《Union of Worlds: Adventure in the Sky》Chapter 7 Attack on Palace. Shaq and Lyrion


Sklavos knew a secret passage into the palace, as every good Left hand of the King does, and was planning on leading everyone in through it. But he also knew that the people that knew about his execution, that almost took place, were far too few. And so he and the other four split up as they rushed all over the city and started yelling. They approached the people that were the most afraid and yelled for them to get their shit together. More and more people went to the plaza as a result of their efforts.

Jhin, took a break from all the shouting and guiding of people to the plaza and shat down. His hand was firmly grasping the polygon he had found. It was a deeply interesting object and to him, it weirdly felt as if he needed to hold on to it. But during his break, he opened his status page, because even though he didn't have the time or peace of mine to tend to it, he had seen a notification pop up in his face after he ended the fight with Alexader and got old man Sklavos to sit down and talk.


Level: 1

Name: Jhin

Class: Fighter Lvl 1

Race: Earthen Human

Vitality: 7/10


Strength: Good (7)

Agility: Above Average (6)

Toughness: Good (7.75)

Intelligence: Good (6.5)

Fortitude: Excellent (9.5)

Sense: Below Average (4)

The notification hadn't been a lie nor an illusion. He had truly gained the fighter class. And not only that but he had gotten a very noticeable upgrade to His Attributes. Everything except Intelligence had increased to a degree. With Sense and toughness being the only two that went up by 0.25 while the rest increased by 0.5.

In Jhin's eyes, there had to be some magical energy that had existed in the world the System came from, and now that it has become part of the United world it is helping him and all the other people improve.

Some assumptions could be made about the way things work. People get classes as a result of their actions, and they get boosts to their Attributes when the increase their Level. Jhin didn't really know how to get his Level Up but he figured it could be that he would have to fight, just like his class would imply.

Jhin eventually stopped having a break and continued with his work. One hour later he and the other three were standing on top of the wooden execution platform, thousands of men were standing below them. They were all eager to hear what Sklavos had to say. Not only were they mad about the King's order to execute him, but they also wanted to take their minds of what had happened.

A lot of things had changed, compared to the mass panic of a couple of hours ago, the people now were more collected. A lot of families had entered their homes and were trying to do what they would usually do at this time, cook lunch.

A lot of other people had lost family members, who had been on the side of the land that didn't shoot up. Their families had been split apart in a matter of minutes and the resulting grief and anger were motivating factors.

"Everyone! Please listen to what I have to say! The King is selfish and Weak! A coward that doesn't deserve the title of King. A title that He stole from the great King Edward when he poisoned him!" Skalvos said loudly and slowly, trying to give importance to everything he said. They didn't have the time and he didn't have the energy to speak for me than that. But that was enough since the people that had gathered here were already angry, so far though they didn't have somewhere to direct that anger towards. And now they did.


With one massive shout from the crowd, the streets became filled with chants for the King to fall, as they marched towards the Palace's gates. Meanwhile, Jhin, Talisa, and Shaq had left the crowd and ha gone to the back of the palace from where they would enter the Palace and reach the King. Where they would capture him and bring him in front of the people to Confess to his crimes and Abdicate from the throne.

The back door that Jhin and the other two went through was not exactly a hidden passage but more an abandoned one. Vines had crawled inside the gap in the walls, moss was growing on the rocks. It led to a small, secluded, garden that had clearly been left unattended for many years. The bushes and trees were unkempt and overgrown. The paved path had broken and the intricate fountain in the middle had stopped spouting water and instead has become filled with moss and leaves.

Only one exit and entrance existed and so without any confusion, the three went on forward. What ensued was a confusing trip up and down the many halls of the palace. Old kitchens and rooms that had been abandoned with halls filled with suits of armor, small libraries, and plenty of gardens.

They eventually managed to pass by the Maid's Quarters and the directions Sklavos had given them finally matched up. The small wooden door was slightly ajar and chaotic movement could be heard inside the dorms. Jhin, Talisa, and Shaq simply peered through the door and left when they saw many maids packing their stuff.

They rushed past the quarters, the Kitchen, the Lunch hall and soon enough they were in the Waiting chambers. From there only the throne room and the King's Bedroom were left. The three collected their thoughts and did a small chant.

They placed all their hands together, forming fists and bumped them.

"Let's~~~ GO!" All three shouted, in a whisper, as they threw their fists in the air and opened the wooden, adorned with gold, gate leading to the throne room.

Inside they found four people. Alexander Shield, Lyrion, Mavros, The Right Hand of the King and lastly The King himself

"We have been awaiting you... Stupid Fools." The king spoke before all and welcomed his guests with a friendly gesture. He waved his hand at the waiting Mavros and sat comfortably in his thrown as if he was going to watch a show.

Mavros nodded and bowed and went down the steps of the throne and stood walked forward with Alexander and Lyrion.

Alexander at the side shook his head, seeing the youths heading to their deaths, while Lyrion chuckled, knowing that he had done well to beg Mavros to give him a chance. His helmet was on tightly, the expressions of the crowd when his scar was revealed dug deep as they always did.

