《STUPID LOVE! I DON'T WANT YOU!!!!》Volume 2: Chapter 3 Falling in LOVE
There he was "Leon Cruz”, standing across the table.
"Was he the one who saved me last night?" I thought to myself.
While I was contemplating about certain things. Leon was making bacon and pancakes, It smelled delicious.
Then I heard a sudden ding sound.
"Oh the coffee's ready!" he said.
After a few minutes he laid down the plate, spoon and fork in front me. then he proceeded to flip the pancake in the air like some master chief.
It was totally cool.
He sat a plate in front of me. “Eat up!”
I tasted the pancakes and I swear I could see everything from the stars in our universe to the billions of billions of atoms in our bodies.
It tasted so good, I kid you not; I almost cried that time.
As I ate breakfast. I noticed He wasn't eating.
"Hey, Aren't you going to eat too ?" I asked him.
"Nah, No thanks, I'm really not that hungry" he told me.
I then noticed the tank top he was wearing had blood on it. then I remembered that he was stabbed last night.
"HEY! I remember seeing you get stab last night, are you ok?" I said to him.
"Yeah, yeah. it's cool"
He then took off his shirt and showed me the stab wound, already stitched up. I also noticed his toned muscles. I blushed a little but to try and cover it up I asked him.
"y-you know how to stitch up a stab wound?”
"Well actually, no, but my great friend 'The Internet' taught me how, like around four hours ago," he replied back to me.
"You shouldn't rely on 'The Internet' that much, it might give you the wrong information you know, that’s really dangerous." I told him.
"Yeah....yeah..whatever, Anyway, why were you walking around that place during the night ? Don't you know that's where delinquents and thugs gather!" he scolded me.
“Well, in my defense, I did had someone with me, But the coward just left me”
"What a fucking coward," he said in reply. I noted his rough way of speaking and casually tried to emulate it.
"I know! Well whatever. fuck that asshole, right? hahahahaha!" I said.
I noticed he still wasn't asking who was I or why do I know him.
He avoided eye contact. He looked as if he was trying to be meek around me. So to lighten the mood. I quickly poked a piece of pancake with a fork then said "Say aaahhhh."
"Ahhhhh," he said.
I put the piece of pancake that was being impaled with a fork in his mouth.
I kinda blushed a little bit that moment, it seemed like I forgot everything that happened last night.
Then I suddenly remembered that I wasn't at home.
"OH NO! My parents are going to kill me!"
"Hmm..why ?" he asked me.
"Cause, I still haven't come home! I bet they're panicking right now. SHIT... what the fuck am I going to do?I" I said to him.
I became hysteric and started to feel anxious .
Then Leon stood up, walked towards me then patted me on the head.
"Don't worry, it's gonna be fine. I’ll come with you and explain what happened." he said.
It was kinda good idea, his patting kinda helped me relax.
We were so alone that time, nobody was interrupting us. Just us alone, a teenage girl and a teenage guy...
"Hey, don't you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked leon.
"Yeah, I have two brothers, one is the eldest and the other one is my twin brother," he told me.
"Oh, you have a twin! where are they right now?" I asked him.
"My twin brother has training today and I don't know where is my elder brother. What about you? Got any siblings?" he asked me.
"Nah, I don't have any siblings," I told him.
As we conversed, I noticed the clock on the wall was already 12pm. Leon must have noticed it too, Because He bagan to clean up.
Leon then stood up and said.
"I guess it's already time for you to go home. Don't worry I'll accompany you going home,"
I quickly stood up and went towards the room I woke up in to get my stuff. I kinda hoped that our time together would extend. It felt good being with leon.
My face blushed Damn , what’s happening to me? Come on! I need to get a hold of myself.
I went to the bathroom to wash my blushing face, I slapped my face with both of my hands.
"OK, OK , OK. Time to go home. Act normal, ACT FREAKING NORMAL ALEXIS!"
After that I went downstairs, and saw leon still wearing the same cargo shorts, and tank top, he wore this morning.
"Hey aren't you going to change?" I asked him.
