《STUPID LOVE! I DON'T WANT YOU!!!!》Volume 2: Chapter 7 Field Trip
After the exams we set our eyes towards the “field trip”, the night before the “field trip” I decided to write Leon a letter, So if ever I get too scared to confess my feelings to him, I can always give him the letter.
As I sit on my chair, and open up a piece of paper, nothing but rubbish comes to my mind.
“Damn it, I can’t think of anything to write.”
“Come on! I can do this!” I told myself, but I could not even think of something to write, I could write essays about particle physics and science, but making a simple love letter was so freaking hard.
I decided to write anything that comes out of my brain, even if it will be embarrassing, I don’t care. I know that if Leon was really the one for me, he wouldn’t laugh.
“OK! Here I go!”
To: Leon Cruz (My love, and future husband) flashing back 1 year and 3 months ago, I met you in the strangest way possible. HAHAHA! who knew we would get this far? You were my first dance, first kiss (nose kiss) and first love. There were a lot problems, but we were able to solve them all, Thank you for your long patience, Sorry for the bad things I’ve done, I really regret doing them. Thank you for your support all the way through (even when if the things I did were already non-sense) you still gave full support, Leon don’t ever change, don’t ever listen to their criticism, you’re just too awesome for them. Thank you for the great days we shared, you’ve changed my point of view, and you made a great impact to my life. I don’t know when you will be reading this, but I don’t care, I only know is that when you are reading this, I know that I still love you, and it continues to grow further and further.
Leon I would never ever forget you, I don’t know how to continue without you, but the thought of you coming back to me makes me feel excited about the future. If you ever have problems just ask me, I’m just one message away, and if somehow you find another one, someone better… I want to know ok? I want to know my Leon is in good hands, Thank you for our little, but precious time my Prince, I promise you I’ll rain diplomas and medals, so you could be proud of me. THIS IS NOT NON-SENSE, Don’t join wars yet OK? Wait for me! Thank you for all the crazy times, I will always treasure those, take care of yourself. I LOVE YOU LEON!
I am sorry we have to get through this. Stay in my life, I need you here with me.
“OK, Done, don’t want to read it, I might lessen the love in the letter”
So without even reading it, I sealed it in an envelope, and hid it in my bag, I thought of how will Leon react to the letter, I couldn’t really sleep that night..
I hope Leon doesn’t leave me. I love him so much.
“Alexis, where the hell are you?!”
“Huh what?”
“It’s already 7 o clock, the bus leaves 7:30!”
“What?! Damn it, I must have overslept”
I quickly got off my bed, and took a shower. Thoughts of me getting left behind came rushing through my mind, I really needed to get there, I must…No! I NEED TO BE THERE.
As I end my shower, I checked the time. “shit! It’s already 7:15, need to rush”
I wore my P.E. uniform, cause I didn’t had anytime to pick out my clothes, I was so into making “The Letter” last night that I even forgot to pack my clothes, so I just grabbed the most closest clothes and stuffed them inside my bag, I got my phone, and my medicine.
I checked if I left anything else, nothing comes to mind, so I dashed towards the rendezvous, I thought I was the only one left, and I had to take a special bus going to the place where the field trip was going to be held, but I was surprise to see Leon and his friends were there.
“What took you so long?”
“Sorry, I was up all night doing something”
“whatever! Let’s go!”
Leon and I went aboard the bus, but the bus we went inside was not ours, because I knew that technically our busses were different, so why is he in the same bus with me.
“Hey Leon, Is this the right bus?”
“Haa? Well, you were so late that the teachers wanted to leave already, but I didn’t want you to be left behind, so me and the guys argued with them, at the end they gave us our own special bus.”
“wait, I was late! What do you mean? I arrived right on time”
I checked my watched to see what time is it.
“Damn, I am late!, I am so sorry Leon.”
“It’s cool”
I was so ashamed, and embarrassed to speak to Leon the rest of trip, however I feel asleep, so yeah that helped me.
The trip going to the site was around 2 hours long, but yeah as I said I was asleep the whole time, so I didn’t know what happened, however I could hear
Leon and the other guys discussing something.
“Hey, did you bring it?”
“Oh, yeah,! we’re going to have fun tonight”
“Is it the strong stuff?”
“yeah, bro, Don’t worry, it doesn’t taste like shit”
I wondered what they were discussing about, Oh well, It must be porn mags or something boys like, I don’t know. I might as well not ask, BOYS will always be BOYS.
We finally arrived at the camping site, I wanted to camp with Leon and the guys, but the teacher said that the boys and girls camping site were different. The teacher said to go to our comp sites to put all our stuff inside the tent. Leon and I separated paths, but I didn’t worry, cause I know that the activities that was going to be held was by group, so I was planning to quickly run to Leon to be paired with him.
