《Deckers》CHAPTER 8: First Mission- Rescue
There were two lights on in the dojo that evening. One was Kandai’s room light in the left back wing where only his silhouette could be seen through the semi transparent paper door. The other light was in the main room where Kochiro and Uriel were currently to be found. The light grey of the sky was slowly dropping lower to blanket the dojo in its ghostly absoluteness. Fireflies buzzed affront the lanterns on the outside and crickets were coming out to play.
Uriel was stooped on one knee. He was stuffing some odd coloured cream-ish ‘bricks’ into a drawstring bag and Kochiro was standing nearby. Kochiro was wearing an outfit Kandai had provided, one very similar to the lead Angel’s but for the cape. He pulled at the high neck to loosen it and stretch his neck. It was a bit too tight for his taste but he supposed it was probably best suited for the mission. Uriel was wearing his usual skull knocker baggy outfit, and his custom stick was close at hand.
Kochiro stepped up beside Uriel, “what’s those for?”
Uriel didn’t pause in packing or turn around to respond. “It’s for the mission.”
“Yes... but what are they?”
“C4...” Kochiro pondered for a second. “C4... that’s explosives right?”
“Would you stop pestering me and go pack the rest???”
“...” Kochiro pursed his lips and hushed. Why was Uriel being so testy all of a sudden? Is it because of the mission? Kochiro frowned. He turned away and knelt down to pack the rest of the mysterious devices carefully. Is he nervous? Is it because of me? He himself wasn’t feeling nervous as yet but... he placed a block in squarely on top of the former... but it’d come soon. It surely would.
“What, are you OCD???” Uriel suddenly stomped over and grabbed the bag away from Kochiro. Kochiro held on testily, it was explosives in there after all. “We ain’t have no time for this! C4s are highly stable compounds anyway!” Kochiro let go finally and stopped trying to help. He got to his feet and turned his back. He didn’t know a lot about explosives weapons or ninjutsu and the like and he already deemed himself a burden. All games aside, Uriel was actually quite serious when it came to his Angel work. Kochiro wondered if the two could survive the mission together.
“Let's go,” Uriel threw a backpack at Kochiro who fumbled and caught it. He slung on his whilst Uriel did the same, also picking up his companionable stick and a huge mechanic-pack-thing, carrying it at his side. They walked down the steps of the porch and across the front courtyard quietly. “We’re going to the cliff,” Uriel stated as they stepped out under the dojo entrance. They were finally leaving.
Kochiro looked back at the place wordlessly. So they weren’t going with Kandai, they were alone. He turned back ahead. Uriel was walking with steady purposeful strides; Kochiro couldn’t hope to match his determination. Was he really ready for this? He kept his arms from brushing his side, trying to deny the existence of the gun hidden there.
After they turned off the alley, Kochiro and Uriel came upon the familiar cliff. Overlooking the skies once more, there was an almost ominous presence pressing down on them, and the presence was starting to layer Kochiro’s heart. His soul, his very being was becoming heavy with doubt and fear but he managed to swallow it somehow.
The contraption Uriel was unhinging spread wide. “Huh?” Kochiro looked on with realization. Uriel expanded the device so that it was lying flat and then adjusted this backpack to strap on the metallic wings. “They’re wings.” (Obviously.) Uriel ignored him and handed over his other bag.
“We’ll be flying in,” he said, “onto the Tradings building rooftop.” Kochiro waited patiently as Uriel tested the wings, furling and unfurling them. They seemed strong, looked splendid and Uriel latched his stick into the crease between his back and the wings. “You’ll have to fly with me cause Kandai said you can’t do nothing.”
“...” Kochiro managed the two bags onto his back. “I understand. But... how’s it that you don’t have real wings?” he asked. Uriel looked at Kochiro and his eyes scrutinized his companion trying to decode what he’d just heard.
“What.” His voice flat.
“I mean,” Kochiro’s brows puckered, “it’s not bothering me too much but... I was just wondering why you don’t have real wings like Kandai does.”
“Real wings,” Uriel tested the words carefully making Kochiro feel slightly embarrassed. “Like a bird...”
“Yea,” Kochiro reddened, “well Kandai has real-”
“Are you stupid???” Uriel snapped. His face was furious and Kochiro took a step back. “What’s with these stupid questions??? We don’t have time for this!!!”
Kochiro clenched his fists in anger, “I was only asking because Kandai’s wings were real!”
“Are you hearing yourself?!” Uriel yelled back, “no one has wings. The L. D. Angels is just a pseudonym idiot! How can someone have wings?!?”
“He does!” Kochiro’s teeth gnashed. He’d seen them! Kandai had rescued him from the Nobles Soldiers Headquarters by flying out the window with him. Didn’t Uriel know? “I saw them with my own eyes!”
“You’re full of it! You’re making this up!”
“I’m not making anything up!”
“Stop saying stupid things then!” Uriel passed Kochiro heatedly, determined to cut the conversation short and stood at the cliff’s edge. “You’d better not mess this mission up. I swear... I don’t know why I have to partner with you!”
