《Heavenly Paragon》Chapter 1 - No beginning


Chapter 1 – No beginning.

My body felt like if it were floating in the vast sea. My senses were dull and everything appeared in my mind was hazy, I was stuck in state between dreaming and waking up. My eyes slowly open, and widen after I see my surroundings

What is this? I laid eyes on a vast endless void, full of dark clouds that reach as far as I could see. There was nothing, no people, no animals or even plants, there was only the nothingness around me broken up by the dark clouds.

Why do I feel so numb? I tried to move my body but with no avail. Why can't I move!? What the hell is going on!!??? My mind begun to panic, endless anxiety surrounds my head. What really going on!!! Cold sweat began to swept my body, I racked my mind trying to figure out how I got here, looking for clues on how to escape, but drew a blank as I realized I couldn't remember anything before this moment.

Suddenly out of nowhere a blinding light wrap around my body then the next moment I open my eyes I see old crumbling rocks and ancient writings on the walls. I look around and I see myself in a beautiful altar, then suddenly I realize that I was naked.

“what the heck!? Why am I naked!?” scratch my head in confusion. I jump out of the altar and Upon Jumping a sharp agonizing pain suddenly burst out of my head

“URGGHHH!!!!!” I grasp my head out of pain, I scream till there is no more air in my lungs. My head was experiencing a pain as though it was holding a colossus object. I hold my head tightly, snake like golden veins began to pop in my head then after a half an hour the pain has began subsiding.

“what…what the heck was that!?” my breathing became rugged after that excruciating pain. I look around to see if there was anybody that may have cause this pain but what I saw are just old crumbling rocks.

“it seems the pain is gone...” as the pain subsided, I started to wonder as to what's going on and evaluate the situations.

“Hello, is their anybody there!!??” I shouted to see if anyone going to respond but I was only greeted by my own echoes. “I'm probably the only one here.”

From the agonizing mental fatigue, I couldn't help but sat down even though I know that the floor was cold and moist.

“How the heck did this happened?” with no memory or anything that could help me find my origin, I felt a sense of hopelessness and loneliness. My heart ached from the series of event that have conspire and as I was feeling down, I suddenly slap myself.

“Come on this is not the time to feel hopeless, you should find a way out of this place!” I stand up and begun to look around not taking any step, only moving my eyes to see my surroundings then suddenly my gaze lock to a rusty dark metal door around 20 meters away from me. the door was huge, it was around 50 meters tall.


I walk towards the gigantic metal door that seem to radiant an eerie air. I stood in front of the metal door, it seems to be decorated with many colorful ornaments but due to age the color had already faded.

“what is tha…wait I should stop asking myself, its not like there's anybody going to answer me.” My gaze lock to a particular decoration, it look like a burning giant bird, it spread its two pair of majestic wings.

Once again I approach the metal door and started to open it then suddenly a powerful energy burst out from the other side, it felt as if something is distorting, which made my head I little bit dizzy. I began to hesitate but still proceed. My eyes shank from what I was greeted, my body trembles from the horrifying sight. Cold sweat run down my face, my heart throbbed violent and I felt a terrifying despair. I felt as though I was about to fall but thankfully I manage to maintain my balance.

Hundred of human bones was inside this gigantic room, the bones vary from sizes and many seems to be women and children base from there clothing which was glossy cloth that wrap around there body.

While I was taking aback from this disturbing scene, I still continue to walk and begun to look around, seeing this scene made my head dizzy. I ask myself how they ended up in this pitiful states. I stop in front of a man’s corpse and put my hands together, bowing my head in the process.

“Forgive me for what am about to do.”

I started to strips the mans clothing, the clothing didn't seems to decay even after so long. Even though I lost my memory, I did not forget my instinct which kept telling me that my action was disrespectful. I did not stop and proceeded to wear them, they seems to perfectly fit. After I finish, I once again look at the corpse and put my palm together.

“Forgive me for taking your clothing…May your soul forever rest and I vow that someday I will return and bury your corpses.” My gaze wonder around looking at every bone, I couldn't help but make a grieving Expression. I felt an intense guilt weighing me down, I couldn't bury them all for I am alone but I swear I'll return.