"Hmm, you’re right, give me a minute," he said to me.
He ran upstairs, and in just a minute. he went back down. he was already wearing a shirt with a matching jeans.is long black hair was tied.
"That was fast," I told him.
"Yeah, I don't really take that long to change clothes," he replied to me.
Before We start our walk going to my house, Leon lit a cigarette. I don’t really like guys who smoke, It was kinda a turn off.
Anyway We walked towards my house, while we walked we also talked.
I was very self conscious that time, I kept on fixing my hair,If leon would look at me, I would avert my eyes to avoid eye contact> I know I was acting like a child back then, But somehow leon withstand my childishness.
Then our conversation went from compliments to school, it was about how I was getting pressured so much by the teachers to go to a prestigious college.
"Gosh, I really hate the teachers in our school, They keep saying things like always study and shit, they were always entering me to contests, Can't they understand I'm just one person to the world, my actions wouldn't mean anything."
Leon then smile and looked at me.
"Well, you might think you’re just one person to the world.” He said. “But maybe to one person you could mean the world."
I kinda blushed that moment, it was sweet of him to say that. Holy shit! Is he trying to flirt with me? Woah, woah.
We stayed silent after that.
We finally reached my house, I felt tense, I could picture my mom shouting at me.
When Leon rung the doorbell. The door opened and to my surprise a double barreled shotgun came out, and it was pointing at leon's head.
I could see Leon’s hands were shaking, But like a man, He didn’t show any signs of fear.
I peeked and saw that it was my father who was holding the gun.
"What the fuck did you do to my daughter?” My father asked leon and then he turned his head towards me“ WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!"
I went in between Leon and the shotgun to stop my father from blowing leon's brain out. I explained what happened to me and that leon just save me.
"Mr. Cosme, Relax, I didn't do anything to your daughter," Leon said.
Father glared at Leon:lowered his gun and proceeded to usher me inside. He gave Leon one last look and slammed the door shut.
"Are you ok? Tell me what happened, do I need to kill Leon?" My father asked.
I noticed that my father spoke leon's name as if he knew who leon was.
"Hey, Do you know who Leon is?" I asked him.
My father let out a sigh.
"Alexis ,you know my job right, I'm the 'Chief of Police' of our town, Of course I know who 'LEON CRUZ' is," he told me.
"DAD, don't worry, he actually saved, please don't do anything over the top." I told my dad.
"I can’t promise you that." he said to me.
As I was opening the door again to see leon, I saw him out on the street already, not waiting for anything, I quickly ran towards him and said.
"Hey, where are you going? Don't you want to come inside?" I asked him
"Nah, No thanks, I feel that your father will kill me if I accepted that offer, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. See ya at school," he replied.
I watched him as he was leaving, when he was out of my vision, I sighed and went back inside. That day I was scolded by my mom so badly.
But that didn't really matter, I kept thinking of leon.
Nothing really eventful happened that week end. I was so excited to see him again.
Finally the weekend passed and it was time for school. I started to prepare, I was so flustered thinking over how I looked.
Carlo wasn't there this morning to accompany me. That was good because if he would have been there, I would have punched him so hard, he would need a new body to live in, That asshole leaving me to get rape!.
The first thing I did when I arrived at school was to go see leon in his classroom. but unfortunately he wasn't there. So I just went to my classroom.
I was sad that he wasn't there this morning.
I wanted to greet him with "Good Morning!"
OH well, Time passed by and it was already lunch time. I wanted to eat with him but he wasn't also in his classroom.
While I was looking over the classroom, A big guy noticed me and walked towards me.
I was scared as hell because I was still quite shaky around men looking like thigs because of that stupid night, the only guy I could feel normal with right now was Leon.
The big guy was already in front of me. I could feel my legs shaking.
The big guy then asked.
"Excuse me MS. Are you looking for someone ?"
I was so scared I could only muster up to say Leon's Name.
Then the Big guy said.
"Oh you’re looking for leon, he’s on the roof. Follow me I'll lead you to him."