“...” Kochiro was too furious for words as he glared at Uriel’s back but the truth of his words struck though. They were going on this mission together. To confront the Muscles. To contact with Gabriel. They shouldn’t be fighting so. “Uriel,” Kochiro said.
Uriel made no reaction. His back was to Kochiro as he faced the world. Wind was blowing through his curly blue-black-green head of hair. Night was setting in.
“I know that we don’t get along very well but...” Kochiro had calmed; he was looking down at the ground as he struggled to find the words to connect what he was thinking in his heart to the other boy. He lifted his eyes, “but we have to work together if we’re going to succeed here. Let’s just cooperate for this one night okay,” pause, “even though we’re nervous, we have to-”
“?” Kochiro looked up. Had Uriel said something? He couldn’t see the silent Angel’s expression because he had his back turned. Was it Uriel who had made that sound he’d just heard?
“Fu,” Uriel uttered again, “fu fu fu fu fu.” He was chuckling. Kochiro stared in bewilderment at the change of attitude.
“I’m nervous..?” Uriel’s laughter stopped abruptly. “Who said, that I’m nervous.” He turned around to face Kochiro square on. “I’m used to this sort of things, Raphael. The only one who’s nervous here... is you.”
Kochiro pursed his lips. He realized his hands were starting to sweat and he gulped silently. It was true. Uriel was fixating him with a cold hard stare.
“You’re the only who’s nervous here and you should be. Seeing your ‘skill’ here today...” Uriel glanced down at the ground and a wash of worry clouded his face temporarily, “I don’t know what Kandai’s even thinking sending you on this mission,” he looked up and jabbed a finger at Kochiro, his face flush of anger and hatred. “You’re useless!!! You have no purpose, you can’t do anything!!! If you mess up... I swear I’m leaving you behind!!!”
“...” a wind passed through the scene and Kochiro’s eyes planted on the ground. He’s right. And now, the fear was really getting to him. Why am I here? Kochiro squeezed his eyes and fists shut, his heartbeat was becoming ecstatic.
“Now... get on.” Uriel bent a knee so that Kochiro could climb onto his back. Kochiro abided silently, unable to dislodge the fresh feelings of panic rising deep within his chest.
Atop HighDeck Tradings Building
Angel Raphael (Kochiro) and Angel Uriel had landed upon the Tradings building effectively. It was in the shadows of high night time and a few helicopters were keeping spotlights scouring the rooftop ever so often. Kochiro and Uriel were hidden, kneeling behind a roof air-condition unit as Uriel undid the wing jetpack and took his bag from Kochiro. Both clad in black, they were as one with the darkness.
“The plan is basic,” Uriel whispered sternly. He leant close to Kochiro who listened carefully, nodding at intervals as Uriel explained. “Kandai, I mean Michael, has the only direct line to Gabriel cause he’s the only one with the code. Gabriel is still undercover with the Nobles and will tell him the Nobles’ plans as they unfold. Also, Gabriel will have access to the plans of this building and through Michael, will help us navigate successfully.
See that stairway over there?” Uriel indicated his head to the far left of the building. Kochiro had to squint to see where he meant but he could eventually distinguish it. “It leads down to the top floor entrance but the Muscles would have barred it. In any case we’d be taking the elevator from there. The Muscles think they’ve locked off the passwords but Gabriel can override them from the Nobles Soldiers Headquarters. It’d only be temporary however, cause it’d have to be switched back to avoid suspicion for when the Soldiers regain control.”
Kochiro nodded. That meant they wouldn’t be leaving via the same route. No that would be too easy, wouldn’t it. But Uriel still hasn’t mentioned anything about the C4. And it didn’t seem that he would be either. He was peering out from the side of their hiding unit.
“Next time the spotlight passes over, we’re running to the stairway kay?”
Kochiro nodded and edged to the side. It was time to get moving. The helicopter’s yellow light roamed the rooftop uniformly, sweeping from the left to the right. Kochiro and Uriel remained planted as it swept over their heads and then as soon as it had passed, the two stole across the rooftop, keeping low. Uriel led them down into the blackness, their hurried steps thudding rapidly down each stair. Kochiro kept silent; following the curly head affront him in the darkness, the night and cold air behind them. Dim light was gradually appearing ahead.
They hit the bottom of the staircase and rounded the corner. Then they came upon the doorway that continued downwards into the building and next to it; the elevator solidly shut. Kochiro pressed his back against the wall as Uriel went to stand affront the elevator. He pressed a finger to his neck. “Michael, we’re at the elevator.”
“Good,” Michael/ Kandai’s voice sounded in their ears. “Gabriel has just reset the password. It’s 35471.”
“Got it.” Uriel’s fingers flew rapidly over the keypad above the elevator’s switches and in less than a second, there was a beep and the doors slid open. Kochiro and Uriel entered and Uriel hit the down button for the lower floor. He stooped and slung off his bag. The C4... Kochiro wondered. But instead, Uriel procured industrial looking masks and handed one over to Kochiro.
