《To be a Demon》Chapter 6: Ninth Circle / To make a deal with the devil.


After paying their respects, the Republicans got up. And looked at Dante with respect in their eyes, they did not believe in the law of the jungle of this dog eat dog world. They just wanted someone that could help the common people get out of their current suffering. They choose poorly of course, but they don't need to know that.

"Great. You all must now spread around the underworld of the kingdom, we will send you all resources to start your own groups. Your tasks are to gather information, gather troops, settle your influence in every foothold and battle the other factions in any possible way. Any further income needs to be used to enhance the faction. You may accept any person that you deem qualified, but any elite that you think is able to join the upper echelons must be sent here, so we can share our ideas with them and do the last check. In the room at my right, you will find the uniforms and masks that are necessary for the upper echelons of the faction. You will all receive a number that will be used as a codename, the number will be stamped with black ink in the masks. They were done hastily so they are just simple mass-produced white masks. The clothes are black vests that are thicker than normal, and not only provide agility and freedom of movement but a minor amount of defense. Any question?"Avilio said with military demeanor, as he looked at the Republicans. None of them manifested, meaning they had no questions. The Republicans may seem like just another rebel group, but they are actually a small gathering of elites, even if none of them are as intelligent as the leader, they aren't stupid either.

"Great! The name of this faction is 'Ninth Circle', you will all be divided into four levels. The lower one is the footsoldiers, called Cains. They will handle the battling in large scale and errand running. The third level is the Antenora, they will lead squads of Cains, each squad must have ten Cains. The Antenora must all be elites in battling, so they can lead the squads, but they can only follow orders from the superiors and declare a retreat. The second level is the Ptolemy, they are the ones that issue orders and make strategies. They must have leading skills and be literate. The first levels are you guys, the Judecca. You are the ones that have complete control over a branch of the Ninth Circle, you only receive orders from the direct subordinate of his Highness, which is his right arm and the one with the most knowledge, skill, and comprehension of our ideals: Mister Lucifer Morningstar, which you will meet later, as he is not here today. Now, please proceed to the room to take your uniforms, it is now time for His Highness to have a nap. You may all leave through a secret passage in the same room the uniforms are, it is below a bookstand."Avilio then helped Dante up, as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. They then entered Dante's room, leaving the Judecca on their own.


After they entered their room, Dante returned to his normal state. He rubbed his face, as controlling his facial expressions and natural reactions to that extent put a strain on his facial muscles.

He then proceeded to stand in front of his bed, he then exhaled and pushed it with all his strength. He did not need Avilio's help, as he only needed his help to put up the act of a noble, he would rather do most things on his own.

Below the bed, was a trapdoor. The door was old, but the wood had still not rotted, only growing some mold. It was visibly high-quality wood. It had a big metal lock on it, but Dante did not use a key to open it, he did not even touch the lock.

He put his hands on it and dropped the whole weight of his body on it. The trapdoor sank and rolled aside through a mechanism. The lock was just a decoy, if anyone tried to open it, a cloud of poison would be released. It is more convenient and secure than the current system of locks. Most royalties used such mechanisms to hide important things. Every prince had a trapdoor like this with different mechanisms on their own homes.

After the trapdoor opened, a wood stair appeared leading directly down. It was dark, making it impossible to know how deep it would go. Dante did not use the stairs but directly jumped into the darkness.

After descending for only a few seconds, he landed on the floor, completely unscathed. The stair itself was also a trap, it was meticulously made to look like wood, but it was actually made of metal that was coated with a lethal poison that would kill after contact with the skin. As he is the son of a princess of Plantae Ultima, poisons and medicines that would usually be expensive, are extremely easy to acquire for him.


In front of him was a big room, on a corner there were books. In the other an alchemy desk. There was also a weapon rack and a herb garden. But the place he was looking at was neither of those.

It was a cell.

In that cell was a man that wore luxurious clothes, he had white hair and red eyes like Dante, but besides that, he was completely different.

He had a look of fear in his eyes as he looked at Dante, it was as if he was seeing the devil right in front of him.

Dante came closer to his cell, and soon after, Avilio appeared in the room as well. The prisoner became even more scared after seeing Avilio.

"You were really fast in acquiring this man for me Avilio. Congratulations!"Dante said that as he clapped his hands while looking at the man with a sadistic smile.

"W-what do you want from me? I have no money or anything! Who are you?"He said with a trembling voice, he couldn't even get his situation straight because of the fear he was feeling.

"Please remain calm mister Verdante... Have you ever hear the saying... 'to make a deal with the devil'?"

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