《Arching Choices》Chapter 5: Practicing Dueler


With the belt around your waist you decide to sheath your sword and take the shield from the chest. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you look like a beginner warrior ready for practice, but going through the door you may need to defend yourself.

Returning down the stairs, you turn into the kitchen and grab some bread and jerky from the pantry, stuffing it into your satchel. You go down the hall returning to the Discovery room, and start heading towards the transparent door, wondering what could be on the otherside, when a journal catches your eye. the cover reads " Extinct plants and their uses " it seems to be written by your grandfather.

Flipping through the book you see that your grandfather was trying to find suplimentary plants for magical recipes, and the book contains weird runes and rituals using the plants. you decide to take it with you, using up most of the remaining space in your satchel.

Figuring you are done with everything you move to the door. The door knob is the most solid spot on the door. The keyhole is shifting through different shapes and colors before it disappears, and words appear on the door frame.

This door contains a miraculous adventure, upon you wildest imaginations. Continue on and forge your path in a new world.

But beware, your journey will change you, and you may not ever be the same again.

Choose wisely

The words the disappear and 4 keyholes are waiting. One is shaped like the tail of a Dragon, One Holds the image of a Card, One is guarded by three Gold coins. The last keyhole is in the shape of a Gear, but the key shape is of a Crowned Red Diamond, and you don't understand.

You can feel the three keys move in your pocket, and holding them in your hand, the gear starts clanking rapidly, trying to get the keys.

you must hurry and use a keyhole before the Gear does something to the keys.

Use the Dragon Keyhole

Use the Ace Keyhole

Use the Gold Keyhole

Let the Gear Show you the way

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