“Gas masks...” Kochiro assured.
Uriel nodded. “Everyone’s all supposedly on the second floor since the lights are on there but there may be some other Angels roaming around, looking out for breaches. We can’t let them find us.”
Kochiro’s brows furrowed. “But why. Why can’t we let them see us,” he turned the mask around in his hand so that the ‘eyes’ faced him. “Aren’t we all on the same side? We came to rescue them after all. They’re L. D. Angels just like us.”
Uriel tssked at Kochiro but didn’t snap this time. “You have no idea what those kinds of people are like. They’re loud hot-blooded aggressive and they don’t follow orders at all. Trust me,” he looked up at Kochiro and their eyes met, “it’s better this way. They’ll only cause more trouble and won’t listen to us. We’re only here to rescue the forefront of the Muscles; Cogs and Hammer. Michael said that they may have some important chip. At best,” Uriel tucked the mask under his arm, “we can’t allow them to fall into enemy hands.”
Beep. The elevator doors opened. They exited the elevator into new darkness and found themselves in a lobby. Uriel pulled out a bag of a powdery white substance and a small heavy duty looking metal flask and rested everything against the wall to put on his mask. Kochiro did the same.
“This is for sleeping gas. It’s a hallucinogen quite similar to BZ and is also non fatal.” Kochiro nodded. He knew of BZ, the revolutionary new gas that was highly potent in small amounts and fast acting. Also quite helpful was the fact that it was odourless. But Kochiro always figured that such ‘knock out’ gases were things of fiction and could only be manufactured in chemical lab facilities. So many things were secret in the world... when and for what reason was such a dangerous portable Schedule Two gas developed?
“The plan is to disperse the gas and immobile everyone on each level until we meet up with the two Muscles. With everyone out cold, they’ll have little choice but to leave with us before the Nobles Soldiers infiltrate.”
Uriel handed Kochiro the white bag. The two clicked on their flashlights built into the bug eyes of their ancient gas masks and directed their gazes into the shadows. “We need to set up somewhere.” Uriel’s low voice was muffled through the mask. The big bug looking heads and the sounds of helicopters outside gave it all a mysterious secretive feel. Kochiro looked about the lobby and then cleared his throat.
“We can put it in the air conditioning vent,” he nodded to Uriel, “and then we can put it on so that the fumes could dissipate faster.”
Uriel nodded his beasty head curtly and unscrewed the flask. In it was a solute, some sort of reagent that Kochiro didn’t know about. Kochiro’s high school chemistry class didn’t teach this manner of things. He followed instructions and added a small amount of the solute into the flask. It hissed slightly and Uriel held it away from his face as white fumes slowly drifted out and faded. He indicated for Kochiro to hoist him up and they implanted the gas disperser into the vents. Kochiro switched on the air condition.
“Good,” Uriel mumbled in the dark, “let’s hurry-”
Kochiro and Uriel both froze and spun around. The elevator was rising. Someone was coming up.
The two young Angels slinked down behind the couch there and held their breaths as the elevator ascended. PING another floor, PING another floor, PING... Nerves came crashing down over Kochiro. Did they know.... did someone find out??? God... he so wanted to hear Kandai’s voice right then. He felt as though the huge mask was crushing him, even with the AC on, he felt himself growing warm with sweat.
PING...... God, it was still continuing.... that was this floor wasn’t it?? Their backpacks were there in plain view! They’d be found! Kochiro jumped to his feet fearfully and hit his elbow against the side table. He winced and grabbed his elbow, his hand loosening on the bag of ‘BZ’. At the same time, Uriel tackled his legs and knocked him flat. The bag of ‘BZ’ fell straight out of Kochiro’s hand and spilled onto the ground. Kochiro’s eyes were wide with shock as Uriel clasped his hand over Kochiro’s mouth.
“...” Uriel... didn’t appear agitated at all. Kochiro looked at the huge bug eyes and gradually his breathing steadied as they matched Uriel’s own calm heartbeat on top of him. PING... He waited. PING....
“They’re going to the roof.” Uriel said.
“...” Oh. So the person wasn’t coming to search the floor. They were presumably about to negotiate now. Uriel silently climbed off Kochiro and got to his feet. They heard the elevator climb pass their floor and then came to rest at the highest level.
“The elevator’s code changed back then. We’ll have to take the stairs.”
Kochiro gulped. He was still on his butt. He looked down at the spilt BZ at his feet. He’d panicked. Uriel was packing up calmly again. He wasn’t looking at Kochiro anymore. “This will take longer than planned. You make sure,” Uriel glanced over at Kochiro with anger emanating from his taut slender body, “not to fuck up like that again.”
The scene outside the HighDeck Tradings building was unhurried. Two helicopters scanned the rooftop whilst the HighDeck officers had their vehicles circled around the building. To the front were a collection of HighDeck officers and about ten Nobles Soldiers in total, including two leaders.
Totomi was standing mildly away from the group, seemingly lost in his own world but he was, in fact, observing everyone. This was his first time with the Soldiers after all, but he’d been surprised that the Angels lady had killed a Nobles citizen so nonchalantly. These L. D. Angels were really cold blooded and ruthless. Maybe today he’d find out who it was that killed his brother...
