《The Game of Spirit》Strongest Adversary - 2
Hector spun around his spear. He could felt his enemy general position, but his instinct were not good enough to know exactly where rashid was.
His whole body numbed. He had lost all of his sense, save for his touch and his pain senses. Even then, he started to lose his feeling of touch and pain. He began to doubt that he even holding his spear, with the only indication being that he couldn’t tighten his grip anymore.
‘So that is his signature, a territory that steal his victim senses.‘ He thought.
Rashid watched Hector movement. For him, the area was bright as day. His territory had no effect on him. “Impressive.” He said. He had tried attacking a few times before, but each time Hector was able to feel his movement and slashed him at the right time. “Let’s see how you fare with something like this.”
He took out the last two dagger he had left and threw both of it at Hector face. Hector felt the attack, but he didn’t know that it was a ranged attack.
He slashed at the direction the dagger was coming, thinking that Rashid attacked. His slash altered the dagger flight path. He deflected one of the dagger out of his way while the other one stabbed his arm, but he didn’t flinch. He couldn’t feel pain anymore.
“To think that he could deflect the dagger.” Rashid said. “Look like i have no choices but to attack like before.”
Rashid took out a curved sword and charged at Hector. Hector stood still and didn’t move.
“Spear of Troy!” Hector stabbed the ground with his spear, creating a huge explosion and a powerful gale, strong enough to push Rashid back.
Hector slashed at the ground again and again. Pushing Rashid back each time without giving him chance to counter him.
Rashid was pushed back until the edge of his territory. His back hit the wall while his chest was pressed by the wind pressure.
The black dome shattered and collapsed around them. Hector five senses returned to him. The cold breeze of winter night swept his skin, giving him a tingling feeling and a shiver. Relief and happiness washed over him. His eyes focused again on the man who ran away. Rashid ran away from the roof after knowing that he had no chance against him.
Hector raised his spear high and assumed a throwing stance. The spear whistled as it pierced the air at incredible speed. It covered the length of two building in an instant and caught up with Rashid.
Just before the tip of the spear hit his back, Rashid body disappeared into the darkness of the night. The spear, lost its target, dissipate into a cloud of green mist before forming again in the hand of Hector. “....”
Hector observed the area around him. Rashid could be anywhere, and with Rashid skill of presence obstruction, he might be preparing for a surprise attack.
The black wall surrounding the apartment rooftops also dissipated revealing Semiramis and Elis, who had returned to her human form, to those watching from below.
Both Elis and Semiramis stared at each other, both breathing rapidly. From the shadow behind Semiramis, Rashid re-emerged and placed his hand on Semiramis’s shoulder.
“We have to retreat for now.” Rashid whispered to her ear.
Semiramis took a glance over her shoulder. “Hmm, i’m having fun here…. But if you say so.” She answered. Her gaze returned to Elis. “I hope our next encounter will be as entertaining as this one… Emeralis.”
“Al-Layl.” Rashid whispered.
Both Rashid and Semiramis body melded into the shadow of the night. After making sure that both of them were truly gone, Elis body trembled. She held her knee in order to stood up, but even her knee gave up and she crouched to the ground. She let out a small laugh.
”To think that i would struggle against a human.”
Her hand wiped the floor that was darkened because of their spell. Firefighter and ambulance siren could be heard through the black smoke that soared from below.
Rose held her arm close to her chest, gripping tight the gem in her necklace. She shut her lips together. her eyes focused on two that was fighting. A loud sound like a gong reverberated through the mountain every few second. The sound shook the trees and rustled the leaf, reinforcing her worry.
The playground from before was completely decimated. The seesaw, the swing, the slide, all became nothing more than broken metal scattered on the ground.
On the decimated ground two men fought. One wore white one wore black. One had bruises all over his body and the other barely had any scratches. One wielded a twin dagger and the other fight bare handed.
Rose couldn’t believe what she saw. Her spirit that so far had exceeded her expectation, that had proven himself to be a powerful spirit, who were able to went toe to toe with the legendary hero of troy, was being pushed back and forced on defensive. She knew her spirit wasn’t the strongest, but this fight was completely one sided.
Aldwin jumped back to catch his breath, but Lucifer wouldn’t let him. He appeared in front of Aldwin with a large booming sound. His movement destroyed the ground beneath his feet, sending chunk rock and dirt up in the air. He assumed a martial arts stance, one that neither Aldwin nor Rose had seen before.
