《God's Death》Chapter 4 - The Reset


Everything is black.... the only thing I can see is the other humans sprinting at me... while I am on my back?

oooh, I'm stretching? This is quite peac-- AHHHH THIS HURTS!!!!!

Why am I the only one going through this!?

These people are evil! Didn't we shake hands earlier... why are they trying to kill me?

my legs are now paper-thin, and 8 times longer... but Gorgo, Minerva, and those other people I don't care about seem completely fine... it seems the pain is starting to go down... thank g- I mean thank me.

I see my life, all the pain, and tribulation... the trial of patience... the weird god that stood there and stared into space for what seemed like an eternity... my confrontation with the humans.... all flashing before my eyes... what...a... boring life... in my next life I'll do something amazing! I swear it.

WAAAAAIT!!!! I feel myself slowly losing consciousness!

I need to at least pay back the man that created me... even if he scammed me into becoming God.

I focus my intent on returning to my previous form... I remember what I was like before I was thrown into this dark hell. I feel my muscles tighten.....my body is burning...

Both my arms and legs coming rushing back at me, I catch a glimpse of Gorgo... he looks a little disturbed.

Is he mouthing something? I can't hear anything he is saying?

Now he is holding his hand to his head? Why are you staring at me like that!

What a weird guy...

I am now back to the healthy god I once was! I reach out my hand... but this time I feel something different, I try to will my own black portal into existence... but I do not have one...so I focus on my creator's soul.

I blink

I'm in a big white room now

There are so many souls! ...how am I suppose to find my crea-

I see a soul that looks as big as a million other souls... and I think it's safe to assume it is my creators... I hope.

I walk towards it and touch it.

oh I'm back inside of this dark hell now... fuck.

I can't believe that worked!!!!!

I look at my hand and it is in a... white portal? It seems like it is tearing up this black space. Gorgo chimes into my head as I try to dig around it.

"You idiot! You never open up a portal while going through our wormhole cube!! You'll kill us all!"

"Close the portal right now! never do this again!!!!"

I begin to think of a way to kill these unkillable monsters... I then smile and reply back

"Kill you? ....That was my intention!"

No sound escapes my mouth, but I'm sure he got the message. I focus on my other hand... and this time on Gorgo's soul...


I did not return to the white room this time...

I'm still in this black space?

but I see myself...

I see my soul....


I see his soul


I then touch Gorgo's soul....

I am back in my body... I see a huge white portal on my left hand and its starting to devour the dark space as well...

but then it touches my creators portal...

I blow up

I am back in the big white room... but the souls are shrinking... into nothingness. Even my creator's soul shrinks to a third of its original size. only a few thousand souls are left... some of the bigger ones... but they are barely as big as a would-be regular soul earlier. flickering sparks of their original selves.

My head feels clear

I feel amazing

All the universes are gone

I search for Gorgo's soul... just in case. And I feel guided towards it. His soul is now but a spark... but it is growing....

it goes from a spark into a small flame

I begin to fear he will come back.. so I try to crush his soul...but I am unable to. I walk over to a random flickering soul... that looks like it might disappear any second... and put it out after covering it up with my hands...

Why can I not kill him?

Will he reincarnate with my creator?

My creator will-

Gorgo's soul is moving towards me? Is he trying to show me something... he is reaching int-


I jump backward fast... his soul is following me around.. very slowly. He was so close to getting his hands on the crystal.. keeping something that important in a pocket is probably a bad idea. I feel around for the crystal but it is not there?


Where did his soul go?

Did he weaken and flicker out...

but it seemed like he was growing in power earlier?

I search around for the crystal... and I can feel it. I am now longer in the white room...

this is weird?

I'm able to use my abilities so easily


Why was it so hard earlier?

Man... God really should have got rid of those other universes ages ago.

I am back in the black space... its size feels infinite now... there are holes everywhere, that bring in bright white light. My body parts floating around... I also see a few parts of the other humans... but they are becoming transparent. I begin to try to mimic the feeling I had when I 'unstretched' I feel my disconnected muscles tighten... as they fly towards me. I am now whole again... I search my body... to make sure nothing is missing... I still don't have the ruby-like crystal on me.