“Hmph, so they want us to send in one of our Soldiers now huh,” one of the Soldiers said. Totomi turned his head in the direction of the conversation. Three Soldiers were also apart from the main group, Totomi couldn’t help but wonder at it. There seemed to be an aura of conceit about them.
“I’ve no problem with it,” another said. “It’s part of the negotiations but they need to send in a HighDeck officer. How dare they suggest a Nobles... we aren’t riffraff.” The bespectacled guy adjusted his glasses and glanced over at Totomi staring at them. “Hey, I’ve never seen you before.”
Totomi continued to stare, “...” So the Angels wanted to exchange a Soldier for the hostage? Were they allowing this after seeing how the Angel lady had killed the Nobles man?
“Hm?” the bespectacled Soldier cocked his head to the side. “Hey Dreamy; over here. What’s your name?”
Totomi looked at the Soldier. He had a traditional schoolboy short neat black hair and bangs and gold eyes behind the glasses. He seemed to be a proud brainy guy. “Totomi Hamasaki,” Totomi finally replied.
“I’m Kentaro; chess extraordinaire, mathematician legend and three time annual shoji tournament winner,” he said with coolly folded arms. “This here is Nagira and the blonde beauty is Maburik.” The ponytail haired guy and the unnatural blonde, nodded. Totomi bowed back respectfully, wordlessly.
Kentaro pushed back his glasses again, “well I’m going to have a word with them. I’m not allowing this,” he said contemptuously.
“I don’t think it’s wise to comply with any of their requests with regards to anyone’s lives, whether it be a HighDeck or a Nobles’.” Totomi said softly. Kentaro’s brows raised as though he couldn’t believe someone had dared oppose him. Next to him, Nagira was eyeing Totomi curiously, as was Maburik. The blonde Maburik then chuckled and held up a hand.
“How old are you anyway,” he said, “stay out of this newbie.” He laughed and flung his extravagantly long blonde hair back. This was pointless however, since the style was parted for half to cover the side of his face.
“Hmm, let’s go Maburik.” Kentaro said and Maburik smiled at Totomi provocatively and then followed a departing Kentaro. The other Soldier remained behind however and looked toward Totomi. Totomi turned his head after a while and noted Nagira. He had a rigid disposition about him.
“Totomi Hamasaki right.” The Nagira asked.
Totomi studied Nagira and nodded.
“You’re Shimazu Hamasaki’s little brother.”
Totomi’s lips parted, “you knew my brother?”
“Not really,” Nagira shook his head faintly. “But I’ve seen him around. He seemed like a nice guy. He spoke with everyone but didn’t really hang out with us Soldiers.” Nagira turned sideways to look at the Nobles and HighDeck officers, joined by Kentaro and Maburik, speaking amongst themselves. “Maburik didn’t like him; he had forced your brother to join some random beauty contest and lost.”
“...” Totomi said nothing. Nagira didn’t seem like the other two. He had two locks of hair hanging affront his face (similar to Tanjo Okami’s) and long shiny black hair in a ponytail down his back. His eyes were so dark blue they almost seemed black. “Are you acquainted with those two?”
“Oh, yes but we’re not quite friends,” Nagira answered. “We only met up today because of this situation. They’re not bad guys. Everyone’s just performing their roles.”
“...” Roles... Totomi thought. Again... Everyone’s so fixated with duty...
“How’s your sister?”
“Mika...” Totomi repeated unconsciously. Nagira’s rigid face implored him. This guy seems to be harbouring a sister complex. “She’s doing fine,” Totomi responded, “she’s safe at home.”
“That’s nice.” Nagira nodded. “It’s good that you two have each other. Take care of her.”
“I will.” Totomi couldn’t be any more resolute.
“Great,” Nagira tried on a stiff smile. “After all this Angels business is wrapped up, maybe we can all do something together. I’ll introduce you to my Soldier buddies and show you around.”
“I graciously accept your offer,” Totomi bowed. “Thank you very much.”
Nagira’s brows rose. What’s with this guy..? He smirked and caught a mildly startled look from Totomi. He cleared his throat seriously, “my apologizes Totomi, I’m not usually so easily entertained but you’re quite an interesting fellow. There’s no need to bow.”
Totomi blinked at him.
“Hm?” Nagira waited.
“If it makes thee uncomfortable,” Totomi bowed lowly once more, “I shall depart of my habitual inclinations.”
Nagira found himself shaking his head. He wasn’t so much an outgoing friendly person but he found himself taking a liking to Totomi Hamasaki. It seemed the two of them would get along just fine.
“Well I’ll be darned,” Maburik’s voice sounded from nearby. Totomi and Nagira turned back to the officers and Soldiers gathering. Maburik was raking his hand through his long hair and Kentaro was shaking his head.
“We’ll just have to do as the leader says,” Kentaro was saying to Maburik, “but I’m not going to be the one exchanged.”