I went inside the tent to lay all my stuff down, I just took my ‘blue thermos’ with me and my phone. I quickly ran towards Leon, but the teachers were already calling the names of the people who were going to be group with.
I was too late, I was grouped with other people, and so was Leon, but Leon had Edi in his team, I didn’t see the others, they must be in other groups as well.
The activities started, the first activity was to cross a log between two edges, the distance wasn’t really that far, I knew I could do it, and even if I fell, the mud would just cushion my fall.
My group was up first, we all managed to clear it the first try, so we went towards the next one.
As we were walking towards the next activity, other groups were not that far from us, but I couldn’t see Leon and the others. Maybe they just got lazy and bailed, I thought to myself.
However when I went to look at them. There they were already across the log, but they were helping the other people who fell,
Beside me were my other group members, they were badmouthing Leon and Edi.
“HUH! Pathetic. That must be the losers group”
“hahahahaha, yeah, they’re so weak, they all fell, except the two of them.”
“Let’s go and finish this already!”
I was so pissed off with my group, they were this douchebag group who kept criticizing people, I always hated people like them, why did I have to be group with them.
We were already on our 7th and last activity, when I saw Leon and another girl talking together, OK! I wasn’t stalking them, If you were thinking that, I just happen to catch a glimpse of him.
“Who the hell is that girl?”
“what does he think his doing?”
I felt betrayed and broken, I thought Leon loved me, but why was he talking to another girl. why? I asked myself. I didn’t feel right the rest of the time, so I asked the teacher if I could sit this one out.
The teacher told me to just sit in the corner of the river, so I could not be a burden to my team mates, I felt sad by how my plan to be with Leon during the field trip was being torn to shreds.
I sat with my legs covering my face, cause I was about to cry,
“Stupid Leon, I hate you!”
The sun was already setting, and obviously my group finished all the activities first, I was still by the river, I wasn’t really in the mood to be with those douchebags.
As I was pouting on the grass, a jacket then covered me, it smelled like Leon’s scent. I took the jacket off me, and saw Leon beside me staring at the sun.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Why don’t you talk to that pretty girl you were talking to”
“Hmm. What pretty girl?”
“Don’t talk to me”
“Come on, don’t be like that!”
“Are you talking about that girl I was talking with awhile ago?”
“For your information, she was just my team mate”
I stood and ignored Leon, I went to the mess hall where dinner was being prepared, I could see Leon and the others were eating together, but I didn’t feel like joining them, so I just ate with my classmates, after dinner a camp fire was going to be held.
All the students were assigned to go to the site of the camp fire, I sat at a nearby rock, I watched other people as they sang and danced around the fire, they all seemed happy, but why wasn’t I happy. I got thirsty, so I got my ‘blue thermos’, and chug the water inside it.
“Hmm, this taste strange!”
I chugged it again.
“It really tastes strange. Wait a minute, I don’t have a blue thermos, so who does this belong to?”
I stood up, but I was a little wobbly, oh no, this feeling, I remember this feeling, now, I recognized the contents of the ’blue thermos’. It was alcohol, damn it.
I need to go to the tent were I can sleep safely. I walked towards the tents, but it seemed that I accidentally entered the woods. I was drunk as hell, I didn’t really know where I was going, but I knew it wasn’t safe to stop now, so I kept on walking forward.
Then I saw light coming out of the trees, at last a way out, I thought to myself. As I was came out, I was shock to see two groups of people facing each other, they looked like Mafia people.
There were two limos: one white and the other one black. The people there were all dressed in suits and had guns. I knew then that I was in big trouble.
I silently walked backwards, but as I walk backwards, another guy was at my back. He grabbed me and covered my mouth. I quickly fainted like one of those people who gets kidnapped in the movies.
Meanwhile in the campsite.
“Hey Leon!”
“Did you see my ‘thermos’? I can’t find it, we need to find it quickly, our special drinks were in it.”
“”Wait, was the ‘thermos’ blue by any chance?”
“Yeah, it was”
“Shit, it’s with Alexis! Let’s go, we need to find her quickly!”
I woke up in a middle of a room, judging my how it looked like, I assumed I was in a farmhouse. I was tied to a chair. I didn’t know what to do, I was panicking, shit! Shit!.
“What did I get myself into this time!”
I kept shouting for help, but no one was coming, then suddenly the in front of me the door opened.
Four guys in vests came inside, they were big and muscular guys, one was playing with a knife another was playing with his gun. Then another guy entered, he was wearing sun glasses and a suit.
The guy took a chair and sat in front of me.
“Now, missy do you know what you just interrupted?”
“Hahahaha, how could you know that right? well let me explain.”
Another guy stood and shouted “ You just interrupted one the most important drug trades, YOU BITCH!”
The guy with wearing the suit stop the guy shouting and said.
“His right you know, Now what do we do to stupid people who cross with us?”