I didn't really have a choice back then I really really REEEEAAAALLLYYY wanted to see leon and I was REALLY REALLY scared of the big guy but he seemed somewhat civilize despite his appearance so I followed him. followed him.
As we started to walk to the roof. a few more guys joined us, One of them looked like Leon himself but I knew it wasn’t him because of the way he moved.
I almost mistaken him for leon actually, but I knew leon's hair was much more longer.
When we finally reached the roof. The big guy opened the door, I saw leon lying on the floor, I think he was sleeping that time, I didn't care, I ran towards him. I was going to surprise him, but he was already awake by the time I was in front of him.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Leon asked me.
"I saw this girl in front of our class, She was looking for you" the big guy told leon.
"Oh, ok" Leon said.
Leon then sat up.
The other guys then proceeded to sit down in a circle near leon.
They were taking out something out of there bags.
At first judging the looks of Leon’s friends, I thought that it was going to be some kind of drug trade exchange but disappointingly, they were just taking out their food.
Leon then introduced me to the other guys.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot to introduce you. You see that big guy over there. That's Edi Jager, then the other guy is Elrick Gonzagas, the one that looks like me is my twin Brother Jiiro Cruz, And the one who looks he is about to die is Christian Mendez. Don't let them get to you, They’re all cool," He told me.
Lunch finally ended and we all went back towards our classrooms.
Time passes and school finally ended. After class,I was able to finally gather enough courage to ask leon If I could walk with him going home. FOR SAFETY REASONS, and not because of anything else. He said it was alright.
Everyday would be like that, I never saw leon during the morning. I got curious so I asked, one of his friends and he told me that leon would always be late. Apparently whenever he wakes up the gravity around him becomes more dense.
Later on I learned that if leon isn't in the classroom, he would always “hangout” on the roof of the school to cut class.
So whenever I feel like it. I would cut class and join him. Sometimes I would just lie down beside him as he slept, Sometimes we would talk for hours and hours, other times. Leon wouldn’t even come to school. It was lonely at first, But whenever leon wasn’t there, his friends were there to accompany me. I got used to them already.
His friends were very friendly towards me, they were all very mature for their age. So talking with them was very easy to me.
One day he couldn't bring me home, Because he already had plans with his friends to drink outside after class. Me and leon weren't still a couple so I had no right to stop him, but I wanted to be with him.
So I asked him, "Hey can I join you guys?"
"You can't! your parents would kill me if they saw you with me," He told me.
So I took out my cellphone and called my father.
"DAD, I'll be out with Leon tonight, don't wait for me." I told my father.
Even before my dad could reply I shut off my phone, and gave leon a thumbs up.
“now he won’t kill you when he sees with me.”
looking convinced Leon lets me join them.
We went to Edi's house. His house was very far, we had to take a bus going there, but it was worth it because Edi’s house was very big, it had its own mini bar. It was my first time drinking, but I was determine to impress Leon. I thought being older than him was an advantage for me, But I was proven wrong.
It was already around our second case of beer when I started to feel the it. I was feeling a little tipsy.
I challenge myself to keep sober,But I think leon noticed that I was already drunk. He wrapped his arms around me, Because I kept moving around. he told me "don't move around so much. bruh?"
My vision was starting to get blurry and I was starting to get dizzy, But Leon's arms that was wrapped around me prevented me from falling down. Smoke coming from his cigarettes kept on going towards my face So I took the cigarette from his hands and smoked it myself,I blew the smoke towards Leon’s face as revenge, but mistakenly I blew the cigarette instead of inhaling it.
Leon then explained the how to smoke properly to me after that. so I tried again. My first intake I coughed a lot.
When they were already finished with fifth case of beer, they all stood up. At first, I thought they were about to go home now but to my surprise Leon told me they were just getting ready to go to a bar to drink more.
I was thinking how the hell are they going to get into a bar, aren't we all Underage here?
But whatever. fuck it, drunk or not I’m coming along. I couldn't remember how we got into a bar but we actually did get into one. I was surprised how we were allowed easily inside
I was so paranoid that time, I thought we were going to get caught but we didn't,Leon and the guys actually knew the fucking bar owner.
