《Heavenly Paragon》Chapter 2 - Outside world?


Chapter 2 – the outside world?

Grinning in front of a terrifying burst of energy, I didn't hesitate and face the imminent danger head-on. Come! I immediately sat down and concentrated, a hurricane of energy swirl around me. After closing my eyes, I once again enter the dark abyss. Now how do I get that thing in here? I don't really know how it got here?

As I was pondering endlessly, trying to figure out how to let the energy enter this dark abyss. Suddenly it occurred to me that a while ago I felt a burning sensation below my abdomen and that gave me an idea.

The swirling energy then suddenly soar toward my lower abdomen, slowly the energy disappears but the pressure of the energy lingers. Yes! I manage to absorb it! Looking at the energy swirling around in the dark abyss where the black and white orb reside.

A burning sensation was spreading throughout my body, I couldn't help but grit my teeth in pain yet despite the pain I focus my attention absorbing the energy.

Before putting the energy to the orb, I noticed that the orb seems to have many cracks and hasn't been fully repaired. Interesting seems like I haven't fully repaired it. Then eat this! I began to manipulate it then direct the energy to the orb.

Like a serpent, the energy coiled around then shoot out toward the majestic orb.


A sound of crack echoed throughout the dark abyss. I glance at the orb and saw that some of the cracks began disappear.

I couldn't help but be satisfied. A few minutes of absorbing, the energy was fully devour by the orb and the cracks had disappeared.


Suddenly I felt a root like vein burst out of my lower abdomen through out my body. It's like a plant that began to sprout.

Oh seems like this thing is like a seed and would grow if I have more of this energy. While observing the strange phenomenon I concluded that if I manage to absorb more energy, I would grow stronger.

Well, it’s time to open my eyes. Upon opening my eyes, the 20 feet radius crater had suddenly became around 30 feet radius.

I stand up then glance at the central pillar, it seems the energy have fully disappeared and the mysterious glow of the symbol began to dim.

I couldn't help but be disappointed. Dammit! Huh well it’s not the time to be greedy. Though disappointed, I was still satisfied of the result.

I began to bow with my utmost sincerity. “I thank you, I am forever grateful for this and it is maybe fate for this encounter then I vow to use this gift with utmost care!”


As I gave my gratitude at the metal pillar and began to stand up I suddenly felt that my body became sluggish and heavy. My vision became hazy, I sway side to side trying keep my balance with no avail.


I Couldn't help but fall in my knees and slowly my mind drifted away. My body was heavy as a boulder.


With another thump, my body and mind fell unconscious.

My body felt another numbness like when I was a few days ago. Again? I scout my surrounding and my eyes widen upon seeing a glittering light all around this dark void. Wait…somethings different?

Suddenly a blinding golden light envelope the dark void. I shut my eye then when the light slowly disappear, I open my eyes just to see that I was standing in a "verdant" and majestic field of grass.

Where am I? Is..is this a dream? The shackles of numbness bound me in place only able to move my head, I look around and saw a woman sitting beside a majestic tree. I couldn't help but be at peace just looking at her, she radiates this air of someone who is easy to approach.

Slowly the numbness disappears and I manage to take one step. Woah, finally I can move!? Upon taking one step, I started to check my body if anything else is wrong and after I finish checking I once again glance at the woman. Who is she? Why does she looks so....familiar? A feeling of ease was enveloping my mind. I began to approach the woman, slowly in a walking pace.

Observing the back of the Woman, she wore a velvety and glossy dress that covered her jade white skin, Her beautiful white hair was trailing behind her. My heart tightens as I was getting closer.

A sense of guilt was welding up within me, why..what the hell am I getting this feeling!? I clench my heart for the pain was unbearable.

Slowly she turn her beautiful face toward me, time was moving so slowly as if time have stop. An intense sense of anticipation welling inside me.

Once our eyes was lock to each other, time seems to froze and my heart was throbbing nonstop. Her gaze was so soothing and her face was so beautiful that would make any women jealous. Her whole appearance made her look like an innocent girl.

While our gaze lock, she slowly smile at me. Such a tender smile. My heart felt another sense of guilt.