“Yes guess right, We are going to kill you”
The guy who was playing with his knife started walking towards me. Fear then flowed through my veins. I still didn’t want to die, Shit, what am I suppose to do. I struggled to escape, but I couldn’t I was tied too perfectly on the chair,
As the guy was already near me, a radio then started to ring.
“Boss, there’s an intruder”
“what?! Deal with it immediately”
“Yes, boss”
Then the sound of gunfire echoed around the place, men shouting, and then the lights turned off.
“Boss, what’s happening?”
“Shut up!”
I couldn’t see what was happening, for it was too dark, but I could hear the guns that were being fired, then the lights turned on again, and I saw Edi, Elirck, Jiro and Christian, all covered with blood.
“Yow, Alexis, It seems that you are in a little predicament right now,”
“Yeah, you don’t say!”
“Sorry, I think you accidentally drank our thermos”
“Shut the fuck up! Who do you think you are?!”
The guy with the knife then charged at Edi, but Edi didn’t move an inch, as the guy was nearing Edi, Edi gave a huge uppercut to the guy, causing him to fly across the room.
“OH SHIT!” I shouted.
“Tsk, take care of them NOW!”
The other three men then surrounded Jiro, Elrick and Christian.
Jiro ran towards one the men and gave them a spinning flying kick to the head, blood came out of the mouth of the guy. Elrick then charged at one of them and slammed a chair in the guy’s face. and as for Christian, I didn’t really see what Christian did, but I assume it was really awesome or something like that.
Anyway, the boss suddenly ran towards me, and pointed a gun towards my head.
“Don’t move or I’ll blow her brains out”
“you’re not going to”
“huh? Who said that?”
Then the guy’s head turned 360, and his body fell on the floor.
I turn my head to look at what happened,
I was shock to see Leon behind me, for some reasons, I fainted, I don’t know why.
I woke up the next day inside a tent, Leon was there, in front of me, I quickly stood up, and hugged him tight.
“Stupid Leon, Don’t leave me”
“Hey, I wasn’t the who left”
“Just shut up”
I was hugging him for like 20 minutes until the tent opened, and the others saw us, I quickly pushed Leon.
“don’t you think it’s a little early for romancing?”
“Shut up!”
They laughed at me, I felt a little embarrassed, and relieved that they saved me, but I wonder how were they able to those things.
It was the second day of field trip and my last chance to confess to Leon, the teachers decided to give the day to us to spend to ourselves.
I spent the whole day with Leon and the guys, we first went fishing, I only caught a small one, but Leon and the guys got tired of waiting, so they dived right into the water.
Edi was able to catch a very large fish, I think it was a huge catfish, Elrick was able to catch a catfish too, actually all of them caught catfishes, aside from Leon.
“Hey, guys! Look at what I got!”
“Dude that’s a !”
“Dude put that down now!”
“Leon, Put the turtle down NOW!”
“What? Why?”
“we’ll get into trouble, just put the fucking turtle down dude!”
I was so shock to see Leon holding a freaking turtle, where the hell did he get a turtle anyway? Its geologically impossible.
Oh well, I didn’t question it further, for it would take forever to understand the possibilities of how Leon did what he just did.
After we fished, we all got tired, so we decided to cook something. I wanted to cook, but Leon and the others told me to just sit down, and wait.
Fifty minutes passed by, and the guys returned, the scent of curry filled the air. I was in awe, for it smelled good and awesome….goowsome
After we ate, we all decided to take a nap, it was already around afternoon, the guys went to their tents, but Leon went to the opposite direction, I followed him secretly.
He entered the woods, I also entered the woods, he walk through the trees, I also did. I kept following until he stopped, he was in the edge of the cliff, he then spread out his arms like he was preparing to jump.
I quickly stopped him by hugging him, and dragging him to the ground.
We both fell, I looked at his face, and he was smiling.
“Why the hell were you going to jump?”
“I wasn’t actually, I thought I’d just make you go out of your hiding”
“huh, what hiding? Did you see me all this time I was following you, and you didn’t even say a word?”
I pushed him and said “Meanie”
He then sat up, and looked at me.
“Is there something you wanted to say to me that’s why you followed me?”
Oh shoot! This is my chance! Leon and I are finally alone, Yes, Yes. I can do this.
“Uhm, Leon?”
“Uhm… I…..LOOOVE…”
SHIT! Damn it, why did I say that, Oh no…..
“Hahahaha… I love pizza too”
Then the other guys showed up and, told us that the campfire was starting, we both got up and proceeded to the campfire site. I missed my chance again. maybe I’ll just give him the letter I wrote.
Time passed and eventually the field trip was over. We all went home tired as hell. I arrived at the house went straight to my room, took some of my medicine, and proceed to sleep
Wait….wait…..WAIT A MINUTE!!!!!
I just remembered valentines-day is coming. Bwuhahahahaha. Another opportunity just arrived, maybe then I tell him what really feel. Hmm, should I get him something?
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