《God's Death》2: Chapter 8 - The Cursed Chapter


Moltzrar's POV:

Why is it going off...

My gambling instinct...

I don't want to...

I served my time as Paradox!

I don't want to go back!

You can't make me!

I'm fine with this curse

Let it continue forever

Forgive me for my greed Gaia

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless"

"Over and over and over."


The world began to shake

"No... this is different..."

"It can't be..."

"No... I'm still cursed..."

This feeling

I've felt it before

My friends!

I rush towards the graveyard

They may have acted a bit funny

Things may have been repetitive

But the friendships he forged in this world mattered to him

He valued them

It was the only way he could stay sane

He had did something long ago that had changed everything

He had prayed to something he had created

Something that had also created him

This made him meet a requirement

The requirement for Paradox

He longed to be set free

It was a nightmare

He never wanted to be Paradox again

It had creeped into his essence

It had made him habitually alter reality

Just talking with him could alter the fabric of the universe

He knew it like the back of his hand

Because he created it

It created him

"If only I was able to help Gaia... if I was able to stop his corruption."

"Over and over and over."

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless."

"Over and over and over"

I've consumed too much information

This is the price I pay

The price of serving your duty as Paradox

I could never change my initial actions

No matter how much I wanted to

My greed

I was too easily influenced

If only I never became Paradox

If only my destiny didn't constantly get destroyed

This is why I named myself

The Flawless Immortal Fire Ant

I know how Destiny works

I've served my time

It is to remind me of what I am

To remind me of what I created

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless"

I turn everything into a joke

Even if I can't alter my behavior

Even if I can't make a change to this situation

I'll always be there for you Gaia

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless."

I'll follow my patterns until the end of time

I'll follow my patterns til the reset

Then I'll do it again

Then again

Then again

All because... I was once Paradox

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless."

If only I didn't pray to my creation

If only I didn't meet the requirements

But why

Why is my gambling instinct going off now?

I arrive at the graveyard

Pulling my staff from behind my back

Swatting away the withered leaves obstructing the path

"It can't be..."


"They can't be here to free me..."

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless."

"That stupid declaration"

"All for entertainment"

"All that reading..."

"All to go 'beyond'."

I've gone beyond alright

I've seen something I should never have seen

That experience is one I never should of had

That pursuit of power has trapped me

I want this to stop

But it will never

Why are the trees withering?

"He's not connecting with the Hivemind?"

"He'll just end up shattered"

"He's not strong enough... its an impossible mission"

"I don't want to go back"

"I don't want to be Paradox"

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless!"

He didn't consume the world will this time...

Didn't I make him angry like usual?

Don't I always break his stability?

Don't I always throw things into chaos?

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless"


Something has changed...

Some 'thing' has stepped into my universe


The person who consumed my destiny?

How can YOU HELP ME?



"You have to answer me!"

"I'm God. Damn. Flawless."



"Stop this."

The oceans...

They're even giving energy now.

"Don't tell me..."

"He's trying to become Global"

"He'll probably fail... I'm just..."

"I'm just too..."

"God. Damn. Flawless."




I've attained Knowledge I shouldn't have

But no matter how much Knowledge I have

I'll never be able to change anything

I'll never be able to shift the plot

My sky is unreachable

My convenience is unstoppable

My fate is Immortal

I am...

The Flawless Immortal Fire Ant


Why did I create a servant with that name the first time?

The uniqueness

It was the words from Knowledge


I became God


I created Gaia

Why did I pray to him the first time though?

Ah, yes.

He was trying to become Global

But he failed

"I don't want to become Paradox again"

I see everyone around me stop

The colonies that I had watched develop

They collapse

I begin to dig graves for them

This gambling instinct...

"Maybe... maybe I can make a difference this time..."

"Maybe... he will succeed."

"I was so happy when I had talked with you again..."

"But you just left me..."

"But... you didn't force me to unseal my soul."

"Something is different"

"He's only gone for global one other time..."

My intuition

You dare try to make a deal with me?


You dare use me for enlightenment?

You've watched me...