“Seems they’re accepting the Angels’ proposals after all,” Nagira said to Totomi. A fairly young Soldier leader lady with a bang and ponytailed hair was addressing everyone authoritatively.
“We shall comply with the Angels wishes on the surface,” she was saying, “this will give us cover. There’s a secret underground route we plan to employ. A group of you will infiltrate this way.”
“...” Totomi said nothing. The lady Soldier seemed so willing to sacrifice someone. She reminded him of his mother.
“I’m not planning on getting my hands dirty tonight,” Maburik and Kentaro had sauntered away, “I have a date tomorrow. Kentaro, are you going to join the...” their voices drifted away and Totomi stared after them fixedly. Nobles Soldiers....
“We need to assemble a group,” the Soldier head continued speaking. “This will consist of HighDeck officers as well as two or three Soldiers. All those willing to enter step forward...”
Totomi turned his attention away and looked around. The two helicopters were still buzzing noisily in the sky and the group of HighDeck officers and Soldiers was getting organized. Maburik and Kentaro were off some ways talking together and Nagira was standing at his side quietly with folded arms. Night had deeply seeped in.
“Totomi,” Nagira turned around to face him, Totomi did so too. “I think I’m going in with the infiltration team. This is where we part ways.”
“Pleasure to have met you,” Totomi stuck out his arm and the two shook hands amiably.
“Same here,” Nagira replied, “well I’ll see you later when things are settled.” He nodded at Totomi and walked off to join the infiltration team. Totomi watched him depart then looked over the circle of cars and vehicles assembled. He spotted his father leaning against his limousine, also staring ahead darkly. Why were there so few Nobles gathered? Totomi wondered, and why does father seem so distracted...
Totomi scanned the area one final time to see whether he had missed any key players but couldn’t determine anyone else who seemed suspicious. Where was the spy? Who was the spy and was he even here? And... Totomi’s eyes stopped still and his head notched down fractionally. Where was ‘he’..?
Shinya, the Nobles lady was being treated as the prime hostage by the two punk Angels as they took her up to the highest floor where an exchange was taking place. The huge Angel; Hammer, was holding her two arms behind her in a single enclosure of his fingers. It hurt slightly, but more than anything else, she was dreadfully worried about the wellbeing of her fiancé, where was Sho? Since they had taken him to the roof he hadn’t been returned. He couldn’t be dead... could he?
She stood there with Hammer as the lady Angel descended the stairs with a Soldier in her grasp. Shinya looked up expectantly, but her hopes were quickly dashes when she saw the plain looking guy and how fearful he appeared to be though he tried not to show it. Shinya fought back tears as she realized rescue was not coming anytime soon.
“Tell us about the project!” Cogs released the Soldier and stepped back. She pointed the gun straight at him as he spun around.
“That, that’s classified,” the Soldier answered, backing against the wall.
“Bullshit!” Cogs pulled back the hammer of the gun, “tell us about the Project dealing with the Pillars or you die right here and now.”
“I... I can’t.” Panic was rising in the Soldier’s voice.
Cogs glared and studied him. What the fuck were they trying to pull... this guy... he really doesn’t know anything. “You really don’t know, do you,” she said. Soldier reddened. Cogs grit her teeth. “I knew it! You’re no Soldier! All those Nobles have pretty eyes like her!”
Shinya’s brows puckered. Eyes..?
“Well,” Cogs shrugged her shoulders, “they can’t fool us, now we’d just have to demand they send in another one, one who knows.” She shook her head, “waw, they must really think we’re fools, sending in a HighDeck officer dressed in a Soldier’s suit.”
Hammer grunted, Cogs smirked. Shinya and the fake Soldier gulped. The latter backed up against the wall as far as he could go; his eyes darted around, looking for a place to run. Cogs lifted her gun again. “Well I guess this is goodbye, officer.”
Shinya’s brown eyes widened, “what??? No!”
Cogs squeezed the trigger and Shinya’s view blurred with red. The impact of skull hitting against the wall, then a slushy revolting sound as the body slid down against the wall.
“Uriel, Raphael, do you hear me.”
Kochiro and Uriel were a few floors lower when Kandai contacted them. So far, they hadn’t come across any troubles or complications. And so far, they also didn’t have any more accidents on Kochiro’s part. Uriel strapped on his bag and pressed the earchip in his neck. “Yeah,” he said.
“Looks like you’ll have to hurry times five. The Soldiers are on the move.”
Kochiro was standing beside Uriel quietly. He pursed his lips when Kandai said this. Bad news already...
“Gabriel has confirmed that they’ve started to move,” Kandai continued, “they’re using the ‘secret’ underground passageway that leads to the basement of the Tradings building. You’ll have to go plant the C4 immediately; it’ll take them no more than ten minutes to get there. Understood?”
“Yea,” Uriel answered.
“But,” Kochiro pressed on the chip beneath his neck to interrupt, “we aren’t finished with the BZ yet,” he said. Uriel cast him an irritable glance and snorted. He was still pissed at Kochiro’s clumsiness; he was still pissed at Kochiro’s personality as a whole.
