《Taotuz's Melody》Ding! Cookies!?!
I grab the knocker on the door to the Monastery and tap three times and take a step back. Opening a door a heavy set nun comes out with an angry face.
"Why are you making so much noise!" She throws up her hands.
"I am sorry the door is close so i used the knocker. I didn't want to be rude and found out it was closed for a reason." Her anger starts to crumble at the statement.
"Fine just know you only use the knocker after 8pm. The monastery is open to all of faith." She opens the door wider and walk away.
"Excuse me I hope I am not being rude but I am looking for the Monk Instructor. Any chance you would know where she is?"
"She is in the back." Walking away again she stops and looks me from head to toe. "You might want to bring her something to eat from the kitchen and grab something for yourself. You are as skinny as a twig."
"Thank you," I bow and start heading towards the kitchen. Luckily it is lunch time the smell guides me forward. 'Skinny as a twig the nun must be blind. I got plenty of muscles on this sexy body. Oh i f*** me i f*** me real good."
'If that is a level in ego i would not like to see it or any other message that attain to the leveling up of such a skill.
'Oh well moving on.'
Entering the kitchen i see what has been cooked. A grilled cheese sandwich with a side of tomato soup. There is still a plate stacked with the sandwiches in a pyramid style with a note on it.
Reserved plate for Alexandra, The Monastery Monk.
'What this girl must be a monster! Well i guess working causes hunger. Lets just get over this and place the food and dish in my inventory.'
50x Pepper Jack Cheese Sandwiches
1x Iron plate.
2x Bowls of Tomato Soup
5x apples
'They wont miss the apples. Its probably better then slime jerky.'
Heading towards the back I start hearing screams of attack. I pull out my dagger and get ready just in case. One last bite of my Pepper Jack Sandwich and I open the back door. What i see is a woman of 25 years with red hair wearing leather armor with small glints of what i believe is iron. She is doing movement around the back yard something resembling shadow boxing but with a staff. She does this for another 10 minutes until you screams and jumps into the air and slams the tip of her staff into the ground. Dirt flies off the ground with great speed. A slight impact zone is left where she stroked. Looking up she starts laughing at all the dirt on my face.
"I do believe your Alexandra?" She nods ,"Well then is there a table we can sit i have been asked to bring you your lunch."
"Thank you there are seats a little over here." off to the side i see the tables and chair were pulled over to its now current location next to some bushes.
I pull the iron plate out and the bowls of soup. Then I take out about 10 of the sandwiches and try to stack them like they were previously and utterly fail. Then I pull the rest of the 39 sandwiches start to just place them in a box fashion.
"Not to fancy I see. What is your name," she starts talking after taking several bites and by bites I mean whole sandwiches.
"Taotuz. I would like to learn the way of the monk." I just lay back and let her eat.
"Why would I train such a twig. Monks are the strongest force on the field. They can tank multiple spells and deflect hundreds of swords and if you become a monk of a particular Gods you could cast healing spells on your allies." She leans her chair and places her feet on the table with the iron plate on her lap.
"I look down and take a sip of the soup. Delicious. Looking back up at her. "Honestly if I was in this world alone I would prefer to be a rogue."
She cuts me off. "You mean a thief. I see it in your eyes and ears. You probably grabbed one of my sandwiches without my notice."
"Yes I did and I have no problem with it but I wasn't stealing the nun said to grab a piece for myself."
"Then you must have took the other 50 sandwiches because the nuns know I can eat twice this much." she hits the table and glares at me.
"That is not problem what they do or don't give to you. I am here to learn the Monk Class." I state blankly at her glare. Just a kid trying to frighten me.
She smiles at me not faltering in front of her glare. "Fine but before you start tell me what is the most dangerous weapon a monk has."
I look back at the impact zone and turn back, "The mind and body are the most dangerous weapon any living being has and the monks are no exemption."
"Correct. Fine i will teach you but no complaining about how hard it is to get the Mind and Body of a Monk." She finishes the last of the sandwiches and drinks from the bowl as if it was a glass of water. Monster. Reaching the impact zone she puts up her fists, "Get over here its time to knock your body into shape. One way or another but there is only way i am going to do this."
Getting up from the table i finish the bowl of soup. "As long as it is the quickest way to Monk hood then I have no problem with it."
I take of my shirt and shoes and place it back into my inventory. She glares at me but doesn't bring it up. I take my normal stance. Arms hanging loosely at my side with my feet spread slightly apart. Alexandra smiles at my stance.
"That stance will get you killed but you wont understand that till I show you." She comes at me much slower then her stats should be. Underestimating me to prove a point oh well. My brain goes into fighting function.
