《God's Death》Chapter 6 - Owtz Eerth


Owtz Eerth's POV:

After using my spell 'listen', I was able to hear the conversation...this could be quite interesting...

Not only does this man seem to have a close relationship with The Great One, but he seems to be of a similar signature.... but he looks like an animal. What is with his skin? why is it similar to that of a pig? Would that not make him fragile? I wonder how many brains and heart crystals he has...

I activate a spell in my mind

'Heart Ways See'

I designed this spell myself, it allows me to see the location of every heart crystal in my view.


Even The Great One has heart crystals.... don't tell me.

'Animal health check'

This thing is... using a circulatory system, it doesn't seem to exactly match that of an animal.... but everything seems to be the same, although there is no blood.

Oooh, He's coming this way...

Ah... Bye Great One...

"How do you fly?"


Bitch do you not know who I am!!! I'm mother fucking Owtz EERTH I am not bound by the limits of the common man, and you DARE ask me about a basic passive flying spell!? This is the thousandth time someone has asked me that... people have no sense of adventure when it comes to magic!

I've made spells that let me make copies of myself

I've made spells that that can destroy a person's soul

I've made spells that can read PEOPLES MINDS!

I've made spells that extend my life

I've made spells that let me modify my body

I've made spells that let me strengthen my soul

But nope, they never ask me about those...just

'How do you fly?'

'How do I teleport?'

'How do I get rid of bugs?'


I've lived for thousands of years, and have done many questionable things to attain my knowledge... but now after standing at the pinnacle of magic.... nobody cares! The number of spells known by even the higher class can be counted on one hand!

And this thing asking about flying spells when this is likely his first time in our world.... just adds insult to my injury.

ah well, nobody cares... might as well answer him like the others...

"This is a passive spell I call 'fly', I am the creator of it.... but it is an essential spell taught in all schools now."

"So it is magic...."

Hmm? Does this man not use magic... I mean... I can't even detect a speck of mana flowing through him... but he could be using something similar to my 'Mana False'...

"Do you not use magic? I would like to ask a question then. How are you able to fly?"

MUAHAHAHA this poor fool

maybe he is just like me and has reached the pinnacle of whatever type of energy he is using.... and knows my pain. That would explain why The Great One is willing to teach him... although he still hasn't offered to be my master...


As if I would become somebody's student!

"I do not... I never learned how I have always been able to fly... I am a similar being to Gorgo"


He told him his name! The Great One never even told me his name...

"That doesn't really answer my question, The Great One uses mana to fly...."

"Oh... is that so? I guess I just do it... haha"


Just do it?

This man is going to cause mass panic...


Phew... that always takes up most of my mana, well now I can fully inspect this wonderful specimen... who knows what I'll learn from a being that is able to straight-up bend laws? I could maybe even start using what this thing is usi-

"Wow! You can freeze time! I haven't seen anybody do this since my father."

WHAT!!!!! How is he still moving! this spell... should affect everything in this universe.



"How are you able to move, my spell should affect everything within a 50 billion light-year radius...."


"It might be because I am God?"

Come again?


"Can you show me around Owtz?"

Does he know my name? I mean it makes sense, but I didn't realize I was also well known across worlds...

"Do I know you?"


The monster scratches his cheek while smiling and says

"I kinda read it from you?"

I start to notice my once ocean of mana reserves is now nearly empty... And I feel a bit sick.

Ugh... I don't have time for this.

"Listen, I can't keep time frozen for long.... only for a few more seconds at this rate, just take my hand"

"Uhh... alright"

I take his hand and teleport us to my secret lab.

I fall to the ground a bit, my once vast mana reserves were nearly empty... I hold up my hand to him... asking for a moment.

The mana in my body starts to stabilize, now that I am near my conduit... I regenerate mana only slightly faster then I am using it, my 'Freeeeeeeze' spell breaks the moment I run out of mana.

"Alright, first off I would like to properly introduce myself. I am Eerth the only real Magnus on Gante"

And you are?

"So are you the person in charge of Gante?"


1. You didn't introduce yourself

2. Gante is the planet's name, not that old underground cities name.

3. Why would you think I'm in charge? Did you 'read' that as well... read it where? My face... huh?

4. Could you not see that by introducing myself, that I wanted you to also introduce yourself...


"And you are?"


"I'm Gaia"


"I'm just Gaia... although... you can just call me God"

Why is he winking at me?

"Are you actually God?"


"Can you prove it, I was sure that The Great One was the only God"

"Then why do you call him 'The Great One' "

"...because... merely calling him 'God' did not feel like it did him justice."

"He is also God... I guess... I would say we're kinda equal"

"Idiot! Then you are not God... you are both gods.... instead of telling people 'I'm God'.. you should say 'I am a god'... then why does he treat you like you're his student?"

"Because I kinda am? I mean he does kinda guide me quite a bit... if I had killed him off a long time ago... I probably would have floated around in nothingness and gone insane"

Why is he laughing? And killed him??? This is just leaving me with more questions...

