《The Monster and the Rifle Girl》Chapter 4 - Come at The King!


Bad Tara actress Celia Au in White Rabbit dress, photographed by Didi Sea.

The Party

Gustavo, the man Boss Tara wanted to “speak with” didn’t really own a club. Gustavo owned the Leirum Art Gallery building on Bruckner blvd in the South Bronx. The upper floors and the penthouse of the building were where Gustavo held the most private of parties for high end clients.

From the street view around the building on this link, one can see the neighborhood is not residential, composing of storage buildings, car dealerships and warehouses. And after midnight, every night, the population of people in a three block radius around Gustavo’s building dropped to zero. Making Gustavo’s parties truly private events.

That Friday night, just before midnight, two well dressed bald headed men stood in front of the Leirum Art Gallery building. Both men wore earpieces and looked so much like the standard NYC club bouncers that they seemed like caricatures.

Gustavo hosted a private party that night in the penthouse. The job of the two bald bouncers downstairs was to not let anyone in the building who were not cleared on multiple guest lists for the private party.

One of the bouncers scrolled different screens on a tablet while the other spoke on his earpiece. Both men noticed the slow rolling, all white, Cadillac Escalade cruise toward the building. The white Escalade was followed by a second black Escalade.

The two trucks pulled in front of the bouncers who watched seven big mean looking brown, black, white and yellow dudes exit the vehicles. Each man wore a suit, and each man looked scarier than the last. Except for the driver of the white truck. He was a corn-rowed pretty brother and his name was Marshall Bling.

Marshall opened the back of the white truck and out stepped the beautiful Outlaw Sisters, Bad Tara and Kitty. Tara in her white rabbit dress, and Kitty complimenting Tara in a form fitting black dress. The bouncers guarding the door watched the two candy sweet Cantonese girls.

Tara and Kitty, taller than ever in their Manolo Blahnik high heels, strutted to the building entrance. The two bouncers walked toward the sisters when the second bouncer recognized them, called upstairs in his earpiece, and backed off.

The first bouncer, with the tablet, tried to delay the girls as Tara and Kitty were not on any invite lists to the private penthouse party. The first bouncer with the tablet was a big man, and in a firm voice spoke to Tara.

Bouncer 1: I’m sorry, this is a private ev..


The punch from Tara's guard knocked the tablet holding bouncer so hard that him, his earpiece and his tablet fell on the ground along with two of his teeth. The bouncer on the ground dazed, lifted his head up and held his bleeding mouth. He looked up and over at his partner, who looked back at him with a face that asked, “Do you have death wish? Don’t you know who these girls are?”

The bouncer on the ground looked again and watched Tara and Kitty and her entourage walk in the building, past the second bouncer. The second bouncer knew better than to say anything to Tara and Kitty and kept his eyes down in fear.

Tara’s guard, the big brown Latino brother who punched the first bouncer, now stood over that bouncer. The guard's name was Erwin, one of Tara’s personal brute men, and he had a few words for both of the entrance bouncers.

“Yo! If you two clowns don’t get off this block in the next ten seconds, I’m gonna knock the teeth out of both ya’ll fuckin mouths!” Erwin balled two big ham fists and stared at both bouncers, daring them to fight back.


The second bouncer got the message and helped his partner off the ground. They took whatever belongings they had there with them and hurried off the block, forever.

Now the only person guarding the entrance to Gustavo’s building and Gustavo’s party, was Tara’s man Erwin. And no one else would get in that building that night.


North of the building a black Lexus crept slowly and circled the block. The two occupants in the Lexus were sentries and they watched Erwin knock the bouncer to the ground. The sentries were Rica and Ian.

Ian: Fuck me! That bouncer’s lucky Erwin didn’t break his jaw!

Rica: Ya, he hit him so hard I felt it from here!

Rica and Ian arrived ten minutes before Tara and her Cadillac entourage. After casing the block to check for an ambush point, Rica decided that a shooter going after Tara would definitely be in a vehicle and definitely would come from the north of the block heading south where they could flee to Manhattan. This would be the logical route.

Ian: The shooter’s gonna do a driveby? Some boyz-in-the hood shit?

Rica: Hmm, sort of. If he has a powerful rifle he could park on either of these corners and shoot off. From each corner he can get to the expressway and escape.

Ian: What about that alley next to the building? He can come from there too since it leads to the back of the building.

Rica: Right, and that’s why you’re gonna patrol the front, I’ll be in the back watching the rear and the alley.

Rica pulled her rifle Strongbow from her bag to attach his suppressor. Ian watched her pull the rifle out and marveled at the little girl’s expert handling of the four foot long black rifle.

Ian: How old are you Rica?

