《The True Jack of all Trades》Eden, Part Two


“Wow, this place is kind of high tech,” Riz said.

“Yeah, it makes me wonder what the outside of this hotel looks like,” Dean said, “But why do they still use books?”

“Maybe they haven't invented a way to store knowledge other than books,” Rei said.

“Yeah, what if books are used because they can’t get hacked into,” Stella said.

“That’s a good point,” Dean said, “But maybe they don’t have hackers or some shit like that. After all, this world is magic, there might not even be the internet seeing as how we use our IDs for communication.”

“Makes sense,” Robin said, “But we’ll just have to see for ourselves tomorrow, right?”

John sighed, “I guess so, but I’m beat anyway. Can’t wait to sleep on some beds for once.” Everyone nodded in agreement and walked to their rooms. Dean walked towards the only vacant room and opened the door. The room was fairly small, but it had all the essentials.

There was a box sitting on the bed with Dean’s name on it. He walked over to the box and opened it up. Inside the box was some sort of ring. He put it on his finger and watched it glow. It then showed a screen of different types of clothing; it was a portable closet. Dean scrolled through the list of clothes and picked out an outfit; It was a plain black hoodie with black cargo pants and black combat boots. Dean looked at himself in the mirror and smiled.

Dean had already chosen to become a fixer. It seemed to have all the freedoms Dean wanted. He also didn’t want to be shackled to some military. The outfit he was wearing was what he would use as a fixer. The portable wardrobe had enchantments on the clothing, making it almost like armor. Dean looked in the mirror and saw that something was missing. He looked through the catalog again and saw a mask with a skull imprint on it. He pulled out the mask and put it on his face, completely concealing his identity.


Dean took off the mask and laid on the bed, closing his eyes for a good night’s sleep.


Dean woke up to the sounds of people yelling in the living room. He got up and walked to the door only to find that Stella was yelling at the group. Dean immediately tuned out what she was saying and began to cook himself some eggs. He grabbed three eggs from the fridge and started to fry them, sunny side up. He turned to his left and saw Lucifer.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Am I not allowed to check up on you?”

“It is not preferred.”

“Oh come on, don't you love me?”

“Far from it.”

“Don't worry, you'll grow to love me.” She then disappeared as soon as she appeared. Dean sighed and put his now cooked eggs on a plate. He walked to the dining room and took a seat.


Dean turned and saw that Stella had slammed her hand on the table next to him. “What do you want?”

“Did you not hear me yelling at you?” Stella asked.

“No, I tuned you out as soon as I saw you yelling.” Dean took a bite of his food. Stella angrily took Dean’s food and threw it across the room. “Will you listen to me now?”

Dean stood up and glared at Stella. “What the fuck is your problem?”

“You weren’t listening to me so I gave you a reason to.”

“Do you think that was a smart idea?” Dean’s voice was almost like a growl, “Or are you just wanting me to kick your shit in?”

“Pfft, You can’t even I--” Dean shoved his fist into Stella's stomach, knocking the air out of her. She fell to her knees and Dean grabbed her by the collar. Dean reared his fist back and a pair of knuckle dusters formed on his fist, but John grabbed his fist from behind, stopping him.


“Calm down.”

Dean grunted and lowered his fist. “What was she yelling about anyway,” Dean asked.

“We said we wanted to be fixers and she was against it,” Rei explained.

“Makes sense, I’m gonna go back to the library.” Dean walked out of the room and made his way to the library.


Dean opened the door to the library and went to a section he hadn’t gone to before, Religious History. It was mostly filled with what you would expect, the writings of a bunch of religious zealots. The thing was, there was one book that intrigued Dean, a book written by a man named Adam, just Adam.

The book had no title, just that it was written by Adam. Dean found a chair and sat down as he opened the book. It looked like it was brand new, but it had that feeling that it was millions of years old, almost like it was never used. Dean flipped through the pages, only to find that they were blank. He flipped to the first page and saw that something was there that wasn't before; it was a sentence.

“Nihil est verum? What does that mean?” As soon as Dean said that, the book began to fill with words, but it was only for the first few pages. Dean began to read the pages and saw they were notes of some kind, almost like entries for experiments. Dean kept reading and found something more interesting, they were his powers, just the one he had. At the end of the new information read a note. “For whoever finds this book, I sincerely hope that you write down your experiments in the rest of this book, from Adam.”

The book then shrunk into a small size and fell into Dean’s pocket. Dean tried to grab it but couldn't find it. ‘What the hell,’ Dean thought. Dean hoped that he didn’t just steal a book but left the library anyway.

He walked out of the door and saw the rest of the group standing by the door. “What are you guys doing here?” Dean asked.

“You're gonna be a fixer right?” Rei asked.

“Yeah, but you wanna leave now?”


“I already have an office I’m gonna apply for, just so you know.”

“Yeah, we’re gonna follow you.”

Dean sighed and walked to the fixer door and into the IFA.

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