《STUPID LOVE! I DON'T WANT YOU!!!!》Volume 2: Side Chapter: "Valentines"
A week before valentines:
I thought we would always be together forever, I didn’t know my days with you were nearing its end.
I find myself staring at a wall, contemplating on the thought of how will we spend our valentines, I was planning every detail from the small details to the large ones. I swear to myself “I would make her happy”.
I planned to take her on a date, we would go watch a movie, then go hit the arcade, and win one of those huge stuff teddies on the toss the ball games. Yeah, ok fine, you got me, I just copied the idea from another romantic movie, and can you blame me?
I wasn’t really the romantic type, I never really actually had a girlfriend, but that fact never bothered me, cause you know. I always had my right hand to comfort me, so when Alexis came into my life, I didn’t know what to do. I would always pretend to be a cool guy whenever I was around her. They say the best way to steal a girl’s heart is to be yourself; well I’m here to tell you that is a load of rubbish. If I were myself whenever I’m with Alexis, then I would probably already be in prison.
Anyway going back to the story, it was around a week before Valentine’s Day, Our annually “Prom Night” was already nearing, so the teachers decided to make us practice for the upcoming cotillion, I wanted to skip class so bad. I was already planning it on my mind, as soon as the teacher turns around, I’ll go ninja and sneak the hell out of here, it was a full proof plan, and nothing could go wrong. Then the teacher spoke.
“Ok class, pick a partner, and go to your positions,” the teacher told us.
I already accepted the fact that no one would pick me as their partner, so I was freaking surprise when Alexis came to me, and asked, if I would be her partner. I was so happy that time.
“Hey, do you have a date for prom?”
“Nope, I don’t really know anyone to ask.”
I was thinking on asking Alexis, if she wanted to be my date on “Prom Night,” but you know my pride as a man stopped me.
“Hey Leon, Do you have plans on valentines?”
“What day is valentines going to be held on?”
“I don’t know, I’m too lazy to think.”
Alexis then became sad as if she was expecting me to say something.
I was still a second year highschool student, and Alexis was already a third year highschool student. Our classes were different, but somehow we two still ended up being partners for prom, I guess it was our fate to be partners.
The practice started, I struggled at first, I’m going to be honest with you guys, and I’m not really a “good” dancer. I always hated dancing, if I had to pick between dancing or beating up a few guys, I would gladly pick beating up a few guys every time.
I am man, men do not dance, and we men chop trees and drink beer, and do other manly things. Most of the time during practice, Alexis was the one leading, it didn’t bother me, and I know my weaknesses.
All the time we were together, Alexis looked sad, I didn’t know why. Did I say something wrong? I didn’t know what to say or how to comfort her, it was so freaking awkward, but somehow I got through with it, and bear with it until practice ended.
After practice ended, the guys and I were going to skip school for the whole day, so we decided to go to our hangout that was located on the roof of our school.
Edi, Jiro, Elrick and I were discussing about how we were going to spend our valentines.
Edi kept on rambling about he liked this girl, but he was too shy to ask her out.
“Dude, just freaking ask her out, it’s not that hard”
“Yeah for you, it isn’t. Cause you already have Alexis!”
“Well for your information, I’m not spending valentines with her!”
“Huh, dude, what a waste”
“I don’t really care anyway, it’s just valentines.”
“What’s wrong with you bro!”
“You shouldn’t do that to Alexis, that’s just mean, she’s your girlfriend right, then you should get her something”
“Arghhhh, what a hassle.”
“Dude, seriously!”
After a few hours of hanging out with the bros, we decided to go home already; I was tired from all the dancing.
“What should I give Alexis anyway?” I thought to myself.
“Should I even give her something?”
“Damn, I’m so freaking lazy”
I was up all night researching on ways on how to spend valentines, or what gifts to give for valentines, but another problem arrived, I had zero money, I may have accidentally spent all my money on certain products (Porn Mags).
I eventually gave up, just went to bed. I’m no good with this romance thing. I shouldn’t do things I know I cannot do. Oh well I’ll just go with the flow, “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there,” I thought to myself.
Second day of dance practice, and four days before valentine’s Day.
Now, even though, I had Alexis, I have accepted the fact that I will be spending Valentine’s Day with a bottle of whiskey, and two large pizza boxes.
While we practicing, Alexis seemed different from last time, she was kinda cheerful and happy.
“Hey what’s up?”
“Oh, not much.hihihi.”
“Why are you so cheerful today?”
“Huh, really? I didn’t notice, I guess I’m just happy to be with you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing, Nothing.”
As the two of us chatted, the corner of my eye caught a glimpse of Edi; he was sneaking out of practice.
