《To be a Demon》Chapter 5: Scum!


The auctioneer was stunned for a moment, but he relaxed when he saw it was just the 'dumb prince'. That was the same reaction everyone had, they just thought it was proper for the 'dumb prince' to do something like that.

"Okay. This batch goes to his highness, prince Dante."He then lightly clapped, even though everyone was already gone. He then got the rest of his things and went on his way.

Dante jumped in happiness, as he clapped, people looked at him with disdain. But no one cared about anything he did, if he died, the only thing that may change was their relation with Plantae Ultima but even that was not probable.

Dante then went to his courtyard. He asked for Avilio to set a chair and a cup of tea. He drank tea until an hour later when his 'goods' arrived. He then took a sandwich that was in the table and nibbled on it in a slow and steady way, looking gleefull after every bite.

Avilio then entered with the chained 'goods', he also had a cart with Obscura. The slaves were all bulky man, besides a thin and small fair-skinned man, that was at the front of the group. He was probably the leader.

He approached Dante with a haughty air, he looked at Dante and spit in front of him. He had a vicious face, even though he looked weak and frail, he had a ferocious aura.

"Stinky noble! What do you want with us?! We won't submit to you, we were born as free men and we will die as free men! Even if you tear out skins and limbs, we will not cower!"He said as he tried to throw himself at Dante, but Avilio stopped him.

Dante retreated on his chair and looked scary while he looked at the man. But then suddenly, it happened...

He started crying.

He covered his eyes in his hands as tears came out like a flood. He screamed loudly, and it he also has a high voice when crying, making him look like a crying girl. His girlish appearance further enhanced that image.


The slaves did not know how to react, especially the leader. He just looked at Dante while floored. He then snapped out of his trance and said to Dante.

"H-hey... wh-why are you crying?"He said while stuttering. He simply couldn't make sense of a noble crying because a slave screamed at him. At least not a noble from Ignis Gloria.

"B-b-b-because... Because big brother was mean to me... you are a mean person, big brother!"He said while completely drying his tears with his clothes. He then took a deep breath before calming down.

"Sorry if Master acted like this, he is... mentally challenged. His mentality is that of a kid, and people usually don't scream at him."Avilion said as he took off the chains, as Dante had ordered before they arrived. It didn't take long for him to take all of their chains off.

The slaves were flabbergasted, not only because they were unbound in front of a noble that only had one guard, but also because they couldn't bring themselves to hate the guy. He was just like a big kid! And he cried like a girl! They just couldn't get themselves to raise his guard around him.

The leader of the slaves was then more calm, as he could see that this noble didn't seem to have any bad intentions. Maybe he would even let them go.

"Mister... Mister Prince. Why did you buy us? It doesn't seem as if you want us to work for you, nor does it seems as if you want to torture us to death. So... why are we here?"He said as he got closer to Dante, and ignored Avilio that was by his side with his hand on the hilt of a sword.

"Well... because I actually need your help. My mother said you are good guys! You are the 'Repelicans' aren't you?"He said with a smile on his face.

"Indeed. We are the REPUBLICANS. But why would you need your help?"He said with a doubtful expression on his face.

"My mother said that you want to make the world a better place! And make everyone happy! And make my brothers and father stop doing evil things! My mother went to 'death' today, and Big brother Avilio said she may not be coming back. He told me that my mother wanted to see you guys succeed because that would stop my big brother from doing bad things to me..."He had a sad and downcast look on his face as he said that last part. This sentence was filled with the naiveness and innocence of a child, and it managed to touch the hearts of the Republicans.


"But mistress also said that you guys are doing it wrong. You need a foothold, and you can't just make that 'republic' thing out of nowhere, you need a transition of sorts, otherwise, you would be destroyed by the opposition of other kingdoms."Said Avilio, using the pre-made argument he had agreed with Dante beforehand.

The Leader of the Republicans was a lot more intelligent than the other members, and he could see that those words made sense.

"But what do we have to do to achieve that transition?" The leader said with curiosity.

"It is a thing that the mistress called 'Constitutional Monarchy' where there is still a king and nobility, but they don't have absolute power, and they have to manage the country and make it grow along with its people while following laws. In this model, a peasant cant is worked to death. A noble can't kill a peasant that did not commit a crime. The criminals have to undergo a fair trial and so on and so forth. This system not only allows for the kingdom itself to grow, but it also doesn't gather's the malice of other kingdoms, as it retains the rights of nobles. Master is aiming for the throne so he can make such things happen. But as he has no supporters, no Individual skill, nor a faction, he will need your help to get a faction under him. Do you accept these terms? If you don't, I will have to send your guys towards 'death' along with the mistress, as we can't have this plan being leaked."Avilio said with an unchanged face. He looked at them seriously, he would not be able to kill these guys, but he could escape with Dante if necessary.

But it wasn't, because, in the next moment, all of them kneeled in front of Dante. The leader was crying as he couldn't control his emotions.

"Your Highness. My name is Garen. It is the name my father gave to me. I have hated nobles all my life, as I thought all of them were dirty and only wanted to use peasants as pawns... but today, I know that there is hope for nobility. Your highness may not be intelligent, but intelligence is something anyone can acquire. Instead, you have good in your heart. And I speak for everyone here that this is the only thing a leader needs. We are willing to follow his Highness!"He said as he touched his forehead on the ground. All the other Republicans followed him.

"Thank you, Big brother Garen! I appreciate your help!"He said with a beaming smile on his face. He looked like a naive child on the outside, but here is what he was thinking inside.

Hahahahahahahahahaha! No wonder! No wonder they were caught! They are idiots! Just because I act like a retard and a child, they think they can trust me! Have they ever heard of acting?! Probably not, because the theater is only for the nobles! Hahahahahaha!

He had just distorted their ideology in a way that would benefit him, he never once considered using them forever, or accomplish anything he had promised, but it would be good to use them temporarily.

{Scum.}[That is evil even to me.](Why are we helping him anyway?){Because we agreed to help an evil one to see how it goes, and it really is more interesting than good guys.} (He’s scum anyway) [Devil.]

He was being cussed at by the gods on his head, but he couldn’t care less.

He just got some pawns!

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