“What, so you can’t handle a little something like this on your own?”
“No fighting you two,” Kandai cut across sharply. “You’ll have to split up. Raphael, continue setting the BZ gas, I’m sure you can manage it by now.” Uriel rolled his eyes. “And Uriel, you head to the basement and set up the C4 quickly. You’ll also have to confront Cogs and Hammer soon after. Raphael, it stands to reason you’d be finished first so I need you to locate those two Muscles and give them the masks. Tell them I said they need to exit the building with you straight away. By then, the BZ gas would be taking effect. If you run into any trouble, I’m sure you know what to do.”
“...” know what to do... Kochiro didn’t reply. If Uriel allowed anyone to slip pass, if he ran into anyone... Kandai was saying he’d have to use the pistol...
“Uriel would meet up with you later. Kay?”
“Got it,” Uriel said, snapping Kochiro out of his daze. He’d already clicked off his communicator and was heading speedily toward the stairway. Kochiro heard Kandai’s own resounding ‘beep’ as he too disconnected and he was left standing alone distractedly. He swallowed deeply. He was on his own. Truly.
“Hey,” Uriel stopped on the stairway and looked back at Kochiro over his shoulder. Kochiro’s lips parted. Words of encouragement..? “Hurry up would ya,” Uriel said, “and if you mess up this time... I’ll kill you.” Then he turned his head and flew down the steps.
Uriel flew down all 18 flights as though his pants was on fire. It all came down to this for the success of the mission, for the successful rendezvous with Gabriel. He’d do everything right, he just hoped the new useless Angel wouldn’t mess up. What did Kandai want with him anyway? He was just a stupid little wide eyed boy. Just remembering his cowardly blue eyed face made Uriel angry. But, as he flew down the last steps and spun the revolving handle of the steel basement door, Uriel decided to erase all of that from his mind and thought only about his objective at hand. There was no time to lose.
The basement was located a floor lower than the car park but it seemed to be quite a distance into the ground. The steel door was heavy so Uriel had to push his weight against it before it could swing open. He stepped into the basement and looked around. Nothing too special to see; a number of stored items, boxes, steel support beams and the metal pipes feeding into the ceiling overhead. Uriel wondered if any item there was explosive, but in the very least, the steel door would confine most of it.
He opened his bag and took out a couple white blocks. They had known about the secret passageway from before, and the plan had been to layout the C4 in a manner to collapse the floor above so that entry was impossible for the Soldiers. But now, due to the brashness of the Muscles’ actions, they’d forced the Soldiers’ hands and in effect, impaired Kandai’s plans. With time closing in, they couldn’t rely on Gabriel to guide Uriel through the blueprint of the floor. Uriel didn’t have sufficient time either to implant the C4 strategically in order to collapse the floor. It would just be a flat out trap now. A direct ambush using the C4s as bombs and killing all who entered.
Hurriedly, Uriel ran along the stretch of the room and slapped the C4 into the crease between steel supporting beam and wall. C4, being a malleable object, could easily be squeezed into cracks and the likes. He pushed the blasting cap inside the brick and then continued on along the wall. It was a huge basement and he didn’t have time to judge the placements.
“Shoot,” Uriel looked up. He could hear echo-like sounds marching hollowly from the other side of the walls. I have to get out.
Thud thud thud... The boots were directly ahead of where he was stooping. Clumsily, he shoved the blasting cap inside the C4 and turned heel and sprinted back across the room. He heard the lever being turned on the passageway door.
Shove! Uriel ran and elbowed the steel door to exit the basement. Huff huff, he spun the handle rapidly and stepped back, no time to delay, no time to get distance, he had to detonate them now. And kill all those people... he squeezed his eyes and backed up against the staircase, slid down beneath its stairs. I don’t have any other choice!
The door grated open from within and boots entered the room. Uriel stooped beneath the hallway stairs. He curled himself up tightly and tucked his bug head into his chest. Now... and he pushed the red button on the detonator in hand.
The ground beneath Uriel shook and he cowered into the wall from the force of the blast. The detonator dropped from his hand as he squeezed his hands over his ears. He was close enough that the explosion rocked him too, but even so, it was not too recognizable to those higher up in the building. He hadn’t had time to input all the C4.
“Rrrghh,” warmth swelled beneath the now partly opened steel door and curled around Uriel’s body. He could peer inside the basement from an angle; he could see the silhouetted figures, smoke and yells. He released his ears and righted himself, waiting for the survivors to emerge.
“It was a trap! But how!?!”
Damn. Of course they were survivors, some had stayed aback.
“You guys go on! We mustn’t turn back!”
“Are they dead???”
“Contact Captain Dojima!”
A few figures coughed their way out of the room; Uriel saw them pass him unsuspectingly. He kept his mouth shut and noted their attire, one two, three, damn... two Officers relatively unharmed and a Nobles Soldier. They went up the stairs whilst other Officers started dragging the fatally wounded from the basement into the hallway to care for them. As they fought their way back into the smoke, Uriel slipped out from under the staircase and flew up the stairway noiselessly.
