《Virtual God Zu》Chapter Eight: Goals (End of Book One)
Here it is. Final Chapter of Book One which I strangely found fun. Originally I was going to make it 10k+ words but it didn't turn out that way sadly. Hopefully this chapter clears up a few things but also adds new questions. Let me know what you think! Also you get to meet a new character, whether its a main one or not I have no idea...
Chapter Eight: Goals
Zu who is standing at the entrance of the Church looked around the village. The villagers nor jumpers paid him any attention. ‘It seem’s the ghost is clear.’ Zu thought as he began walking from the Church.
‘Where to start? I don’t have much to go on…’ Zu said to himself as he began to wonder about the two lost members of the Church. If she gave him any more information to go on besides them being outside the village he would know where to search. However she didn’t and Zu himself didn’t know how big the outside was. ‘I guess I have to go there… huh?’ Zu said as he headed in the direction of the Army building.
Zu knows that the people who might understand the most about the world outside the village was not the villagers. Nor was it the Church. The people who understood the most were the ones who protected the village. Zu walked over to the building and took a deep breath. Last time he was here he was asked to register but declined. He didn’t think he would be back again… well, not this soon.
Zu opened the door only to find a wooden chair being thrown across the hall.
“Brent get back here!” A feminine voice yelled.
Zu turned his head to the side looking at where the wooden chair came from. In his view was a toned woman with short curly dark brown hair. She had hazel eyes - that attracted Zu’s attention, and average sized breast. Her height was a little shorter than Zu’s. She was also wearing grey armor.
Her face was red - it seemed as if steam would burst from her ears at any moment. The look in her eyes clearly said she was pissed off. Her gaze was glued on another person across the room.
“No! Not while you are like that.” A voice called out.
Zu’s gaze followed the woman’s landing on the male in the corner. His back was against the wall while he had a fresh cut across his cheek. His hair was long and black, while he was also muscular. He too was wearing grey armor, expect his seemed hurriedly placed - as if he just put them on. On his side were two small daggers - that were hardly noticeable. From his face you could clearly see sweat dripping down, as he faced the woman.
“Y-you did that to me and now you are running away!? Take responsibility!” The woman said as she approached a table were two men were sitting and eating. She grabbed their knives as she passed by.
“I would if you put the knives down and we could talk this through.” The male pleaded, as he looked around for an exit.
“Talk! You want to talk!?”
Zu sighed. ‘Did I pick a bad day to come?’ He thought as he ignored both of them and walked towards a counter. When he walked down the path many people were giving him sharp looks, but it seemed that Zu didn’t notice them. He approached the counter where a woman dressed in a white skirt was.
“Yes, can I help you?” She asked as she smiled.
“Yeah, I was wondering if you knew how big the outside is?” Zu asked.
“Hmm… I don’t know the exact distance, but to reach Lindel town it would take around four or five days. What you need to leave and go to town?” She asked in return.
“Something like that. I’m searching for someone outside the village.” Zu said while he rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Do I really have four or five days worth of land to cover?’
The woman glanced Zu over. She didn’t see that he had a weapon nor did he look experienced in fighting. “I’m guessing you’ve hired someone to help you then?” She asked.
“Huh? Why would I need someone to help me?” Zu asked confused.
He did not understand why he would need someone to help him search for someone. True there are those little rabbits outside, but Zu thought he would have a shot against them as long as he had a weapon. If he really needed help desperately he could always give a quest to a ‘Jumper’.
“What!? You don’t even have a weapon to protect yourself and you plan on leaving the village!? Do you have some sort of experience fighting monsters?” The woman questioned Zu.
Zu nodded his head. He has fought against those little rabbits before, she he wasn’t too worried. “Yeah, those little rabbits outside the gate. I’ve killed a few of them before.” Zu proudly said while smiling. He knew that once she learned he had killed those little rabbits she would back off a little. It’s not all that easy killing them especially when you have no experience like Zu.
The woman literally smacked her hand against her face. “That’s all? If that is all you have fought, then you will die. Outside this village there is more than just those little rabbits.”
Zu surprised couldn’t help but ask. “What else is there then?”
The woman sighed as she walked out from behind the counter. She approached Zu and waved for him to follow her. Zu followed her until they approached a map on the wall. The woman pointed towards a small village. “This is where you are now.” She then pointed right past the gate where the little rabbits were located. “That is where the miniature rabbits are.” She then pointed towards an area ahead of where the little rabbits were. “That is where Demonic Wolves lay.” She continued to point to six different areas on the map explained to Zu the different type of monsters ahead of the village.