The air swirled around him, following his every move. As if controlling the air around him, the wind reinforced his movement and acting like an armor, making him faster, stronger, and masking his movement without hindering him a slightest bit.
He stomped the ground and let out a straight punch with his right hand, aiming for Aldwin’s head. A loud gong-like sound erupted in the air where Lucifer punch landed. Aldwin moved his head out of the way and the punch missed, but the air around Lucifer’s hand raged violently, hitting Aldwin’s head like a punch and scratching his skin.
Aldwin countered with his dagger and sent a series of chained attack at Lucifer, but none connect. Lucifer hand redirected all of Aldwin attack with a swift and serene movement, Like a water flowing down a river.Lucifer hand glowed red like a lamp as it moved.
A jab hit Aldwin lower chest. It was a quick jab, so fast that Aldwin was unable to see it. The jab didn’t hurt him too much, but it sent a wave across Aldwin’s body, numbing him.
Rose turned to the girl that was standing on top of one of the tree. Before they started fighting, Lucifer brought her up there. So far she just stood there and watched the fight with her expressionless face.
At first Rose planned to attack her while Aldwin kept Lucifer busy, but Aldwin saw right through her plan and forbid her to do it. She didn’t understand why Aldwin told her to not attack the girl. Looking back at the fight she became curious of Lucifer’s power and skill, she haven’t tried scanning him yet, in fear that the girl might attack if she tried to scan Lucifer.
She started the incantation for a powerful scanning spell, cautiously hiding her voice so that the girl didn’t notice her.
“Go on, don’t be afraid.” The girl spoke. Her voice startled Rose, she noticed the spell. “It’s not like knowing Luci power going to change anything. Go on.” Rose ignored her taunt and finished her spell.
Lucifer (Fake)
Martial Artist
Original location:
Spirit Rank
Magical power
Signature power
Physical Resistance
Magical Resistance
Martial Art: A+
Lucifer is a true master of his own Martial arts.
Pain resistance: A
Pain does not affect Lucifer battle performance and he would fight until recieving a lethal blow.
Natural Instinct: A
Instinct recieved as a talent from born. Able to feel the best course of action in battle. Fighting without his vision will only slightly lower his battle performance.
Fiendish Power : A
Lucifer is considered by many to be a high ranking demon. Reduce damage received from source with no or lower Fiendish or Divine power.
“A++?!” She was surprised, but the fact that Lucifer was an A++ spirit explained why he was able to match and even push Aldwin back.
The thing that was still nagging her mind however was the question to why Aldwin didn’t change his weapon and why didn’t he use his signature power. She knew that Aldwin had many other weapon, weapon that would give him advantage over Lucifer close range bare handed fighting style.
Lucifer kicked Aldwin right in his stomach. Aldwin blocked it with his dagger, but the kick pushed him until he hit the road railing.
“C’mon show me your signature power.” Lucifer said.
Aldwin’s eyes moved from one end to the other as if looking for something. “That would be for our next meeting.”
“Really? That’s too bad… cause there is no next meeting.” Lucifer answered with a creepy smile.
“I agree.” Aldwin answered with another another grin. His eyes wasn’t directed at Lucifer, but something behind him. Something that fell from the sky.
The ground behind Lucifer exploded, shaking the whole forest and the mountain. Dirt, dust and rock spewed into the air, blocking everyone view of what was happening. A huge man appeared behind Lucifer, with a giant club in his right hand. Lucifer raised his hand to the side to protect himself from the attack, but the club carried an immense force. His body blown a hundred meter into the forest, knocking down any trees in his path.
After the air cleared, Rose could see what was happening. A barechested man stood in front of Aldwin with a club in his hand, Lucifer was nowhere to be seen. The Elizabeth girl from before had already ran away somewhere. The man was huge, around one and a half Aldwin height, and with a body that was full of ripped muscle. The lion hide that acted as his cape fluttered in the wind. His appearance reminded her of someone, a hero she knew, but she couldn’t find it in her mind.
“Move aside Demon! Give me your master and you don’t have to face a horrible death.” The man spoke with a deep voice. Aldwin chuckled.
