《Of Misclicks and Magic》The Door


Waking up, my whole body ached. This is why I hate sleeping in chairs. In other news, the countless wounds on my body have healed somewhat. Every movement of my body caused a screeching pain yes, but at least I could move around like normal to an extent.

Looking up, I saw Pucci applying leaves to their own wounds. Seeing my gaze, they quickly hid the leaves in the pockets of their belt. Excuse me? You have stuff to treat wounds but did not share? Motherfucker. I got up and approached the lizard. They, sensing my aura of bloodlust, handed over two leaves and looked up to me as if to say that was all they could give me. I doubted that was all it could offer but I was not in the mood to haggle with this cheapskate.

I applied the leaves to the worst two wounds on my legs since I need them for the secret technique if I ever need to use it. The feeling of the leaves was like being soaked in hot water. When we get back, I need to stock some of these.

I needed to get out of here but I do not have the strength to push the dresser we used to barricade the door. I shook Diego to wake up but he was out like a rock. It is time to take extreme measures. I am not sure this will work, but it is worth a try. I started smudging his armour with my hands. There was only one thing that rivaled his ego, his love of his armour. The next thing I knew, I was laid out across the floor with a roaring pain in the back of my head once again. Diego was furiously cleaning his armour to a mirror shine with a fancy looking handkerchief embroidered with a coat of arms of some noble family in the dresser. It had black, bat-like wings attached to a silver rapier.


Once done cleaning it of my, as he says, “taint,” he glared at me making sure I did not come near his precious armour and clambered on about my “filthy” hands. I ignored his whining and let him cool down a tad. Before once again coaxing him into moving the dresser.

Peeking out the door, the rubble that once covered the floor of the hallway is now spotless. The roof has been repaired somewhat. The pieces have been put back to their places yet not much is holding them together. I am not even sure what is keeping it up there rather than collapsing once more.

Activating ‘sneak,’ I approached the opposite hallway door to the one that was banged on by something. Ever so slightly opening, I peered through the creak. It was… very shiny. The walls were covered in various deteriorating pieces of art with gold frames. Marble statues once flanked each of the four double doors on each side of the room yet only the base and legs remained. The glass tables and ornately carved wooden chairs surrounded a stage in the center of the room. Yet, no on could stand on it as a fallen golden chandelier took up the stage with countless shards of glass around it.

The door to my left clicked to my fright. Diving behind one of the statues (for once I am thankful that I am small and scrawny), I stifled my breathing. The bang of a closing door made my worst fears come true.

“Dk, zkhq duh zh jrlqj wr fohdq wklv xs? Lw'v ehhq ghfdghv... zdlw pdbeh fhqwxulhv? L kdyh orvw wudfn.” What language is this? Why are they not speaking new imperial? Imperial has dominated the world since the days of the ancient empire. The only ones I can think of that do not speak it… is… demons… shit. Do not tell me… is this is a… demonic fortress?


I dared not sneak a glance. I am not on the level to fight demons yet. I would be turned into a pulp if I fight them. “Derxw irxu fhqwxulhv gxpedvv. Kddd, L orqj iru wkh jrrg rog gdbv zkhq zh frxog ihdvw rq kxpdq eorrg wkdq glvjxvwlqj prqvwhuv olnh orz-eruqv... vdb gr brx vphoo kxpdq eorrg?” Even if I do not understand whatever they said, a chill shot through my body. My instincts said that I was in danger until the other spoke. “Kxpdq? Duh brx jrlqj fudcb iurp qrw kdylqj dqb jrrg eorrg? Zkb zrxog wkhuh eh d kxpdq khuh? Dqg brx fdoohg ph wkh gxpedvv.” The engulfing, threatening feeling subsided and the two chattered first around twenty minutes until they were done with whatever they were doing.

Carefully leaving the statue of safety. One of the tables has droplets of blood on it. What the fuck were they doing? Out in the open, I was caught like a deer in headlights as a skeleton dressed in butler garb. His jet black suit was only well fit for a skeleton. Must have been made for him in death than him in life. We stared at each other in disbelief as it started rattling its jaw in fear and alarm. Throwing its arms up, it ran back through the hallway it came from. Well, so much for hiding our presence here.

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