Zu himself was shocked. He didn’t expect that there would be more outside the village than just those little rabbits. From the way she was explaining things each and everyone of those monsters were stronger than the last.
‘Ugh, I didn’t think it would actually be… this could be troublesome.’ Zu thought as he places his hands together while thinking.
“So, with all of that explained I suggest you hire someone to protect you while you travel. That, or you get a weapon to protect yourself.” She told Zu.
“What do you mean by hire?” He asked.
She furrowed her eyebrows. “You don’t know? Well you can pay the Army for protection for your travels. The cost depends on who you want, it could be a complete novice or an advanced warrior. However it usually ranges from five copper to ten copper.”
Zu thought about it, five copper wasn’t a lot. Currently he had ten copper from facing the little rabbits outside the village, he could afford to get someone to protect him. “Ok, I would like to hire someone for protection.” Zu told the woman.
The woman nodded her head as she lead Zu back to the counter. She reached under the counter and pulled out ten folders. On them were ten different names and next to the name was a rank. Zu could instantly figure out that the rank next to the name meant how experienced they were. He guessed that these were the people who he could pick from.
“Here, pick any one of these. Sorry that there isn’t a lot to choose from but most of our members aren’t in town at this time. Therefore you only have these ten to choose from.” She explained.
Zu turned his head looking behind him. What did she mean that most of the members weren’t in town? This building had a ton of men and women sitting around drinking and talking. “Aren’t there more behind me?” Zu asked.
The woman shook her head. “No, they aren’t members of the escort and protection unit.” She explained.
“Escort and protection unit? I thought everyone here just protected the village and fought against the monsters.”
“No, we are divided into different units. There is the monster hunting unit, escort and protection unit, healing unit, Combat training unit and spy unit. Each one has their own task they have to complete. Sometimes the members pick to be in multiple units, or stick to one.” She explained.
“Oh, ok.” Zu said as he looked down at the ten different folders. Two folders had six copper as the cost, three others had seven, one had eight, and the last four were ten copper. ‘Are there no novices?’ Zu thought. He didn’t want to spend all his money after he just got it.
Zu pointed to the cheapest one - which was six copper. The folder he pointed towards just happened to be the same name that the woman called out before. Brent, but added to it was his last name - Harrison.
The woman nodded as she began to write things down on a paper. “How many days will you be requesting.” She asked.
“Is there a difference?” Zu asked in return.
“Yes a big difference. You pay by day.” She replied.
‘Six copper a day! I can only afford him for one day!?’ Zu screamed inside his head. He didn’t know that he had to pay every day they were in service. If he requested him for five days that would mean he would spend thirty copper coins - which he did not have.
“Hmm, can I come back?” Zu asked. He didn’t have the money so he would need to obtain it.
“Sure, i’ll leave the request open. Ok?”
“Yeah, I shouldn’t be too long.” Zu said as he began to leave the building.
Outside the building Zu thought over how to make money. He didn’t have a weapon to kill the rabbits, so making money that way would not work. Even if he did, that didn’t mean the rabbits would always drop money for him. ‘...That could work!’ Zu thought of a bright idea.
“Objective, give Zu one silver. Convert quest reward points into exp and gear. Fifty quest reward points into exp and four hundred in gear.”
Generating Quest… Ding! Help the needy
Zu is a poor man with no income besides his vegetable field. He has requested the help of the Army for protection but has no means to pay them, therefore he is asking you to give him money. Zu is a good man and will pay you for your friendly services.
Rewards: 1000 exp???
Zu smiled. He could just make a quest for the ‘Jumpers’ and trade them exp for giving him money. Zu figured they should be happy with such. Zu looked around the village looking for someone who seemed rich. His eyes spotted a male who had a silver piece of armor over his chest. He was not like the other ‘Jumpers’ who were still wearing leather clothing. ‘Must be rich.’ Zu thought as he began walking over to him.
The man seen Zu approached and sighed. He thought it must be another npc who wants him to hunt some beast. He just got done fighting against the Great Bears, now he is being requested again. Something told him to pretend like he didn’t see Zu approach, but he needed to quest exp.