Rica: Twelve.

Ian: Fuck me! So you uh..know how to use that thing?

Rica: He ain’t no thing, Strongbow’s my baby boy!

A heavy Click! Clack! sound echoed in the car as Rica locked and loaded a five round clip of 175 Grain Hollow Point Boat Tail Bullets, for maximum stopping power. Ian noted the bullets.

Ian: You shoot a man with them hollow points he ain't gettin back up.

Rica: That’s the plan. Ok, drive around to the back, I'll get out there. You watch the front but don’t let anyone see you, if they do..

Ian: Little boss, who you think you talkin too? This ain't my first day on the job!

Rica: I know, but you gotta be thorough!

Ian: Don’t worry, I’m thorough!

Rica exited the Lexus behind the building and noticed a second door inside the alley, this meant she would have to watch both doors while hiding across the street.

In better circumstances there would be more sentries than just Rica and Ian (and Erwin). But they had to move light, too many guards and the bad guys would be afraid to attack. Rica needed Tara’s security to appear inadequate.

Rica set up across the street from the rear of the building and watched the rear door and the alley. With an earpiece Rica could communicate with Ian and Kitty who reported from inside the club.

Now it was up to Tara to pick a fight with Gustavo. It wouldn't be hard, she already crashed his party.


Tara, Kitty and their six guards rode the elevator to the penthouse, but four bouncers greeted them as the elevator door opened. That’s what Tara wanted.

Tara: Guess we still ain’t invited to this party. Change their minds boys!

Tara’s brutes responded by punching and kicking their way out of the elevator and quickly overpowered the four bouncers. Kitty yelled orders.


Kitty: Oi, don’t hurt em too much, they’re not who we’re here for!

With that order the six big guards eased back into position surrounding Tara. Two of the four bouncers they punched were knocked out on the ground. Frightened party guests near the elevator moved away from the violent scene.

“Hey, hey! Is this what you're about,Tara?” yelled a slim man in a white jacket, it was Gustavo. He was flanked by two big men and appeared composed but angry. Bling answered his question.

Bling: That’s Boss Tara to you, Motherfucker!

Tara’s guards tensed as Gustavo’s two men shielded him. Tara broke the stare down.

Tara: Easy boys, I’m sure I can handle him from here, thank you though~

All Six of Tara Guards: ♥ Bossss!! ♥

Tara: (giggle!) You boys!

Tara walked past everyone and into the large penthouse party. There were around 150 people, more females than men. In the shadows, Tara saw three more hulking bouncers, but these guys looked different, they weren’t Gustavo's men. She also noticed that all of the girls dancing and talking with the men were middle eastern in appearance, and many looked like teenagers.

Gustavo attempted civility with Tara and led her to a VIP table with a champagne bottle.

Gustavo: Have a seat, champagne?

Tara: Nah, were good, sit down, man. I gotta ask you something.

While Tara spoke with Gustavo Kitty tapped Bling and the two of them left Tara surrounded by her five remaining guards. Tara was safest there.

Kitty and Bling walked toward the bar and saw two guards blocking the entrance to a back room. They also noticed that three shadow bouncers were watching them.

Bling: Yo, I bet they don’t want us to see what’s back there.

Kitty: Money and girls. But none of these girls are keeping any money.

Bling: Do you think he’s back there.

Kitty: Let’s take a look.

The he that Kitty and Bling were referring to was a man named Kocak, a Turkish national. Kocak and his crew were direct market slavers. He supplied the girls for Gustavo’s party from war torn areas in the middle east, primarily Syria, Libya and Egypt. Kocak was bad news in the North Bronx and didn't care for Tara and her crew. For Tara the feeling was mutual and she wanted Kocak dead.

Come at The King

Tara didn’t intend to mince words with Gustavo. She wanted information from him, and after that he could die for all she cared.

Tara: Let me tell you something, those two bitches you got standing next to you ain’t gonna help you. So you answer my question and maybe I leave here without causing you too much trouble.

Gustavo: I would like for you to not cause me any more trouble, and leave. What exactly do you want, Tara?

Tara: Can you believe this fucking guy here, talking to me like this? Ok, I'll let your rude response pass while I drop this on you. Gustavo, I know about your money man, Muhtar. The one that skipped town for Texas. And I know you’re working with Kocak and bringing in slave bitches from wherever, and I don’t like it!

Gustavo attempted a poker face, but his frustration with Tara showed in his eyes. This told Tara that he was surprised with what she knew. Good, that’s what she wanted.

Gustavo: I don’t have clue who those men are or what you’re talking about. So please, have a drink, or don’t, but don’t make any more trouble in this party, excuse me.

Gustavo gets up to leave.

