《God's Death》Chapter 7 - 1st boon...?



Gorgo says with a clear look of disappointment.


"I gave you 100 years to explore my world, and you've wasted 50 sitting up here doing who knows what."


I need to pick up the pace...

I should just ask him, right?

I have been trying to figure out how to transport my being to Owtz Eerth, so I can get a mana pool. There's no way 50 years could have gone by so fast. With my parallel thinking abilities and all the years, I have spent sharpening my mind..... to think I would sit here and brainstorm for half a century.

I NEED to get back to Owtz, but first I need to program the feeling.

There's one problem though.... I DON'T HAVE THE FEELING!!!!


I snap out of my thoughts and focus back in on Gorgo.

"Ah... so that's how it is huh?"

Gorgo clicks his tongue while also shaking his head, but a trace of a smile can be seen behind his stern expression

"It wasn't an issue before when it was just me and you time didn't matter."

"But you have to learn to focus and not lose track of time."

I am focusing though! I don't know why tim-

"Gorgo!!! we've been talking for 5 years about this..."


At this rate, my newly found guide will die before I can even show up for the first lesson.

I start to panic slightly, but I don't want to waste any more time.

So I speak as quickly as I can.

"HOow dOo I nOot lEet tHhe yEears pAass mEe bYy!!!!"

In my attempt to speak as quickly as possible I hear an echo of my voice, but its tone is mutilated.

Ripples start to form in the void, spreading out initially from my mouth. Within these ripples, I can see a pattern of black and white squares. I see how the Otz room looked previously for a split second as the wave passes through the void. Gorgo also has disappeared...

Something isn't right.

I look around, but things are no longer white.


I look around, but things are no longer white.

I look around, but thi-

I see Gorgo talking to me, but I am here.

Something feels incredibly off. I see another me.... but ripples are coming out of his mouth. It's a familiar scene...

What the fuck is this....

yEears pAass mEe

I see the other me with a soul half the size of what mine use to be, parts of the soul are going somewhere else ... Gorgo taps the other me and then opens up a purple portal, but the flow of time is weird. He does all of this in a few milliseconds, it's like watching everything sped up. But right as he is about to step into the portal he stops. I also see that the false me stop as well, and they both get further and further away. Without either of us moving, right when they are almost out of my range; it gets to the point where even I would no longer be able to see them, I notice that I am flying towards them.... at an insanely fast speed, or a...slow speed?

I am so confused

I am too worried

I'm losing track of my thoughts

I need to focus

My mind is racing as I draw closer... I then slam into my 'false' self.

I could hear a slight crack in the center of my head, something had changed.

Perhaps I have become even more dumb?

the cracking stops


I jump at the call of my name and then look around and it seems things are as they should be... a bit hard to tell with the way I decorate...

I sit down and try to calm down

I sit on a chair that looks like it is made from glass, which appears out of nowhere. I must have erased my throne earlier because it is nowhere to be seen. I didn't even mean to create this chair, it kinda happened similarly to when I made the temporary ground to bash my head in...

I feel disappointed

I sit there in my glass chair, with Gorgo 'standing' by me. He does not look too happy


He then says to me

"I was curious as to what you were doing, and I came to tell you, that you only have 50 years left"

"But it would seem you are working on something? I can reset the timer, it really isn't that important"

"You're actually spooking me a little bit there, what happened to your soul?"


What does he mean by that?

Gorgo then opens his mouth, but words do not come out... he seems to be unable to speak.

"How did you manage to bring your soul into my universe!?!"

I stand up, the chair also disappears and I look him dead in the eyes

"I have no idea"

I say while scratching my cheek, I have no idea what the fuck just happened... or what the fuck any of that was. For a second there I had thought I had lost my soul or something. But it would seem I am just in my avatar.

Gorgo rubs his hands down his face and says in an astonished tone.

"I didn't expect for you to be able to actually move your existence into my world, it may be a bit of a pain to try to kick you out now...."

"Please do not mess up my laws..."

Mess up his laws?

I then say

"I won't..."


"Well, I assume I've wasted another decade with this conversation so I better hurry up and explore with my pitiful amount of time...."

He looks confused.

"We only just started talking a few hours ago?"

"I must say, you don't seem to be getting lost in your thoughts as much.... quite odd honestly"

"I'm proud of you though, it would seem your ability to focus has gone up quite a bit"



how odd

Gorgo puts his hand on my shoulder and then walks past me. He opens up a pink portal

Hmm... doesn't he usually prefer purple? I guess he's changing it up.

Within the portal is hell, he steps in and the portal closes behind him.

I should go check on Owtz, see how he has been... it has been a few decades I suppose

huh, his name is kinda similar to Otz isn't it?

Probably just a coincidence...

I've also claimed the Otz room as my realm in a sense as well

But it's just a white void

There use to be souls here...

This place really reminds me of the white space I 'grew up' in

Or the aftermath from the wormhole cube.

I don't like it

I snap my fingers


Like a drop of water falling into its body returning back to where it came from, a marble ground expands out in a circular motion. It flows from where I was at, at the spot of my feet with me at the center. I create one thousand steps. At the top of those steps, lies a pearly gate. I walk up the steps leisurely...

With every step I take, I hear that now-familiar crack. Once I am at the nine hundred and ninety-ninth step, I feel quite happy for some reason. I take that last step and then open up the gates.

Oh? No crack

There is nothing beyond them of course.

I don't like its lack of support, but that's not the problem with its look.

focus... time... focus... time...

Beyond the gates now lies my glass chair, the floor is not air... it is merely a barrier. Far below my new 'throne' is a giant clock; far above my throne is a giant hourglass.

I try to feel for where the souls have been placed


It would seem Gorgo has taken the honor of housing them in his realm.

Fair enough

His realm is a bit more complete

I still feel like mine is missing something...

maybe the walls?


Well, I guess it's time to go check up on my other teacher...as well as figure out where my body has ended up.


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