She brings her fist to my gut. I take a step back and grab her arm and pull her towards me and slam my elbow into her..... were her face was. Ducking under my attack she jabs me in the ribs. Angry that she dodge me I aim at her back with my elbow. It merely skins it as she pushes me from her. Stumbling back I grin at her.
"Did you just increase your speed when you were about to face plant my elbow?"
Smiling she comes at me again. This time its even faster I can see she is about to kick me barely. I move with the motion her kick and grab it and I pull her forward and as she balances from my pull. I push her away with all my strength. She places her foot like I didn't try to complete upheaval her. She starts to clap then smiles and goes after me again.
'Damn this woman playing games with me. Clearly she is better. Cant even use her own force against her.'
This time I don't even see her movements and she punches me in the face then the stomach then trips me. As I fall she grabs my falling hand and pulls me back up and elbows me in the face. I fall to floor this time.
"Elbow to the face is not fun it is." God damn it hurts. Lucky the game stopped it from becoming a broken nose.
'Why does it taste like copper in my mouth? Damn it she got me bleeding. I am going to land a hit on her even if I am a bloody pulp.'
I get back up and go back into my stance. She shakes her head after not learning my lesson. She comes back at me and before she lands a punch I spit the blood out where she should be and this causes her to skip a step causing me to see her. I grab her dodging figure and wrap one arm around her neck and lock it with my other. She starts to elbow my sides. Even though I cant breath after the attack. I WILL NOT LET GO! Then her elbows start to tenderize my sides with multiple hits until I pass out.
I wake up to her rubbing her neck. She looks at me there is no happiness or anger in her eyes they were just hollow. She gets closer to me and my body starts to loosen up again to ready for any attack. She stops and offers her hand. I glare at her for a couple of seconds then I grab her hand. Picking me up as if I was a feather.
"Don't do that again unless you can honestly hold that grip to your or my death." Her face starts to gain some color and her eyes start to gain that shine of life again. "Next time I will kill you."
"I understand," She didn't want an apologize or pity all she was looking was understandment.
"Good now this time no more grappling just fists and kicks." She gives me a glare. "Clearly you have grappling down."
"Lets begin." I mirror her stance. She looks at me and comes over just walking.
"Spread your legs a little more and lower your hand and raise this one." she starts to use her hands to readjust my stance.
"Sensei, its to early in my training to get this intimate with me. We have only know each other for what 10 minutes." She smiles at me and as she walks away she trips me again.
"Dear student its too early in our training for you to fall for me. What will i tell the nuns?" She reads herself for the fight.
"Again." Allegro tells Melody.
'My hand damn it. That's the hundredth time she has done it.'
"I will do it hundred times more if you cant play such a simple tune." Allegro says after looking at my face parched my thoughts.
Calming down i start from the beginning. The tune is a slow one in battle it will help regen of all allies. The piano is one of the hardest instruments Allegro keeps telling me. Of course why would I not want to try an easier one. I think Allegro is just being harder on me to either prove the piano is not worth it or for me to be able to play it without a hitch so nobody complains about her teaching me.
'Damn it'
"Stop Stop Stop." She throws up her hands, "We will do another training exercise but first describe me the size and shape of this keyboard."
Melody starts describing what a keyboard size and shape. A mischievous grin appears on Allegro's face. She gets up and goes to the front of the guild. After about 10 minutes she comes back with a wooden board and some iron disk with a thickness of inch or two. The iron disk might be considered weights in the real world except they don't have a hole through them. She places it on the table behind were i was seated at the piano.
"Alright this new exercise will get you use to the weight of the keyboard. Even if it is heavier then the real thing you will be in battle with this brick. The longer you fight the heavier it will get and if you ever stop playing a tune you become useless." She starts to spread the weights as evenly as possible. Picking up the wood board as if there wasn't 50 pounds on it she hands the board to me, "Now you will hold this board for the next 3 hours. If you want to go the extra mile walk while you do this. Also sing any song that comes to mind. You need to get the singing skill. Don't stop singing till you earn it and not even then."
"Yes teacher." Melody looks to the ceiling for guidance. A smile appears on her tanned face, "This is the song that doesn't end. Yes, it goes on and on my friend...."
"RAHHHHHH," taking one more punch to my gut just so I can land a damn hit. Its misses once more. Falling to the floor i grasp for air.
"You are too early in training to land a shot on me. How many hours are you going to take it before it gets through your thick head." She brushes her hair from her face but she is breathing heavily.
"The way your breathing tells me this is more then a warm up." I get back up on shaken legs. Forming the fighting stance she beat in me, "Come at me I wont drop till I land something."