Up on the bottom floor, he pressed his back to the corner wall listening to the three who had departed the group. “You two check out this floor, I’ll take the elevator up.”
Footsteps separating. Uriel glanced out from behind the wall. The two backs rounded a corner. HighDeck uniforms. “Shit,” Uriel cursed lowly. He had to take care of those two first. The Soldier had gone up into the building where the unreliable amateurish young Angel was. “Sorry Raphael,” Uriel muttered. It was his fault. He’d let them escape and a Soldier was a big problem to deal with. There was no way the other Angel could manage. Uriel stepped out from behind the wall and started toward the corridor where the two officers had disappeared, stick in hand. “Hold on a bit, I’ll just take a little while.”
“There.” Kochiro stepped down from the table and looked up at the AC unit triumphantly. Just two more floors to go, he was doing pretty well.
In the darkness, Kochiro worked methodically. After doing the same thing on fifteen or so prior floors, he was accustomed to it and relatively composed. He zipped up his bag resting on the table and strapped it onto his back. Click, he switched on the AC and the low vroowsh breathed cool air onto the top of his head.
Stepping back, he swung his gaze around the darkness of the lobby. The light fell across the couches and potted plants, across the water cooler and everything was orderly and dead quiet. So convenient. So this is how High Deckers live. What an easy life.
He walked out the doorway with the light bobbing before him and started out down the hallway to the elevator and stairway at the end of the hall. I wonder if Uriel is getting along as easily, I think I felt a tremor some time back...
STEP STEP STEP. Doors lined the hallway but all appeared locked. Kochiro in his black ninja outfit and bug head resembled a burglar. He swung the light on the walls and each proceeding picture held his interest. There were great vast pictures of ornate extravagant scenes. He had never seen painting so grand and magnificent. There was a portrait of a smiling lady, pictures of tranquil scenery and skies, all seemed so unreal and magical, what luxury existed in this world. Who had time to paint such dreams?
STEP STEP STEP... ah, there was a picture of a magnificent being with splendid glowing white wings spread behind them (Kochiro couldn’t tell whether it was a he or a she) that stopped Kochiro in his tracks. The irony. These creatures... there were called angels. Kochiro didn’t believe in such things but it was so beautiful he almost wished they were real. Of course, only those on the high decks had time for such frivolous beliefs.
STEP STEP thud STEP- “Huh?” Kochiro stopped walking and planted his foot back on the ground. He looked behind him haltingly. What was that? Did I hear something just now? He stood fixed, then gradually, he turned around fully. “Is... that you Uriel?” he said into the hollowed hallways. Of course, no answer presented itself. He pursed his lips. Anyway, it was better not to make himself known. What was he thinking? Standing rigidly, Kochiro waited to hear if there were indeed any foreign sounds.
“Hmmm...” Nothing was as yet emanating from the far of the hall. Kochiro’s expression hardened. Then- .......... thud...thud... Boots! Someone was coming! Quickly, Kochiro shut the lights out on his mask goggles and ran the rest of the way down the hallway, onto the downward stairway and crouched behind the corner’s wall. Who was it..?
“......” Kochiro crouched lower as the footsteps neared. Should he try to escape? If he ran down the stairs now, he’d be able to escape and not have to confront the intruder. They would never know he had been there and then the BZ would knock them out. Yes. He was no fighter. And he didn’t want to resort to any brutal means.
From where he hid, Kochiro saw the man emerging in the dimness; he showed no signs of sensing Kochiro’s presence nor did he carry a light with him. White trench coat gleaming even in the darkness, and carrying a rapier. A Soldier. Instantly, Kochiro pulled out his pistol and pointed it outward, aiming at the Noble. Got it! It was easy. Damn Noble... I could kill him. He could eliminate an enemy right here and now and trade off his cowardice! “...” Except... it was rather sneaky, wasn’t it? How could he do this? It felt wrong. He... slowly, Kochiro lowered his gun hand and exhaled... couldn’t do it. It wasn’t decent. Even though he hated Noble scum, this was murder. He wasn’t going to kill an oblivious enemy. He would simply leave. Kochiro bowed his head and slowly started to turn away...
“I see you.”
“Huh!” Kochiro spun around as the voice like lightning conceded and saw a narrow line of silver sail smoothly toward him. A sharp sweet edge severed roughly through his gas mask and ripped skin across his cheek. The sword slashed his face and then continued airborne, spearing itself into the wall a distance behind. “AaaHHHhhh!!!!” the unexpected strike spun Kochiro around and he fell backward down several stairs.
He stuck out his hands as he fell to try to brace himself and the gun clattered away. Kochiro found himself facedown, head downward the stairs with blood seeping into his view and dribbling into his eye from his sliced cheek. The Soldier! He was coming! “!!!” Panic burst at Kochiro’s heart and fear pumped his adrenaline but in his position, he couldn’t get up quickly.
