《Carefree Demon》"Bandits"


Nearly 2 months have passed and Leif has been traveling rapidly along the terrain.

The entire Holy martial continent was divided into 72 provinces ruled by 4 martial mansions.

Yes, the entire continent was ruled by 4 forces. Even though there were other forces they were limited to a single province and were also allied under the 4 mansions.

Each of the mansions had 18 provinces each and was called a region.

The four mansions were the Azure dragon mansion of the Eastern region, the White Tiger mansion of the Western Region, the Vermilion Bird mansion of the south, and the strongest of the four the Black Tortoise Region of the North.

Leif was born in the Western region ruled by the White tiger martial mansion.

Currently, he was in the province of Pärla. As a province filled with forests and high mountains, it seemed like a desolate place.

But it was the other way round as it had a lot of hidden experts, abundant path energy, and even some emergence-level martial artist.

As he was reached the bottom of a mountain he was about to pass through he suddenly heard cries of battle.

Curious about the battle he sneaked near the location of the battle.

The first thing he saw when looking over was an image of a beautiful lady dressed in gorgeous clothes and had an exquisite look. She looked quite scared and panic-stricken.

There were corpses on the ground and she was surrounded by many bandits with clothes covering their faces. They were all first-ring martial artists.

But what surprised him was a lady in armor who also was a first-ring martial artist. In contrast to the lady below on the ground, she had a calm expression and had a valiant look on her face.

"You should surrender little lady. Can't you see that you are surrounded?" the bandit chief said in a mocking tone.


"Even with your great abilities, you cannot outmatch us." another bandit quickly added in the hope to lower her confidence.

But the lady did not reply to any of this but instead lifted her weapon to an attacking position and said coldly, "I am not afraid of death."

Just as both sides were going to fight it out Leif accidentally stepped on a twig and the sound alerted both parties.

The bandit chief roared, "Who is there don't think you can escape!

Suddenly the lady warrior shot off from her position and cut the hand of the bandit chief while taking advantage of the situation.

Furious, the rest of the bandits counterattacked. As Lief was not part of them and had caused an opening for the bandit chief to injured some of them furiously started attacking him.

Even though Leif could not be considered an expert fighter he still had some experience and natural instinct when it came to fighting. Moreover, he was someone with a unique path and had even started to comprehend profundities and elements.

Each of his attacks was infused with an ice elemental aura and caught the attacking bandits off guard.


The strike broke their defense and injured two of them. But the three of them didn't stop and continued to attack Leif.

Leif dodged one attack and immediately sprang a meter up and slashed one of the bandits with his saber. The bandit's head split open and died immediately.

The other two bandits were caught off guard and subconsciously backed off.

Suddenly one of them fell down clutching his leg. His tibial nerve in his calf was cut and was bleeding profusely.

The lady warrior had sneaked an attack during her battle with the now disabled bandit chief and 3 more bandits.

She was at a slight disadvantage since the disabled bandit chief was a peak rank first ring martial artist.


Still, her fighting skills and combat were superior to Leif himself.

But Leif had superior elemental skills and vast path energy. He did not delay and quickly finished the two bandits.

Then he rushed towards one of the bandits attacking the lady and tied him down. The battle quickly changed to the advantage of the lady.

"Nooooo!!!," the bandit chief screamed as he felt his life coming to the end.

Soon a blade pierced the heart of the bandit chief and with eyes filled with unwillingness and indignation he fell down to the ground lifelessly.

The other two bandits looked at each other and decisively ran in opposite directions.

The lady did not bother to chase them instead turned her eyes over to the battle taking place between Leif and the other bandit.

It did not take much longer before the bandit dropped down to the ground lifelessly and with a huge hole in his chest.

As Leif looked over to the other side he saw a splendid figure drenched in blood standing beside corpses of the bandits and seemed to be like a blood-red rose in the garden.

Her hands held a sword stained with blood and her armor was filled with various scratches and dents from battle.

Suddenly she spoke with an untrusting tone, "Who are you, young sir?"

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