She gets into her stance and she comes at me again but this time she isn't disappearing from my view. I keep that knowledge to myself just in case. She is coming from my left with a kick from her left foot aiming straight for my stomach. Her face shows me she isn't holding back. She wants to end this soon. Pushing my body to my left we are face to face. Raising my right hand I aim it once more at her face. Using the movement of her kick she turns her entire body almost looking like a ballerina. Turning my body to the side I bring my arms in and block her kick which was now heading towards my head. The kick connects but my wont bulge. Getting angry I push her foot away with my arms. Causing her to stumble just a bit. I push myself at her I have I MUST push my advantage even if it is .5 of a second. Now I give her the old 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 punch. She blocks each of them but she is still on tilt. My body is screaming for me to just stop. In one last ditch effort I push my body forward once again and go for a uppercut.
I fall to the ground. 'Why does the earth feel likes its rolling around over and around my body? One minute that sound did I hit her? My knuckles hurt but really what part of my body doesn't hurt. Oh hey that is a new muscle! Oh Xeraoth this hurts.'
My body is moving by an outside force. Alexandra looks down at my face rubbing her chin with a smile on her face she puts out her hand. I will my hand to take it. Moving at the speed of snail i finally grab her hand. Her grip is like a lobster claw crushing my hand. Pulling me up she brings my stumbling body over to the table. I fall in to the chair with all the grace of a slime.
"Here have this," she hands me a cup of liquid. After trying to identify through my fuzzy vision she takes mercy on my, "Its honey tea it will help you regain the stamina that you lost about 3 hours ago. How your body is still moving is beyond me."
Taking a long sip draining about the whole cup I start noticing something in the corner blinking. Once my brain comprehends that is not a physical or mental problem a window opens
10x Notifications Unread
Would you like to read them now
7x Your muscles feel a bit larger
7x One step closer to the wind
15x You have lessen the chance of death
2x Potential Partners see you in a better light.
New Passive Skill Learned: Unarmed Combat Mastery
Unarmed Combat Mastery Raised to Beginner Lvl 3
New Passive Skill Learned: Harden Body
Harden Body Raised to Beginner Lvl 5
New Passive Skill Learned: Dedication
Dedication Raised to Beginner Lvl 2
"Well are you going to sit there all day you have to go its my dinner time and I don't want to miss it." Alexandra shocking from me reading my notifications. Finishing my tea I get up and bow at my master.
"Thank you for putting up with me and I am sorry you had to deal with me but I have learned Unarmed Combat Mastery and Harden Body and Dedication and got a few stats even though I don't know what they are I do have a general idea. I am in your debt for teaching me."
"Well since you earned all of that I might as well do this." her eyes look right through me then she focuses again and flicks her finger towards me.
Alexandra, The Monastery Monk is offering the Class of Monk to Taotuz.
Do you accept.
Bowing my head deeply, "Yes I will gladly take the class you offered."
"Too bad Taotuz you would have made a better thief."
~Fireworks sounds go off in the background~
Congratulations you are the first Monk in Ridge City.
You have become a bit more famous.
Congratulations you are Alexandra first Apprentice.
You have become a bit more famous.
You have earned skills for accepting the Monk Class
Detox Beginner Lvl 1
Meditate Beginner Lvl 1
"Alexandra Sensei if you would have me again I would like to learn more hand to hand fighting from one as strong as you." She gets up from her chair and head towards the door. Turning around she shakes her head.
"If you learn any more from me it would cripple you then help you. I am sorry my fighting is meant to fight humans and as an adventurer you must fight the monsters of this realm and the odd bandit or two but if you come back I will teach you the ways of the staff." She goes in and the door closes behind her.
My muscles are still urging me to sit back in the chair but it is almost dark I have to find something to occupy my mind before the sun sets. Making up my mind I open the door and head towards the front door. On my way out a young nun looks at my and blushes a deep crimson and points towards at my chest. Looking down I forgot to reequip my shirt and my muscles that were crafted from the marble of the great Greek gods have brought dirty thoughts to this young lady I should be ashamed.
Message blocked.
Reequipping my shirt I bow and apologize to the young woman and she mumbles about don't do again then sprints away from the scene. Opening the door my stomach starts growling.
'Open Inventory'
5x Apples.
10x Slime Jerky
1x (Full) Water Flask
The faithful day I try slime jerky is today.
'Piece of Slime Jerky'
Opening my mouth to take a bite and somebody pushes me. My muscles clasp at the sudden impact and i hit the floor and my blue slime jerky falls out of my hand.
Health -5
'Now I lose health!'
I look at the monster that attacked me and see a little kid seeing stars from the fall. Picking him up at the collar I look him in the eye. "Now where is your mother."
