《the hero, the villain,and the profiteer》15a: in there heads, feed your head


[tink]..what were the "non death related" things you were talking about anyway?

[yami, still, on those plans] oh,you know: sailing, making a town for allying pariahs, experiments on various topics including keeping a body alive, making you a robotic suit the size of a human.

[tink taken aback alittle].....okay...what to start with?.........okay..in order: what?, wha-why?, for what purpose, and…huh?

[yami]in order: I do what I want, science is important and the enemy of dogma/superstition, I want a chorus of living heads, and so you can fight if you need to…and mechs are cool.

[tink]….well..some of that is smart, and others are batshit insane…..or stupid.

[yami]…arrr, ye pixie wench…..

[tink]….*h-h*…st-stop-pit,…(chuckle snort)…STOP IT WITH THE STUPID.

[yami]get in ye battle mech and sail the sea with me, captain no beard.

[tink]….(tries to make him stop)okay, stop, I hai~te it.

[yami] okay,okay I’ll stop.

[tink]..what is a mech by the way?

[yami](thinks)….a giant fighting machine powered by electricity, and piloted from the inside, as opposed to golems, who are powered by magic, and are autonomous.

[tink]….wha~h?....so you want to make me a what will be akin to a mobile fortress for me, as a means of fighting off intruders…..yeah,im not going out there and kill people,..thats not how I roll.

[yami]well, Im thinking it would look like you, but human sized, and you only use it for self defense…against intruders.

[tink] and you; you’re the most dangerous thing to me.

[yami]..so your on board with it?

[tink] well ,I doubt it will be finished soon, so whatever.

[yami] yeah, I have to build it-..i want to build it from scratch

[tink]….well,..thats..thoughtful of you…why the sudden…care for my general wellbeing?


[yami]…becouse I ain’t a fool.

[tink] wlthtsatpicufdebit{well that’s a topic of debate}..and explain why that is.

[yami] bad guys always loose becouse they don’t know how to utilize…friendship.

[tink]…well, how you’ve been doing it…IS NOT HOW YOU FUCKING TREAT FRIENDS, YOU PSYCOPATH!

[yami](taken aback)….i meant friendship as: people who care for you, and willfully aid you out of a kind of kinship.. which means doing things like caring about the wellbeing of many people, usually, or kill something for them, and they do so in return….i still see you as inferior, but only less so than 98% of humanity.....and the goblins….to be specific: it’s stupid humans

[tink](shocked)…. wha, ...i…. you…ah… {I can’t deny im physically weak, or that I don’t know things he and his twisted brain do…but... it still…. fucking frustrating agreeing with him with how bluntly he put it, I can’t logically hate it completely, becouse he said im superior than everybody else but him} …. AAARGHE! (storms off)

[yami]..{maybe I should make creatures she can talk to, around her size}(opens menu){brownies,..trows seem like fun, oh, so do clurichauns, they seem to have the booze,…squid baby?...realy?...that’s here…part squid, part…baby……, oh-look, living dolls, those could be fun, her having an army of them,…we could play play a violent version of chess with them.}…hihihiha….

(he follows the beginning of the layout for the second floor, connecting openings, to the right; one huge[yuge] room ,for the middle one, a maze like structure spanning 4 rooms, and the one on the left, a room with a large pond, a boardwalk, and a 1 story 5 room house on an island in the middle of it, and one more after that, the size of the pit room)…*yami exhales in contentment*…that’s a nice place to do some hobbies…..dolls, rotator, or populating first?...{dolls=happy tink and chess, but could end with her mad that I didn’t do the others, rotator= less likely to die horribly from a flock of black breasted fuckheads; so that will be first.}(yami go’s to the center room of the first floor, blocks off 3/4 of it, from the back. with a wall, sets up a sign in front saying “one person at a time” above the door, then gets to work with the mechanism, mostly consisting of a rotating floor, and walls separating the inside of it to the outside of the 6 artificial rooms, circulating around on turntables like a teacup ride, the rooms will move around slow enough to not be noticeable, but fast enough to not take more than a minute to make a full rotation, it is set to detect the level of “goodness” in a person by having a golem he gave the ability to read people’s souls[and/or pasts] to, assigning numerical values to it’s decision, 0-5 on the bad feeling scale, go’s to the left, 6-20 center route, and 21+ right route, listen to anyone’s desire to go back to the entrance, BUT the ones on the left route, leave them for dead.)


[yami]….well that’s done….(calls out)TIIIIIIIIIINK!...im almost done with the 2nd floor plan, after im done I have another present for you!

[tink still steaming in a corner of the mad-art’s room]……what kind of present, another one that is meant to demean me?

[yami]…no, it’s an army the same size as you!

[tink](inquisitive look to the wall)…wha?{it’s probibly gonna be something stupid}

[yami] yeah, sapient creatures that are small enough as to not be able to squish you..and there humanoid.

[tink]..well..that sound nice….i’ll….wait in the room you finished….(gets up,and floats away)..[im still skeptical]

(he just fills the big room with 50 Mongolian death worms, 10 hairy hands[look it up], 18 of an evolution of wolves called barghests, 1 mahaha[becouse one is more than enough] an unknowable horror that’s made of blood-worms, and afew legions[the demon])

[yami]…so giant worms, disembodied hands, big dogs, a….creeper, the thing that I see when i close my eyes, and a amorphous blobs with 50 faces each….that’s a start.

{Now to populate the maze with giant ants and large rats, and then I can give her friends, and maybe some fish later} this will be a chore…. but I will still do it for the lols.

(he sits down in a sudden chair, due to some exaustion, and tilts his head back)

{like everything else in my existence,.. when will I be truly happy?}

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