“Don’t underestimate me Heracles.” Aldwin answered. “There is no way i would lose to someone like you.”
“You know me from just my look. I hope your strength is as good as you knowledge.” Heracles answered.
‘Heracles?!’ She yelled in her own mind. She couldn’t believe that she didn’t remember Heracles appearance. The Nemean lion hide in his back basically gave away his identity as one of the most famous hero in the world, Heracles or more commonly known as Hercules. “This is bad.” She chanted a spell.
Fighter, Warrior, Knight, Mounter, Archer
Swordman, Lancer, Berserker, Beast master, Charioteer, Tamer, Gladiator, Bowman.
Original location:
Spirit Rank
Magical power
Signature power
Physical Resistance
Magical Resistance
Weapon Master: B
The Ability to wield any weapon with great proficiency, even the one he haven't wield in life. Heracles was born with great ability to wield any kind of weapon. He's also known to wield many different weapon in his legend. The exeption of this is bow and club which he could wield with rank A proficiency.
Pain resistance: A
Pain does not affect Heracles battle performance and he would fight until a lethal blow is dealt to him.
Battle Instinct: B
Instinct Honed through Numerous battle. Able to feel enemy action in battle.
Aldwin placed his hand together. A giant sword as big as his own body formed in his hand. A crude sword, the blade was rusting and the edge didn’t look sharp. There was an ornament of some sort on the center of the blade, but it was already broken and covered with ash.
Aldwin and Heracles stared at each other for a good half a minute.
Their weapon clashed, blowing the ground below them and sending a gust of wind that shook the forest.
A bolt of lightning crackled across the sky and hit Heracles head right between his eyes.,but it fizzled out and did nothing but annoyed him.
Heracles turned his head to look at the source of the attack. Rose was extending her arm out with smoke coming from her hand. “I-it didn’t work?” Heracles stared her down. The sense of dread and despair crept up her spine. Her body shivered and froze in fear.
Heracles pointed his finger to Rose. “Don’t try that again! Don’t interrupt my fight! Do-” Aldwin struck Heracles body with his giant sword, but the sword stopped on his skin without as much as leaving a scratch.
“Damn! the Nemean hide is strong.” Heracles stared him. “Rose, don’t try that again. This is between heracles and me, don’t interrupt!”
Rose could move again. “What are you talking about?! Do you think you could beat Heracles alone when that guy before beat you to pulp like that?! When you couldn’t even leave a scratch on him?!” She yelled.
“You’re loud as always. I’ll think of a way! I won’t lose to a heroic spirit, especially not to a demi-god! ” Aldwin replied. Heracles let out a loud and deep laugh.
“Won’t lose to a heroic spirit? Your mouth is loud for someone who couldn’t even pierce my Nemean hide.” Heracles replied. “Pathetic!”
He leap out high into the sky and slammed down on Aldwin, creating a crater as he touched the ground. Aldwin moved out of the way and charged at him after he landed. Aldwin aimed his attack at Heracles neck. Again, his sword didn’t have any effect on Heracles. Heracles deflected Aldwin’s sword with his hand and began fighting him.
‘It’s strange.’ Rose thought. Even though Heracles perimeter was higher than that of Lucifer, but Aldwin fight more evenly against him. Which doesn’t make sense, Heracles completely outclassed Aldwin in everything and his club skill was on A rank, not to mention none of Aldwin’s attack have any effect on him. Yet Aldwin dodged, blocked and clashed with him on an almost even ground.
Their weapon met each other’s numerous time. Each time it met, Aldwin’s arm throbbed more and more, sending a numbing pain throughout his body. Rose noticed and knew that Aldwin couldn’t stand much longer.
‘If a normal spell didn’t work, then i just have to use my strongest one.’ She took a gem from her pocket and began chanting a long spell. She tried her best to hid it so that they didn’t notice.
The night turn to day as a giant ball of light hovered in the air. Aldwin and Heracles look at the ball that hovered 10 meter above their head. “Rose you idiot!” Aldwin shouted. He planted his giant sword on the ground and hide his body behind it. The whole area erupted in a blaze.
Rose lowered her magic shield to look at the result. The smoke slowly dissipated, and in the middle of it all, Heracles stood unharmed.
“I-Impossible even an A- ranked magic couldn’t touch him.”