This people might had taking shelter here and was probably planning to escaped, after whatever is going on outside but they ended up trap here, dying of starvation and most likely fought each other for food. Base from the decaying bones they have probably been trap here for a hundreds or thousands of years.

“All of you may rest easy now because I vow to bury all of you once I escape.”

I scout around to see if there is anything useful and after half an hour of searching, the only thing got was a rusty dark blade that seems to be sharper compare to the other blade that I found and a torch-like-object, the torch is a metal like rod and in the end of the rod is a stone that light up the place.


Once again I pursue my goal of escaping. I look around and saw a normal metal door, upon opening it I was greeted with a dark tunnel, this place seems to be deep underground.

“Damn I couldn't see a damn thing but luckily I have this thing.” Glancing to the metal torch that gave light to the place. Before I began to walk, I gave a glance back at the bones. I promise, I will not disappoint you.

A deafening silence echoes around the dark tunnel, every steps I take it cancel the silent of the cave.

As I walk, I began to organizing my thought. First, I to forgot who I am yet my body remember my habits from who I was. Second, I wake up without any clothing or anything that may help me know my origin. third, after I get out of here I should find civilizations and gather information.

I do not know how long I was walking around but I felt like I been walking for about week or so, yet I never felt hungry? As I was lost in thought, I accidentally push a button that open a hidden room.

The path of the hidden room seem much cleaner than that of the place I was few days ago. As I walk toward the end of the path, I felt that the air seem to get warmer for some reason.

This place is probably important to be hidden so well. As I walk, I face many traps and tunnels that lead into a dead end. After an hour of walking and dodging from the traps, I finally came to huge circular room with many pillar decorating it and in the middle of it is a metal pillar with many mysterious symbol.

As I walk around, I saw that around eight pillar circulate a center pillar. I stop walking and observe the mysterious symbol on the metal pillar. It was so captivating and I couldn't help but stare at this mysterious symbol.

What are this? The mysterious symbol in the wall of the pillar seems to radiate majestic air around it. As I stare my mind began to feel relax and calm, my mental and physical fatigue was almost gone.

I walk towards one of this mysterious symbol and ponder, this things seems to have help ease up my mind. There's something about this thing as though it's speaking to me. As I was lost in thought, I unconsciously touch this mysterious symbol, then suddenly a fluctuations of energy burst out of it.


Another excruciating pain spread out, not only in my mind but my whole body. I drop down in my knees and scream in agony, every muscle fiber are being torn apart and reconnected, a surge of energy spread out around me as if a cocoon of a butterfly. A golden vein began to appear in my skin as if it were a tattoo.

I sat down cross legged and concentrate, gritting my teeth in the process. Even though my mind was in disarray I still tried to compose myself.

As I close my eyes and concrete the pain seems to slowly subsided. I don't know why but I get feeling that I could manipulate this energy. After thinking a few things I began to try and control the raging energy that surging around me.

My eyes was close yet I could see a broken pieces of shards floating around in this dark abyss. My eyes widen to what happening but my shock was cut short after the raging energy suddenly enter this dark place and coiled around at the broken shards.

Ah, it seems this broken shards could help me with this crazy energy. As I try to manipulate this energy it began to make a cyclone of energy, picking up the broken shards in the process, then suddenly I tried compressing it together, A loud explosion echoed through out the hidden room. The whole place was trembling as it create an earthquake.


A loud crack echoed as every bone in my body reconnected. My body seems to have change and became much solid and been refined, my broken bones seem to have reconnected and the pain have disappeared.

The broken shard seems to have form into a mix of dark and white orb like object that float in this dark void, it float as though everything is mere ant. It seems this orb have save me. As I open my eyes I could see that a small crater about the radius of 20 feet have appeared.

“Woah, my body seem so light and I feel like I could crush small boulder! I feel so refresh!” as I was testing my body if there's anything wrong, just to find out that my body have change drastically.

“well whatever happened earlier was blessing in disguise!” I am pleased to what happened, even if I had to experienced a excruciating pain the pay off was worth it.

As I tried to jump to see how is conditions of my body is, then suddenly from a small jump a gush of wind suddenly burst out and I was shot out 10 feet off the ground, Oh my god, good things this place is huge or I would probably hit the ceiling.

As I descend, I sense something about to happened, seems like this is not the end. Another energy burst out of the metal pillar and I couldn't help but grin.

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