"I don't know but Ms. Johnson is probably looking for me after I got out of the fence. I am going on an adventure! I am going on an adventure!" the kid starts to shout in my face.
"Excuse me! Excuse me sir! Please the kid doesn't have any money. Please put him down." The Orphanage Nun is shouting at me while she hurries over. I look towards her with the sun on my back I guess I can understand why she cant identify me. I wait for her to come over before I drop the boy but keep a hold on his collar. It was the right guess because he suddenly tries to run away once more.
"Good Evening Nun. I am not trying to extort him but he did run into me and made me drop my dinner. I was just asking where his mother was so I can return him home." the nun turns her head away and then back at me.
"He doesn't have parents he is one of my charges." She grabs the little boys hand and starts to walk away. "Thank you sir for watching over him. How about for your missing dinner you swing my and you can grab a bite."
"Sounds like a plan Ms. Johnson." The nun looks at me shocked. I just smile at her and walk past her, "My name is Taotuz pleasure to meet you."
"I don't remember telling you my name." she starting following me back to the orphanage.
"The little guy told me he was expecting a Ms. Johnson to be looking for him. I just did 1+1 and got it," With a smile on my face I shouldn't resist the temptation, "It was Elementary my dear Ms. Johnson."
A Passive Skill Learned: Sing
For learning the Skill Sing you get
1x The language of magic has become clearer
1x You have placed one more piece of the puzzle
2x Potential Partners see you in a better light
5x Your muscles feel a bit larger
5x One step closer to the wind
After looking through her Notifications she become confused. 'What did those messages mean? The language of magic and piece of puzzle. What ever they are I will ask him about them later tonight.'
Allegro choose this moment to enter the room. With a questioning look. "Why did you stop singing that ridiculous song?"
"I have gained the Singing skill." Melody opens her flask and task a long swig. The cool water helped her parched throat. Allegro took a seat at the piano and gesture for Melody to take a seat. ,"From now on you will alternate between both trainings till you are comfortable with the level of your skills or until I kick you out. Now beginning."
Melody sat at the piano and took a deep breath. Placing her hands on the keys her hands should have been shaking from the weight that she had been holding this entire time but the piano took away all the fatigue, all the pain, and nothing that happened mattered anymore. She presses the first key and starts to play the slow tune once more. Getting lost in the music she jumps at the sound that went off in her ear.
For Completion of your first Song you have gotten
New Passive Skill Learned: Piano
New Song Learned: Angel's Forgiveness (Piano Version)
3x The language of magic has become clearer
3x You have placed one more piece of the puzzle
"Yes! I got a the Piano skill and the song." Fist pumping the air Melody forgot that Allegro was right next to her. Allegro wore a smile that spoke volumes of what she thought of Melody.
"Now Now Melody there are more songs for you to learn," Allegro brought Melody's arm down and pulls another song piece out. Taking down Angel's Forgiveness Sheet Music down Allegro notices the ring on Melody's finger. "Where did you find such a beautiful ring."
"An accessory merchant named Elizabeth made it and I bought it. The music symbols are a reminder for me." At this Allegro prompts for Melody to go on. Melody blushing a little and starts turning the ring around, "It's because of my boyfriend or at least a good portion of it anyway. When I was about 8 years old my mother worked for an academy for kids of my age at the time. So she would take and teach me the piano every morning before her classes started. After she died I just didn't want to touch any instruments. Then Tao came in my life and all his pick up lines were songs even if they were more fixated on the situation then the actual song and that struck a cord. Even when he wasn't hitting on me and didn't know I was around I heard him sing like he didn't have a care in the world. It made me want the same attitude towards music. I know what ever class I pick he will accept and I with him for i know he picked the Joker class and we will become a Circus act in ever major city."
Allegro grabs Melody's hand, "I knew you had music in your blood girl. Even the time it took you to get the skills shows that you had many long hours of practice on the piano. I hope you can find this keyboard because if you do then I put my entire fortune on that bards will one day sings hundreds of songs about the bard who played the keyboard. Now before we get any more sentimental we should begin with your next song. This one is called A Thief's Shadow. It will increase all movements by 10% in your party."
Piano Songs Learned:
A Thief's Shadow
Song of the Protector
Berserkers Boom
Calling of the Earth
For Learning the 5 basic Level Songs you gain
5x The language of magic has become clearer
5x You have placed one more piece of the puzzle
"Alright Melody it is pasted dinner time for me I need to go eat. As for you until you raise your level in singing and piano to intermediate I have nothing left to teach you but I can direct you to go to the dancer's Guild and learn a couple of moves. Being able to carry that giant keyboard while being graceful and dodging shots will make it so you don't miss a note mid song. Now it is my favorite thing to do." Allegro flicks her hand at Melody
Allegro, The Elven Flutist is Offering the Bard Class to Melody.