“Hey isn’t that Edi, Let’s follow him.”
“We can’t Leon, we have dance practice.”
“Screw the practice,”
“Ok, fine, whatever.”
Alexis and I followed Edi, but in secret, he was going to one the classrooms, I believe it was Alexis’s classroom.
“Hey what is he doing here?”
“SHHH. He might hear us; Edi has a strong sense of hearing.”
“Ok, Edi you can do this, Just ask her”
“OK OK OK, I can do this, wooh, yeah”
Edi look liked he was getting prepared to ask some out,
“Nope, I can’t do this, I’m a failure. I’ll spend “Prom Night” alone, and dateless”
We overheard Edi’s talk with himself, and decided to help him with his girl problems. After all I consider myself a romantic connoisseur, we jumped out of our hiding, and surprise Edi.
“Heyy DUUDEEE!!, you were planning to ask girl out, weren’t you? You sly dog you”
“No! I was just lost,”
“Whatever! Mind your business bro!”
“Bro, I can help you with your girl problems, Trust me, I know (actually I didn’t know, I just wanted to act cool in front of Alexis.).”
“Hmm, what do you know about talking to girls?”
“Everything, anyway whose the lucky girl?”
“She’s one of Alexis’s classmates.”
“OH! Who is it? Is it Sarina tanoki?”
“Wow, who did you know?”
“I just guessed,”
“OK, dude, you just need to be confident, and just straight out ask her, that’s all”
“I wish it was that easy bro,”
“Dude, don’t be such a wuss or are you a chicken”
Alexis and I started to imitate a chicken; we were so in harmony, it was as if our minds were one.
“Fine, I’ll ask her,”
“That’s the spirit”
I guess the only thing that can motivate a man to ask a girl out is by insulting the man to the point of the man getting annoyed by you, and being forced to ask.
Therefore, we both hid again and watched Edi as he asks Sarina out. However, before that I gave more tips, like always be confident and stuff like that.
Sarina went out of the room and Edi took the opportunity to ask her out. I couldn’t hear them, but I think it was good, cause after they talked.
Edi walk towards me with a smile of an innocent kid, a smile that can be describe as if someone just achieved one of his or her life goals.
“So how was it?”
“Bro, you’re a freaking genius.”
“Hahahahaha, I know”
“Now don’t forget to buy her a corsage on “Prom Night” OK?”
“Yeah, Yeah”
The day eventually ended and we both separated our ways, Alexis wanted to hang out at my house after school, so the two of us went to my house to chat.
Alexis went straight to my room, while I first went to the kitchen and got some snacks and some juice.
I went inside my room, and put down the food, Alexis was busy reading some comics on my bed, so I had to sit on the floor.
“Hey Leon, do you have any plans for Valentines?”
“Nah, Not really”
“Hmm, want to go on a date with me”
At first I did not really believe the words that I just heard, cause you know what kind of girl just asks a guy to go on a date with her, yes! your right, a non-existent girl.
Anyway I just replied with, “Uhm sure, whatever, I have nothing to do anyway.”
Alexis then smiled and continued to read her Comics. I stared at the cup of juice; my mind was thinking of how I would spend valentines. I had zero cash with me. Think Leon! Think Leon!
As time passed by, Alexis decided to sleep there for the night, that time, I wondered upon how was it normal for Alexis to sleep on my bed, it felt like we were a couple or something. Wait a minute! Is this what couples do? Are we a couple?
Third day of practice, three days before valentines
The day was normal, aside from the fact I was nervous as hell, I kept on thinking where will i get the money to treat Alexis on Valentine’s Day. I thought of just asking for it, but my pride was too high, so I didn’t, I had no choice I needed money, so I had to do some drastic measures.
After classes and practice ended, I asked the guys to help me, we went to my house, and got everything we needed. All of us went to the local pawnshop and stacked everything we got at my room.
“Thanks guys, now we just need to strike a good bargain, I think all this magazines would do it”
“Why are you doing this anyway?”
“Cause I have a date with Alexis, and i may not have any money on me.”
“You should have just told us Leon, we could have just let you borrowed some.”
“Well, it’s too late for that.”
“Yeah, whatever let’s just finish this.”
The dealer finally came and talk to us, I wasn’t good at bargaining, so I was quiet the whole time, while Edi and the others were like master con men,
“OK, we want this stack to be like around 40 bucks and the others would be 50 bucks each.”
“Sir that’s too high.”
“No, No, NO, You see here, this is an ultra-rare p- magazine; it’s the first issue, blah blah blah”
“blah blah blah blah blah”
I could have sworn they were talking about something important; unfortunately, I have a short attention span, so the only words I could hear were “blah blah.”