Zu stood in front of the man and smiled. “Can you help me?”
The man nodded his head. “Yeah, what do you want me to kill?”
Zu shook his head slowly. “Nothing, I was just wondering if you could give me some money.”
The man hearing what Zu said almost turned red. He couldn’t believe an npc would so shamelessly ask him for money. He never heard of such an npc before. However before he raged he noticed the blue screen in front of his face along with the rewards. ‘What the hell is this? Is this forreal!?!’ The man thought as he nodded his head multiple times.
Player WomanGetter has accepted your quest.
WomanGetter took out a silver coin and passed it to Zu.
Player WomanGetter has completed your quest.
A white light flashed over WomanGetter’s body - signifying he leveled up.
You have converted quest reward points into gear
Please choose; Weapon, Armor, Accessory
Zu glanced over the male. He had a nice piece of armor, and his weapon looked ok as well. Thus Zu chose the only thing he didn’t see. “Accessory level 5.”
A small green box appeared in the man's hand. He gulped, as he nervously opened the box. Inside a pair of blue earrings appeared. “Man, you...Zu right!? You are a God among npc’s.” WomanGetter reached in his pocket and grabbed a bunch of silver coins. “Here, this is around twenty silver. Take it! Just give me twenty more of those quest.”
Zu lightly smiled as he shook his head. “No thanks, I just needed this. Thanks for the help!” Zu said as he turned and left heading back to the Army Building.
WomanGetter fell on his knees and started crying. ‘What the hell is this? How can you do this to me!’
Zu returned back to the Army building and placed a silver coin on the counter. “Here, I think five days would be enough.” Zu said to the woman.
The woman blinked a few times at Zu before finally accepting the silver coin. She pulled out a white box and placed it in it while getting some copper coins out. She counted the copper coins to him - which were seventy, while she called over Brent.
When Zu first stepped foot in this place Brent was in a good shape. However looking at him now, he had cut wounds all over his face. ‘I… shouldn’t even ask.’ Zu thought.
Brent glanced over Zu while taking a deep breath. His gaze fell onto that woman who was glaring at him from afar. It seemed that he was happy to have gotten away from her clutches.
“Brent, this is your employer. He requested your service for five days. He plans on leaving the village so be sure to protect him. As usual, once you complete the request you’ll be paid.” The woman explained to Brent.
Brent grabbed Zu’s hand while his eyes started glittering. “Thanks man! I would have died by the clutches of the willdabeast over there if you didn’t request me!”
“What did you call me!?” The woman yelled while walking over the Brent.
Brent grabbed Zu by the hand and ran out of the building before the woman came any closer. Brent didn’t stop running until they were at the gate to the village. He wiped the sweat from his forehead as he took another deep breath.
“Right, where are we going?” Brent asked while he placed his hands behind his head.
“Outside the village. I need to look for someone.” Zu replied.
“I don’t know. Two of the lost members for the Church.”
“Huh? You mean you don’t know who their name? You at least know how they look right?”
Zu shrugged. “Nope, but they should look holy right?”
Brent remained silent. It seems the days ahead of him would be a long one. “Before we go, you should get a weapon to protect yourself. I suggest you get a sword or dagger.”
Zu nodded, he did need a weapon anyways. ‘I guess I should pay that place a visit.’ Zu thought as he turned around and headed towards the place he had seen before. Brent followed behind Zu who was heading towards one of the two Blacksmith shops.
One said ‘Gator Works’ another said ‘Forge of Steel’. They were placed a few meters from each other, but the difference between the two were very clear. ‘Gator Works’ had a lot more customers than ‘Forge of Steel’. Zu wondered what why no one went into ‘Forge of Steel’. It didn’t even have a line, so less customers should mean that they will get equipment faster.
Zu started walking towards ‘Forge of Steel’ but Brent pulled his arm pulling him back. “Where are you going? That is not the place to go.”
“Why?” Zu asked.
“What do you mean why? The equipment is expensive! One gold for a dagger, two gold for a sword. Those are only the cheapest things.” Brent explained.
“It’s expensive because it’s good right? So that would mean that, that is the way we should go.” Zu said.
Brent blinked a few times before shaking his head. “I don’t mean to be rude, but you do not look rich. That forge only has one blacksmith and I heard he is only here because this is a form of punishment by his family. Ever since i’ve been in this village I haven’t seen anyone go in there.” Brent said while trying to persuade Zu that he should not go there.