As god I feel for it in my mind... and I slowly float towards it. I move slowly... as I'm enjoying the scenery.... the black space is slowly becoming pure white... as the white holes take it over. I then spot it.... but there is a single hand holding onto it. it-


It's cracking!!!!!


I rush towards it! but... I am too late... it breaks open. and in a split second... the hand grows an arm... the arm grows a shoulder.... wait!!!! that's Gorgo! He looks extremely sad...and incredibly sick.

he speaks in my head...

"?yh-w ?did ouy taht"

why is he speaking nonsense?

"Why did you do that!!!!!"

"You destroyed everything! you are a monster!!! My people... my dream... it is all gone now! I will kill you... I will never forgive you for this! You lied to me!"

I'm able to actually talk inside of his head now... but he seems like he is struggling to send anything.

Because you killed my creator...

he then disappears... but I do not feel anything inside me telling me I'm about to die... I look down and his fist is by my stomach... and his hand is broken. It heals quickly... and he just keeps punching.. but it barely feels like a tap.

stop it... your starting to make me feel like I'm the villain here.

Gorgo is crying, but in a rage... hitting me over and over again. Breaking his hands and arms repeatedly.... for years.

After a few 'years', I've lost my sense of time.... there are no more universes... so it's not really possible to tell how much time has passed... but Gorgo has stopped hitting me... he looks a lot healthier now... there also isn't any more black...

Just infinite whiteness all around us... with no real floor or ceiling.... similar to the void in my father's holy realm, but something feels 'off' about it. I haven't created my own universe yet, mostly because I'm scared of becoming a weird guy like my dad... it is just me... Gorgo... and time?

If I create a universe I also want to make sure it is done right, and from what I remember... Gorgo once had his own universe.... he won't talk to me anymore, all he does his sit with his legs crossed and his eyes closed... It would be nice if he talked.

I feel extremely bored... I... think its time to start something new, although I would like to get advice from Gorgo, it would feel a bit invasive to go into his realm, after sitting there with his eyes closed for a very long time... he disappeared... I thought he had killed himself at first, but I still felt his presence... it's very easy to feel everything... when there is hardly anything at all. I do peak in on his realm every now and then.... his realm is similar to my father's realm, with only a throne... the throne is pure black.... it looks like it absorbs light... .. he sits there... he doesn't seem sad or angry though... just bored.

I haven't really created my realm yet.... still just chilling out in this infinite whiteness.... every now and then I'll just jump as fast as I can through it... but it's hard to tell how far I'm actually able to jump... I do want to make my realm.... but I want to do it correctly... Gorgo doesn't give me the silent treatment anymore, but he doesn't really give me too much advice either, he just chills in his realm... like my father... staring into god knows where... well I guess even I don't know huh?


That was my name, right? Has it been a long time? I feel like I'm starting to forget some things, I talk to myself a lot now... always kinda thinking out loud... I feel like I'm losing a part of myself here... just doing nothing... it's driving me insane, although the highlight of my time is when I check on Gorgo.

I actually consider him a great friend now, I can barely remember what we were even fighting about... barely.

Gorgo appears in the white nothingness that I spend all my time in, and speaks to me... he's awesome.

"Still haven't created your realm huh? Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't gone insane here yet"

He begins to laugh.

"I ugh... actually applied the finishing touches to my realm, would you like to take a look?"

My mood instantly changes, he's never invited me into his realm before... I also haven't peaked in on what he's been doing in quite a long...time.

"I'm extremely interested, of course, I would be honored!"

He smiles a bit and opens up a purple portal...


"Right after you"

He does a little bow and gestures towards the portal... I do a nod while laughing a little bit... and take a step in

I see a mountain of skulls.... with lava patches everywhere... and lots of fire.... and the stone and ceiling look to be similar to his own skin... ah... hellstone... atop a mountain of skulls... there is a throne made out of bones... its a bit redundant... but I like it... it's better than the white nothingness I chill out in with all of my time!

"Well... what do you think?"

"It's great! a lot cooler looking then anything I could come up with...."

He smiles and then says to me

"Well now we have a nether"

He laughs a bit more

"I'll help you create heaven!"

We then get to work

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