《Bluelight Chronicles - Going Solo》Update and Preview


I just stood there, flabbergasted.

An ocean of emerald colored grass waved as the wind gently rolled over the field, playing with my hair on its way south, carrying aromas from far away places.

The smell of cities, people… untamed life.

“Forests…” I said turning around to look at the wall of trees behind me.

I knew that there was going to be a forest there before I turned around, but I wasn’t sure how I knew it. Maybe it had been the sound of wind rushing through the leaves, maybe it had been that unmistakable scent of pine needles and sap, but deep inside, I knew it hadn’t been that.

“I’ve been here before.” I whispered.

My voice cracked as emotions swelled up inside my throat. It felt like finally being in a place you’ve read a lot about, it was almost dreamlike in a sense.

“A dream…” I said. “This has to be a dream…”

A gust of wind blew past my face and closed my eyes. I could smell the wet forest soil, calling for me to go and meet it.

I threw myself into the ground and felt the blades of grass prickle my body all over, it felt magical. With my eyes closed I absorbed the world around me, the sun against my skin, the grass pressing against my back and the wind rushing over me.

I had felt all of this once before, when I was very littleback then, it was a memory from a time when things made more sense. Back when Mom and Dad were still alive.

“This is another dream, isn’t it…” I said, tears rolling from my closed eyes.

I didn’t want it to be over, I didn’t want it to end.

I tried to focus on the sound of the wind, trying to keep it closer to me, but the magic had passed and soon, the whisper of the wind had turned into the high pitched sound of my alarm clock.


“Fuck.” I whispered.

The spell had been broken and my mind was beginning to clear up the fog of the dream.

“Shit.” I followed.

I opened my eyes and felt the prickling midsummer sun coming through the half opened curtain. I turned over and pressed the snooze button on the clock, turning the now outdated contraption off.

I laid there on my side for a few seconds. The room was as chaotic as I remembered it being the night before, my sister’s clothes still gathered dust on the ground and the bed she used, the one opposite to mine, was still a twisted mess of sheets, covers and clothes.

Three quick knocks suddenly came from the door making me jump a little, I quickly rubbed my eyes with my hands in an attempt to mask the fact that I had been crying again on my sleep.

“You awake yet, Anton?” I heard my sister call from the other side of the door. “You’ll be late if you don’t get up soon!”

I groaned as an answer and pushed the sheets off of me. It wasn’t an optimal answer, but if I show her that I was awake, she would just barge into the room and pull me off the bed by my feet, it had happened before.

I stood up and stretched, feeling the muscles on my back strain with the effort. It wasn’t like I was athletic or anything, quite the opposite really, but I wasn’t out of shape either, being surrounded by hyperactive people does that to you.

It was easy to find my uniform before leaving the room for the bathroom, as it was the only thing that wasn’t a mess in the room, it waited for me, neatly folded, on a chair next to the door.


A thin hall, barely wide enough to walk through, connected the only room in our tiny apartment with an equally tiny bathroom and the part-time kitchen, part-time living-room, full time mess were we spent the time that we weren’t using to sleep or study.

“I left your permit over the kitchen table!” I heard my sister say from the kitchen down the hall. “Next to the cereal box!”

“Okay…” I answered, still struggling to form full sentences.

She peeked through the corned of the hall and looked at me, one of her eyebrows raised in a question.

“You sure you are wake?” She asked.

“Yeh… I am…” I said, turning towards her. “You sure you should still be here? It’s Monday, the subway’s gonna be full.”

She came into full view and opened her arms.

“Do I look alright?” She asked. “Professional?”

She wore a two piece that didn’t quite fit her but gave her a mature aura, it also contrasted heavily with the mass of red, curly hair she had managed to half fashion into a ponytail using a hair tie that seemed to be screaming for help.

“Gorgeous.” I said. “Breathtaking, amazing, cool and beautiful.”

She smiled back with a full smile, showing her white teeth. Her eyes shone with it.

“Not professional?”

“That too” I said, answering her smile with one of my own. “Good luck today, sis.”

“Thanks little bro.” She answered. “Be sure to have breakfast, ok?”

“Consider it done, captain.”

She smirked at me before turning around to leave.

“And try to comb that hair of yours down, it’s a mess.”

I pressed my hand against my raven black hair on instinct. It was, indeed, a mess.

“You are one to talk!” I yelled.

I heard my sister’s hearty laugh and the sound of the front door opening.

“Have a good day on your school trip!” She yelled back. “Love ya!”

“Love you more!” I answered just before she closed the door behind her.

I turned around as a yawn crawled into my mouth, half obstructed by the smile that was trying to take over my face.

The forest had long left my mind and the only thing calling for me now was the shower, a bowl of slightly stale, dry cereal, coffee and a whole day walking in the world’s capital of technology.

It was going to be a great day.

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