《Mecha Dragons of Mars》Chapter 21: Yup...Blowing Up Ice Caps...


We knew what we had to do, or at least what we wanted to do: we were going to blow up Mars' polar ice caps, get water, and use that to bring down the mecha dragons. It seemed a flawless plan in theory, except...

-We had no explosives

-We were far from the polar ice caps

-We had no way to collect the water

-The dragons breathed super hot fire

So, as Dr. Snively continued to fiddle with the spirit summoner in hopes of it charging and bringing back Durdumples, the rest of us tried to be realistic about what we had to do next.

"I would think the Vice Villa site still has some stashes of explosives," volunteered Laurence, "they called me out there a lot lately to check things out because of the earthquakes. Sounded like they had a few more areas they were going to planning to blast."

I shook my head. "Those amateurs blasting there are probably what woke the dragons again to begin with," I grumbled, "you should never hire an amateur to blow holes."

"Well, until this recent revelation that you blew up Earth, no known explosive experts were thought to be on Mars," admitted Laurence, "I assumed your job was just...hermiting."

"Based on how burned the Vice Villa site was, I doubt there are any explosives left

"-we really need to figure this out," cut in LaLouf, "the dragons could already be at New Earth One! We have to save the colonists while there's still a chance!"

There was silence then. We still knew what we wanted to do but actually executing it? We had no idea what came next.

"Well," Cleetus, who was still grumping in the corner, remarked, "Durdumples mentioned one broken dragon being stored around here; perhaps we can do something with it?"


"He didn't say much about how it was broken," said Laurence, "and the only really tech-saavy among us is trying to recharge another machine."

"Darn tootin'!" called put Dr. Snively and then tooted. Darn.

I saw merit in Cleetus's suggestion, though. "Maybe it is something we can fix quickly," I agreed.

"It already breathes fire if it still has those components," he added, "so we could use THAT to melt the ice caps instead of explosives."

It was a good idea indeed.

"-can this be done in ten minutes?" LaLouf was clearly worried. "The dragons seriously getting to New Earth One-"

"-do you think there'd be instructions on the dragon somewhere?" I asked the group, "Maybe if there are and we could translate how to fix the dragon to our specs..."

"...we could re-program it to do our bidding!" Nodded Cleetus.

"Do we know for sure where this downed dragon is?" LaLouf asked.


We all got quiet again. The only sounds were Dr. Snively's tinkering as he worked on the machine. And, of course, he farted a few times.

"I...assume it's in the next room over," I continued, pointing to the door on the far wall. I hadn't paid it much mind with the more enticing spirit summoner before us, but now it seemed relevant. With nothing to lose, we walked over and turned the handle. It opened with ease.

"We're going to hunt for the broken mecha dragon," I called over to Dr. Snively. He barely looked up from what he was doing.

"What? Oh. Yes, good luck. I'll be fine here alone. I am certain I'll be able to summon Durdumples again once I can figure out the recharge! Let me know if you think of anything else you want wished for after I wish the dragons away!"

Dr. Snively seemed focused. The rest of us, assuming the dragon awaiting ahead, entered the new room.

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