We were drinking and enjoying our time in the bar, but suddenly a group of people entered, they were loud and rude and they sat beside us. I noticed that some of them were staring at me, but I decided to ignore it since they aren’t really doing anything but stare.
Thought a little annoyed, we continued our drinking session. After some time I had to pee and I needed to go to the bathroom. When I stood up though another guy from the table beside us coincidentally did the same.
I thought it was strange at first, but I didn’t think much of it. As I was walking towards the corner to the bathroom, the guy suddenly grabbed me and threw me to the wall. I tried to scream but the guy shot up his arm and covered my mouth. He leaned in and then began to whisper.
”Why is such a pretty girl like you in a bar like this and with a bunch lame pussies?”
It was happening all over again, the memories of the time I was about to get rape flowed through my mind. I was going to cry. I couldn't shout for help or fight because i felt numb from all the drinking i've done.
The guy began to cop a feel on my chest. I saw him grin in satisfaction. He whispered again and said.
“ Scream and I’ll gut you.”
He then proceeded to put his hands behind my butt and then he began to pull, forcing my body against his. He then started to lean his head as if to kiss me, I try to face away but then, with his right hand, he cupped my chin and he forcefully yank it back.
Suddenly the guy stopped, I looked at his face, and saw that he was in pain, then the guy’s body was lifted and tossed across the bar.
I was so glad to see it was Leon. He saved me again. He hugged me and said.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought you here"
As he lets go of me. He said.
"Go inside the bathroom now, and lock the door, don't come out until I say so."
I went inside the bathroom and locked the door like Leon said.
I could here a man shouting.
The sounds of chairs were crashing all around.
After a minutes it started getting quiet. Curiosity tried to take over. I wanted to open the door to see what happened. but I remembered what Leon told me.
Don't come out until i say so.
Then I heard a knock on the door and a voice.
"It’s ok now, come out."
I opened the door and I was so shock to see leon's face all bruised and bloody. the clothes he was wearing was covered with blood.
I stepped out from the bathroom, and started walking. I could see all around me the tables and chairs were broken and all the people there were either lying on the floor all bloody and bruised or on the windows hanging.
Edi, Elrick, Jiiro and Christian were only ones standing there were the same as Leon. all bruised up and shit.
"Are you ok?" Leon asked me.
I cried and said " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT !!!! look at yourself!!!. you need a hospital right now."
Leon then started to walk towards his friends and said.
"The ones who need a hospital right now are the people lying on the floor right now"
I walked across the bar to where Leon was. it was a very scary scene.
All of the people who were on the ground were moaning in pain.
"Let's go" Leon said.
I will never forget this night. We all left the bar and separated paths to go home.
Jiiro and Elrick was going sleep at Edi's house. and Christian was going to go to his own house.
Only me and Leon was going to Leon's house.
As I walked towards Leon's house. we were silent.
When we finally arrived we went straight towards Leon's room. I went to the bed to sleep but Leon went to the bathroom first to wash up.
The door of the bathroom was a little open so I peeked inside. I saw leon's body all bruised and scarred.
He was buff and he had scars all over his body. It looked like a body of someone who would always get into fights.
Leon grabbed a towel and wiped all the blood and washed his face with water. He just was about to finish.
I decided to go back to the bed to sleep. the lights went off but I could still see leon. he lay down on the floor beside the bed.
I didn't want him to sleep there. so I told him. " Hey, you could sleep beside me, if you want to." but he didn't respond.
I check him to see if he was ok. apparently he was already asleep.
I couldn't sleep for some reason, I started to cry. i think leon heard me crying, cause he suddenly was on the bed.
He hugged me and said.
"I'm so sorry for what happened, I'll never let anything happen to you again."
He hugged me tighter, I could feel his body embracing mine. I was able to finally sleep.
I knew then that this guy, This guy who was hugging me. Who not only saved me once but twice, Is the guy who I will spend forever with.
Before I slept, I whispered to leon's ear. " I love you."
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