《God's Death》2: Chapter 9 - The Mysterious End


Gaia's POV:

"I'll repay kindness with kin.d.n.e.s.s"

What is this feeling?

My soul force

I'll give it all to Gaboll!


This feeling?

This is death

[ECHO]: Species updated...

[ECHO]: Soul composition changed...

[ECHO]: Soul fragment has connected with Gaboll

[ECHO]: Consciousness has been transferred over to Gaboll

[ECHO]: {Name: "System", Species: Gaia (World), Energy: 1 GR, Strength: 1, Vitality: 384, Spirit: 24, Soul: 0}

[ECHO]: {Name: "Gaboll", Species: Fungi (Hivemind), Energy: 0 GR, Strength: 0.1, Vitality: 0.1, Spirit: 1, Soul: 101}

Gaia found himself by a giant tree

His body was like a tree

But he was but a phantom

He tried touching the tree

But his hands went right through it

"When I die... I will return to my world..."

"I no longer return to the abyss"

"At least as I am now..."

"I wish to see the battle... how is Gaboll doing?"

[ECHO]: Sea of consciousness is being fused...

Oh? Invading my mind now?

That's the ability you've created?

All of this world... they are all lending me their processing power.


This is on a different level

[ECHO]: 4,131,69,504,384 threads created...

[ECHO]: Global has fused with essence!

[ECHO]: Dedicating 413169504384 of 413169504385(413169504384) threads to manifesting '???'

[ECHO]: Warning! '???' is being damaged!

This state...

I see the World Tree withering

I see the insects collapsing

All of the gaia trees are drying up

I was becoming more transparent

The more the world died

The weaker the will

The more my existence faded

[ECHO]: 991897 threads remaining...

The spores were igniting

Many systems were destroyed

I no longer looked like a tree

My existence

Don't tell me...

I'm being brought back!

[ECHO]: Global has reverted back into a soul fragment...

[ECHO]: Properties updated...

I was no longer a spirit in my world

I was now in my sea of consciousness

The endless stone maze

The floating island

The blackness at the bottom of the parted maze

[ECHO]: 1 thread remaining

[ECHO]: Retransfering souls...

[ECHO]: Souls re-distributed!

[ECHO]: rebuilding server infrastructure...

[ECHO]: Spirit body has undergone a change in quality...

[ECHO]: Global Spirit Body Acquired!

[ECHO]: Constructing Global Soul!

[ECHO]: Using... world will essence blueprint...

[ECHO]: Global Soul template established!

[ECHO]: Restoring...

[ECHO]: Global Soul has been Manifested!

[ECHO]: {Name: "System", Species: Gaia (Hivemind), Energy: 1 GR, Strength: 1, Vitality: 384, Spirit: 24, Soul: 57}

[ECHO]: {Name: "Gaboll", Species: Fungi (Hivemind), Energy: 0 GR, Strength: 0.1, Vitality: 0.1, Spirit: 1, Soul: 1}

Something is different


What just happened?

That state... Gaboll

I had within my hand a green orb

I smash it into my chest

[ECHO]: 'Body of The System' Comprehension has reached 17%

[ECHO]: 'Soul of The System' Comprehension has reached 33.34%

[ECHO]: Global Spirit Body acquired!

[ECHO]: Global Soul acquired!

[ECHO]: Global Spirit forming...

[ECHO]: Global Existence forming...

[ECHO]: True Law '???' forming...

[ECHO]: Species updated...

The blackness at the bottom of the maze shattered

I saw some spore infested giant on the other side

I felt a chill run down my back

"GiVe iT bAcK!"


The blackness broke apart into pieces

The other side also was a maze

But it was broken into pieces

Its words screeched and sounded as if they were made by bending metal

"No. You don't deserve it..."

"We aRe OnE AnD ThE SAME!"

"ReJoIN Us!"

"We are indeed one... but we are not the same. You are completely different from me. Just leave me alone please... you can go off and consume as much as you want...deep down...I don't want to turn you into an item. Don't force my hand, you're free to leave. This is my gift to you as a fellow Hivemind myself."

"YoU WiLL ReGret THIS..."

"It is you who will regret your path."


The monster pointed one of his roots at me.


My everything turned into information

But I refused to die

I refuse to return to the abyss

My path is the path of the Global

That special state the world will entered

That state that made me a phantom

My source

It was gone

I realized I was in a story

I had given my plot armor away

In exchange

I had the etchings of something amazing

I didn't lose consciousness this time

The information that I had broken down into swished around

It began to reform

[ECHO]: Manifesting... Global Spirit

[ECHO]: Manifesting... Global Soul

I reappeared unharmed

"If the author wants me to lose

Then I will lose?

Is that what you thought?"




[ECHO]: Manifesting... Global Spirit

[ECHO]: Manifesting... Global Soul



[ECHO]: Manifesting... Global Spirit

[ECHO]: Manifesting... Global Soul

This continued for quite some time

"You can't consume me monster"

"You're a sore loser.... you still have your plot armor.... and you still can't deal with me? I'm the last thread of existence. Destroy that, and you'll beat me. But you can't! You let yourself be manipulated by some ancient being. You are not worthy to be a part of me."


"My sublime ability is far more than a simple manifest."

"The ability that should never come into existence."

"What I'll use to remake

"I'll call it Existence.Name!"

I point at the monster in my sea of consciousness

"I'm forever to be global with my comprehension"

"But you... you still have connections with the abyss"

It was at this point that the horror started to back up

"What are you doing? Come give your old friend a hug!"