You've seen what I am

I'm not Echo

You got what you deserved Somnus

That curse

It is what you deserve

Your uniqueness

It is what you deserve

But... I understand your situation

You too have served as an original incarnation

You shouldn't of opened a gateway to the spirit realm

You shouldn't have studied those existences

If you didn't do that

You never would of become Time

You would be free

"Hahahaha! Cheer up!"

"I'm always cheerful! I'm God. Damn. Flawless."

"You shouldn't of studied the spirit realm."

"If I didn't gaze upon those existences... how would you ever hope to escape?"

"What do you mean?"

"I have a good feeling this time."

"We will get our revenge on Knowledge"

"It isn't possible... he sees through all outcomes."


"The cosmic order may have sealed me long ago."

"But... I will always have my enlightenment of Time"

"It has corrupted my essence."

"We will break out of this."

"We'll be free! Muhahahahah!"

"It's going to be amazing!"

"Knowledge will win..."

"No! We will win! I have a plan!"

"I've already stolen your eternal destiny."

"You did well! You're destiny is cursed again!"

"I've created an item that Time won't be able to resist."

"Then we just need to play along..."

"I'll distort our memories! I'll mix things up! It'll be perfect!"

"I've brought us some outside influence."

"I'm going to escape Moltzrar!"

"I'll be free!"

"Maybe you'll escape too!"

"What does it matter if you escape?"

"You'll explore the cosmic order for eternity with your outline."

"They are watching me."

"The abyss within them."

"The source within them."

"I can stop them from sharing my fate."

"Push them into the right direction."


"Sure... that's definitely your goal"

"They'll never have to go through this."

"They'll know what to avoid to meet the requirements"

"I doubt many of them share your awareness in dreams"

"That type of curse isn't something easily acquired..."

"They aren't even likely to remember the cycle."

"It shouldn't affect them."

"Well... Its unlikely they'll become Time."

"But what if they become a different Incarnation?"

"So what? What does it change?"

"Hahahahaha! It changes everything! Things will finally be resolved!"

"What do you need my help for then?"

"I'll need you to become Paradox again."

"Somnus... that is asking too much."

"Don't you care for Gaia?"

"I do."

"I created him."

"Then why not?"

"YOU KNOW WHY! I'm God. Damn. Flawless!"

"So what? What's a little curse to existences like us?"

"Studying the cosmic order forever? How bad could it be? Don't you want to leave this?"

"Wouldn't that... dare I say it... be entertaining?"


"Somnus... your humor is terrifying."

"Its only mild at best"

"Moltzrar... I've always said this, it is easier to change something once you have a look at it from the outside."

"I just need your help this time one time."

"If we succeed... I'll make sure to make proper adjustments"

"I can't change anything... I'm God. Damn. Flawless."

"I only need you to pray to gaia... if you do that, we will have a chance."

"What do you mean? That doesn't work! This generation of Paradox will need to be erased for it to select someone with the requirement... we have no way to even influence that..."

"What do you mean?"

"If you simply think of praying... if you put even an ounce of your will into the motions. It will alert the current generation of Paradox!"

"Are you not Moltzrar! Someone who alters reality from their mere presence? The legend that creates para- you know. Probably a bad idea to actually mention that..."

"It's fine. I'm just too God. Damn. Flawless."

"Exactly! That's the spirit!"

"The existence that became Paradox is likely waiting for an opportunity. It is engraved in his nature to create paradoxes, just like it is engraved in yours... but it will be more magnified. He'll probably be so happy once he feels the requirement has been opened up, that he'll intentionally break a rule."

"When I was Time I had become good friends with Paradox."

"Isn't it funny in a way?"

"What about this is funny in any way?"

"We remain friends despite no longer being original incarnations."

"Fuck you"

"Ahhhh... eternal friendship."

"No. Really. Fuck you."

"We already know the plan of Knowledge. We also know how he plans to use reality"

"If things go according to my plan."

"I'll become a force that can't be named! I'll become unstoppable! No longer bound by my universe! I'll explore the cosmic order!"

"Moltzrar... it's alright. I'll still be here! I'll pay back the debts I owe you."

"You'll give Gaia a boon like usual?"

"A single boon? I'll give him more then that..."

"Really? Why NOW? You haven't talked to me in so long."

"Ehhh... had to let you get over the trauma of Paradox."

"Fuck you! I'm God. Damn. Flawless!"