“ah…d..ddo-" as I began to speak I suddenly heard a loud voice of child crying. I turn my head and saw another familiar child.

The child had glossy white hair that reach neck down, it's face was hard to distinguish between a boy and girl.


The child wore a beautiful black clothe, that made the child look ominous. As the child approaches the woman, I saw that tears was falling down on its face.

“mama! Look, this bird was hurt!” the child was carrying a wounded bird in the palm of its hand.

“oh my, let me take a look?” she slowly stood up and walk towards the boy. Her jade white hand touch the little bird and at that moment a jade colored energy surrounds the bird, Slowly the wound of the bird closes.

“Here you my boy, the little birdie is all better." yet another tender smile was shown.

“woah, mama is super amazing!” the boy made a innocent smile, it was so similar to the woman.

After a moment, the boy sat down with his mother beside the tree. The boy slowly lay down the bird, it look back at the mother and child as if thanking them and flew of in the distant. It's seems that they don't see me.

The mother and child enjoy the beautiful orange sunset accompanied by a cold breezes and the sound of insect. It was a peaceful sight to behold.

“Luna, my child isn't life so beautiful?”

“yes, its super duper beautiful, so beautiful just like mama!”

“oh my, but child if there is light then there is darkness.”

“mama, what do you mean?”

“Your still a child but when you grow up, you will face many hardship and when that time comes you must be always be grateful for such fate. For darkness is the time when light rest and for the light is the time when darkness rest.”

“It is why we grow stronger because we face many hardship and survive, so promise when you face hardship in life, always be grateful for it. You will grow stronger when you face this hardship, my child.”

“Yes mama I will and become strong enough to protect mama and papa!”

“oh my sweet child Luna.” Her innocent smile have been buried deep within my mind. At that moment my eyes widen because the scenery change into a dark grim sight.

Flame was all around in this grim forest. A Dozen of dead rotten corpse lay on the ground. I look around and saw the woman from earlier whispering to a young man around 15 years old. That the young boy from earlier.

Suddenly I hear a woman voice echoed in my mind. I was confused for what's happening but I couldn't do anything for another numbness shackled me.

“child…run! They must not capture you!”

“No! I won't leave!!”

“Child… be a good boy and listen to mother, you must run and follow our clan to the other continent!”

“ No I can't…”

“Child you can do this. When you were young you promised me you will become strong enough to protect me and your father right?”


A tender smile rose from the lips of the woman, she caress her hand on the face of the young boy. “But child your are too weak right now you need to live to become stronger and punish those who did this, But child remember you must not bare a grudge, you must show mercy if they surrender. Do not kill blindly my child, do not seek vengeance but justice.”

“y..yes mother! I promised!” tears was falling down, the young man look at his mother for the last time.

For a moment he hesitated then suddenly his mother put her palm on his chest. A ray of glittering light shower the young man.

“Child this is my last gift to you. Remember I'm always with you, watching you!” the woman hug young man tears falling down on his face, he tighten his grip as not to let go.

Suddenly a loud sound of a person echoed through out my head.

“They're here!” a voice of a man could be heard, alarming his comrades.

“Child run! Farewell my child!" with a final kiss on the forehead, the woman turn her head towards the voice and run.

“You dare hurt my family!” the woman lead the pursuers to another direction to protect her child.

My heart felt an excruciating pain that can't be compare to pain that I felt when my bone and muscle fiber torn being apart. I tried my damn hardest to mutter a word but due the numbness I couldn't. Do..don't..

“Don't leave me!” my voice and the child sync then suddenly my eyes open wide and just to saw that I was laying in another place, A forest with tall lushes tree.

I slowly arise and look around just to see endless tree in the horizon. Suddenly I felt my face was a little cold just to realize that I was crying.

“why am I cry-URGHH!!!” another excruciating pain swept my mind, after a few minute of agonizing pain, it suddenly disappeared as if nothing happened.

My heart throbbed violent as I finally regain a memory. My lips rose into a smile and I look up in the sky.

“I remember now..Who..who I am!!”

“I am Luna Nawa!!!”

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