Gais's POV:

I'm not really sure why I am telling a mere mortal about all these things... I guess it is helpful to get it all off your chest sometimes... I also haven't talked to anybody else besides my father...Gorgo... and Minerva... I need a better social life. I probably should've tried to blend in with the others, and maybe not of told him I was God... I mean a god, although I doubt I would be able to blend in at all here.... but I haven't tried changing my appearance...



This was the right course of action, definitely.... otherwise I never would of gotten to see this masterpiece. Everything is bright, but unlike my normal surroundings.... he didn't make everything white!!! the walls don't look symmetrical at all... there are stalactites hanging from the ceiling... and it's spreading out in all different kinds of ways.... the ground, walls, floor, and even ceiling are all a nice light blue with a little bit of white mixed in... but it looks wonderful.

What is this! I try to pay attention to Eerth but... I'm distracted.... by whatever that thing is! I see six black-ish grey cubes, not anything crazy though.. they aren't pure black like the wormhole cubes or anything... but they're also not exactly cubes... the bottom is a bit wider than the top.. and they are layed out in a hexagon formation on the ground... with a floating upside down tetrahedral in the center.. on top of it, there is a soul!!!

My musings of this wonderful place are cut short

"Since you are a god, are you able to create things?"

Create things?


Instead of replying, I create my specialty... one of the failed golden rods.


I visualize the golden rod my father once used, and it appears in my hand... Eerth opens his mouth a bit... eyes wide in likely disappointment.... but he then snatches the rod from my hand.

"This isn't gold! This.. is an entirely new metal... the way the mana is flowing through it... almost as if it is a core!!!!"

Huh? it should be gold.... I was fairly certain I was making the golden rod my father used....and what mana? I see nothing at all.

"Can I trade you something for this!? I have many things from my thousands of years exploring space! But I have never seen anything like this before..."

it's just gold...

Might as well make the most out of his generosity.

"Uh... Sure, can I see what you have?"

I look around, but besides the wonderful cave... and that interesting formation... the only other thing I see is a dead version of Eerth on a stone tablet with a hole in each hand and foot... along with four quartz like crystals.... how do I even know what quartz looks like...

"You can have anything, I think you'll find this pretty useful though."

He moves his hand up and then down....and a black portal appears....

Really! He can do that too...

He pulls out a small green sphere with purple blurs around it... and says

"This is an extremely rare item, it give anybody that breaks it the mana pool of a.... large puddle... which isn't much... but for you, this would allow you to at least have access to magic."

Magic! Yesss!

"Deal, you can keep the rod'

"Really! It was that eas- I mean... thank you for this fair trade"

Did he just scam me?

I point towards the soul on the upside-down tetrahedral

"What does that do"

He responds with

"Ah that! It is.... just a little side project I'm working on. Trying to modify my soul a bit."

Modify your soul! But....

I double-check... but he has his soul still in place.

"You still have your soul though?"

"Oh you can see that huh? This is just a temporary soul... til I'm finished with my new soul, I haven't actually replaced my soul yet... I'm still working out all of the kinks... how does the new soul look?"

"The same as other souls?"

"-sigh- I have a lot of work to do... I also really should remember to put my stuff up when I leave...."

With a wave of his hands, the formation completely disappears.... the only thing left in the cave is his dead self... might as well ask right?

I walk towards it and pick up the quartz-like crystals... he begins to laugh awkwardly and says

"I take you to my lab, and then you grab one of my hearts"

I drop it instantly.... not what I would call a heart, is that what Gorgo's heart looks like?

"If your wondering, I call those heart crystals"

"We have 6 of them, along with 6 brains.... the Prose, the Stasis, and the four Vital Peas"

Six brains! No wonder Gorgo has no problem creating things... the cheat!


"I was just testing out the Vital Peas ability to restore the body from nothing, I actually made that body by removing one from my body... and channeling mana into it separately... I have to do all my experiments on this world, because my people are pretty lame... and don't like to question things!"

This man is probably the best person to teach me magic here? I should ask for him to guide me.... although he better not try to cut out my heart or something to see if it grows back...

"Do you take students?"

"I would, but nobody is interested in actually going into the endless abyss of magic.... people only want to know convenient spells... and never wish to go beyond."

"I don't need magic for convenience, I'm merely interested in it"

I do want my own black portal to store stuff though... but I guess I can just create it..and erase it... while creating a fake black portal... if you can't make it... fake it?

"Wait a second... do you want to become my student!?! You're actually interested? In my magic?"

"Umm... yes?"

He had both hands on my shoulders and was shaking me

"We have no time to waste! We shall get started right away, break that mana crystal... its time to explore the world of magic"


I remember something important

"This isn't my real body, I don't want to waste it on my avatar.... "


I look at Eerth's soul and put it into memory.... the souls all look near identical... but his is quite big.... compared to everyone else here.

"I'll be right back"


Once again, I am back within the white nothingness... I slightly regret erasing my patterns now...

I begin to try to feel for Eerths soul.... I just need to go to Eerth with my actual body.

That should be fine, right?

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