“Money isn’t an object. Look, i’ll show you.”
“Object, give Zu money. Convert quest reward points into exp only. Forty quest reward points for exp.”
Generating Quest… Ding! Fund Zu’s needs
Zu is leaving town to head on a small adventure, however he wants a weapon to protect himself. Zu is offering you exp in return for money. Zu needs three gold for his weapon. However if you donate one silver you will be rewarded as well.
Reward: 800 exp
Ding! Due to you creating a quest when money is low this quest is now repeatable.
Ding! You’ve unlocked repeated quest making.
Repeatable quest, are quest ‘Jumpers’ can do over and over again for the reward. Whether there is a limit to it or not is up to you. Every time a quest is complete you will be deducted fifty extra quest reward points.
‘I didn’t know you could have a repeatable quest! But fifty points every time!!’ Zu thought to himself.
Zu walked over to the line of ‘Jumpers’ at ‘Gator Works’. “Hey, does anyone want to help me out?” He asked to line of ‘Jumpers’.
The players turned to look at Zu and wondered if he was giving them a quest. Soon a blue box appeared in front of their faces while they rushed towards Zu. Instantly they dug into their pockets pulling out silvers and passed it to Zu.
“Take my money! Just take it!”
“Take mines!”
“Fuck! Is this real!?”
Players; Jaz, DemonMix, 4Real, Nemisis, DGreatest, Man3214, IAmUrDad, Popcorn, Wink, StalkinU, OrangeMelon, PurpleAngel, Yen, UrDead, PlayinU, SixFourSix, Sonix, SaveUrAss have completed your quest.
A few white lights lights flashed in the crowd of players who were passing Zu money. Zu smiled as he watched the money come to him. ‘This is an easy way to make money. I should repair my house later….’ Zu thought as he put the money away.
“More! Come on, you must have more money you need!”
“Fuck me! This npc must be bugged, I have to have him give me a quest before they fix this.”
“Give me a quest and you’ll get a kiss H-A-N-D-S-O-M-E!”
Zu turned around heading back to Brent who didn’t even blink. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Seeing Zu return next to him, he couldn’t help but ask. “How did you do that?”
“Huh? I just gave them a quest.” Zu said.
“What!!! You can’t do that… can you? I mean, if you could I would not be in the Army.” Brent said while waving his arms around.
‘So it’s just me? I thought everyone could do that…’ Zu thought to himself. “Are you sure, maybe you should try?” Zu said.
Brent nodded his head as he walked over to the ‘Jumpers’ who were watching Zu and him talk. “Hey, can you give me some money?”
The players looked at him for a moment hoping to get a quest. No box appeared, and their eyes glowed red. What was this? Was he trying to scam them? Why should they just pass out their money when they get nothing in return. “Scram! Bring that guy back!”
“Yeah! Bring him back over here!”
“Booooooo! Go away. Give us the bugged npc.”
Brent frowned, he had a feeling it wouldn’t work. He returned to Zu who frowned at him. “I didn’t work. I told you it wouldn’t work.”
“That’s strange. I wonder if it’s like that for everyone else?” Zu said while shrugging his shoulders.
“Strange indeed. You are highly strange.” Brent said.
“If you can have them give you money… can’t you imagine what else you could have them do? Why are you still here? You could have anything if you just gave them a quest.”
“Huh? I don’t understand. I don’t need anything right now. See, I have the money I needed for a weapon and now we can go get it.” Zu straight forwardly replied.
Brent grabbed Zu by his shoulders. “Listen. What is it you want? What is your goal in life?”
“Goal… I don’t know. Right now it’s to find those two lost Church members….” Zu replied.
“And after that!?”
“Maybe find out more about this world…. Oh! I need to know who I am. This has been bugging me for awhile now. I can’t seem to remember much about myself other than my name.”
Brent let go of Zu’s arms while sighing.
“Man, you don’t get it do you? You could conquer a kingdom if you wanted, have all the women in the world, all the money. All you have to do is give a quest to them. You my employer, are something strange indeed.”
“Kingdom? Women? I don’t want that right now. To even run a kingdom I would need to know about the world which I don’t. To have a woman I would need to attract them, who want’s a farmer? I don’t need money right now. All I need's to know who I am.” Zu said.
“Ok, let’s say that none of that matters right now. When you find out who you really are, then what? Where do you go from there?”
