where Eloah is located. I gently open the door.
“Wait...is he singing? I asked.
“It seems like a children’s song,” Ragan said.
“What happened to that kid on the small table,” I asked.
“I don’t know but when he told me that I need to guide the people out and looked at his expression he was about to cry so I just followed his order,” I Ragan said.
“ Wait... he is carrying the dead body, close the door,” I whispered.
Eloah open the door. His eyes are a bit red. It seems like he is crying.
“Hey! Kid wait up! Where are you going with that body?,” I politely asked.
He still continue to walk and said, “ I will bury him,”
“Wait! You can’t! The church said that God will punish you! Only the nobles have the right to be buried,” I raised my voice.
“Yes...the pope especially said that,” Ragan seconded.
Eloah stop and turned around and responded while his voice shaking and tears continue to flow, “let them come! I will welcome all the punishment that they will throw to me.” Then he focused his gazed on me and said, “I thought that you are a strong and rational person, it seems like my thoughts were wrong.” Then he continues to walk to the east gate.
I was shocked of what I heard and said, “Do you really think I....”
“Sometimes” Ragan plainly said it and started towards Eloah’s direction.
“Why...” I blurted out. I felt bad. The one who cure the cursed is Eloah I should have thank him.
Ragan stop walking, turned around and said, “If you follow him, you might learn something. I can feel that I will improve myself just by talking or listening to him. He help someone without asking for a reward or cries to the death of a kid that he barely knew. Let me asked you something Gran, how many people in your lives or people that you met have strong compassion to help disregarding the status or belief of anyone?”
“...no...one,” I murmured.
Ragan and I followed Eloah outside the east gate.
“By the way Ragan, Duchess De Garda sent an invitation for us for her 50th birthday,” I whispered.
“We have to go,” Ragan said.
“ Are you sure you want to go,” I asked.
“That happened few years ago, I don’t want to think about that event,” Ragan.
“Wait...it seems that he stopped,” I said.
- In Serial34 Chapters
Rise of the Firstborn
[A participant in the Royal Road Writathon Challenge]As the inhibitor rises and the eternal flame is quenched, our lands shall be freed, and only then will the Princess be set to flee. It began with ice. A relentless, bone-chilling tickle of frost that stretched across the lands of Axulran, crawling over the mountain crests and freezing the grassy meadows. Frozen in time, the kingdom fought for political control all across the region of Ellixus, paying no mind to the death and torment they may cause along the way. Cateline Bennett, a princess consumed with ice, found herself lost in a foreign kingdom with nothing but her wits to survive. As she explores this unknown land, she unravels her past and discovers that the magic she had concealed for so long could unleash chaos so intense, it could destroy the world as she knew it. With her untapped magic and new friends, Cateline must vanquish the enemies that threatened the world of Denzethea as they knew it, else they, and all they knew, would crumble to ruin. NOTE: A review on this fiction has indicated that certain themes were traumatizing. While I believe this to be exagerated, I have added the appropriate tag for those who may be sensitive to those themes (fever dreams, delusions, and trials and tribulations).
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Meet Danos. An elf. A several hundred year old elf that has a slight obsession with learning magick of various kinds. Meet Emcess. A Jasrai. As bald as they come, has a mead addiction, and can't leave Danos alone. Meet...a stranger to Shedeth. What could she need..is she a Human? Humans are almost always in hiding..why is one here in Shedeth of all places? Emcess, Danos, and a Human newcomer somehow end up getting a bounty that quickly gets spread across Syldarim. With nothing but a barrel of Waiss, the clothes on their backs, and..a stick the trio takes on countless bounty hunters while searching for the humans cure. ~Part One completed. ~Final editing being done which will change the text but the content will remain the same. You will then be able to puchase an epub upon completion.
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The Eternal Vigil
The year is 2220, a time when governments and nation-states are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Instead, all prominent parts of human society are now organizing around the commands of three great Artificial Intelligences, owned and operated by the world's largest corporation. World peace has been achieved, and the very word 'politics' has disappeared from people's lips. Religion has largely disappeared, replaced in some parts by worshipping of the great AIs, but mostly substituted by a devotion to material goods and faith in the market. There is now a general consensus that the best form of government has been found. No, it is not democracy, nor is it autocracy or oligarchy. Instead, it is technocracy - rule by the learned, the intelligent, and the skilled. And who are more learned, intelligent, and skilled than the great AIs? Exactly, no one. The AIs will correct some market failures once in a while, but shall otherwise let the market be free. After all, the freer the market, the freer the people. Some may question how society advanced to this stage, but that is all they will do - question. Because they will not find answers, for history is no longer taught anywhere. After all, it is not a practical subject. One cannot get a decently paying job with a history degree. Society doesn't have any time for people to idly ponder about the past. No, this is a practical society of practical people: engineers, doctors, lawyers, developers, managers, bankers, soldiers, and the such. My name is Aiden Scivit and I used to be one such practical man: minding my own business, doing my job, with the faith that hard work will always be rewarded by the market...and that politics and philosophy were things thought of by idly people who leech off society. But this all changed, and here is my story, my history. Just because the stories of ages long past have been erased, does not mean that a brand new beginning cannot be created. The story is already finished but I still need to do some editing so a chapter should be released each day for a month. It is a bit political, as you can probably tell by the introduction, so there is that (it will low-key read like a philosophy dump 10% of the time, so really it's like Atlas Shrugged but liberal and worse lol). Also, I actually wrote this in grade 10 as part of my MYP Personal Project, and recently touched up on it for online publication. Finally, if you find the writing style passable and are interested in my other works, check out the one in the link below. It is a fantasy set in the Ancient Greek world, and is completed and uploaded in full: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/35099/the-oresteia-modernized
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Questioning the Basic
As children grew up to became adult, they learnt to accept reality and the law of physic who governed them. Fascinated by fairy tales and role-playing game since it were ever told. A person partake great length in defying the revered, most-holy, and absolute truth of """"Science"""" in dreaming to become a Wizard verself. True, you could simply put glowing phosphorus to illuminate your hand, but how fun it would be if your very hand could glow by itself? Isn't magic just a perfectly controlled fusion and fission?
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