I’m so stupid, I’m so useless... I should have shot him... why didn’t I kill him and now I’m going die!!! Kochiro struggled up onto his elbow and looked behind him, squinting his bloodied left eye, his cheek throbbing. The white uniform emerged at the top though Kochiro could barely see.
The Noble Soldier silently dislodged his sword from the wall and stood calmly at the top of the stairway. Kochiro lay in a raw position on his stomach midway down the stairway, grimacing in pain. The Soldier regarded Kochiro expressionlessly through his Gama eye visor, not threatened at all by his fallen foe. “Urgh, rghhh” Kochiro pushed up slightly, shifting the weight onto his elbow, looking back at the Soldier. The Soldier calmly lifted his sword and pointed at Kochiro, “are you one of the Angels.” His voice steady and mild.
“Uriel!!!!” Kochiro suddenly cried out, “Uriel! Kandai!! Someone help me!”
“Are those the names of your Angel friends?”
“Rghh urghhhh...” Why... Kochiro retreated into his mind... does Kandai want me? No one was coming to save him. Why am I here? Kochiro glanced back down the stairs at the gun. “HELP ME!!! ANYBODY!!!” I have no skill. I’m useless. Uriel was right; I’m a coward, I’m so stupid... I don’t belong here... He looked back toward the Soldier. Kill... The gun was his only hope.
“Do not try any tricks with me,” the Soldier continued, “I’ll ask again; are you with the Angels group on second floor? Take off your mask- hm!”
“No!!!” Kochiro swung his arm around swiftly and threw the bag of BZ powder straight at the Soldier. The soldier hmphed and instantly swung the sword across, slashing the BZ bag neatly and white salt burst in the air. At the same time, Kochiro dove down toward the gun in desperation whilst the Soldier was distracted and scooped it up in one go. “NOOOooo!!!!” Kochiro squeezed his eyes shut and pointed the pistol forward with both hands... he pumped the trigger, blood streaming down his face.
“Hm!” The BZ was like star dust in the Soldier’s view, a trick... then POW a bullet shot sounded... POW.... POW.. POW POW POW!!! click click click.....
“Ha huh ha huh ha huh...” Kochiro breathed out hard as the bullets stopped reverberating, his chin tucked into his chest. Empty cartridges rolled across the floor. Silence cloaked the scene. “.....” Gradually, he popped open his eyes, squinting through the haze to see. The dust cleared and the Soldier was still standing at the top of the stairs holding his sword out in front of him, momentarily stilled. They looked at each silently... and then... the Soldier looked down at his shirt.
Rose red stains blossomed across the front of the immaculate white Noble coat. “.....” The Soldier stuck his sword into the floor and touched the red inquisitively. Kochiro looked on baffled and unable to move. “I don’t...” and then... the Soldier toppled down the stairs.
“Noooo!” Kochiro cried out as the body clambered toward him. He pressed himself back into the wall and shielded his face but the Soldier soon collided with him and the two took a right angle and tumbled all the way down the second rounds of stairs, intertwining with one another. “Aahhh!!!”
CRASH!!!! “Ha haha...” the Soldier fell on top of Kochiro. “HELP!!!!!!” he croaked out. He started blubbering hysterically as he struggled to push the Soldier off him to no avail. Dead! I’m dead!! I’m not dead!!! It’s on me!!! “Help me!!!!!!” He started crying. “Ha huh ha huh ha huh ha.....” Scramble scramble. “Get off!! Get off!!! Get off ME!!!” But no one was there. No one was moving. No sound was coming toward the after the commotion that had just occurred. The night was still and uniform once more and nothing smelled, nothing throbbed, nothing stirred. After a while, Kochiro stopped trying so hard to escape as his energy spent, and huffing with tears and blood mingled on his face, he lied motionless beneath the Soldier.
He stared at the empty blackness of the ceiling. The weight was pressing down on him and a thick wetness started to spread onto his stomach. His heartbeat; once erratic, was now a steady melody to his thoughts. Red was staining his world. Was he... dead? No. Someone else was dead though. It was getting uncomfortable, numbing him.
Kochiro might have lain there for several more minutes before he tried again to push the Soldier off him, and this time, it slid off easily. Numb. He slid back on his hands and butt and then sat still, staring at the Soldier. No movement at all. Blood. Blood on the Soldier... blood in the air... blood all around him. Numb. Blood all over him. Blood on his face. Blood in his eyes... blood and tears. But Kochiro was calm. He was numb. It didn’t matter now.
He had killed yet again.
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Evolution For Dummies
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Over a millennia ago a dark mage sealed the first contract with the Demon Emperor. He opened a rift and Demons spilled into the world before collapsing. The demon race has tirelessly warred with the human race since that time and slowly expanded its territory into the human lands it has conquered.A youth lives quietly in an unassuming village. Having lost his mother, he has lived under the kindness of those that used to be strangers. He has learned diligently, trying to repay their love and care. However, a darkness approaches and our 'shy hero' will have to learn to confront it while walking in its shadows. He is a dark mage and he will have to learn of the responsibilities that status entails as well as its struggling reputations amongst the human populace.
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