“... Oh, I do remember something else. There was a region called Chaos, I want to go there.” Zu said.
Brent shook his head. “I’m sorry but this region called ‘Chaos’ doesn’t exist. If it did I could tell you about it.”
‘Can’t be. I know there is a region called Chaos somewhere.’ Zu thought. “No, it does exist. I know it does.”
“No it doesnt. Trust me. If it does exist then it’s not in our kingdom. If you want to find this region of ‘Chaos’ it must be in another kingdom. However if you a citizen in the Kingdom of Zen were to travel to another kingdom, you would surely die.” Brent said.
Zu was shocked, he didn’t think that the region of Chaos wasn’t in this kingdom. If it wasn’t here then where was it? Not to mention that he couldn’t even leave this kingdom unless he wanted to die.
Brent’s eyes turned serious. “Listen man, if you really want to find this region I suggest you get stronger. Unlike those ‘Jumpers’ who gain strength insanely fast we have to work hard. We don’t just magically gain skills, we have to spend days if not months training just to be as good as them. So work hard ok?”
‘Huh? But… I do gain skills easy….’ Zu thought while smiling. He wasn’t going to tell Brent that he could easily obtain skills just like the ‘Jumpers’. Zu thought everyone was like them, but it seems they weren’t. ‘I can gain skills like them, but also create quest like the villagers… What am I?’
Blood Winged FalconLevel:5HP:400MP:250
A little red flame slammed against the falcon. The fire started to spread all across the body causing it to burn. The falcon who was on fire started screeching while rapidly flapping it’s wings.
You’ve dealt 50 damage to Blood Winged Falcon.
Flame Shot has caused burn; burns target for 5 damage every sec for 10 secs
A small woman who had silver hair jumped in the air and started cutting the falcon. She attacked two times before gravity pulled her back to the ground. “Finish it Four!” She yelled.
A ball of ice was shot at the falcon dashing towards it at twice the speed of the [Flame Shot]. It smashed against the falcon’s face causing the falcon to fall backwards, but shortly after it disappeared.
You’ve dealt 60 damage to Blood Winged Falcon
You’ve gained 45 exp
A man with purple hair stretched his arms. “Man, what is that like the tenth flacon we’ve killed already?” He asked.
“I guess… “ She replied.
These two players were none other than Four and Sarah. Currently they were in a dark forest where the trees were burnt and flipped over. On some of the trees was giant spider eggs along with green slime that oozed out of them. In the trees were bird type beast glaring at them.
Four used another [Ether Bolt] to attract the falcon while Sarah jumped up at it. The attack dealt the falcon forty-five damage and caused the falcon to become enraged. It swooped down at Four but it met with Sarah instead. Sarah slashed it in the face causing it to become even more enraged and it focused its attention on her.
Sarah landed behind the falcon, but her eyes opened wide. The falcon came at her but she dodged to the side while looking at Four. “Run!” She screamed.
Four didn’t understand, they were owning these mobs. Why would she tell him to run? Unless… Four threw out a [Flame Shot] at the falcon before he hurriedly turned around. He didn’t see any mob behind him so why was she yelling at him?
You’ve entered the DeadZone
Due to being in the DeadZone you can’t leave the area. In the DeadZone all stats are dropped by 30% and movement speed is decreased by 50%. The chance of you being inflicted with a status has increased by 60%.
The Hidden Boss: ManEater ‘The Conquer’ has appeared!
Due to you not knowing his location vision is blurred by 25%.
Fear has been instilled in your body 30% decrease to all stats.[/td][/tr][/table]
ManEater ‘The Conquer’ used [Disrupt]
Disrupt causes you to be unable to use any skills for three seconds. You cannot heal yourself for three seconds. Unable to move for two seconds. All stats are decreased by 10%.
Four’s heart was pounding hard. His vision blurred and he could hardly see anything in front of him. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t see the boss. When he turned around he spotted nothing. What kind of boss was this? Why would there be such a monster in a beginner village!?
‘The fuck is this!?’ Four thought to himself as he ran forward. His movements were slow, it hardly looked like he could call that running. It seemed more like a jog instead.
ManEater ‘The Conquer’ has dealt you 4,500 damage.
You have died.
A black light took over Adam’s eyes as he was automatically ejected from the game. Steam rose from the capsule as the top opened. Adam slammed his hand against the wall of the capsule. “FUCK!” He yelled.