Do you accept
"I will gladly accept"
~Fireworks go off in the background~
Congratulations you are the first Bard of Ridge City
You have become a bit more famous.
"Now off with you child I have some cold food to eat." Allegro smiles the whole time till Melody leaves and even after. "That girl will be a force to be feared soon enough."
Looking down at the 5 basic songs sheet music. Most musical genius take a week to a month to learn all 5 but for her it came like breathing. Shaking her head she goes to Guild's Cafeteria.
Authors Note: This took way longer then I ever expected and honestly I would have just made these two chapters but I also don't want the training arcs to be 10 chapters then I forget the plot. SOOOOO word is count is....... 4484 wow that's crazy for me anyway
Third Call is the CharmTaotuz's Melody
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Ant Tensei (Original) and (Redux)
A WhiteSamurai original Web Novel _______________________________________________________________ :Redux Synopsis: _______________________________________________________________ . . . The Official WhiteSamurai Rewrite of Ant Tensei: Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, yet for some reason it has always repeated itself. The tides of destiny and the passing of time are unstoppable forces that dictate our lives and paths. Yet, within a single point in time, within a single universe, on a single planet, a single being was born of tragedy and suffering, to break this cycle. This man, was named by those who followed him, as Aristocles. Through sheer willpower and an unparamount tact through wisdom gained with research and study to become closer to being human himself, he became something more, more than just human. Over time he became hope, a hope in a better tomorrow, a hope in a future. No matter the crisis at hand, this man eventually rose up to defend humanity in their darkest hour, nearly leading them to a great victory. It was then, that they destroyed the world?! Join us in the journey of life, death, and hope that was forged by this unbelievable spirit. A journey of pain, a journey of enlightenment, a journey left behind into the chronicles of the universe, and well, a journey as an Ant... Well, no matter how far into the future one goes, none will ever say that this life failed to make a difference. . . Status: [Ongoing] . . . _______________________________________________________________ :'Original'Synopsis: _______________________________________________________________ . . . Aristocles was no normal guy. Living his life on the edge of insanity and daring, he led the charge on every military campaign you can think of. He toppled governments and seized control over nearly half of his world in less than a few years of beginning his military campaigns. Nearly a decade into his reign, aliens from another world invaded his world. With his whole race on the line, everyone swore fealty to him in hopes for victory. When taking the field, he and his forces took the field, they easily drove the aliens to the brink of defeat. Just when it seemed the day was saved, Aristocles came across what seemed to be the ground leader. """"Do you yield"""" Aristocles stated with a mighty and intimidating voice. """"Blow up the planet"""" was the response. In the next moment, Aristocles looked into the sky as a beam came to pierce his planet. His last words were """"You cheated"""" """"So?"""". Upon his death Aristocles heard """"This one has finally died, though his world is gone, will now reincarnate in different universe. Error, memories retained, changing reincarnation to ant, solution verified, confirm."""" Just like that, Aristocles woke up to discover that he was a larva in a small ant hill. Not only that, but he could see an experience bar and hp bar in the corner of his eye [HP:1] [MP:0] [EXP: 0/1]. How will Aristocles survive as the weakest being you could possibly think of? Join me in the great adventure of ANT TENSEI! . . Status: [Being Re-written/ Discontinued/On Hiatus] 'Final' Chapter: Chapter 14 . . . _______________________________________________________________ :Official Rewrite Notice: _______________________________________________________________ . . . As of May 18th, 2015, the particular version of Ant Tensei now being titled 'Original' was discontinued in favor 'Redux', the official rewrite of the novel. The reason being that I wasn't actually taking it seriously for more than half of the chapters. All of my Fantasy-Styled works were never originally intended for publication, but after a surprising amount of attention during the initial weeks of release on a different medium, the decision was made to develop my Fantasy-Styled works at my professional level. This decision has thus sparked the decision to Re-Launch Ant Tensei as "Ant Tensei Redux". If there are still a number of those still interested in the old version of the story that was written as a way to relieve myself of excess time, then i'll eventually look into reviving the original intent for Ant Tensei Original and draft off an independant series for it under the title "Ant Tensei Original". For now, however, "Ant Tensei Redux" shall be the only version being progressively developed and released. Please share your thoughts on this early version of my original novel, Ant Tensei. There were 14 chapters of Original released before the development of Redux began, the chapter 7.5 special not included. . . . Enjoy the work. ~White Overall Status: (Ongoing)
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