Tara: Hold up! Who the fuck told you could leave?

Tara’s guards surround Gustavo who moves behind his own bodyguards. One of Gustavo’s bodyguards pulls a gun, but never gets it above his waist. Tara’s five guards swarm on top of Gustavo’s bodyguards and violently stomp the life out of them, in front of all the party guests. Gustavo tries to run away, only to be grabbed, punched and brought back in front of Tara.

Tara: I told you not to leave.

The crowd of men attending the private event could no longer accept the violence that Tara caused and filed to the elevators and staircase. The three hulking bouncers from the shadows moved into the crowd, not to face Tara and her boys but to herd the middle eastern girls to the rear of the penthouse. Tara would have none of it and barked orders to her brute men.

Tara: Bobby, Lewis, Pascal! Go rescue those girls! Hector, beat Gustavo until he tells you where that dude in Texas is! Biggie, you're with me, let’s draw fire were gonna find that Kocak guy! Let’s go boys! Remember, they come at the king, they best not miss!

All five of Tara guards yell back at her, “Right Boss!” confirming her orders.

At Street Level

Rica and Ian listened on their earpieces as Kitty described how Tara caused a riot in the party. But Rica and Ian had their own problems.

Rica watched the rear of the art gallery building from the shadow of a narrow alley across the street. She scanned every car that passed or even hinted at looking suspicious. Then she found one. A dark grey Chevy Blazer. It slowed down and stopped in the rear of the building, but didn't park.

Rica looked through her scope, two men, the passenger on the phone, the driver looking around. Rica called Ian.

Rica: Ian, two men in a dark grey blazer.. wait, they’re driving off!

Ian: Tell me if they hit the corner, I’ll see em then!

As the truck increased speed Rica followed the passenger and driver's actions with her rifle scope and watched the passenger pull out a rifle.

Rica: Ian, don’t engage the truck! let them pass you, they're..

Ian: Fuck me!

Brrraaatt! Brraaatt! Too late, they made Ian! Rica heard the automatic gunfire and sprinted out of her hidden position yelling into the communicator.

Rica: Ian!

Rica ran full speed to the corner, rifle out! When she hit the corner she could see the two men half out of the Blazer with AK-47s firing at Ian who was completely out of his Lexus and behind a parked car. Ian was not outgunned as he fired back with a Mac 10.

Brrrrrat! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrat!

The two men in the truck were not expecting this much resistance. Their plan was to gun down Erwin in the front and maybe storm into the building allowing Kocak and the other goons a way out. They did not expect a dude with a machine pistol shooting it out with them.

As the two assailants engaged Ian, the passenger assailant was totally unprepared when he heard a suppressed shot from behind him.


The passenger assailant watched his driver partner’s head explode into the steering wheel of the truck. The Blazer then drove on its own and crashed into Ian’s Lexus, blocking it.

The passenger jumped out of the Blazer before it crashed. On the street he turned around and saw a small person running toward him with a large black rifle. On reflex, he ducked behind two parked cars and fired his AK-47 behind him and in front of him at both of his attackers.


Rica ducked behind a building corner and tried to line the assailant up for another shot, but disengaged when she saw another problem. A dirty dark blue van flew past Rica and screeched to a halt in the rear of the building. “Dammit!” she yelled to herself. She wanted to help Ian, but she had to get back to the rear of the building and deal with the van.

Back at the Party

In the penthouse, amid all of the fighting, Tara and her one guard Biggie, punched past the remaining bouncers and into the back of the penthouse. Tara saw Bling scuffling with two bouncers in a hallway, with Kitty behind him. Tara yelled out.

Tara: Kitty, who’s back there?

There would be no spoken response to Tara, only violence. As Bling kicked one of the bouncers back a man emerged from the hallway, in his hands a Heckler and Koch MR762A1. The man's name was Kocak and he yelled in his language.

Kocak: kaltak ölmek!! (die bitch!)

He unloaded the rifle on full auto. Bratatat! Bratatatatatatatatatatata!

Everyone jumped out of the way as the bullets hit random people in the crowd. Tara’s guard, Biggie, grabbed Tara and dove on top of her, catching two grazing bullets on his shoulder and his cheek!

Tara: Biggie?

Biggie: Boss, stay down!

Kitty ducked behind the small bar near the rear and pulled a weapon out of her leg garter. A small .25 caliber, and shot back four times. Kocak ducked down and sprayed the entire party, forcing everyone to duck for cover. The crowd panicked and stormed every door as Kocak backed in the rear of the penthouse and vanished. Tara saw him!

Tara: Kitty! Bling, get that Fuck!

Bling: I’m on him!!