Adam didn’t understand what happened. There was not a boss in sight, but clearly a boss had killed him. Not to mention the boss had dealt enough damage to kill him over twenty times and his stats were decreased dramatically.
Adam was sweating as he got out of the capsule. He went to his computer and turned it on. While waiting for it to boot up he grabbed another set of clothes. His computer started as he went to it and went to the internet. The first thing he did was start browsing the forums. ‘Someone has to know about that boss.’ Adam thought to himself.
He noticed a thread titled ‘OP Boss’ and clicked on it. It just so happened that this forum was the one he was looking for. The players who were talking about it also died at it’s hands. The description was simple. ManEater ‘The Conquer’ was a tree. ‘That’s why I didn’t spot it!’ Adam said to himself.
The player who started the thread started ranting about how a boss should not be in a beginner village. Adam agreed, such a boss should not be in a beginner village. However he wasn’t going to complain things like this happened. The world just so happened to have strong bosses in beginner villages to give them a taste as to what is to come.
Adam left the computer and grabbed his clothes as he went towards the bathroom. After twenty minutes he returned with a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was still wet and his skin glistened. Adam grabbed his phone and dialed Eric’s number waiting for him to pick up.
“Hey man. I have to say Azure online is good, everything is so fluid and combat is really different from other vrmmorpgs.”
“I know! You picked the Vampire race right? Right!?”
“Yeah. They have a godly trait, too bad it decreases the stat points we receive.” Adam said as he walked over to his bed and sat down.
“Sadly, but the developers said our stat points increase twice the normal amount as others… so late game we’ll be able to dominate.” Eric said.
“Right. You heard of ManEater ‘The Conquer’” Adam asked.
“No. Why?”
“Ah, nothing nevermind. It was just a hidden boss I met.”
“What!? A hidden boss already? I didn’t think those would appear until late game. Tell me how strong was it?”
A hidden boss is a boss who players normally wouldn’t meet. In any game there are five type of bosses that the players will meet in their time playing. Normal bosses which you can find in dungeons. Those include mini bosses that are also a part of the dungeon. Wild Bosses that appear in open fields. They are the easiest to come by because the requirement for them to come out is you having to kill a certain amount of mobs.
The third type of boss are Field bosses. Field bosses just like Wild Bosses appear in open field except there is a huge difference. Field Bosses spawn randomly and their level is usually twice that of the highest level Wild Boss. The fourth type are hidden bosses. These type of bosses would never appear unless the player finds them. As the title says they are hidden meaning they are the hardest ones to find. Sometimes they are in dungeons, but it’s so hard to notice them you wouldn’t even see them. The only time they attack is when you are in their range or stepped into their domain. Unlike the other three bosses a hidden boss has godlike skills. However they aren’t unbeatable, once beaten they drop one of the best rewards.
The last kind of boss are raid bosses. Raid bosses can be divided into two categories; Human and Beast. Beast type of raid bosses are the most known, and are usually mythical beast. They take more than one hundred players to kill them, if not more. Even with all those players attacking them, they will still be able to wipe out at least half of them. Human type of raid bosses are the most rare. Currently in Azure online the leaders of each kingdom is considered a human type raid boss. Each one is a legend of their own and hold the strength to almost instantly wipe out a Beast type raid boss. Human type raid bosses are different than Beast type. You will never know who is a Human type raid boss until the last moment, but for Beast type you instantly know.
“Insanely strong. I didn’t even notice at all, and it one shot me for over 4k. Not to mention my stats were dramatically reduced!” Adam replied.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get my revenge against that fucker. Oh, speaking of which what's your name?”
“Huh? Didn’t I add you already?” Eric asked.
“Is your name not Xzavon?”
“No it was taken, so I to go with Four.” Adam replied.
“Then who the hell did I add? Ok, i’ll add you later, and i’ll pass along to message to the gang.”
“Alright, be sure not to get stalked.” Adam jokingly said.
“Haha right. If I do i’m coming for that ass.”
“Right, right. I’mma head out though, need to stack up on food.” Adam said.
“OK man, catch you later.”
Adam ended the call while he threw on some clothes. He grabbed his wallet and keys as he walked out the door. He noticed that the girls door was slightly open across from his and he wondered why. She always made sure to close it completely. ‘Could it be a break in?’ Adam thought as he rushed over to her room.
