《The Queen of School》Quest


Narrator POV


Jason was in shock. After a couple of seconds, she recovered and was going to punch that pervert god, but...-I don't recommend you to do that- Enki tried to stop her, but she ignored him and still punched.


But what her punch encountered was air or more specifically water. In Jason's eyes surprise, could be seen, but the anger that she was feeling still didn't disappear, so she tried to punch him again.

-You would not be able to touch me- Enki said mockingly with a grin in his face.

Jason's POV


'You would not be able to touch me'

. . . 💢💢

JUST BY HEARING HOW HE SAID IT AND THAT STUPID GRIN IS ENOUGH TO MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND -Are you daring me?!- Oh, if you are doing it, you would end up losing.

-Eh? What are you talking about? What I’m telling you is that you will not be able to punch me since I am not truly here- What is with his guy and his face was saying that that was common sense. But wait what did he just say....

-What are you talking about? Oh, and please don't say something like that ‘since I am a God’ or things like that- His face was kind of mischievous when I asked him what he was talking about, and when I told him to not create a lie about I being unable to touch him had something to do with him being a God, he seemed like a kid that had been caught red handed.

-Well yeah, you needed to be a special human to be able to unseal me so it’s normal that you are able to read minds- He crossed his arms in front of his chest and made an arrogant pose. Is he a fool or is he only acting; if he is, he can win an Oscar while sleeping.

-You know that it was practically engraved on your face- When I told him that he scratched his neck while flushing and was saying things like 'Ehe thanks' and 'I worked hard to get to this point' and ridiculous things like that.


-Ok. Let's stop with the sketch and answer my question. What do you means when you said that you are not here?- Enki looked at me with the same face as a kid would do to his parents when they told him that it was time to go just when he was having fun in a party.

-Well, you know that I am a God and all that. Right now, you can see me, but you can't touch me because I don't truly have a body- I don't know why but the way he said it and his corporal language seemed as he was trying to explain it to a stupid person.

-So... You are basically a ghost- Now I get why this place has this kind of atmosphere.

-Not really. I am more of spectrum so...- -THAT IS THE SAME THING BUT WITH ANOTHER NAME!!- I could not help but tsukkomi that. -I know that. Who do you think I am? I am the god of knowledge, but spectrum sounded more awesome!- Seriously.

-Y'know I don't care anymore. I was going to follow your tale since it looked interesting, but now I am bored. If you want to haunt this place, feel free to do so, but don't hinder my work- It was fun in the beginning, but now I have to get back to work. This is supposed to be a library, but it’s full of dust, and the shelves don't even have books. Are they in the storage? I need to find them.

Just when I was about to leave to search for the books, Enki grabbed my hand, well he tried -WAIT! At least hear my story- I just pointed to the book that selfishly talked by itself and continued to walk away -It is true that the book told you the story of how I got here, but the one that I want to tell you is the one of how you can help me take this fricking seal off-

-Eh? Didn't I just take it out of the book, and now you are supposed to be free?- Did his head go wrong by being sealed for 2500 years or what?


-Oh no. The seal is still there. That is what I wanted to tell you. Since the seal is still there, my body is still sealed; therefore, I have no physical body- If the seal still there then what was the meaning of all the trunk, the chain, the warning, and all that.

-...Then all the things from before?-

-Ah, those were only for show. They were pretty impressive, right? I made some research and seems that in this era is pretty common for people to open a trunk if it is chained, and it’s in the corner of an abandoned house- When he said that he was so confident that his nose rose to the moon.

-.... FOR GOD'S SAKE!! That only happens in the movies if a normal person that have seen a horror movie before sees a trunk chained in a haunted looking house they will run as their legs were on fire!- Isn't he supposed to be the God of Intelligence? Where did he get that common sense, and the expression on his face as if he could not be more right.

-Yeah, for my sake help me- Enki said as he tried to grab my hand again, but just like before he couldn't. -It's actually pretty simple, you only need to go around the world to find two artifacts. With one I would recuperate my body, and with the other, I will have my powers once again- Somehow this sounds similar to a certain anime...

-And at the end, you will fulfill one of my wishes, and it would end up be wasted in reviving a certain character that always ends up dying. What are you Fei*ong?!- This is totally absurd.

-Wait! First, it is only two instead of seven; at least that bunch were not sadistic to that point, and second of all, you don't have to search for my balls; you only need to find the relique of my body-

-THANKS! Now you ruined the childhood of millions of people even though I know that a certain audience already had that kind of thoughts- The way he said it was way too wrong. It was just wrong.

-Well, that does not matter. You will help me. It's not like you have any other choice with that on your arm-

-My arm? What do I have on my arm?- When I looked at my arm, an arabesque tattoo was around my upper arm. Its lines seemed alive. Like vines of some kind. The design was exquisite, and in the middle, a light blue lotus was almost blooming.

-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?- It could be really pretty, but getting a tattoo without consent is not something that you want to have since well, it will not go away in a lifetime.

-Don't worry this is nothing bad. It is only the proof that you will help me take off the seals. No biggy- Enki said while he was leaning on the wall as if he just said the most unimportant thing in the world.

-Wait a minute. Wait a fucking minute. I already told you that I was not going to help you, so take this thing immediately- Who does he think he is to force me to help him in going around the world searching for I don't know what. I have more important things to do right now.

-Sorry, but I cannot take it. It was not me the one that made the rules. The other Gods made them. I know that it will come off when you find my second seal. If you want to complain to someone complain to them. It was totally not my idea-

-Y'know, now I really want to help you find your body, so I can beat the shit out of you- I said as I popped my Knuckles, and my expression could have been a little scary since Enki, who was arrogant a while ago was slowly retreating with his porcelain face without a hint of color, but only a little.


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