Absolute defense: A
The manifestation of Heracles first labor, the Nemean Lion. This ability is active even if he doesn't wear the lion hides. Any attack lower than A-rank will have no effect whatsoever to him.
Divine power: A
Heracles is the son of supreme god Zeus and a mortal woman, making him a top class demi-god. Reduce damage received from someone that have lower or no divine or Fiendish power.
Heracles turned to look at Rose. “Girl, i told you not to interrupt.” The ground beneath him crack and Heracles disappeared. Only for him to show up right in front of Rose with the club above her head. There was nothing that she could do, He was too fast for even her eye to catch.
Heracles noticed something and jumped back. A thunder struck the place where he stood before. It struck in front of Rose, but she was unharmed.
“HERACLES! I’M YOUR ENEMY HERE!” Aldwin stood with a colossal spear beside him. The spear was so huge, its length was double that of his body. The blade part crackled with golden lightning. “Don’t touch that girl Heracles, or not even all of your twelve labor is going to be any of help to you. Rose! get away from there!”
“No But!” Aldwin shouted. His face serious, much more serious than Rose have ever seen before.
Rose reluctantly followed his order, knowing that she would only be a burden if she stayed there. She retreated into the forest, taking a safe distance while still able to observe the fight from there.
Heracles position his body to face Aldwin. “So you do have a weapon that could pierce the Nemean hide, i wonder why didn’t you use it before?” He asked.
“Cause I don’t need such luxury to defeat you.” The colossal spear in his hand transformed back into the giant sword from before. Aldwin held the the ornament in the center of the blade and crushed it with his hand. “Corvus Nigrum.”
The blade lit up. A raging black flame emerged from the crushed ornament and consumed the blade.They charged at each other again and their weapon clashed. Aldwin moved faster than before, he dodge and slashed at Heracles chest. Heracles moved back a bit, the blade only grazed his chest. This time, blood dripped from Heracles chest.
“Who’s pathetic now?” Aldwin questioned him. “HAH! You can’t even kill a demon who is beaten half dead! And instead resort to attack a girl, Pathetic!”
Heracles stopped his attack and stepped back. He let out a huge roar that made the mountain trembled. A roar that sent shiver to anyone or anything that heard it. “Pathetic? Then i show you how scary i can be.”
A tree smashed Heracles body. He was unharmed and the tree split in two.
“Did you forget about me?” Lucifer appeared behind Heracles. He punched Heracles body with his right fist. He twisted his hand, pushing Heracles back a few meter, but he only received a minor injury. “Damn your body is hard.”
Blood covered Lucifer broken and twisted left arm. It was crushed by Hercules club from before. His tanktop and trouser shredded with many cut.
“MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!” Someone shouted. Everyone there looked to the source of the sound. A giant fireball darted in the sky like a meteor. The sky turned red as the fireball fell to the battlefield at breakneck speed. Aldwin and Lucifer dashed to their respective master while heracles stood still, undeterred by the falling meteor.
The area exploded, causing a massive landslide and creating a huge crater.
“Wha-what happened?” Rose asked after the explosion. Aldwin extended his arm and made a gesture signalling Rose to stand back.
In front of them, a huge and deep crater made by the falling object. In the center of it stood a massive chariot dragged by two huge blazing horse. On it, a man stood. Silver greek armor covered his chest and a red cape fluttered behind him. A helmet with a huge plume that stretched from the front to the back sat on his head. On his right a fine silver sword, and on his left, a beautiful decorated shield.
The shield caught Rose attention. The shield was made of multiple layer of circle. Imagery of many thing engraved each layer of the shield, constellation, people, farmland, cattle, ocean.
“The Great HEROOOO has entered the battlefield!” The voice that spoke before resounded in the crater, but the man that stood in the chariot did not speak. ”Xanthus and Achilles of Greek has arrived!”
The man on the chariot put down his sword and switched it with a spear. He poke one of the horse with it. “Hey Xanthus don’t spout out my name so easily. We didn’t come here to chat with the enemy.”
“I have to!” Xanthus, one the horse spoke.”Everyone must know the great horse Xanthus and the master he serve when i enter the battlefield. So they will know who defeated them when i trampled over their body.”
Achilles sighed looking at his horse action. “You forget Balius.”
Xanthus look at the horse next to him. “Oh yeah. AAAAND BALIUS!”
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