“Hello… anyone home?” Adam said as he slowly opened the door. It made a slight creak sound before it fully opened. Just by standing at the door way Adam could see that she didn’t appear what she seemed. She had clothes flung all over the place. One thing that he did notice was the she definitely had more furniture than he did.
‘So this is how a girl's room looks’ Adam thought to himself as walked further inside her room. Inside the draws to her dresser were wide open, her couch was flipped over and on the wall were red letters. It said, ‘Bitch don’t think this is over’. Adam’s heart started beating, he didn’t understand what was going on. He thought this was a break in, but could it actually be something else.
‘I should leave…’ Adam thought as he began walking towards the door. Suddenly he stopped walking. ‘Did I hear something…’ Adam said to himself. He thought he heard something that seemed like crying but he wasn’t too sure.
‘There it is again!’ Adam muttered to himself as he approached a room. The door was wide open and inside the bed was shredded. The bed itself had the word ‘Slut’ cut into it. The closet door was wide open, but there was just a bunch of clothes. He heard another sound, he was sure it was coming from the closet. Adam approached it and started removing the clothes. Underneath was the girl who lived across from him. Tears were flowing from her eyes and her body was shaking.
She was only wearing a white shirt, no shorts or pants. She noticed Adam and grabbed onto him.
Adam took a deep breath. He didn’t know if he should hold her or not. He never had to deal with something like this before. Adam decided, he placed his arms around her and pulled her in tight.
Karinna was gazing out the window of her carriage while yawning. She turned towards the maid who was in the carriage with her and sighed. She didn’t want to travel to this town and recruit people, she should be out slaying other kingdoms. “Ashley, what do you think?” Karinna asked the maid who was reading.
Ashley looked up but couldn’t figure out exactly what Karinna was asking. “Milady, I don’t understand.”
Karinna got up from the window and went to sit on her cushion. “Don’t you think my father should have sent someone else? I mean he cares for me but… he cares a little too much.”
“Milord only wishes you to be safe Milady. I think this could be a good experience for you.” Ashley replied.
‘Right, experience.’ Karinna thought. “How am I going to surpass him and be the one to unite the kingdoms under one banner if he doesn’t give me a chance to prove myself.”
“Milady I think you are overthinking things. The kingdoms don’t need to be united under one banner just yet. We should wait and train our forces, then strike when they least expect it.” Ashley said as she closed her book.
Karinna sighed. “I guess. I just wish I would be the one who unites the kingdoms. Then I would finally get my father's approval.”
Ashley shook her head. “Milady you are mistaken. Milord already approves of you very much.”
“Ugh!” “Who goes there!?” A guard's voice called out.
Karinna became alert. It seems like the guards were confronting a mysterious enemy. Karinna knew that she should not show herself until it was over. If they didn’t know she was in the carriage it was even better. She placed her hand over Ashley's mouth while telling her to be quiet.
“Show yourself! Are you a coward!?” Another guard's voice called out.
“Y-you! Do you not know who is in this carriage!? Are you betraying your own kingdom!?”
“A spoiled princess. And I am not a part of that kingdom, I serve one ruler. And she is not your ruler.” A cold voice rang out.
Another cry called out, as the outside began to become complete silence. Karinna grabbed the hilt of her blade while putting Ashley behind her. Her eyes were glued at the door, she was waiting for the culprit to open it.
A figure crashed through the roof of the carriage. Karinna drew her blade while staring at the person who appeared. Karinna’s eyes grew big, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She didn’t think that she would be the one attacking.
“Why?” Karinna asked.
“Because I have my orders.” The woman darted at Karinna full speed ahead.
A man eating food from a bowl was leaning back in his chair while looking at a screen. He was reading through the forums of Azure online until he spotted one thread. He spit out all of his food and blinked a few times. ‘This couldn’t be right… could it?’ He thought as he wiped his mouth.
He read it and he stared at the screen. He hurriedly turned around and ran towards another man who was seated a few desk behind him. “Chief! Chief! There is a HUGE problem!”
The man who he was calling Chief was an older man with white hair. He had white skin, short brown hair along with green eyes. He was currently wearing a black suit. Seeing one of the other members approach him and start yelling he thought there was a serious problem.
“Yes? What is it?” He asked in a deep tone.
“There is a HUGE problem.” The man said.