The boring talk finally ended, we got a fair amount of money, we split fairly enough. The guys went home, but I still had to buy the materials I need for valentines.
However, I didn’t want to buy a rose or chocolates, those are too clichés, I wanted to give Alexis something special like a light saber or a Taser. Yeah, that would do.
I went to the mall and found the nearest Taser store, sadly, light sabers still don’t exist, but a Taser would do just fine. As I went inside the store, I was shock to see the price of one. I immediately went outside, and began to lose all hope, “Damn, Tasers are expensive.”
“Oh well, I guess I’ll just save up for the date”
I went back to my house, nothing eventful happened that night, aside from the fact that when I got home, Alexis was there sleeping on my bed.
Valentine’s Day
Yeah, the day has finally come, my time to shine, I can do this, HUHAHUHA. I said those things to myself in order to let my nervousness out.
I thought I was ready, I seemed to be ready , but I wasn’t, I kept on thinking of the things she might say or do, I was imagining every scenario playing. This just made me more nervous.
“Damn you brain!”
“OK, OK OK, I got this, she’s just a girl dude. You can do this, I think, I don’t know. Wait a minute, does my breath stink, need some breath mints, where’s my cologne, I think I got it all,”
I was wearing my suit; I looked like some high-class person. I head out to Alexis’s house to pick her up, lucky for me, her dad wasn’t there, and I didn’t have to be pointed with gun again.
Alexis was the who opened the door and greeted me.
“Hey Leon, Why are you wearing a suit?”
“Huh, what do you mean? Aren’t we going a date?”
“Yeah, but isn’t wearing a suit a little over?”
OHHH NOOOO, I screwed this up, what am I supposed to do!!!!
“Oh well, its fine, let’s go.”
First, we went to the movies to watch a movie, but it had a twist, we didn’t watch some sappy love story; we watched a horror movie, hehehehe. The whole time we were watching, Alexis was clinging on me. (I loved it)
After the movie, I wanted to go eat something, but while Alexis and I were walking towards a nearby family restaurant, a girl saw the two of us, and immediately went towards us.
“HEY, excuse me, are you two a couple?”
“Great, would you mind if you two could substitute for a little practice wedding.”
“Oh my god, what the hell am I getting into” I asked myself.
“Don’t worry Leon, This is going to be fun, let’s do it”
“OK, good let’s go guys,”
The girl told to me to wait in a room, because I was already wearing a suit, so yeah, hehehe the suit came in handy. They were just going to prepare Alexis; I kept on fixing my hair the whole time. I was a little nervous, but as long as Alexis was happy, it was fine with me.
After a few minutes had passed, the girl finally calls me, and we proceeded with the ceremony.
They told me to go the altar, and wait for Alexis.
The wedding music started to play; I was blushing, when Alexis showed up. She was so beautiful, I mean sooo freaking beautiful; it felt I was really getting married, like for real.
She walks down the aisle with her wedding dress; it really felt like a real wedding. As she finally arrives in front of me. The priest started the ceremony.
I couldn’t tell what the priest was saying, because I was too distracted, I was staring at Alexis face.
Finally, it was time to tell the vows, I didn’t know what to say, so the priest just handed me card.
I said everything that was written in the card. Alexis on the other hand was prepared, she was like. “Leon, I will always cherish you, and treasure our time together, I would always be by your side, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.”
The wedding finally ended, the girl a picture of us, it was kinda sweet. It was perfect, too perfect, as if someone planned all of this, hmmm, I don’t want to delve into the matter too much, and I’m too lazy.
After the wedding, Alexis suggested going to a café near-by, I agreed, the café was nice; every table had small notes below the glass, from the other customers who visited the café before.
Alexis wanted to write one to, but she did not show me what she wrote. I don’t really care that much. I was busy thinking about the bill.
The day finally ended and we both went to my house, Alexis wanted to stay for the night.
Something was bothering me, Today was too perfect, and I didn’t see any disturbances, as if someone planned everything out, arhhhhh, I don’t want to think about it, and I might ruin the mood.
I thought to myself, if someone really planned this out, I thank him or her, “Prom Night” is coming,
I think I’ll ask Alexis to be my date for “Prom Night, I wanted to prepare on how will I’ll ask Alexis, but unfortunately I fell asleep.
Author’s notes
OK, guys this is just a side story, it’s part of the story, but told in Leon’s Point of view, Sorry for any mistakes, I had a very bad Valentines, so very very bad and sad, but I hope you enjoy yours.
HAPPY VALENTINES!!!!!!!! (/\_/\)
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