《An average adventurer.》11: The day. (Part 1)


The early morning sunrise helped me wake up, the bustling sounds of people waking up early throughout the city kept my mind focused on the days tasks.

Kill all ogres. Save everyone.

The plan sounded simple but I knew that something unfortunate was going to happen whether or not I tried my best.

I made sure to bring everything I could with me, my new armour, plenty of potions, my sword and shield and even a small number of the golems.

With everything in order, I walked towards the city wall.

Orks and ogres were honest creatures, if they said three months then exactly three months would be when they attack.

The people around me were shivering with fear, excitement, rage, some a combination of the three.

The arrival of our opponents was signalled by a mighty horn from the opposition.

As soon as they came within view, I held up my right arm and fored off a blast of cursed mana towards them.

I don't know how many were caught in that first attack, but the screams and panicked charging showed it had an effect.

How many of them were caught in the traps remained a mystery, but when the signal for the ent traps was sent they certainly seemed a lot less in number.

Both their cover was lost and turned into additional enemies at the same time, the orcs and goblins stood little chance but the ogres managed to power through.

I knew at the end of the day that all my preperation was to thin their number, so when I sent the army of hundreds of thousands of golems I expected them to be defeated.

It wasn't the smartest idea for them to try and charge at us straight.

The ogres powered through the combined ent and golem assault, and the goblins hid.


The orcs were annihilated, all but a few of their number were killed as a second wave of forces slowly approached from behind.

I knew then that the ogres had someone with brains guiding them, even though their stupid attempt at an assault meant that the person likely didnt have much input.

With the ogres pulling through our defences, they were left around ten strong.

They bsshed and struck the barrier with all their might, but they didn't break it fast enough and their numbers were reduced more.

With only five ogres on the ground, a detachment of human forces engaged them.

They had the weapons and potions in abundance, so they dealt far more damage to the ogres than what was typical of any military.

The group of soldiers eventually even managed to kill an ogre, it prompted the larger army behind them to charge more aggressively however.

I felt that the timing of everything wasn't right for me to waste that precious minute of ogre killing time, I knew that I had maybe a single guaranteed kill if I went in at that moment.

The soldiers retreated, the four remaining ogres eventually cracking the barrier as the golems were surrounded by the enemy forces.

Our number was higher, but ogres tore through the golems with less difficulty than I'd hoped for.

Eventually the ents and golems took out the majority of the enemy force, but the battle had become a frenzied mess.

My second cursed mana attack was finally ready to be used, I took aim and shot at the leadership of the enemy force who were planted just outside of the battle.

The attack landed a little short of where I wanted, causing a group of ogres to rip each other and their other comrades apart.

It felt like a waste of something that could have kied their leaders, but I knew from the start that the situation wasn't simple.


I knew that if they waited three months to attack, they might have actually prepared something quite lethal to destroy us.

The golems and ents diminished faster than I'd hoped for, but the enemy suffered far more of a loss than they expected to.

Most of the traps didn't kill the first wave, so when the second army came in much larger number many traps were set off.

The number of enemies shrank faster than ours did, but the leadership still hadn't moved.

An imposing ogre and something more dainty looking, covered in a green cloak.

Once the ogre leader stepped toward the battle I knew I needed to move into action soon.

Him mercilessly tearing through the golems and ents with a large axe didn't help my confidence.

Neither did the other ogres breaking the barrier, forcing the human soldiers to go into a fight with multiple ogres simultaneously.

As troops flooded through the barrier, I gave up on any hope of defeating them before they got into the city.

My best chance was to send the evacuation signal and hope that everyone got inside in time, it was the worst case scenario after all.

Ogres reached the walls after a brief bout against the guards, they were uninterrupted in their charge.

I knew that I had very few options left, my preperations were running dry and I had no idea of what to do to stop the ogres.

Leftover tar from the tar traps was being used to slow them, but the ogres unnatural bodies could withstand it with little issue.

Arrows and sword strikes against the ones that crossed over weren't a much better solution.

After three months, I found myself face to face with yet another ogre.

It's bulging muscles were giving it a monstrous impression, each stride it took shaking the ground.

I drew my sword and shield and began fighting the ogre without using up too much energy.

My own personal strength seemed like barely enough, I was faster than the ogre but its swings had insane range and speed in their own right.

The fight was much closer than last time, I felt like an actual match for the ogre as I tried to block and counter its attacks.

Then there was the sound of crashing, the ogre leader charged along the wall with his axe swinging.

His approach toward me was terrifying.

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