“What is it?”
“Check the forums. The users are going wild. In one of the beginner towns of Zen users have stated to have been given quest from an npc. However the npc gave them a huge amount of exp for literally nothing.” The man explained.
“What! Impossible.” The Chief said.
“Check the forums. There are multiple sources.”
The Chief moved his mouse while he started browsing the forums. He soon found the thread the man was talking about. It was titled ‘God Among NPC’s’ it currently had over one billion views, and it was still shooting up. He clicked it and read some of the comments.
Womanizer21: I have to say, in all my days of gaming never have I once seen a npc as great as the one in our town. He gave me 1000 exp for litterally giving him one silver. Not to mention he gave me a pair of earrings! Find him while he’s still bugged!
Breaker: Lies. There can’t be anyone like that.
USux: Fuck off! Spreading lies on the forums won’t make you more popular.
Greg321: Oh, I’ve seen him before. He gave me a shit ton of exp for washing his clothes. Not to mention I gained a weapon and some more exp for doing field work. This npc is amazing, too bad he wouldn’t give me another quest.
Swez: Really? Who would believe that shit.
NoobKillx: Leave them be. Only the noobs will believe such a thing.
Jaz: OMG! Are you talking about that guy. I met him at ‘Gator Works’ when I went to repair my gear. He was giving out 800 exp for ten silver! It was a fucking repeatable!!!!!
OrangeM: Yeah, that guy should not be named Zu. Should be named God Zu instead. I had a chance to complete that repeatable two times!
Brenxas: Damn you! I only completed it once!!!!! -.-
Sugar: Wait… this is real? FUUUUCKK! Why didn’t they place a bugged NPC in our village!
Pwn: What kingdom are yall in? (Please be Zeal!!!!)
Jaz: It was in Zen kingdom. Hopefully he doesn’t get fixed soon.
USux: Too late, thread is already made. Devs will soon see this shit and that NPC will be fucked.
BFrinder: Damn! Why couldn’t he be in our kingdom q.q
The Chief turned his head away from the screen and looked at the other man. “The hell is this!?”
The man threw his hands in the air. “That's what i’ve been trying to tell you! This can’t be real, we must fix this.”
“No, not that. This npc can’t be one of ours. I never created a npc named Zu.” The Chief said while moving his mouse.
“What? Are you sure?”
The Chief nodded. “Of course! You think I spent ten years coming up with names and designs, but I wouldn’t remember one of them?”
The man shook his head. Of course the Chief wouldn’t forget one of his creations. Who would spend ten years coding and programming each npc but forget only after a day since the game opened. Not to mention the last npcs placed in the game were the ones in the starting villages.
“Then what is it? A bug? A new kind of hack?” The man asked.
“I don’t know. I just checked our system, not even one bit of code for him. He is not a part of our game nor does the system even recognize that name.” The Chief replied.
“What do we do then? We can’t delete it if we can’t find his date. We can’t leave him in the game either.”
The Chief shook his head. “I don’t know. If we close the servers after the first day everyone will be pissed. Maybe he’ll leave and go to one of the capitals soon. Hopefully soon, we can’t have our players raging.”
“Why don’t we just hire someone to kill him?” The man asked.
The Chief nodded his head while he looked through the data on the screen. Shortly after he frowned. “We can’t. At least not yet. The village is over full, no one is allowed to enter. Once the players reach level ten PvP will open as well and the players in be able to travel to the other beginner villages. So we just have to wait.”
“Got it.” The man said.
To Be Continued.
Well that's the end of Book one. This chapter was 7.2k words only 2.8k away from my 10k xD but still found it a blast. If you haven't figured it out by now, the world of Azure focuses more on just Gaming. I figured why focus completely on gaming when I can have you dive deeper into the lives of the characters as well as the world. Virtual God Zu still focus' on gaming, and it has a big part in the world but just not as much as others. Truly I want to tell you guys a story of a journey but not one where the characters only make money, or try to be the best. A story where each character completely changes from beginning to end, and everyone finds their way. If the characters meet I don't want you to be like 'eh I don't like them' I want you to truly understand them. That way if they meet it will cause for something interesting. Also you have gotten a lot of insight into Zu as you found out he is not actually an NPC. Sadly we didn't get to his class this book, maybe next one :D? If you liked these Nine Chapters let me know, or tell a friend! Advertisement Previous
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