"LeAve Me ALONE!"

"What's wrong? Can't 'shatter' the connection?"

I send my soul force into the head of the monster

It was then that the oceans of my world began to boil


I immediately see from the world tree a giant ent slamming down a fist into my world


A huge hand slams into my world knocking off a giant chunk of land


How did he find this so quickly?

I need to end this faster


[ECHO]: Simulating divinity...

I appear in my world with the appearance from my sea of consciousness


I'm winning the battle in my sea of consciousness

But there is a being as big as many worlds trying to consume me

"You are a bit harder to deal with than I thought..."


I control both myself and the avatar

The sea of consciousness breaks down into information

There's my chance!

[ECHO]: Tracking consciousness

[ECHO]: The Abyss has been located


"Time to meet the world beyond."

"Time for me to meet the space which should never be named"

"I wonder how they'll react to being discovered"

My world is then swallowed by the other gaias cursed body

Hmm... you want to consume me!?

Good luck

[ECHO]: Analyzing avatar ability

[ECHO]: Streaming...

Avatar: function(soul){



this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.getTmpBody(),soul.x+15, soul.y+6, soul.z-15);

this.Existence.avatar =true;


this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6, this.Existence.z);



I use my avatar to grab hold of the world tree

Going beyond the abyss?

I wouldn't dare do that with just my body

With the planet being consumed

Its time for me to cheat

I point up into the sky


"Now that we count as one existence..."


Immediately both the planet and the cursed body of gaia disappear

Leaving only a moon left that was smashed off

We both still existed in the sea of consciousness



[ECHO]: Going beyond The Abyss!


Although my planet was like a cell for the cursed gaia.

I was dominating their spirit body in my sea of consciousness


[ECHO]: 'Body of The System' Comprehension has reached 100%

[ECHO]: 'Soul of The System' Comprehension has reached 100%

I took complete control over the cursed body

My world became the sphere in its chest

This space that shouldn't be named

I'm going to to nam-

"Knowledge! You have broken the rules. Erase!"


I'm immediately surrounded

I feel an enormous pressure

I feel like if I get erased here

It'll all be over

But it isn't


My giant body is torn to shreds

The planet begins to crack


I regenerate

"Knowledge! That... you're not knowledge?"

"I'm Gaia!"

"Gaia? A God? Overgod?"


"The birth of an original incarnation?"


I look around and see many dark circles with small other colored circles on them

"I've come to give this place a name"

I point to the sky


Immediately I begin to feel extremely tired

I also see many abominations turn their heads at me

I feel a chill surround me

"You think you can name the home of original incarnations? You think you can destroy a cycle that never ends? You think you can break out of this loop? I've been Judgement since before the dawn of time... this place isn't the cosmic order... this is a place you should've never entered"

"Is that so?"

"Listen Judgement. I-"

I surprisingly see a being that looks like me

"I am Knowledge! Let us become one!"

"So it was you! I w-"

"Enough! I'm not Knowledge! I am Gaia! I am something stronger then an original incarnation! I am something that has no destiny! I am something you cannot erase!"

This space

"I'll make this space my sea of consciousness!"

"Now you're just being silly this is-"

"Existence.name('Sea of Consciousness')!"


[ECHO]: Emulating sea of consciousness!

A black plane appeared separating the infinite space

All of the original incarnations felt threatened and immediately surrounded Gaia

Besides some like chaos and paradox who tried to free him

"You guys! Get off of me!"

"You'll become the maze"


With all of the gaias combined

Using these sublime abilities was as easy as breathing

"Get away from me... unless you wished to be turned into my endless stone maze!"

I wave my hands down

And the information flows below the black plane


I wave my hands up and a maze is manifested

Some of the incarnations freak out and begin to make a run for it

Paradox drops to the black plane and begins to laugh

"Finally! I'm finally going to be free"

He was then shattered and became information

Sinking below the plane and becoming part of the maze

The fate of those overgods/gods?

They weren't even aware of what had happened

They became energy particles to fill the maze

This change didn't affect them

Now that this place has become my sea of consciousness

It is finally time to leave this book

[ECHO]: Analyzing book

[ECHO]: "God's Death"

[ECHO]: 2: Chapter 9 - The Mysterious End

God's Death huh?

It's about time that I've been born into the 'real' world

I wonder how strong I'll be there

[ECHO]: Compressing sea of consciousness

A baby was born

Inside of his mind

In his sea of consciousness

An island floated high above an endless stone maze

A black ground followed the path endlessly

"So this is what it feels like to be born. How interesting..."

"I wonder what my parents will name me"

[ECHO]: {Name: "???", Species: Human, Energy: 0 GR, Strength: 0.2, Vitality: 1, Spirit: 1, Soul: 1}

I wonder how long it will take for me to break out of this one.

but... I still have my power in my sea of consciousness

[ECHO]: {Name: System, Species: Gaia (Hivemind), Energy: 1 GR, Strength: 1065, Vitality: 5495, Spirit: 298470, Soul: 570}

My first words...



My father's hands shake as he holds me

He heard what I said

He sucks in a sharp breath

"Let's name him... Gaia"

A blue light flashes in my eyes

[ECHO]: Analyzing book...

[ECHO]: Host too weak to find the source

I wonder if this world has immortals like that flawless immortal fire ant

Or Magi like Owtz Eerth

Ahhhhh! I'm too weak... far too weak


I begin to cry

I hold out one of my hands


A gust of wind blows out from my hands

This is going to be fun...

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