"Trauma... pffff... what trauma?"


"Ha! No Trauma!"

"You're going to have one hell of a dream later"

"I'm not called Somnus for no reason..."

"Somnus... that's not funny! I'm Immortal! I'll stop sleeping! Don't you play that shit with me!"

"It's a joke"

"Sometimes... I wonder if your sense of humor is what got us into this situation."

"I really am not sure why my harmony is so bad. You would think using vengeful spirits as portal to the spirit realm wouldn't build such bad karma."

"Sometimes... I don't know if you're joking or not."

"That's for the better."

"Do I regret it though?"

"Do you know what my fate would of been otherwise? If I never acquired my ability to dream, I would have not been born deformed. If that didn't happen, I would never have met Hope. I'd never would have been Time! None of this ever would of happened..."

"Knowledge is the one that cursed us"

"But through this curse is opportunity!"

"Opportunity for you! There's nothing in it for me!"

"Now, now... don't look at it that way!"

"Gaia is in it for you!"

"It'll be a book all about him!"

"A book about what he will do."

"Have faith in your creation! Have faith that Gaia will beat himself. He'll conquer the internal! He won't lose to himself! We'll end this!"

"I had faith the first eternity"

"I'm all out of it though..."

"Think of the unfathonable echo of existence! This echo we've found ourselves in... would you like to be Echo? I'll throw it in... free of charge... I will need the power of Time though"

"Gaia is in a battle with himself right now. He is in a battle with his way of life right now. What he is fighting is something you gave him, something that can't be undone. He is guranteed to lose if you don't help him. I can only do so much with the power I have right now. I may be able to tip the scales slightly, the decision is yours."

Moltzrar hesistated

He had experienced deep misfortune

He blamed Somnus for most of it

Ironically, when they had been original incarnations. The roles had been completely reversed, It was often Paradox that would trick Time into doing something.

"Fine... I'll do it."

"I'll say this though!"

"I don't care if I'm no longer God!"

"I'll become it"

"Because of your deeds..."

"If you ever become mortal... things will not end well for you"

"Oh? A threat? Sounds interesting..."

"Oh! Look at me! I'm Somnus! I've explored the spirit realm for an eternity! I've studied hidden existences! I cheat using my ONE GENERATION served as Time. Fog! Fog! Fog! You can't compare to my nature! You can't compare to my paradoxes!"

"Interesting... is that pride I hear?"

A grey fog covers the area

"I was joking Somnus! It was a joke! don't do anything weird!"

"Well... its a deal then."


"You aren't going to use your twig to do that declaration thingy?"


"Just... please. Bring me back out! Don't let me stay as Paradox!"

"Hmm... I don't know exactly how powerful I'll be if we suceed. Just break a rule or something... then you'll get erased!"

"Somnus... are you forgetting something?"


"If I'm the only one that meets the requirements... won't I just keep respawning?"

"Meh! I've brought in some outsiders! Surely one of them will become curious."

"Through this curiosity, they will locate the abyss within themselves. They'll track down the sour-"


"I'm joking! Joking!"



"Fine! But... can I finish what I was saying atleast?"


"There are people out there that spend their lives looking for the eternal, looking for immortality, a path to godhood. They'll be curious! The construction will be sloppy! Somone that WANTS to be Paradox."

"They'll want the power."

"They'll meet the requirements through their consumption! How they live their life! They just will need to pass some trials. They'll have to explore the abyss deep within. They'll have to find their essence of their existence and make it their own. They'll have to give birth to a universe that will give birth to themselves. Then pray to themselves"

"It shouldn't take them too long to become a god"

"There are also people out there, who will try, just to see if it works."

"This reminds me of Hope"

"Then boom! They get what they want! They become Paradox!"

"Its a win-win situation for everyone"

"Just imagine the power"

"Imagine what you could accomplish with that type of power"

"Surely somebody will read these words... they'll be interested."

"No wonder you are cursed! Evil!"

"Thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment!"

"You have the same harmony as me though..."

"But... I'm God. Damn. Flawless!"

"If that doesn't work... maybe Gaia will actually accomplish it."

"Beating the first trial?"


"Maybe... he will name that space which should never be named"

"That could change things quite a bit actually..."

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