《Carefree Demon》"Advanced combat"


Leif did not immediately respond but drew a step backward and with a slight introductory bow, he introduced himself.

"My name is Leif, a vagrant martial artist from the pärla province. Nice to meet you!" he gave a slight introduction.

Seeing that they were still not moving and on high alert, he quickly withdrew a token from his back pocket and threw it over. It was a token obtained from Felix of the peacemaker organization as a token friendship.

Both of the ladies were relieved after seeing this as the name of the peacemaker organization was reliable and had a nice reputation.

The gorgeous lady introduced herself as the young mistress of the 'Silver ax' dojo. It was a top organization in the entire white tiger region and had numerous experts.

The valiant-looking woman was her guardian who was raised alongside her. She was very loyal and had a righteous mentality.

As the young mistress of the Silver ax dojo, she naturally had her own guards. But they were ambushed along the way by a high-level mutant beast.

As they barely managed to escape from the beast they were attacked by the bandits. It was truly terrible luck.

As they were talking the valiant-looking lady named Diane simply stood behind the gorgeous lady Eline.

Suddenly Eline said, "Brother Lief how about we travel together as we could avoid encountering such danger, I trust brother Lief." her big bright eyes were looking at him without blinking.

"Ok as long as you are fine with it." Leif also felt satisfied with this.

Thus they started their journey from the woods to the nearby city.

The entire group had four guards of Miss Eline, Eline herself, and Diane.

The four guards were injured and only had the strength to protect Eline from attacks and the true trump card was Diane.


After some days of journey, the tension at the beginning started to ease off as Leif was helpful in battles and did not do anything shady.

After a few days, the group was resting and was taking a long break to refill water.

As Leif was resting underneath a tree he saw Diane walking over.

"Are you up for a spar?" she said plainly with a slight smile on her face.

"Ok, I am ready." he was also excited for comparing his own abilities against Diane.

As both of them stood opposite each other the wind seemed to have blown backward.

Diane stood with her sword in her hands and seemed to like a dormant volcano that was going to erupt.

While Leif held his saber and maintained a defensive position.

Time seemed to have grown still in the empty patch of ground they were standing. Elaine and her guards were also watching this from the sidelines curiously.

Suddenly Leif moved out of nowhere and his defensive position changed into a deadly attack filled with the enormous path energy of a first ring being.

But Diane seemed to pay no heed to this as her feet moved backward and dodging him quite easily. At the second he missed he felt a blade coming downward aimed at his neck.


Leif pushed her away with his path energy as her sword landed on the ground creating a small crater.

Her expressionless face turned into a sweet smile as she said, "I am very sorry that I was unable to control my power."

Leif suddenly felt as he saw one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen in his life as he saw Diane's smile and her powerful strike aimed at him.

"Could I be? No, I have to focus. There is no time for this right now. I need to find my father, I need answers." he controlled himself but he was unable to shake her image in his head.


He somehow managed to compose himself and said to Diane, "One more round!"

They started fighting once again.


It has been several weeks since they started traveling together and Lief completely understood the difference between him and Diane.

Diane was innately gifted in combat but had an average potential in martial arts.

Only after sparring for several days, he understood how shallow his combat style was and the mistakes he made during fights.

After spending a lot of time together Lief finally gave in and started accepting the fact that he loved Diane. The usually expressionless Diane also started displaying some kind of affection towards him and even started talking with him for a longer time.

Leif also started forgetting his past, his pain, and his purpose.

He even started looking forward to the future.

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