"Aren't you going to speak? I Shouldn't expect more from your ilk." Mavros shrugged and took one more step as he raised his hand and extended it forward. The black empty hole in the thing he was carrying pointing straight at Jhin, who stood in the center.

"This, in my hand, is a gun. Say goodbye, lowborn." Mavros said and pulled the trigger.

Jhin though had already moved, he hadn't spent the few months on the boat traveling here with nothing to do. He already knew about guns and how they worked. Hence he had already dodged before Mavors pulled the trigger, albeit he still barely managed to dodge. The bullet passed right above his head and the screeching of the air left a ringing sound in his ear.


Talisa changed in and switched places with Jhin, as she let him take on Alexander while she would fearlessly take on Mavros, an act of bravery that most wouldn't dare do when they heard the thunder of guns.

Shaq charged straight ahead, his eyes dead set on Lyrion as his grasp on his sword tightened.

"This is the end for you! Untrained weakling!" Lyrion shouted and as if fuelled by his anger brought down his sword with force outshining any of his previous shows of strength.

Shaq barely managed to jump and roll to the side as the sword hit the ground and cracked the marble floor of the throne room. Shaq didn't wait for Lyrion to pull his sword back and jumped forward. A swift stab landed on Lyrion's ribs. He was pushed backward and Shaq went in for another strike. Before he could though, an unbalanced kick came from Lyrion.


The Kick landed squarely on Shaq's stomach, mostly by chance and some bile flew out of Shaq's mouth as he flew backward and fell on his ass.

"Do you like that?!" Lyrion yelled, with the sounds from the other classes going on in the background hiding his voice.

"I have something to tell you Shaq!" Lyrion shouted and Shaq looked up in surprise. "Oh~~ yes... That is the look. How do I know your name you ask? Simple... Don't you remember the night you got that scar?" Lyrion said as he pointed with his sword at Shaq's left abs.

Shaq shot up from the ground as his eyes bulged out, his mouth gaped and every single hair in his body stood up. Memories that he had long ago forgotten and hidden behind the wall of rage flowed back in and his last night as a free person came back to him in full force.

He and every other black person in the walls had just been freed and they were all being guided by the King's Royal Guard toward their new home, supposedly in the open world, without any walls to limit them. He was feeling ecstatic, that day just like any other day that past week. He was finally free, although he didn't really know what that meant, what he knew though was that the golden and endless plains of wheat looked more beautiful than anything else he had seen in his life.

Tonight they were setting camp near the Royal Capital and he was getting ready to go to sleep with a bunch of other kids from his village.

The fires burned in the night as the people fell into a deep and relaxing sleep. But Shaq couldn't possibly expect what was about to happen.

In the dead of the night, The fires that had been set up to last till sunrise started going out one by one. Tent flaps were opened and closed soon after, as men came in and out of tents. The only thing left in their path being either pools of warm blood or unconscious merchandise.

Shaq woke up with a start, a sound from the nearby bringing him out of sleep's sweet embrace. a subdued whispering was all he heard, other than the flaps of the tent next to his moving.

"That Fucking dude scared me! Why can't he just die silently!" Was all Shaq heard and all he needed to understand that his dreams were about to be destroyed, He had grown up in a harsh world, and although he was only 10 years old he knew how the real world was.

Despair gripped at his heart as he shoved his bedmates awake quickly and whispered for them to run while pointing at the shadows that were creeping closer to their tent. Sadly one of the other children woke up and being the one closest to the entrance gt a clear good look at the bloodied and grinning murderers.

A scream broke out of his lungs and everyone left in the encampment was alerted. The two cold-blooded killers rushed in the tent and began their rampage. They kept yelling and shouting. All that could come out of their mouths was how they would be scolded and how they have to ruin perfectly good products.

Shaq used all his might to run out of the backside of the tent and away from the encampment, he rushed up the hill, behind which huge walls of the Capital could be seen and he came upon the slave caravan of these raiders. People of all colors, without discrimination, were sitting, as if dead, in their big cages, Cramped there with their feces and a whole assortment of other things.

Shaq rushed past without stopping only to chance upon a small and deathly thin kid that had managed to crawl through the bars in its cage.

The kids looked at each other in silence for a second, and as the white kid opened its mouth to say something Shaq released the loudest scream of his life. "A SLAVE ESCAPED!!!!" He yelled and his voice turned hoarse.

"Why?" The other kid asked as despair and fear gripped his whole being, tears suddenly streaming down its face as its only ray of hope suddenly got shattered.

Shaq started shaking as he understood what a stupid, fear-driven mistake he had just committed. Without being able to utter another word he tried to run away but before he could do anything he was grabbed by the shoulder and a sharp piece of wood struck his stomach. The starving kid didn't have enough strength to imbed the wood in Shaq but the damage was done.

Both kids fell down and Shaq fainted. The next moment he woke up he was in a small run-down hut with some women tending to his wound. The elder of the village came in and introduced him to his new life in the Slum world of the Capital.

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