Tara’s other brute, Lewis ran toward Biggie and Tara yelling bad news.

Lewis: Boss, they shot Hector!

Tara looked back to the table, her brute Hector was on the ground bleeding from his arm and stomach. Bobby was with him.

Tara: Hector?!

Tara ran to her downed brute, her boys meant the world to her!

Hector: Boss, I’m sorry, Gustavo yo!

Tara: Hector, stop talking! Jesus papa, he got you good! Pascal, go help Kitty and Bling! Bobby, Lewis get Hector in the truck and get him to a hospital, if he dies I will fucking blame the two of you!

Tara’s brute men answer without question, “Right Boss!!” Tara looked at the direction where Hector lay and could see another door behind a couch, it was not closed all the way. Gustavo must have escaped that way.

Tara: Biggie, we’re going after Gustavo!

The White Rabbit, in heels with her brute man Biggie, ran down the stairs.

Meanwhile on the Street

Rica was damn near around the block when she saw the van heading to the rear of the building. She doubled back as fast as she could. She could see two men get out of the van and open the back door of the building. And what she saw, caused her to lose focus.

When the rear door of the building opened, Rica watched four young girls run out and run toward her yelling for help. Two of the young girls could not have been five or six years old. The older ones barely older than Rica, maybe fourteen and fifteen.

All four of the girls looked in Rica’s eyes. Rica ran to them and time stood still. As fast as she could run she was too far away. The four girls never made it past the building as the three men grabbed all of them and tossed them in the van. The youngest of the little girls again looked at Rica and waved her hand screaming for help.

Rica didn’t know what to do. She was too far away and couldn't fire on the three men by the van or she would hit the girls. Running straight for the van, she did the only thing she could, she yelled.

Rica: No! Leave them alone!

The van’s double rear door closed and backed up! But only a few feet, near the alley of the building where the other exit door was. Rica knew if the van could stay for a second she would.... Oh no!

As Rica got closer she saw who the three men in the van were waiting for. Out of the building door in the alley a big man with a battle rifle flew out. When Rica saw the rifle she knew. This was the Turk, Kocak. This is the shooter Tara wanted dead!

As Rica got close she raised her rifle. Kocak ran from the alley to the back of the van with his rifle aimed at the alley door, and no sooner did Kocak reach the van door did Kitty and Bling come flying out into the alley. Kocak raised his weapon and pulled the trigger. So did Rica.


Rica’s bullet burst open in Kocak’s rib cage causing him to drop his rifle and misfire at Kitty and Bling. Rica had saved their lives. Kocak, on pure adrenaline, jumped into the van and yelled for them to take off. But it was too late, Rica had caught up and fired another round at Kocak as he climbed into the van.


Rica’s dead shot entered Kocak’s back and tore through his spine, killing him. His body fell forward in the back of the van and then fell out to the street. The van driver momentarily stopped as one of the three men ran to the back to check on their boss, Kocak. The man saw Kocak and tried to say something, but he was dead.

The man opened the double doors of the van and jumped in the back, but before he could close the double doors another person jumped in the van with him and that person broke his jaw with the steel plate of a rifle butt.


“Aaarrgh!” The man yelled out. The four captive girls and the two other big men in the van watched as the little rifle girl, went for another blow on the third man’s face. Only her tall rifle Strongbow hit the van roof on her downswing, stopping her second blow. The man seeing this kicked Rica as hard as he could. Rica blocked with Strongbow but caught a bad angle and got knocked backward in the moving van.

The kick caused Rica to lose her grip on Strongbow, until he flew out of her hands...and out the back door. Rica watched Strongbow hit the street, flip and crack in two places before landing, “Strongbow!”

Rica did not have time to think.In less than a millisecond she pulled out her second weapon.

The crack jawed man thought he was going to take the last of his strength and kick Rica out of the van. A last hope, as Rica stuck her 9mm, Cop Gun, into his mouth and pulled the trigger.


The four young girls screamed as the dead man’s blood flew everywhere and on them. Rica was furious, she was going to kill all of these men in this van! She turned Cop Gun to the passenger, who shielded himself with one of the captive girls. Rica moved her gun to take a shot at him, but the driver violently shook the van, causing Rica to lose balance. That was all the time the passenger needed as he cracked Rica on the side of her head with the weapon in his hand, a small pipe wrench.


The blow knocked Rica onto the van floor and Cop Gun fell toward the rear door. On instinct she reached to grab her weapon. The passenger hit her again.


The strike knocked Rica’s earpiece out as she felt nothing and blacked out on the van floor. The passenger goon picked up Rica’s gun and threw her earpiece out of the window. The passenger then told the driver go faster and get far away from that building, and away from anyone that could help Rica.

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